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Example 16 with ConnectionBinding

use of gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding in project n2a by frothga.

the class ExportJob method analyze.

 *        Find references to $index in connection endpoints, and set up info for ConnectionContext.
public void analyze(EquationSet s) {
    for (EquationSet p : analyze(p);
    class ExportTransformer implements Transformer {

        Variable v;

        public Operator transform(Operator op) {
            if (op instanceof AccessVariable) {
                VariableReference r = ((AccessVariable) op).reference;
                // It is possible that some variables were not resolved.
                if (r == null)
                    return null;
                Variable rv = r.variable;
                if (rv.container != v.container && !r.resolution.isEmpty()) {
                    Object o = r.resolution.get(r.resolution.size() - 1);
                    if (o instanceof ConnectionBinding) {
                        // This is somewhat of a hack, but ConnectionContext assumes the mappings A->0 and B->1.
                        switch(((ConnectionBinding) o).alias) {
                            case "A":
                                r.index = 0;
                            case "B":
                                r.index = 1;
                return null;
            if (op instanceof Output) {
                return new OutputLEMS((Output) op);
            return null;
    ExportTransformer xform = new ExportTransformer();
    for (final Variable v : s.variables) {
        xform.v = v;
        // does not call that function.
        if (v.hasUsers() || v.hasAttribute("externalWrite"))
        if ("$") ||".$"))
        for (EquationEntry e : v.equations) {
            if (e.expression.isOutput()) {
Also used : Operator(gov.sandia.n2a.language.Operator) EquationSet(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet) Variable(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.Variable) UnresolvedVariable(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.UnresolvedVariable) AccessVariable(gov.sandia.n2a.language.AccessVariable) Transformer(gov.sandia.n2a.language.Transformer) AccessVariable(gov.sandia.n2a.language.AccessVariable) VariableReference(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.VariableReference) ConnectionBinding(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding) Output(gov.sandia.n2a.language.function.Output) EquationEntry(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationEntry)

Example 17 with ConnectionBinding

use of gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding in project n2a by frothga.

the class BackendDataC method analyze.

public void analyze(final EquationSet s) {
    boolean headless ="headless");
    if (!headless)
    for (// we want the sub-lists to be ordered correctly
    Variable v : // we want the sub-lists to be ordered correctly
    s.ordered) {
        if (!headless) {
            String className = "null";
            if (v.type != null)
                className = v.type.getClass().getSimpleName();
            System.out.println("  " + v.nameString() + " " + v.attributeString() + " " + className);
        if ("$p") && v.order == 0)
            p = v;
        else if ("$type"))
            type = v;
        else if ("$xyz") && v.order == 0)
            xyz = v;
        else if ("$n") && v.order == 0) {
            if (s.connectionBindings != null) {
                // It is an error to explicitly define $n on a connection,
                // which is the only way we can get to this point.
                Backend.err.get().println("$n is not applicable to connections");
                throw new Backend.AbortRun();
            n = v;
            nInitOnly = n.hasAttribute("initOnly");
            // In this special case we will directly use the current population count.
            if (nInitOnly)
        } else if ("$index")) {
            index = v;
            // Don't let $index enter into any variable lists. Instead, always give it special treatment. In effect, it is a list of one.
        } else if ("$live")) {
            live = v;
            // $live can never function as a regular variable because it is stored as a bit flag
        } else if ("$t")) {
            if (v.order == 0)
                t = v;
            else if (v.order == 1)
                dt = v;
        if (v.hasAny(new String[] { "constant", "accessor" }) && !v.hasAll(new String[] { "constant", "reference" }))
        boolean initOnly = v.hasAttribute("initOnly");
        boolean emptyCombiner = v.isEmptyCombiner();
        boolean updates = !initOnly && v.equations.size() > 0 && !emptyCombiner && (v.derivative == null || v.hasAttribute("updates"));
        boolean temporary = v.hasAttribute("temporary");
        boolean unusedTemporary = temporary && !v.hasUsers();
        boolean derivativeOrDependency = v.hasAttribute("derivativeOrDependency");
        if (v.hasAttribute("global")) {
            if (updates && !unusedTemporary)
            if (derivativeOrDependency)
            if (!unusedTemporary && !emptyCombiner)
            if (!v.hasAttribute("reference")) {
                if (!temporary && !v.hasAttribute("dummy")) {
                    if (!v.hasAttribute("preexistent")) {
                        // check if v.usedBy contains any variable that is not v's integral
                        if (derivativeOrDependency && v.derivative == null && v.usedBy != null) {
                            for (Object o : v.usedBy) {
                                if (o instanceof Variable && ((Variable) o).derivative != v) {
                    boolean external = false;
                    if (!initOnly) {
                        if ("$t")) {
                            if (v.order > 1)
                        } else // any other variable
                            if (v.order > 0)
                        // The integration step has roughly the same effect as an external write.
                        if (v.hasAttribute("externalWrite") || v.assignment != Variable.REPLACE) {
                            external = true;
                            if (derivativeOrDependency)
                        if (external || (v.hasAttribute("externalRead") && updates)) {
                            external = true;
                            if (derivativeOrDependency)
                    if (external || v.hasAttribute("cycle")) {
                        if (!external && !initOnly) {
                            if (derivativeOrDependency)
        } else // local
            if (updates && !unusedTemporary)
            if (derivativeOrDependency)
            if (!unusedTemporary && !emptyCombiner && v != type)
            if (v.hasAttribute("reference")) {
                if (v.reference.variable.container.canDie())
            } else {
                if (!temporary && !v.hasAttribute("dummy")) {
                    if (!v.hasAttribute("preexistent")) {
                        if (derivativeOrDependency && v.derivative == null && v.usedBy != null) {
                            for (Object o : v.usedBy) {
                                if (o instanceof Variable && ((Variable) o).derivative != v) {
                    boolean external = false;
                    if (!initOnly) {
                        if ("$t")) {
                            if (v.order > 1)
                        } else {
                            if (v.order > 0)
                        if (v.hasAttribute("externalWrite") || v.assignment != Variable.REPLACE) {
                            external = true;
                            if (derivativeOrDependency)
                        if (external || (v.hasAttribute("externalRead") && updates)) {
                            external = true;
                            if (derivativeOrDependency)
                    if (external || v.hasAttribute("cycle")) {
                        if (!external && !initOnly) {
                            if (derivativeOrDependency)
    for (// we need these to be in order by differential level, not by dependency
    Variable v : // we need these to be in order by differential level, not by dependency
    s.variables) {
        if (v.derivative != null && !v.hasAny("constant", "initOnly")) {
            if (v.hasAttribute("global"))
    // Purge any lists that consist solely of temporaries, as they accomplish nothing.
    for (List<Variable> list : Arrays.asList(globalUpdate, globalDerivativeUpdate, globalInit, globalIntegrated, localUpdate, localDerivativeUpdate, localInit, localIntegrated)) {
        boolean allTemporary = true;
        for (Variable v : list) if (!v.hasAttribute("temporary"))
            allTemporary = false;
        if (allTemporary)
    if (dt != null && dt.hasAttribute("constant")) {
        setDt = true;
        // However, if the nearest container that defines $t' matches our value, then don't set $t'.
        if (s.container != null) {
            Variable pdt = s.container.findDt();
            if (pdt != null && pdt.hasAttribute("constant")) {
                double value = dt.equations.first().expression.getDouble();
                double pvalue = pdt.equations.first().expression.getDouble();
                setDt = value != pvalue;
    if (s.connectionBindings != null) {
        for (ConnectionBinding c : s.connectionBindings) {
            Variable v = s.find(new Variable(c.alias + ".$max", -1));
            if (v == null)
                v = s.find(new Variable(c.alias + ".$min", -1));
            if (v != null)
            if (s.find(new Variable(c.alias + ".$project")) != null)
                hasProject = true;
    if (eventTargets.size() > 0) {
        for (EventTarget et : eventTargets) {
            if (et.delay < -1) {
                needLocalEventDelay = true;
    boolean canDie = s.canDie();
    refcount = s.referenced && canDie;
    singleton = s.isSingleton(true);
    // Works correctly even if n is null.
    canResize = globalMembers.contains(n);
    trackInstances = s.connected || s.needInstanceTracking || canResize;
    canGrowOrDie = s.lethalP || s.lethalType || s.canGrow();
    trackN = n != null && !singleton;
    boolean Euler = s.getRoot().metadata.getOrDefault("Euler", "backend", "all", "integrator").equals("Euler");
    if (!canResize && canGrowOrDie && n != null && n.hasUsers()) {
        // This is a flaw in the analysis process that needs to be fixed.
        // See note in InternalBackendData for details.
        Backend.err.get().println("WARNING: $n can change (due to structural dynamics) but it was detected as a constant. Equations that depend on $n may give incorrect results.");
    int flagCount = eventTargets.size();
    if (live != null && !live.hasAny(new String[] { "constant", "accessor" }))
        liveFlag = flagCount++;
    if (trackInstances && s.connected)
        newborn = flagCount++;
    if (flagCount == 0)
        localFlagType = "";
    else if (flagCount <= 8)
        localFlagType = "uint8_t";
    else if (flagCount <= 16)
        localFlagType = "uint16_t";
    else if (flagCount <= 32)
        localFlagType = "uint32_t";
    else if (flagCount <= 64)
        localFlagType = "uint64_t";
    else {
        Backend.err.get().println("ERROR: Too many local flags to fit in basic integer type");
        throw new Backend.AbortRun();
    flagCount = 0;
    if (trackInstances && s.connected)
        clearNew = flagCount++;
    if (flagCount == 0)
        globalFlagType = "";
    else if (flagCount <= 8)
        globalFlagType = "uint8_t";
    else if (flagCount <= 16)
        globalFlagType = "uint16_t";
    else if (flagCount <= 32)
        globalFlagType = "uint32_t";
    else if (flagCount <= 64)
        globalFlagType = "uint64_t";
    else {
        Backend.err.get().println("ERROR: Too many global flags to fit in basic integer type");
        throw new Backend.AbortRun();
    needGlobalDerivative = !Euler && globalDerivative.size() > 0;
    needGlobalIntegrate = globalIntegrated.size() > 0;
    needGlobalPreserve = !Euler && (needGlobalIntegrate || globalDerivativePreserve.size() > 0 || globalBufferedExternalWriteDerivative.size() > 0);
    needGlobalDtor = needGlobalPreserve || needGlobalDerivative;
    needGlobalCtor = needGlobalDtor || (index != null || n != null) && !singleton;
    needGlobalInit = globalMembers.size() > 0 || !globalFlagType.isEmpty() || globalInit.size() > 0 || singleton || n != null || s.connectionBindings != null;
    needGlobalUpdate = globalUpdate.size() > 0;
    needGlobalFinalizeN = s.container == null && (canResize || canGrowOrDie);
    needGlobalFinalize = globalBufferedExternal.size() > 0 || needGlobalFinalizeN || (canResize && (canGrowOrDie || !n.hasAttribute("initOnly")));
    needGlobalUpdateDerivative = !Euler && globalDerivativeUpdate.size() > 0;
    needGlobalFinalizeDerivative = !Euler && globalBufferedExternalDerivative.size() > 0;
    // Created simplified localInit to check if init is needed.
    // This is only temporary, because the proper simplification should only be done after I/O operators have names generated.
    List<Variable> simplifiedLocalInit = new ArrayList<Variable>(localInit);
    s.simplify("$init", simplifiedLocalInit);
    needLocalDerivative = !Euler && localDerivative.size() > 0;
    needLocalIntegrate = localIntegrated.size() > 0;
    needLocalPreserve = !Euler && (needLocalIntegrate || localDerivativePreserve.size() > 0 || localBufferedExternalWriteDerivative.size() > 0);
    needLocalDtor = needLocalPreserve || needLocalDerivative;
    needLocalCtor = needLocalDtor || s.accountableConnections != null || refcount || index != null || localMembers.size() > 0 || > 0;
    needLocalDie = canDie && (liveFlag >= 0 || trackN || accountableEndpoints.size() > 0 || eventTargets.size() > 0);
    needLocalInit = localBufferedExternal.size() > 0 || eventTargets.size() > 0 || !localFlagType.isEmpty() || lastT || simplifiedLocalInit.size() > 0 || trackN || accountableEndpoints.size() > 0 || eventTargets.size() > 0 || > 0;
    needLocalUpdate = localUpdate.size() > 0;
    needLocalFinalize = localBufferedExternal.size() > 0 || type != null || canDie;
    needLocalUpdateDerivative = !Euler && localDerivativeUpdate.size() > 0;
    needLocalFinalizeDerivative = !Euler && localBufferedExternalDerivative.size() > 0;
    // Ensure that functions are emitted to update child populations.
    for (EquationSet p : {
        BackendDataC pbed = (BackendDataC) p.backendData;
        if (pbed.needGlobalInit)
            needLocalInit = true;
        if (pbed.needGlobalIntegrate)
            needLocalIntegrate = true;
        if (pbed.needGlobalUpdate)
            needLocalUpdate = true;
        if (pbed.needGlobalFinalize)
            needLocalFinalize = true;
        if (pbed.needGlobalUpdateDerivative)
            needLocalUpdateDerivative = true;
        if (pbed.needGlobalFinalizeDerivative)
            needLocalFinalizeDerivative = true;
        if (pbed.needGlobalPreserve)
            needLocalPreserve = true;
        if (pbed.needGlobalDerivative)
            needLocalDerivative = true;
Also used : EquationSet(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet) Variable(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.Variable) ConnectionBinding(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Backend(gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.extpoints.Backend) EventTarget(gov.sandia.n2a.backend.internal.InternalBackendData.EventTarget)

Example 18 with ConnectionBinding

use of gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding in project n2a by frothga.

the class JobC method resolveContainer.

 *        Compute a series of pointers to get from current part to r.
 *        Result does not include the variable name itself.
public String resolveContainer(VariableReference r, RendererC context, String base) {
    String containers = base;
    EquationSet current = context.part;
    boolean global =;
    int last = r.resolution.size() - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i <= last; i++) {
        Object o = r.resolution.get(i);
        if (// We are following the containment hierarchy.
        o instanceof EquationSet) {
            EquationSet s = (EquationSet) o;
            if (// descend into one of our contained populations
            s.container == current) {
                if (// descend to the population object
                i == last && r.variable.hasAttribute("global")) {
                    // No need to cast the population instance, because it is explicitly typed
                    containers += mangle( + ".";
                    global = true;
                } else // descend to a singleton instance of the population.
                    BackendDataC bed = (BackendDataC) s.backendData;
                    if (!bed.singleton) {
                        Backend.err.get().println("ERROR: Down-reference to population with more than one instance is ambiguous.");
                        throw new AbortRun();
                    containers += mangle( + ".instance.";
                    global = false;
            } else // ascend to our container
                containers = containerOf(current, i == 0 &&, containers);
                global = false;
            current = s;
        } else if (// We are following a part reference (which means we are a connection)
        o instanceof ConnectionBinding) {
            ConnectionBinding c = (ConnectionBinding) o;
            containers += mangle(c.alias) + "->";
            current = c.endpoint;
            global = false;
    if (r.variable.hasAttribute("global") && !global) {
        // Must ascend to our container and then descend to our population object.
        containers = containerOf(current, false, containers);
        containers += mangle( + ".";
    return containers;
Also used : EquationSet(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet) ConnectionBinding(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding) ExtensionPoint(gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.ExtensionPoint) AbortRun(gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.extpoints.Backend.AbortRun)

Example 19 with ConnectionBinding

use of gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding in project n2a by frothga.

the class JobC method findPathToContainer.

public void findPathToContainer(EquationSet s) {
    for (EquationSet p : {
    if (s.connectionBindings != null) {
        for (ConnectionBinding c : s.connectionBindings) {
            if (c.endpoint.container == s.container) {
                BackendDataC bed = (BackendDataC) s.backendData;
                bed.pathToContainer = c.alias;
Also used : EquationSet(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet) ConnectionBinding(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding)

Example 20 with ConnectionBinding

use of gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding in project n2a by frothga.

the class JobC method assembleInstances.

 *        Generate code to enumerate all instances of a connection endpoint. Handles deep hierarchical
 *        embedding.
 *        <p>A connection resolution can take 3 kinds of step:
 *        <ul>
 *        <li>Up to container
 *        <li>Down to a population
 *        <li>Through another connection
 *        </ul>
 *        @param current EquationSet associated with the context of the current step of resolution.
 *        @param pointer Name of a pointer to the context for the current step of resolution. Can
 *        be a chain of pointers. Can be empty if the code is to be emitted in the current context.
 *        @param depth Position in the resolution array of our next step.
 *        @param prefix Spaces to insert in front of each line to maintain nice indenting.
public void assembleInstances(EquationSet current, String pointer, List<Object> resolution, int depth, String prefix, StringBuilder result) {
    int last = resolution.size() - 1;
    for (int i = depth; i <= last; i++) {
        Object r = resolution.get(i);
        if (r instanceof EquationSet) {
            EquationSet s = (EquationSet) r;
            if (// ascend to parent
            r == current.container) {
                pointer = containerOf(current, i == 0, pointer);
            } else // descend to child
                pointer += mangle( + ".";
                if (// Enumerate the instances of child population.
                i < last) {
                    if (depth == 0) {
                        result.append(prefix + "result->instances = new vector<Part<" + T + "> *>;\n");
                        result.append(prefix + "result->deleteInstances = true;\n");
                    String it = "it" + i;
                    result.append(prefix + "for (auto " + it + " : " + pointer + "instances)\n");
                    result.append(prefix + "{\n");
                    assembleInstances(s, it + "->", resolution, i + 1, prefix + "  ", result);
                    result.append(prefix + "}\n");
            current = s;
        } else if (r instanceof ConnectionBinding) {
            ConnectionBinding c = (ConnectionBinding) r;
            pointer += mangle(c.alias) + "->";
            current = c.endpoint;
    // else something is broken. This case should never occur.
    // "pointer" now references the target population.
    // Collect its instances.
    BackendDataC bed = (BackendDataC) current.backendData;
    if (bed.singleton) {
        result.append(prefix + "bool newborn = " + pointer + "instance.flags & (" + bed.localFlagType + ") 0x1 << " + bed.newborn + ";\n");
        if (depth == 0) {
            result.append(prefix + "result->instances = new vector<Part<" + T + "> *>;\n");
            result.append(prefix + "result->deleteInstances = true;\n");
        result.append(prefix + "if (result->firstborn == INT_MAX  &&  newborn) result->firstborn = result->instances->size ();\n");
        result.append(prefix + "result->instances->push_back (& " + pointer + "instance);\n");
    } else {
        if (// No enumerations occurred during the resolution, so no list was created.
        depth == 0) {
            // Simply reference the existing list of instances.
            result.append(prefix + "result->firstborn = " + pointer + "firstborn;\n");
            result.append(prefix + "result->instances = (vector<Part<" + T + "> *> *) & " + pointer + "instances;\n");
        } else // Enumerations occurred, so we are already accumulating a list.
            // Append instances to accumulating list.
            result.append(prefix + "if (result->firstborn == INT_MAX  &&  " + pointer + "firstborn < " + pointer + "instances.size ()) result->firstborn = result->instances->size () + " + pointer + "firstborn;\n");
            result.append(prefix + "result->instances->insert (result->instances->end (), " + pointer + "instances.begin (), " + pointer + "instances.end ());\n");
    // Schedule the population to have its newborn flags cleared.
    // We assume that any newborn flags along the path to this population are either unimportant
    // or will get cleared elsewhere.
    result.append(prefix + "if (! (" + pointer + "flags & (" + bed.globalFlagType + ") 0x1 << " + bed.clearNew + "))\n");
    result.append(prefix + "{\n");
    result.append(prefix + "  " + pointer + "flags |= (" + bed.globalFlagType + ") 0x1 << " + bed.clearNew + ";\n");
    pointer = stripDereference(pointer);
    if (pointer.isEmpty())
        pointer = "this";
        pointer = "& " + pointer;
    result.append(prefix + "  Simulator<" + T + ">::instance.clearNew (" + pointer + ");\n");
    result.append(prefix + "}\n");
Also used : EquationSet(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet) ConnectionBinding(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding) ExtensionPoint(gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.ExtensionPoint)


ConnectionBinding (gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionBinding)22 EquationSet (gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet)16 Variable (gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.Variable)11 AccessVariable (gov.sandia.n2a.language.AccessVariable)11 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 VariableReference (gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.VariableReference)6 EquationEntry (gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationEntry)5 Operator (gov.sandia.n2a.language.Operator)5 Scalar (gov.sandia.n2a.language.type.Scalar)5 ExtensionPoint (gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.ExtensionPoint)5 EventTarget (gov.sandia.n2a.backend.internal.InternalBackendData.EventTarget)4 EventSource (gov.sandia.n2a.backend.internal.InternalBackendData.EventSource)3 ConnectionMatrix (gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.ConnectionMatrix)3 Conversion (gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet.Conversion)3 Constant (gov.sandia.n2a.language.Constant)3 AbortRun (gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.extpoints.Backend.AbortRun)3 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)3 Output (gov.sandia.n2a.language.function.Output)2 List (java.util.List)2 MNode (gov.sandia.n2a.db.MNode)1