use of gherkin.ast.Examples in project cucable-plugin by trivago.
the class GherkinToCucableConverterTest method convertGherkinExampleTableToCucableExampleMapTest.
public void convertGherkinExampleTableToCucableExampleMapTest() {
Location location = new Location(1, 2);
List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>();
Tag tag = new Tag(location, "@tag");
String keyword = "keyword";
String name = "name";
String description = "description";
List<TableCell> headerCells = new ArrayList<>();
headerCells.add(new TableCell(location, "headerCell1"));
headerCells.add(new TableCell(location, "headerCell2"));
headerCells.add(new TableCell(location, "headerCell3"));
TableRow tableHeader = new TableRow(location, headerCells);
List<TableRow> tableBody = new ArrayList<>();
List<TableCell> bodyCells = new ArrayList<>();
bodyCells.add(new TableCell(location, "bodyCell1"));
bodyCells.add(new TableCell(location, "bodyCell2"));
bodyCells.add(new TableCell(location, "bodyCell3"));
tableBody.add(new TableRow(location, bodyCells));
bodyCells = new ArrayList<>();
bodyCells.add(new TableCell(location, "bodyCell4"));
bodyCells.add(new TableCell(location, "bodyCell5"));
bodyCells.add(new TableCell(location, "bodyCell6"));
tableBody.add(new TableRow(location, bodyCells));
Examples examples = new Examples(location, tags, keyword, name, description, tableHeader, tableBody);
List<String> includeTags = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> excludeTags = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, List<String>> table = gherkinToCucableConverter.convertGherkinExampleTableToCucableExampleMap(examples);
assertThat(table.size(), is(3));
use of gherkin.ast.Examples in project cucable-plugin by trivago.
the class GherkinDocumentParser method getSingleScenariosFromOutline.
* Returns a list of Cucable single scenarios from a Gherkin scenario outline.
* @param scenarioOutline A Gherkin {@link ScenarioOutline}.
* @param featureName The name of the feature this scenario outline belongs to.
* @param featureFilePath The source path of the feature file.
* @param featureLanguage The feature language this scenario outline belongs to.
* @param featureTags The feature tags of the parent feature.
* @param backgroundSteps Return a Cucable {@link SingleScenario} list.
* @param includeScenarioTags Optional scenario tags to include in scenario generation.
* @throws CucablePluginException Thrown when the scenario outline does not contain an example table.
private List<SingleScenario> getSingleScenariosFromOutline(final ScenarioOutline scenarioOutline, final String featureName, final String featureFilePath, final String featureLanguage, final String featureDescription, final List<String> featureTags, final List<Step> backgroundSteps, final List<String> includeScenarioTags, final List<String> excludeScenarioTags) throws CucablePluginException {
// Retrieve the translation of "Scenario" in the target language and add it to the scenario
String translatedScenarioKeyword = gherkinTranslations.getScenarioKeyword(featureLanguage);
String scenarioName = translatedScenarioKeyword + ": " + scenarioOutline.getName();
String scenarioDescription = scenarioOutline.getDescription();
List<String> scenarioTags = gherkinToCucableConverter.convertGherkinTagsToCucableTags(scenarioOutline.getTags());
if (!scenarioShouldBeIncluded(featureTags, scenarioTags, includeScenarioTags, excludeScenarioTags)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<SingleScenario> outlineScenarios = new ArrayList<>();
List<Step> steps = gherkinToCucableConverter.convertGherkinStepsToCucableSteps(scenarioOutline.getSteps());
if (scenarioOutline.getExamples().isEmpty()) {
throw new CucablePluginException("Scenario outline without examples table!");
Examples exampleTable = scenarioOutline.getExamples().get(0);
Map<String, List<String>> exampleMap = gherkinToCucableConverter.convertGherkinExampleTableToCucableExampleMap(exampleTable);
String firstColumnHeader = (String) exampleMap.keySet().toArray()[0];
int rowCount = exampleMap.get(firstColumnHeader).size();
// For each example row, create a new single scenario
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) {
SingleScenario singleScenario = new SingleScenario(featureName, featureFilePath, featureLanguage, featureDescription, substituteScenarioNameExamplePlaceholders(scenarioName, exampleMap, rowIndex), scenarioDescription, featureTags, backgroundSteps);
List<Step> substitutedSteps = substituteStepExamplePlaceholders(steps, exampleMap, rowIndex);
return outlineScenarios;
use of gherkin.ast.Examples in project cucable-plugin by trivago.
the class GherkinDocumentParser method getSingleScenariosFromOutline.
* Returns a list of Cucable single scenarios from a Gherkin scenario outline.
* @param scenarioOutline A Gherkin {@link ScenarioOutline}.
* @param featureName The name of the feature this scenario outline belongs to.
* @param featureFilePath The source path of the feature file.
* @param featureLanguage The feature language this scenario outline belongs to.
* @param featureTags The feature tags of the parent feature.
* @param backgroundSteps Return a Cucable {@link SingleScenario} list.
private List<SingleScenario> getSingleScenariosFromOutline(final ScenarioOutline scenarioOutline, final String featureName, final String featureFilePath, final String featureLanguage, final String featureDescription, final List<String> featureTags, final List<Step> backgroundSteps) {
// Retrieve the translation of "Scenario" in the target language and add it to the scenario
String translatedScenarioKeyword = gherkinTranslations.getScenarioKeyword(featureLanguage);
String scenarioName = translatedScenarioKeyword + ": " + scenarioOutline.getName();
String scenarioDescription = scenarioOutline.getDescription();
List<String> scenarioTags = gherkinToCucableConverter.convertGherkinTagsToCucableTags(scenarioOutline.getTags());
List<SingleScenario> outlineScenarios = new ArrayList<>();
List<Step> steps = gherkinToCucableConverter.convertGherkinStepsToCucableSteps(scenarioOutline.getSteps());
if (scenarioOutline.getExamples().isEmpty()) {
cucableLogger.warn("Scenario outline '" + scenarioOutline.getName() + "' without example table!");
return outlineScenarios;
for (Examples exampleTable : scenarioOutline.getExamples()) {
Map<String, List<String>> exampleMap = gherkinToCucableConverter.convertGherkinExampleTableToCucableExampleMap(exampleTable);
String firstColumnHeader = (String) exampleMap.keySet().toArray()[0];
int rowCount = exampleMap.get(firstColumnHeader).size();
// For each example row, create a new single scenario
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) {
SingleScenario singleScenario = new SingleScenario(featureName, featureFilePath, featureLanguage, featureDescription, replacePlaceholderInString(scenarioName, exampleMap, rowIndex), scenarioDescription, featureTags, backgroundSteps);
List<Step> substitutedSteps = substituteStepExamplePlaceholders(steps, exampleMap, rowIndex);
return outlineScenarios;