use of gov.cms.mpsm.rda.v1.ClaimRequest in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.
the class McsClaimStreamCaller method callService.
* Calls the getMcsClaims RPC. The Iterator from the RPC call is wrapped with a transforming
* Iterator that converts the API McsClaim objects into database PreAdjMcsClaim entity objects.
* @param channel an already open channel to the service being called
* @param startingSequenceNumber specifies the sequence number to send to the RDA API server
* @return a blocking GrpcResponseStream of PreAdjMcsClaim entity objects
* @throws Exception passes through any gRPC framework exceptions
public GrpcResponseStream<McsClaimChange> callService(ManagedChannel channel, CallOptions callOptions, long startingSequenceNumber) throws Exception {"calling service");
final ClaimRequest request = ClaimRequest.newBuilder().setSince(startingSequenceNumber).build();
final MethodDescriptor<ClaimRequest, McsClaimChange> method = RDAServiceGrpc.getGetMcsClaimsMethod();
final ClientCall<ClaimRequest, McsClaimChange> call = channel.newCall(method, callOptions);
final Iterator<McsClaimChange> apiResults = ClientCalls.blockingServerStreamingCall(call, request);
return new GrpcResponseStream<>(call, apiResults);
use of gov.cms.mpsm.rda.v1.ClaimRequest in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.
the class StoreRdaJsonApp method callService.
private static GrpcResponseStream<? extends MessageOrBuilder> callService(Config config, ManagedChannel channel) {
final ClaimRequest request = ClaimRequest.newBuilder().setSince(config.startingSequenceNumber).build();
final MethodDescriptor<ClaimRequest, ? extends MessageOrBuilder> method = config.claimType.methodSource.get();
final ClientCall<ClaimRequest, ? extends MessageOrBuilder> call = channel.newCall(method, config.grpcConfig.createCallOptions());
Iterator<? extends MessageOrBuilder> iterator = ClientCalls.blockingServerStreamingCall(call, request);
return new GrpcResponseStream<>(call, iterator);
use of gov.cms.mpsm.rda.v1.ClaimRequest in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.
the class FissClaimStreamCaller method callService.
* Calls the getFissClaims RPC. The Iterator from the RPC call is wrapped with a transforming
* Iterator that converts the API FissClaim objects into database PreAdjFissClaim entity objects.
* @param channel an already open channel to the service being called
* @param startingSequenceNumber specifies the sequence number to send to the RDA API server
* @return a blocking GrpcResponseStream of PreAdjFissClaim entity objects
* @throws Exception passes through any gRPC framework exceptions
public GrpcResponseStream<FissClaimChange> callService(ManagedChannel channel, CallOptions callOptions, long startingSequenceNumber) throws Exception {"calling service");
final ClaimRequest request = ClaimRequest.newBuilder().setSince(startingSequenceNumber).build();
final MethodDescriptor<ClaimRequest, FissClaimChange> method = RDAServiceGrpc.getGetFissClaimsMethod();
final ClientCall<ClaimRequest, FissClaimChange> call = channel.newCall(method, callOptions);
final Iterator<FissClaimChange> apiResults = ClientCalls.blockingServerStreamingCall(call, request);
return new GrpcResponseStream<>(call, apiResults);