use of gov.cms.bfd.pipeline.sharedutils.NullPipelineJobArguments in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.
the class PipelineManagerIT method runInterruptibleJobsThenStop.
* Verifies that {@link PipelineManager#stop()} works, as expected.
* @throws Exception Any unhandled {@link Exception}s will cause this test case to fail.
public void runInterruptibleJobsThenStop() throws Exception {
// Create the pipeline and have it run a mock job.
PipelineJobRecordStore jobRecordStore = new PipelineJobRecordStore(PipelineTestUtils.get().getPipelineApplicationState().getMetrics());
try (PipelineManager pipelineManager = new PipelineManager(PipelineTestUtils.get().getPipelineApplicationState().getMetrics(), jobRecordStore)) {
MockJob mockJob = new MockJob(Optional.of(new PipelineJobSchedule(1, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)), () -> {
// Add an artificial delay that we'll be able to measure.
return PipelineJobOutcome.WORK_DONE;
jobRecordStore.submitPendingJob(MockJob.JOB_TYPE, null);
// Wait until the mock job has started.
Awaitility.await().atMost(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until(() -> jobRecordStore.getJobRecords().stream().filter(j -> MockJob.JOB_TYPE.equals(j.getJobType()) && j.isStarted()).findAny().isPresent());
// Stop the pipeline and then make sure that the job was actually interrupted.
PipelineJobRecord<NullPipelineJobArguments> mockJobRecord = jobRecordStore.findMostRecent(MockJob.JOB_TYPE).get();
assertTrue(mockJobRecord.getDuration().get().toMillis() < 500);
use of gov.cms.bfd.pipeline.sharedutils.NullPipelineJobArguments in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.
the class PipelineApplication method main.
* This method is the one that will get called when users launch the application from the command
* line.
* @param args (should be empty, as this application accepts configuration via environment
* variables)
* @throws Exception any unhandled checked {@link Exception}s that are encountered will cause the
* application to halt
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {"Application starting up!");
AppConfiguration appConfig = null;
try {
appConfig = AppConfiguration.readConfigFromEnvironmentVariables();"Application configured: '{}'", appConfig);
} catch (AppConfigurationException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Invalid app configuration.", e);
MetricRegistry appMetrics = new MetricRegistry();
appMetrics.registerAll(new MemoryUsageGaugeSet());
appMetrics.registerAll(new GarbageCollectorMetricSet());
Slf4jReporter appMetricsReporter = Slf4jReporter.forRegistry(appMetrics).outputTo(LOGGER).build();
MetricOptions metricOptions = appConfig.getMetricOptions();
if (metricOptions.getNewRelicMetricKey().isPresent()) {
SenderConfiguration configuration = SenderConfiguration.builder(metricOptions.getNewRelicMetricHost().orElse(null), metricOptions.getNewRelicMetricPath().orElse(null)).httpPoster(new OkHttpPoster()).apiKey(metricOptions.getNewRelicMetricKey().orElse(null)).build();
MetricBatchSender metricBatchSender = MetricBatchSender.create(configuration);
Attributes commonAttributes = new Attributes().put("host", metricOptions.getHostname().orElse("unknown")).put("appName", metricOptions.getNewRelicAppName().orElse(null));
NewRelicReporter newRelicReporter =, metricBatchSender).commonAttributes(commonAttributes).build();
newRelicReporter.start(metricOptions.getNewRelicMetricPeriod().orElse(15), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
appMetricsReporter.start(1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
* Create the PipelineManager that will be responsible for running and managing the various
* jobs.
PipelineJobRecordStore jobRecordStore = new PipelineJobRecordStore(appMetrics);
PipelineManager pipelineManager = new PipelineManager(appMetrics, jobRecordStore);
registerShutdownHook(appMetrics, pipelineManager);"Job processing started.");
// Create a pooled data source for use by the DatabaseSchemaUpdateJob.
final HikariDataSource pooledDataSource = PipelineApplicationState.createPooledDataSource(appConfig.getDatabaseOptions(), appMetrics);
* Register and wait for the database schema job to run, so that we don't have to worry about
* declaring it as a dependency (since it is for pretty much everything right now).
pipelineManager.registerJob(new DatabaseSchemaUpdateJob(pooledDataSource));
PipelineJobRecord<NullPipelineJobArguments> dbSchemaJobRecord = jobRecordStore.submitPendingJob(DatabaseSchemaUpdateJob.JOB_TYPE, null);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new InterruptedException();
* Create and register the other jobs.
if (appConfig.getCcwRifLoadOptions().isPresent()) {
// Create an application state that reuses the existing pooled data source with the ccw/rif
// persistence unit.
final PipelineApplicationState appState = new PipelineApplicationState(appMetrics, pooledDataSource, PipelineApplicationState.PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME, Clock.systemUTC());
pipelineManager.registerJob(createCcwRifLoadJob(appConfig.getCcwRifLoadOptions().get(), appState));"Registered CcwRifLoadJob.");
} else {
LOGGER.warn("CcwRifLoadJob is disabled in app configuration.");
if (appConfig.getRdaLoadOptions().isPresent()) {"RDA API jobs are enabled in app configuration.");
// Create an application state that reuses the existing pooled data source with the rda
// persistence unit.
final PipelineApplicationState rdaAppState = new PipelineApplicationState(appMetrics, pooledDataSource, PipelineApplicationState.RDA_PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME, Clock.systemUTC());
final RdaLoadOptions rdaLoadOptions = appConfig.getRdaLoadOptions().get();
final Optional<RdaServerJob> mockServerJob = rdaLoadOptions.createRdaServerJob();
if (mockServerJob.isPresent()) {
LOGGER.warn("Registered RdaServerJob.");
} else {"Skipping RdaServerJob registration - not enabled in app configuration.");
pipelineManager.registerJob(rdaLoadOptions.createFissClaimsLoadJob(rdaAppState));"Registered RdaFissClaimLoadJob.");
pipelineManager.registerJob(rdaLoadOptions.createMcsClaimsLoadJob(rdaAppState));"Registered RdaMcsClaimLoadJob.");
} else {"RDA API jobs are not enabled in app configuration.");
* At this point, we're done here with the main thread. From now on, the PipelineManager's
* executor service should be the only non-daemon thread running (and whatever it kicks off).
* Once/if that thread stops, the application will run all registered shutdown hooks and Wait
* for the PipelineManager to stop running jobs, and then check to see if we should exit
* normally with 0 or abnormally with a non-0 because a job failed.
use of gov.cms.bfd.pipeline.sharedutils.NullPipelineJobArguments in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.
the class SchedulerJob method call.
* @see gov.cms.bfd.pipeline.sharedutils.PipelineJob#call()
public PipelineJobOutcome call() throws Exception {
boolean scheduledAJob = false;
while (true) {
try (Timer.Context timer = appMetrics.timer(, "call", "iteration")).time()) {
Instant now =;
Set<PipelineJob<NullPipelineJobArguments>> scheduledJobs = pipelineManager.getScheduledJobs();
for (PipelineJob<NullPipelineJobArguments> scheduledJob : scheduledJobs) {
PipelineJobSchedule jobSchedule = scheduledJob.getSchedule().get();
Optional<PipelineJobRecord<NullPipelineJobArguments>> mostRecentExecution = jobRecordsStore.findMostRecent(scheduledJob.getType());
/* Calculate whether or not we should trigger an execution of the next job. */
boolean shouldTriggerJob;
if (!mostRecentExecution.isPresent()) {
// If the job has never run, we'll always trigger it now, regardless of schedule.
shouldTriggerJob = true;
} else {
if (!mostRecentExecution.get().isCompleted()) {
// If the job's still pending or running, don't double-trigger it.
shouldTriggerJob = false;
} else {
if (mostRecentExecution.get().isCompletedSuccessfully()) {
// If the job's not running, check to see if it's time to trigger it again.
// Note: This calculation is based on completion time, not submission or start time.
Instant nextExecution = mostRecentExecution.get().getStartedTime().get().plus(jobSchedule.getRepeatDelay(), jobSchedule.getRepeatDelayUnit());
shouldTriggerJob = now.equals(nextExecution) || now.isAfter(nextExecution);
} else {
// We don't re-run failed jobs.
shouldTriggerJob = false;
// If we shouldn't trigger this job, move on to the next.
if (!shouldTriggerJob) {
// Trigger the job (for future execution, when VolunteerJob picks it up)!
jobRecordsStore.submitPendingJob(scheduledJob.getType(), null);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* Jobs are only interrupted/cancelled as part of application shutdown, so when encountered,
* we'll break out of our scheduling loop and close up shop here.
* Did we schedule at least one job? If we ever move to an autoscaled version of this
* application, it will be important to ensure that we "collude" with the PipelineJobRecordStore
* to ignore this PipelineJobOutcome and ensure that the record doesn't get marked as completed,
* even when the application shuts down. (If that happened, then scheduled triggers would stop
* firing.)
return scheduledAJob ? PipelineJobOutcome.WORK_DONE : PipelineJobOutcome.NOTHING_TO_DO;
use of gov.cms.bfd.pipeline.sharedutils.NullPipelineJobArguments in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.
the class PipelineManagerIT method runWayTooManyJobsThenStop.
* Verifies that {@link PipelineManager} can performantly handle large numbers of job executions,
* as expected. Note that "performantly" is relative to what we need: fast enough to run a few
* jobs every second of the day. Mostly, though, this test case is used as a good way to inspect
* and evaluate the various metrics that the application collects.
* <p>This is intentionally left ignored most of the time, so as to not slow down our builds. It
* should only be run if/when someone is looking into performance issues.
* @throws Exception Any unhandled {@link Exception}s will cause this test case to fail.
public void runWayTooManyJobsThenStop() throws Exception {
// Let's speed things up a bit, so we can run more iterations, faster.
MetricRegistry appMetrics = new MetricRegistry();
Slf4jReporter.forRegistry(appMetrics).outputTo(LOGGER).build().start(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Create the pipeline.
PipelineJobRecordStore jobRecordStore = new PipelineJobRecordStore(appMetrics);
try (PipelineManager pipelineManager = new PipelineManager(appMetrics, jobRecordStore)) {
// Register a mock unscheduled job.
MockJob mockUnscheduledJob = new MockJob(Optional.empty(), () -> {
return PipelineJobOutcome.WORK_DONE;
// Register a second scheduled job.
MockJob mockScheduledJob = new MockJob(Optional.of(new PipelineJobSchedule(1, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)), () -> {
return PipelineJobOutcome.WORK_DONE;
}) {
* Very hacky, but here we're extending MockJob with an anonymous class that has a
* different getType() value.
* @see
public PipelineJobType<NullPipelineJobArguments> getType() {
return new PipelineJobType<>(this);
* Submit way too many executions of the unscheduled job. The number here corresponds to how
* many executions you'd get if it was run once a second, every second of the day.
for (int i = 0; i < 24 * 60 * 60; i++) {
jobRecordStore.submitPendingJob(MockJob.JOB_TYPE, null);
* Wait until all of the jobs have completed, with a large timeout. Don't worry: it only takes
* about 500 seconds on my system.
Awaitility.await().atMost(20, TimeUnit.MINUTES).until(() -> jobRecordStore.getJobRecords().stream().filter(j -> MockJob.JOB_TYPE.equals(j.getJobType()) && !j.isCompleted()).findAny().isPresent() == false);
// Stop the pipeline.
// Verify that all jobs completed successfully.
Set<PipelineJobRecord<?>> unsuccessfulJobs = jobRecordStore.getJobRecords().stream().filter(j -> MockJob.JOB_TYPE.equals(j.getJobType()) && !j.isCompletedSuccessfully()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
assertEquals(0, unsuccessfulJobs.size());
// Ensure that the final metrics get logged.
} finally {