use of gov.sandia.n2a.backend.neuroml.PartMap.NameMap in project n2a by frothga.
the class ImportJob method ionChannel.
public void ionChannel(Node node) {
String id = getAttribute(node, "id");
String type = getAttribute(node, "type");
String species = getAttribute(node, "species");
String inherit;
if (type.isEmpty())
inherit = node.getNodeName();
inherit = type;
NameMap nameMap = partMap.importMap(inherit);
inherit = nameMap.internal;
// Expect to always create this part rather than fetch an existing child.
MNode part = models.childOrCreate(modelName, id);
part.set("$inherit", "\"" + inherit + "\"");
addDependency(part, inherit);
if (!species.isEmpty())
part.set("$metadata", "species", species);
addAttributes(node, part, nameMap, "id", "type", "species");
for (Node child = node.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) {
if (child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
String name = child.getNodeName();
if (name.startsWith("q10"))
q10(child, part);
else if (name.startsWith("gate"))
gate(child, part);
genericPart(child, part);
use of gov.sandia.n2a.backend.neuroml.PartMap.NameMap in project n2a by frothga.
the class ImportJob method transition.
public void transition(Node node, MNode container) {
String id = getAttribute(node, "id");
MNode part = container.set(id, "");
NameMap nameMap = partMap.importMap(node.getNodeName());
part.set("$inherit", "\"" + nameMap.internal + "\"");
addAttributes(node, part, nameMap, "id");
for (Node child = node.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) {
if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
rate(child, part, true, false);
use of gov.sandia.n2a.backend.neuroml.PartMap.NameMap in project n2a by frothga.
the class ImportJob method spikingSynapse.
* Create a spike generator, which may be associated with its intended synapse.
public void spikingSynapse(Node node) {
String id = getAttribute(node, "id");
String synapse = getAttribute(node, "synapse");
// "spikeTarget" appears to be redundant with "synapse". Probably exists due to some oddity in LEMS.
MNode part = models.childOrCreate(modelName, id);
String inherit = node.getNodeName();
NameMap nameMap = partMap.importMap(inherit);
inherit = nameMap.internal;
if (!inherit.isEmpty()) {
part.set("$inherit", inherit);
addDependency(part, inherit);
// "spikeArray" does not have an associated synapse.
if (!synapse.isEmpty())
part.set("$metadata", "backend.lems.synapse", synapse);
addAttributes(node, part, nameMap, "id", "synapse", "spikeTarget");
Map<Double, String> sorted = new TreeMap<Double, String>();
for (Node child = node.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) {
if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child.getNodeName().equals("spike")) {
String time = biophysicalUnits(getAttribute(child, "time"));
sorted.put(Scalar.convert(time), time);
if (// generate spikeArray-like code
sorted.size() > 0) {
String times = "";
for (String s : sorted.values()) times += ";" + s;
// This shuts down spiking after last specified time.
times += ";∞";
times = "[" + times.substring(1) + "]";
part.set("times", times);
use of gov.sandia.n2a.backend.neuroml.PartMap.NameMap in project n2a by frothga.
the class ImportJob method channel.
public void channel(Node node, MNode part, boolean doDependency) {
String name = node.getNodeName();
String number = part.get("number");
String ionChannel = part.get("ionChannel");
// There is only one internal part for all ion-channel-related components in NeuroML. It includes both individual channels and populations/densities.
NameMap nameMap = partMap.importMap("ionChannel");
remap(part, nameMap);
// multiple inheritance, combining the ion channel with the given mix-in
String potential = "";
if (name.contains("Nernst"))
potential = "Potential Nernst";
else if (name.contains("GHK2"))
potential = "Potential GHK 2";
else if (name.contains("GHK"))
potential = "Potential GHK";
if (potential.isEmpty()) {
part.set("$inherit", "\"" + ionChannel + "\"");
} else {
// For now, assume that ion channel is already defined
String species = "ca";
if (name.contains("Ca2"))
species = "ca2";
species = models.getOrDefault(modelName, ionChannel, "$metadata", "species", species);
// connect to species/concentration model, which the user is responsible to create
part.set("c", species);
part.set("$inherit", "\"" + potential + "\",\"" + ionChannel + "\"");
if (doDependency)
addDependency(part, potential);
if (doDependency)
addDependency(part, ionChannel);
if (!number.isEmpty()) {
// The default is Gdensity*surfaceArea
part.set("Gall", "G1*population");
use of gov.sandia.n2a.backend.neuroml.PartMap.NameMap in project n2a by frothga.
the class ExportJob method input.
public String input(MPart source, List<Element> parentElements, Synapse synapse) {
String type = source.get("$metadata", "backend.lems.part");
List<Element> inputElements = new ArrayList<Element>();
List<String> skip = new ArrayList<String>();
for (MNode c : source) {
MPart p = (MPart) c;
if (p.isPart()) {
input(p, inputElements, null);
} else if (p.key().equals("times")) {
String[] pieces = p.get().split("\\[", 2)[1].split("]", 2)[0].split(";");
for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) {
if (Scalar.convert(pieces[i]) == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
Element spike = addElement("spike", inputElements);
spike.setAttribute("id", String.valueOf(i));
spike.setAttribute("time", biophysicalUnits(pieces[i]));
if (// decide between them
type.contains("ramp") && type.contains("pulse")) {
NameMap nameMap = partMap.importMap("rampGenerator");
EquationSet sourceEquations = getEquations(source);
Variable high1 = sourceEquations.find(new Variable(nameMap.importName("startAmplitude"), 0));
Variable high2 = sourceEquations.find(new Variable(nameMap.importName("finishAmplitude"), 0));
try {
double value1 = ((Scalar) high1.eval(context)).value;
double value2 = ((Scalar) high2.eval(context)).value;
if (value1 == value2)
type = "pulseGenerator";
type = "rampGenerator";
} catch (// eval can fail if eqset contains fatal errors
Exception e) {
if (source.get("high2").equals("high1"))
type = "pulseGenerator";
type = "rampGenerator";
} else if (// more action is needed
type.contains(",")) {
if (synapse != null) {
String[] types = type.split(",");
for (String t : types) {
if (// prefix of both "Synapse" and "Synaptic"
t.contains("Synap")) {
type = t;
// remove any remaining ambiguity
type = type.split(",")[0];
Element input = addElement(type, parentElements);
String id;
if (synapse == null) {
id = source.get("$metadata", "");
if (id.isEmpty())
id = source.key();
} else {
id =;
input.setAttribute("synapse", synapse.chainID);
input.setAttribute("spikeTarget", "./" + synapse.chainID);
input.setAttribute("id", id);
standalone(source, input, inputElements);
genericPart(source, input, skip.toArray(new String[] {}));
sequencer.append(input, inputElements);
return id;