use of gov.nih.nci.ctd2.dashboard.model.Submission in project nci-ctd2-dashboard by CBIIT.
the class SubmissionAPI method getSubmission.
@RequestMapping(value = "{id}", method = { RequestMethod.GET }, headers = "Accept=application/json")
public ResponseEntity<String> getSubmission(@PathVariable String id, @RequestParam(value = "maximum", required = false, defaultValue = "") String maximum) {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
int limit = 0;
if (maximum != null && maximum.trim().length() > 0) {
try {
limit = Integer.parseInt(maximum.trim());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// no-op
Submission submission = dashboardDao.getEntityByStableURL("submission", "submission/" + id);
String[] observations = dashboardDao.findObservationURLs(submission.getId(), limit);
APISubmission apiSubmission = new APISubmission(submission, observations);
log.debug("ready to serialize");
JSONSerializer jsonSerializer = CTD2Serializer.createJSONSerializer();
String json = "{}";
try {
json = jsonSerializer.deepSerialize(apiSubmission);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new ResponseEntity<String>(headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
return new ResponseEntity<String>(json, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
use of gov.nih.nci.ctd2.dashboard.model.Submission in project nci-ctd2-dashboard by CBIIT.
the class RssController method searchRSS.
@RequestMapping(value = "search/{keyword}", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST })
public ResponseEntity<String> searchRSS(@PathVariable String keyword) {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add("Content-Type", "application/rss+xml");
// This is to prevent unnecessary server loads
if (keyword.length() < 2)
return new ResponseEntity<String>(headers, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
try {
keyword = URLDecoder.decode(keyword, Charset.defaultCharset().displayName());
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// Search and find the entity hits
SearchResults entitiesWithCounts =;
List<DashboardEntity> searchEntities = new ArrayList<DashboardEntity>();
for (SubjectResult subjectResult : entitiesWithCounts.subject_result) {
try {
Class<? extends DashboardEntity> clazz = Class.forName("gov.nih.nci.ctd2.dashboard.model." + subjectResult.className).asSubclass(DashboardEntity.class);
DashboardEntity entity = dashboardDao.getEntityById(clazz,;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
String titlePostfix = keyword;
String rssDescription = "Latest observations and submission related to '" + keyword + "'";
String dashboardUrl = context.getScheme() + "://" + context.getServerName() + context.getContextPath() + "/";
String rssLink = dashboardUrl + "#search/" + keyword;
String feedStr = generateFeed(searchEntities, titlePostfix, rssDescription, rssLink);
return new ResponseEntity<String>(feedStr, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
use of gov.nih.nci.ctd2.dashboard.model.Submission in project nci-ctd2-dashboard by CBIIT.
the class ObservationController method getObservationsBySubmissionIdAndSubjuectId.
* For a given submission, tier is decided so there is point of further
* specifiying tier.
@RequestMapping(value = "bySubmissionAndSubject", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }, headers = "Accept=application/json")
public ResponseEntity<String> getObservationsBySubmissionIdAndSubjuectId(@RequestParam("submissionId") Integer submissionId, @RequestParam("subjectId") Integer subjectId, @RequestParam(value = "role", required = false, defaultValue = "") String role) {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
String summaryTemplate = null;
Set<Observation> observations = new HashSet<Observation>();
Subject subject = dashboardDao.getEntityById(Subject.class, subjectId);
for (ObservedSubject observedSubject : dashboardDao.findObservedSubjectBySubject(subject)) {
Observation observation = observedSubject.getObservation();
Submission submission = observation.getSubmission();
if (!submission.getId().equals(submissionId)) {
} else if (summaryTemplate == null) {
summaryTemplate = submission.getObservationTemplate().getObservationSummary();
String subjectRole = observedSubject.getObservedSubjectRole().getSubjectRole().getDisplayName();
if ((role.equals("") || role.equals(subjectRole))) {
List<ObservationWithSummary> list = new ArrayList<ObservationWithSummary>();
for (Observation observation : observations) {
String expanded = dashboardDao.expandSummary(observation.getId(), summaryTemplate) + " (<a class='button-link' href='#" + observation.getStableURL() + "'>details »</a>)";
list.add(new ObservationWithSummary(observation, expanded));
JSONSerializer jsonSerializer = new JSONSerializer().transform(new ImplTransformer(), Class.class).transform(new DateTransformer(), Date.class);
return new ResponseEntity<String>(jsonSerializer.serialize(list), headers, HttpStatus.OK);
use of gov.nih.nci.ctd2.dashboard.model.Submission in project nci-ctd2-dashboard by CBIIT.
the class DashboardDaoImpl method getObservations.
public ObservationItem[] getObservations(String submissionId, Set<Integer> indexes) {
// this works because observation URIs are totally based on submission URI
List<String> uris = -> "observation/" + submissionId + "-" + i).collect(Collectors.toList());
// uris.forEach(System.out::println);
Session session = getSession();
List<ObservationItem> list = new ArrayList<ObservationItem>();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") org.hibernate.query.Query<ObservationItem> query = session.createQuery("FROM ObservationItem WHERE uri IN (:uris)");
query.setParameterList("uris", uris);
try {
list = query.getResultList();
} catch (NoResultException e) {"ObservationItem not available for submission ID " + submissionId);
ObservationItem[] x =[]::new);
log.debug("count of observations:" + x.length);
return x;
use of gov.nih.nci.ctd2.dashboard.model.Submission in project nci-ctd2-dashboard by CBIIT.
the class DashboardDaoImpl method getEcoBrowse.
public List<EcoBrowse> getEcoBrowse() {
Session session = getSession();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") org.hibernate.query.Query<Object[]> ecocodeQuery = session.createNativeQuery("SELECT ecocode, id, tier, submissionCenter_id FROM observation_template WHERE LENGTH(ecocode)>0");
List<Object[]> ecocodeResult = ecocodeQuery.list();
Map<String, EcoBrowse> map = new HashMap<String, EcoBrowse>();
Map<String, Set<Integer>> mapTier1centers = new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>();
Map<String, Set<Integer>> mapTier2centers = new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>();
Map<String, Set<Integer>> mapTier3centers = new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>();
for (Object[] array : ecocodeResult) {
String allcodes = (String) array[0];
Integer templateId = (Integer) array[1];
Integer tier = (Integer) array[2];
Integer centerId = (Integer) array[3];
String countSql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT, COUNT(DISTINCT" + " FROM observation JOIN submission ON" + " JOIN observation_template ON" + " WHERE submission.observationTemplate_id=" + templateId;
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") org.hibernate.query.Query<Object[]> query = session.createNativeQuery(countSql);
Object[] result = query.getSingleResult();
BigInteger submissionCount = (BigInteger) result[0];
BigInteger tierCount = (BigInteger) result[1];
String[] ecocodes = allcodes.split("\\|");
for (String code : ecocodes) {
EcoBrowse b = map.get(code);
if (b == null) {
// this term not in the map yet
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") org.hibernate.query.Query<ECOTerm> ecotermQuery = session.createQuery("FROM ECOTermImpl WHERE code='" + code + "'");
ECOTerm term = ecotermQuery.getSingleResult();
b = new EcoBrowse(term.getDisplayName(), term.getStableURL(), 0);
map.put(code, b);
b.setNumberOfSubmissions(b.getNumberOfSubmissions() + submissionCount.intValue());
Set<Integer> centerSet = null;
switch(tier) {
case 1:
b.setNumberOfTier1Observations(b.getNumberOfTier1Observations() + tierCount.intValue());
centerSet = mapTier1centers.get(code);
if (centerSet == null) {
centerSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
mapTier1centers.put(code, centerSet);
case 2:
b.setNumberOfTier2Observations(b.getNumberOfTier2Observations() + tierCount.intValue());
centerSet = mapTier2centers.get(code);
if (centerSet == null) {
centerSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
mapTier2centers.put(code, centerSet);
case 3:
b.setNumberOfTier3Observations(b.getNumberOfTier3Observations() + tierCount.intValue());
centerSet = mapTier3centers.get(code);
if (centerSet == null) {
centerSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
mapTier3centers.put(code, centerSet);
log.error("unknow tier number " + tier);
map.forEach((code, browseItem) -> {
int tier1 = 0, tier2 = 0, tier3 = 0;
Set<Integer> set1 = mapTier1centers.get(code);
Set<Integer> set2 = mapTier2centers.get(code);
Set<Integer> set3 = mapTier3centers.get(code);
if (set1 != null)
tier1 = set1.size();
if (set2 != null)
tier2 = set2.size();
if (set3 != null)
tier3 = set3.size();
log.debug("map size " + map.size());
return new ArrayList<EcoBrowse>(map.values());