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Example 1 with HoursTopArguments

use of in project Nexus by ProjectEdenGG.

the class HoursCommand method top2.

// TODO Update paginate to support database-level pagination
@Description("View the play time leaderboard for any year, month, or day")
@Path("top [args...]")
void top2(@Arg("1") HoursTopArguments args, @Switch boolean onlyStaff) {
    int page = args.getPage();
    List<PageResult> results = service.getPage(args);
    String onlyStaffSwitch = "";
    if (onlyStaff) {
        onlyStaffSwitch = " --onlyStaff";
        results.removeIf(result -> !Rank.of(result.getUuid()).isStaff());
    if (results.size() == 0)
        error("&cNo results on page " + page);
    int totalHours = 0;
    for (PageResult result : results) totalHours += result.getTotal();
    send(PREFIX + "Total: " + Timespan.ofSeconds(totalHours).format() + (page > 1 ? "&e  |  &3Page " + page : ""));
    BiFunction<PageResult, String, JsonBuilder> formatter = (result, index) -> json(index + " &e" + Nerd.of(result.getUuid()).getColoredName() + " &7- " + Timespan.ofSeconds(result.getTotal()).format());
    paginate(results, formatter, "/hours top " + args.getInput() + onlyStaffSwitch, page);
Also used : JsonBuilder( JsonBuilder( BiFunction(java.util.function.BiFunction) Async(gg.projecteden.annotations.Async) Arg( ConverterFor( Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) AFK( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Hours( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) PlayerUtils( Nickname( TimespanBuilder(gg.projecteden.utils.TimeUtils.Timespan.TimespanBuilder) Timespan(gg.projecteden.utils.TimeUtils.Timespan) Nexus( Description( Path( Nerd( Rank( Koda( CustomCommand( Tasks( Set(java.util.Set) GroupChange( Collectors( Aliases( TickTime(gg.projecteden.utils.TimeUtils.TickTime) Switch( HoursTopArguments( List(java.util.List) Jingle( CommandEvent( LocalDate(java.time.LocalDate) HoursService( TabCompleterFor( OnlinePlayers( PageResult( PageResult( Path( Description( Async(gg.projecteden.annotations.Async)


Async (gg.projecteden.annotations.Async)1 Nexus ( AFK ( Koda ( CustomCommand ( Aliases ( Arg ( ConverterFor ( Description ( Path ( Switch ( TabCompleterFor ( CommandEvent ( Hours ( HoursService ( HoursTopArguments ( PageResult ( Nerd ( Rank ( Nickname (