use of in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class AddTripPatternTest method testStopLinking.
* Make sure that stops are properly linked into the graph
public void testStopLinking() throws Exception {
AddTripPattern atp = getAddTripPattern(RouteSelector.BROAD_HIGH);
// get a graph
Graph g = buildGraphNoTransit();
g.index(new DefaultStreetVertexIndexFactory());
// materialize the trip pattern
// there should be five stops because one point is not a stop
assertEquals(5, atp.temporaryStops.length);
// they should all be linked into the graph
for (int i = 0; i < atp.temporaryStops.length; i++) {
// no services running: not needed for trips added on the fly.
TimeWindow window = new TimeWindow(7 * 3600, 9 * 3600, new BitSet(), DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY);
Scenario scenario = new Scenario(0);
scenario.modifications = Lists.newArrayList(atp);
ProfileRequest req = new ProfileRequest();
req.scenario = scenario;
req.boardingAssumption = RaptorWorkerTimetable.BoardingAssumption.WORST_CASE;
RaptorWorkerData data = new RaptorWorkerData(g, window, req);
assertEquals(5, data.nStops);
// make sure we can find the stops
AStar aStar = new AStar();
RoutingRequest rr = new RoutingRequest(TraverseMode.WALK);
rr.from = new GenericLocation(39.963417, -82.980799);
rr.batch = true;
rr.batch = true;
ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(rr);
TIntIntMap stops = data.findStopsNear(spt, g, false, 1.3f);
// we should have found stops
// ensure that the times made it into the data
// This assumes worst-case departure, and the first worst departure is 10:30 after the service
// starts running (dwell + headway)
assertEquals(4 * 3600 + 600 + 30, data.timetablesForPattern.get(0).getFrequencyDeparture(0, 0, 39 * 360, -1, null));
use of in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class AddTripPatternTest method testTimetableTrips.
* Test adding trips with a timetable rather than frequencies
public void testTimetableTrips() throws Exception {
AddTripPattern atp = getAddTripPattern(RouteSelector.BROAD_HIGH);
// get a graph
Graph g = buildGraphNoTransit();
g.index(new DefaultStreetVertexIndexFactory());
// materialize the trip pattern
// there should be five stops because one point is not a stop
assertEquals(5, atp.temporaryStops.length);
// they should all be linked into the graph
for (int i = 0; i < atp.temporaryStops.length; i++) {
// no services running: not needed for trips added on the fly.
TimeWindow window = new TimeWindow(7 * 3600, 9 * 3600, new BitSet(), DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY);
Scenario scenario = new Scenario(0);
scenario.modifications = Lists.newArrayList(atp);
ProfileRequest req = new ProfileRequest();
req.scenario = scenario;
req.boardingAssumption = RaptorWorkerTimetable.BoardingAssumption.WORST_CASE;
RaptorWorkerData data = new RaptorWorkerData(g, window, req);
assertEquals(5, data.nStops);
// make sure we can find the stops
AStar aStar = new AStar();
RoutingRequest rr = new RoutingRequest(TraverseMode.WALK);
rr.from = new GenericLocation(39.963417, -82.980799);
rr.batch = true;
rr.batch = true;
ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(rr);
TIntIntMap stops = data.findStopsNear(spt, g, false, 1.3f);
// we should have found stops
// ensure that the times made it into the data
// This is after the first dwell time has been applied
assertEquals(7 * 3600 + 30, data.timetablesForPattern.get(0).getDeparture(0, 0));
use of in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class RaptorWorkerData method findStopsNear.
* find stops from a given SPT, including temporary stops. If useTimes is true, use times from the SPT, otherwise use distances
public TIntIntMap findStopsNear(ShortestPathTree spt, Graph graph, boolean useTimes, float walkSpeed) {
TIntIntMap accessTimes = new TIntIntHashMap();
for (TransitStop tstop : graph.index.stopVertexForStop.values()) {
State s = spt.getState(tstop);
if (s != null) {
// note that we calculate the time based on the walk speed here rather than
// based on the time. this matches what we do in the stop tree cache.
int stopIndex = indexForStop.get(tstop.getIndex());
if (stopIndex != -1) {
if (useTimes)
accessTimes.put(stopIndex, (int) s.getElapsedTimeSeconds());
accessTimes.put(stopIndex, (int) (s.getWalkDistance() / walkSpeed));
// and handle the additional stops
for (TObjectIntIterator<AddTripPattern.TemporaryStop> it = addedStops.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
AddTripPattern.TemporaryStop tstop = it.key();
if (tstop.sample == null) {
double dist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (tstop.sample.v0 != null) {
State s0 = spt.getState(tstop.sample.v0);
if (s0 != null) {
dist = s0.getWalkDistance() + tstop.sample.d0;
if (tstop.sample.v1 != null) {
State s1 = spt.getState(tstop.sample.v1);
if (s1 != null) {
double d1 = s1.getWalkDistance() + tstop.sample.d1;
dist = Double.isInfinite(dist) ? d1 : Math.min(d1, dist);
if (Double.isInfinite(dist))
// NB using the index in the worker data not the index in the graph!
accessTimes.put(it.value(), (int) (dist / walkSpeed));
return accessTimes;
use of in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter method route.
public ResultEnvelope route() {
// When no sample set is provided, we're making isochrones.
boolean isochrone = (sampleSet == null);
// Does the search involve transit at all?
boolean transit = (request.transitModes != null && request.transitModes.isTransit());
long computationStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"Begin profile request");
// We only create data tables if transit is in use, otherwise they wouldn't serve any purpose.
if (raptorWorkerData == null && transit) {
long dataStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
raptorWorkerData = getRaptorWorkerData(request, graph, sampleSet, ts);
ts.raptorData = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - dataStart);
// Find the transit stops that are accessible from the origin, leaving behind an SPT behind of access
// times to all reachable vertices.
long initialStopStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// This will return null if we have no transit data, but will leave behind a pre-transit SPT.
TIntIntMap transitStopAccessTimes = findInitialStops(false, raptorWorkerData);
// Create an array containing the best travel time in seconds to each vertex in the graph when not using transit.
int[] nonTransitTimes = new int[Vertex.getMaxIndex()];
Arrays.fill(nonTransitTimes, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
for (State state : preTransitSpt.getAllStates()) {
// Note that we are using the walk distance divided by speed here in order to be consistent with the
// least-walk optimization in the initial stop search (and the stop tree cache which is used at egress)
// TODO consider why this matters, I'm using reported travel time from the states
int time = (int) state.getElapsedTimeSeconds();
int vidx = state.getVertex().getIndex();
int otime = nonTransitTimes[vidx];
// There may be dominated states in the SPT. Make sure we don't include them here.
if (otime > time) {
nonTransitTimes[vidx] = time;
ts.initialStopSearch = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - initialStopStartTime);
// FIXME wasn't the walk search already performed above?
long walkSearchStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
// in the graph. Therefore we must replace the vertex-indexed array with a new point-indexed array.
if (sampleSet != null) {
nonTransitTimes = sampleSet.eval(nonTransitTimes);
ts.walkSearch = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - walkSearchStart);
if (transit) {
RaptorWorker worker = new RaptorWorker(raptorWorkerData, request);
propagatedTimesStore = worker.runRaptor(graph, transitStopAccessTimes, nonTransitTimes, ts);
ts.initialStopCount = transitStopAccessTimes.size();
} else {
// Nontransit case: skip transit routing and make a propagated times store based on only one row.
propagatedTimesStore = new PropagatedTimesStore(graph, request, nonTransitTimes.length);
int[][] singleRoundResults = new int[1][];
singleRoundResults[0] = nonTransitTimes;
propagatedTimesStore.setFromArray(singleRoundResults, new boolean[] { true }, PropagatedTimesStore.ConfidenceCalculationMethod.MIN_MAX);
for (int min : propagatedTimesStore.mins) {
if (min != RaptorWorker.UNREACHED)
ts.compute = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - computationStartTime);"Profile request finished in {} seconds", (ts.compute) / 1000.0);
// Turn the results of the search into isochrone geometries or accessibility data as requested.
long resultSetStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
ResultEnvelope envelope = new ResultEnvelope();
if (isochrone) {
// No destination point set was provided and we're just making isochrones based on travel time to vertices,
// rather than finding access times to a set of user-specified points.
envelope = propagatedTimesStore.makeIsochronesForVertices();
} else {
// A destination point set was provided. We've found access times to a set of specified points.
// TODO actually use those boolean params to calculate isochrones on a regular grid pointset
// TODO maybe there's a better way to pass includeTimes in here from the clusterRequest,
// maybe we should just provide the whole clusterRequest not just the wrapped profileRequest.
envelope = propagatedTimesStore.makeResults(sampleSet, includeTimes, true, false);
ts.resultSets = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - resultSetStart);
return envelope;