use of gnu.trove.list.TFloatList in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class GLTFAnimationFormat method loadAnimation.
private MeshAnimationData loadAnimation(GLTF gltf, GLTFAnimation animation, List<byte[]> loadedBuffers, TIntIntMap boneIndexMapping, List<String> boneNames, TIntList boneParents, List<Bone> bones) throws IOException {
List<ChannelReader> channelReaders = new ArrayList<>();
for (GLTFChannel channel : animation.getChannels()) {
GLTFAnimationSampler sampler = animation.getSamplers().get(channel.getSampler());
TFloatList times = getFloats(gltf, loadedBuffers, sampler.getInput());
int bone = boneIndexMapping.get(channel.getTarget().getNode());
switch(channel.getTarget().getPath()) {
List<Vector3f> data = getVector3fs(gltf, loadedBuffers, sampler.getOutput());
channelReaders.add(new BufferChannelReader<>(times, data, sampler.getInterpolation()::interpolate, x -> x.getPosition(bone)));
List<Quaternionf> data = getQuat4fs(gltf, loadedBuffers, sampler.getOutput());
channelReaders.add(new BufferChannelReader<>(times, data, sampler.getInterpolation()::interpolate, x -> x.getRotation(bone)));
case SCALE:
List<Vector3f> data = getVector3fs(gltf, loadedBuffers, sampler.getOutput());
channelReaders.add(new BufferChannelReader<>(times, data, sampler.getInterpolation()::interpolate, x -> x.getBoneScale(bone)));
int frameCount = (int) ( / TIME_PER_FRAME) + 1;
List<MeshAnimationFrame> frames = new ArrayList<>(frameCount);
for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
float time = i * TIME_PER_FRAME;
List<Vector3f> boneLocations = new ArrayList<>();
List<Quaternionf> boneRotations = new ArrayList<>();
List<Vector3f> boneScales = new ArrayList<>();
for (Bone bone : bones) {
boneLocations.add(new Vector3f(bone.getLocalPosition()));
boneRotations.add(new Quaternionf(bone.getLocalRotation()));
boneScales.add(new Vector3f(bone.getLocalScale()));
MeshAnimationFrame frame = new MeshAnimationFrame(boneLocations, boneRotations, boneScales);
channelReaders.forEach(x -> x.updateFrame(time, frame));
return new MeshAnimationData(boneNames, boneParents, frames, TIME_PER_FRAME, new AABBf(0, 0, 0));
use of gnu.trove.list.TFloatList in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class GLTFAnimationFormat method getQuat4fs.
private List<Quaternionf> getQuat4fs(GLTF gltf, List<byte[]> loadedBuffers, int accessorIndex) throws IOException {
TFloatList floats = getFloats(gltf, loadedBuffers, accessorIndex);
List<Quaternionf> quats = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(floats.size() / 4);
for (int i = 0; i < floats.size(); i += 4) {
quats.add(new Quaternionf(floats.get(i), floats.get(i + 1), floats.get(i + 2), floats.get(i + 3)));
return quats;
use of gnu.trove.list.TFloatList in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class GLTFCommonFormat method loadVector4fList.
protected List<Vector4f> loadVector4fList(MeshAttributeSemantic semantic, GLTFPrimitive gltfPrimitive, GLTF gltf, List<byte[]> loadedBuffers) throws IOException {
TFloatList floats = readFloatBuffer(semantic, gltfPrimitive, gltf, loadedBuffers);
List<Vector4f> vectors = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(floats.size() / 4);
for (int i = 0; i < floats.size(); i += 4) {
vectors.add(new Vector4f(floats.get(i), floats.get(i + 1), floats.get(i + 2), floats.get(i + 3)));
return vectors;
use of gnu.trove.list.TFloatList in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class GLTFCommonFormat method loadVector2fList.
protected List<Vector2f> loadVector2fList(MeshAttributeSemantic semantic, GLTFPrimitive gltfPrimitive, GLTF gltf, List<byte[]> loadedBuffers) throws IOException {
TFloatList floats = readFloatBuffer(semantic, gltfPrimitive, gltf, loadedBuffers);
if (floats == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<Vector2f> vectors = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(floats.size() / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < floats.size(); i += 2) {
vectors.add(new Vector2f(floats.get(i), floats.get(i + 1)));
return vectors;
use of gnu.trove.list.TFloatList in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class GLTFCommonFormat method loadVector3fList.
protected List<Vector3f> loadVector3fList(MeshAttributeSemantic semantic, GLTFPrimitive gltfPrimitive, GLTF gltf, List<byte[]> loadedBuffers) throws IOException {
TFloatList floats = readFloatBuffer(semantic, gltfPrimitive, gltf, loadedBuffers);
List<Vector3f> vectors = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(floats.size() / 3);
for (int i = 0; i < floats.size(); i += 3) {
vectors.add(new Vector3f(floats.get(i), floats.get(i + 1), floats.get(i + 2)));
return vectors;