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Example 1 with TIntFloatHashMap

use of in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.

the class Lexicon method getFeatureVector.

     * generate a feature id representation from a feature vector with associated weights
     * @param featureMap
     * @return
public Pair<int[], float[]> getFeatureVector(Map<String, Float> featureMap) {
    TIntFloatHashMap feats = new TIntFloatHashMap();
    for (Entry<String, Float> f : featureMap.entrySet()) {
        String key = f.getKey();
        if (!contains(key))
        int id = lookupId(key);
        float value = f.getValue();
        if (!feats.containsKey(id))
            feats.put(id, value);
    float[] vals = new float[feats.size()];
    int[] idsOriginal = feats.keys();
    int[] ids = new int[idsOriginal.length];
    System.arraycopy(idsOriginal, 0, ids, 0, ids.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
        vals[i] = feats.get(ids[i]);
    return new Pair<>(ids, vals);
Also used : TIntFloatHashMap(

Example 2 with TIntFloatHashMap

use of in project gephi by gephi.

the class OpenOrdLayout method initAlgo.

public void initAlgo() {
    //Verify param
    if (param.getIterationsSum() != 1f) {
        param = Params.DEFAULT;
    //throw new RuntimeException("The sum of the time for each stage must be equal to 1");
    //Get graph
    graph = graphModel.getUndirectedGraphVisible();
    try {
        int numNodes = graph.getNodeCount();
        //Prepare data structure - nodes and neighbors map
        Node[] nodes = new Node[numNodes];
        TIntFloatHashMap[] neighbors = new TIntFloatHashMap[numNodes];
        //Load nodes and edges
        TIntIntHashMap idMap = new TIntIntHashMap(numNodes, 1f);
        org.gephi.graph.api.Node[] graphNodes = graph.getNodes().toArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
            org.gephi.graph.api.Node n = graphNodes[i];
            nodes[i] = new Node(i);
            nodes[i].x = n.x();
            nodes[i].y = n.y();
            nodes[i].fixed = n.isFixed();
            OpenOrdLayoutData layoutData = new OpenOrdLayoutData(i);
            idMap.put(n.getStoreId(), i);
        float highestSimilarity = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        for (Edge e : graph.getEdges()) {
            int source = idMap.get(e.getSource().getStoreId());
            int target = idMap.get(e.getTarget().getStoreId());
            if (source != target) {
                //No self-loop
                float weight = (float) e.getWeight();
                if (neighbors[source] == null) {
                    neighbors[source] = new TIntFloatHashMap();
                if (neighbors[target] == null) {
                    neighbors[target] = new TIntFloatHashMap();
                neighbors[source].put(target, weight);
                neighbors[target].put(source, weight);
                highestSimilarity = Math.max(highestSimilarity, weight);
        //Reset position
        boolean someFixed = false;
        for (Node n : nodes) {
            if (!n.fixed) {
                n.x = 0;
                n.y = 0;
            } else {
                someFixed = true;
        //Recenter fixed nodes and rescale to fit into grid
        if (someFixed) {
            float minX = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            float maxX = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            float minY = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            float maxY = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            for (Node n : nodes) {
                if (n.fixed) {
                    minX = Math.min(minX, n.x);
                    maxX = Math.max(maxX, n.x);
                    minY = Math.min(minY, n.y);
                    maxY = Math.max(maxY, n.y);
            float shiftX = minX + (maxX - minX) / 2f;
            float shiftY = minY + (maxY - minY) / 2f;
            float ratio = Math.min(DensityGrid.getViewSize() / (maxX - minX), DensityGrid.getViewSize() / (maxY - minY));
            ratio = Math.min(1f, ratio);
            for (Node n : nodes) {
                if (n.fixed) {
                    n.x = (float) (n.x - shiftX) * ratio;
                    n.y = (float) (n.y - shiftY) * ratio;
        //Init control and workers
        control = new Control();
        combine = new Combine(this);
        barrier = new CyclicBarrier(numThreads, combine);
        control.initParams(param, numIterations);
        workers = new Worker[numThreads];
        for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) {
            workers[i] = new Worker(i, numThreads, barrier);
            workers[i].setRandom(new Random(randSeed));
        //Deep copy of a partition of all neighbors for each workers
        for (Worker w : workers) {
            Node[] nodesCopy = new Node[nodes.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
                nodesCopy[i] = nodes[i].clone();
            TIntFloatHashMap[] neighborsCopy = new TIntFloatHashMap[numNodes];
            for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
                if (i % numThreads == w.getId() && neighbors[i] != null) {
                    int neighborsCount = neighbors[i].size();
                    neighborsCopy[i] = new TIntFloatHashMap(neighborsCount, 1f);
                    for (TIntFloatIterator itr = neighbors[i].iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
                        float weight = normalizeWeight(itr.value(), highestSimilarity);
                        neighborsCopy[i].put(itr.key(), weight);
        //Add real nodes
        for (Node n : nodes) {
            if (n.fixed) {
                for (Worker w : workers) {
                    w.getDensityGrid().add(n, w.isFineDensity());
        running = true;
        firstIteration = true;
    } finally {
Also used : TIntFloatHashMap( CyclicBarrier(java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier) Random(java.util.Random) TIntFloatIterator(gnu.trove.iterator.TIntFloatIterator) TIntIntHashMap( Edge(org.gephi.graph.api.Edge)

Example 3 with TIntFloatHashMap

use of in project gephi by gephi.

the class Worker method solveAnalytic.

private void solveAnalytic(int nodeIndex) {
    float totalWeight = 0;
    float xDis, yDis, xCen = 0, yCen = 0;
    float x = 0, y = 0;
    float damping;
    TIntFloatHashMap map = neighbors[nodeIndex];
    if (map != null) {
        Node n = positions[nodeIndex];
        for (TIntFloatIterator itr = map.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
            float weight = itr.value();
            Node m = positions[itr.key()];
            totalWeight += weight;
            x += weight * m.x;
            y += weight * m.y;
        if (totalWeight > 0) {
            xCen = x / totalWeight;
            yCen = y / totalWeight;
            damping = 1f - dampingMult;
            float posX = damping * n.x + (1f - damping) * xCen;
            float posY = damping * n.y + (1f - damping) * yCen;
            n.x = posX;
            n.y = posY;
        if (minEdges == 99) {
        if (cutEnd >= 39500) {
        float maxLength = 0;
        int maxIndex = -1;
        int neighborsCount = map.size();
        if (neighborsCount >= minEdges) {
            for (TIntFloatIterator itr = neighbors[nodeIndex].iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
                Node m = positions[itr.key()];
                xDis = xCen - m.x;
                yDis = yCen - m.y;
                float dis = xDis * xDis + yDis * yDis;
                dis *= Math.sqrt(neighborsCount);
                if (dis > maxLength) {
                    maxLength = dis;
                    maxIndex = itr.key();
        if (maxLength > cutOffLength && maxIndex != -1) {
Also used : TIntFloatIterator(gnu.trove.iterator.TIntFloatIterator) TIntFloatHashMap(


TIntFloatHashMap ( TIntFloatIterator (gnu.trove.iterator.TIntFloatIterator)2 TIntIntHashMap ( Random (java.util.Random)1 CyclicBarrier (java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier)1 Edge (org.gephi.graph.api.Edge)1