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Example 1 with UserAuthorization

use of in project perry by ca-cwds.

the class IdentityMappingService method map.

public String map(UniversalUserToken subject, String providerId) {
    IdentityMappingScript mappingScript = loadMappingScriptForServiceProvider(providerId);
    if (mappingScript != null) {
        UserAuthorization authorization = userAuthorizationService.find(subject.getUserId());
        try {
        } catch (ScriptException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Identity Mapping failed for service provider: " + providerId, e);
    return subject.getUserId();
Also used : ScriptException(javax.script.ScriptException) UserAuthorization( IdentityMappingScript(

Example 2 with UserAuthorization

use of in project perry by ca-cwds.

the class UserAuthorizationService method find.

 * {@inheritDoc}
 * @see CrudsService#find(Serializable)
public UserAuthorization find(Serializable primaryKey) {
    final String userId = ((String) primaryKey).trim();;
    List<UserId> userList = userIdDao.findActiveByLogonId(userId);
    if (userList == null || userList.isEmpty()) {
        LOGGER.warn("No user id found for {}", primaryKey);
        return null;
    final UserId user = userList.get(0);
    String userIdentifier = user.getId();
    String staffPersonIdentifier = user.getStaffPersonId();
    boolean socialWorker = !staffAuthorityPrivilegeDao.findSocialWorkerPrivileges(userIdentifier).isEmpty();
    Set<StaffAuthorityPrivilege> userAuthPrivs = getStaffAuthorityPriveleges(userIdentifier);
    Set<StaffUnitAuthority> setStaffUnitAuths = getStaffUnitAuthorities(staffPersonIdentifier);
    StaffPerson staffPerson = staffPersonDao.findOne(staffPersonIdentifier);
    if (staffPerson == null) {
        LOGGER.warn("No staff person found for {}", staffPersonIdentifier);
        return null;
    CwsOffice cwsOffice = cwsOfficeDao.findOne(staffPerson.getCwsOffice());
    if (cwsOffice == null) {
        LOGGER.warn("No cws office found for {}", staffPerson.getCwsOffice());
        return null;
    return new UserAuthorization(user.getLogonId(), socialWorker, false, true, userAuthPrivs, setStaffUnitAuths, cwsOffice, staffPerson);
Also used : StaffPerson( StaffAuthorityPrivilege( UserAuthorization( UserId( CwsOffice( StaffUnitAuthority(

Example 3 with UserAuthorization

use of in project perry by ca-cwds.

the class BaseScriptTest method test.

public void test(String script, String json, String userAuthorization) throws Exception {
    IdentityMappingScript identityMappingScript = loadScript(script);
    UniversalUserToken user = new UniversalUserToken();
    UserAuthorization authorization = MAPPER.readValue(fixture(userAuthorization), UserAuthorization.class);
    String result =;
    String expectedResult = readResource(json);
    Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, result);
Also used : UniversalUserToken( UserAuthorization(


UserAuthorization ( UniversalUserToken ( CwsOffice ( StaffPerson ( UserId ( StaffAuthorityPrivilege ( StaffUnitAuthority ( IdentityMappingScript ( ScriptException (javax.script.ScriptException)1