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Example 1 with Remote

use of in project n2a by frothga.

the class NodeJob method monitorProgress.

public synchronized void monitorProgress() {
    if (deleted)
    if (complete >= 1 && complete != 3)
    // Limit monitoring to no more than once per second.
    long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastMonitored;
    long wait = 1000 - elapsed;
    if (wait > 0) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    lastMonitored = System.currentTimeMillis();
    float oldComplete = complete;
    MNode source = getSource();
    Host env = Host.get(source);
    Path localJobDir = Host.getJobDir(Host.getLocalResourceDir(), source);
    // If job is remote, attempt to grab its state files.
    // TODO: handle remote jobs waiting in queue. Plan is to update "started" file with queue status.
    Path finished = localJobDir.resolve("finished");
    if (!Files.exists(finished) && env instanceof Remote) {
        @SuppressWarnings("resource") Remote remote = (Remote) env;
        if (remote.isConnected() || remote.isEnabled()) {
            try {
                Path remoteJobDir = Host.getJobDir(env.getResourceDir(), source);
                Path remoteFinished = remoteJobDir.resolve("finished");
                // throws an exception if the remote file does not exist
                Files.copy(remoteFinished, finished);
            } catch (Exception e) {
    if (complete == -1) {
        Path started = localJobDir.resolve("started");
        if (Files.exists(started)) {
            complete = 0;
            dateStarted = new Date(Host.lastModified(started));
            lastActive = dateStarted.getTime();
    Backend simulator = Backend.getBackend(source.get("backend"));
    if (complete >= 0 && complete < 1) {
        float percentDone = 0;
        if (expectedSimTime == 0)
            expectedSimTime = new UnitValue(source.get("duration")).get();
        if (expectedSimTime > 0)
            percentDone = (float) (simulator.currentSimTime(source) / expectedSimTime);
        if (Files.exists(finished)) {
        } else {
            try {
                long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (simulator.isActive(source)) {
                    lastActive = currentTime;
                } else if (currentTime - lastActive > activeTimeout) {
                    if (percentDone < 1) {
                        // Give it up for dead.
                        Files.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream("dead".getBytes("UTF-8")), finished);
                        complete = 4;
                    } else // Job appears to be actually finished, even though "finished" hasn't been written yet.
                        // Fake the "finished" file. This might be overwritten later by the batch process.
                        // Most likely, it will also report that we succeeded, so presume that things are fine.
                        Files.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream("success".getBytes("UTF-8")), finished);
                        complete = 1;
            } catch (Exception e) {
        if (complete >= 0 && complete < 1)
            complete = Math.min(0.99999f, percentDone);
    if (complete == 3) {
        // Check if process is still lingering
        if (!simulator.isActive(source))
            complete = 4;
    PanelRun panelRun = PanelRun.instance;
    PanelStudy panelStudy = PanelStudy.instance;
    // Probably running headless, so skip all UI updates.
    if (panelRun == null)
    if (complete != oldComplete) {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                if (panelRun.displayNode == NodeJob.this) {
                    panelRun.buttonStop.setEnabled(complete < 1 || complete == 3);
                } else if (panelRun.displayNode instanceof NodeFile && panelRun.displayNode.getParent() == NodeJob.this) {
                    panelRun.buttonStop.setEnabled(complete < 1 || complete == 3);
                    // Update the display every 5 seconds during the run.
                    // Some displays, such as a chart, could take longer than 5s to construct, so don't interrupt those.
                    // Always update the display when a run finishes.
                    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (complete >= 1 && complete != 3 || panelRun.displayThread == null && currentTime - lastDisplay > 5000) {
                        lastDisplay = currentTime;
                // panelStudy could be null for a brief moment during startup
                if (panelStudy != null)
    if (!panelRun.tree.isCollapsed(new TreePath(getPath())))
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath) Remote( UnitValue(gov.sandia.n2a.language.UnitValue) Host( MNode(gov.sandia.n2a.db.MNode) IOException( Date(java.util.Date) PanelStudy(gov.sandia.n2a.ui.studies.PanelStudy) Backend(gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.extpoints.Backend) TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath) ByteArrayInputStream(

Example 2 with Remote

use of in project n2a by frothga.

the class Main method runHeadless.

 *        Assumes this app was started solely for the purpose of running one specific job.
 *        This job operates outside the normal job management. The user is responsible
 *        for everything, including load balancing, directory and file management.
 *        Jobs can run remotely, but there is no support for retrieving results.
public static void runHeadless(MNode record) {
    // See PanelEquations.launchJob()
    // Use current working directory, on assumption that's what the caller wants.
    Path jobDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir")).toAbsolutePath();
    // This allows a remote job to run in the regular jobs directory there.
    String jobKey = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss", Locale.ROOT).format(new Date());
    // Make this appear as if it is from the jobs collection.
    MDoc job = new MDoc(jobDir.resolve("job"), jobKey);
    String key = record.key();
    MNode doc = AppData.models.childOrEmpty(key);
    // TODO: the only reason to collate here is to ensure that host and backend are correctly identified if they are inherited. Need a more efficient method, such as lazy collation in MPart.
    MPart collated = new MPart(record);
    NodeJob.collectJobParameters(collated, key, job);
    NodeJob.saveSnapshot(record, job);
    // Handle remote host
    // If a remote host is used, it must be specified exactly, rather than a list of possibilities.
    Host host = Host.get(job);
    if (// Need to note the key so user can easily find the remote job directory.
    host instanceof Remote) {
        job.set(jobKey, "remoteKey");;
    // Start the job.
    Backend backend = Backend.getBackend(job.get("backend"));
    // Wait for completion
    NodeJob node = new NodeJobHeadless(job);
    while (node.complete < 1) node.monitorProgress();
    // Convert to CSV, if requested.
    if (record.getFlag("$metadata", "csv")) {
        Table table = new Table(jobDir.resolve("out"), false);
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
    // Extract results requested in ASV
    MNode ASV = record.child("$metadata", "dakota", "ASV");
    // nothing more to do
    if (ASV == null)
    OutputParser output = new OutputParser();
    try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(jobDir.resolve("results"))) {
        for (MNode o : ASV) {
            String name = o.get();
            Column c = output.getColumn(name);
            float value = 0;
            if (c != null && !c.values.isEmpty())
                value = c.values.get(c.values.size() - 1);
            writer.write(value + " " + name);
    } catch (IOException e) {
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) MPart(gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.MPart) Table( Remote( Host( IOException( MNode(gov.sandia.n2a.db.MNode) Date(java.util.Date) MDoc(gov.sandia.n2a.db.MDoc) BufferedWriter( Backend(gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.extpoints.Backend) Column( NodeJob( OutputParser( SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 3 with Remote

use of in project n2a by frothga.

the class PanelEquations method launchJob.

public void launchJob() {
    if (record == null)
    String jobKey = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss", Locale.ROOT).format(new Date());
    MDoc job = (MDoc) AppData.runs.childOrCreate(jobKey);
    NodeJob.collectJobParameters(root.source, record.key(), job);
    // Force directory (and job file) to exist, so Backends can work with the dir.;
    NodeJob.saveSnapshot(record, job);
    MainTabbedPane mtp = (MainTabbedPane) MainFrame.instance.tabs;
    mtp.setPreferredFocus(PanelRun.instance, PanelRun.instance.tree);
    NodeJob node = PanelRun.instance.addNewRun(job, true);
    // Hack to allow local jobs to bypass the wait-for-host queue.
    // It would be better for all jobs to check for resources before starting.
    // However, the time cost for the local check could be as long as the job itself
    // (for very simple models). There is some expectation that the user knows
    // the state of their own system when they choose to hit the play button.
    Backend backend = Backend.getBackend(job.get("backend"));
    String backendName = backend.getName().toLowerCase();
    Host h = Host.get(job);
    boolean internal = backend instanceof InternalBackend;
    boolean localhost = !(h instanceof Remote);
    boolean forbidden = h.config.get("backend", backendName).equals("0");
    if (// use of Internal overrides host selection
    internal || (localhost && !forbidden)) {
        // In case it was "internal" but not "localhost", set host to correct value.
        job.set("localhost", "host");
Also used : Backend(gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.extpoints.Backend) InternalBackend(gov.sandia.n2a.backend.internal.InternalBackend) MainTabbedPane(gov.sandia.n2a.ui.MainTabbedPane) Remote( Host( NodeJob( InternalBackend(gov.sandia.n2a.backend.internal.InternalBackend) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) Date(java.util.Date) MDoc(gov.sandia.n2a.db.MDoc)

Example 4 with Remote

use of in project n2a by frothga.

the class NodeJob method build.

 *        Construct the list of resources under this job node.
 *        This only called if this job node is actively monitored and open in the tree,
 *        or if this job node is about to be opened regardless of monitoring.
 *        This function may make blocking remote calls, so should not run on the EDT.
 *        It queues changes and inserts an EDT event to apply them.
public synchronized void build(JTree tree) {
    NodeBase selected = null;
    TreePath path = tree.getLeadSelectionPath();
    if (path != null)
        selected = (NodeBase) path.getLastPathComponent();
    TreeMap<String, NodeFile> existing = new TreeMap<String, NodeFile>();
    if (children != null) {
        for (Object c : children) {
            NodeFile nf = (NodeFile) c;
            nf.found = false;
            existing.put(nf.path.getFileName().toString(), nf);
    // Scan local job dir
    boolean changed = false;
    MNode source = getSource();
    Path localJobDir = Host.getJobDir(Host.getLocalResourceDir(), source);
    try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(localJobDir)) {
        for (Path file : dirStream) if (buildChild(file, existing))
            changed = true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // Update display immediately, before waiting on remote.
    if (changed)
        applyChanges(tree, selected, existing);
    changed = false;
    // Scan remote job dir. Because this is done second, remote files take lower precedence than local files.
    Host env = Host.get(source);
    if (env instanceof Remote) {
        try {
            // To get here, the use had to expand the node. This implies permission to prompt for login.
            ((Remote) env).enable();
            Path remoteJobDir = Host.getJobDir(env.getResourceDir(), source);
            try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(remoteJobDir)) {
                for (Path file : dirStream) if (buildChild(file, existing))
                    changed = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
    List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(existing.keySet());
    for (String key : keys) {
        NodeFile nf = existing.get(key);
        if (!nf.found) {
            changed = true;
    if (changed)
        applyChanges(tree, selected, existing);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Remote( Host( IOException( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) MNode(gov.sandia.n2a.db.MNode) IOException( TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath)

Example 5 with Remote

use of in project n2a by frothga.

the class SettingsHost method getPanel.

public Component getPanel() {
    if (scrollPane != null)
        return scrollPane;
    JPanel view = new JPanel();
    scrollPane = new JScrollPane(view);
    // About one line of text. Typically, one "click" of the wheel does 3 steps, so about 45px or 3 lines of text.
    for (Host h : Host.getHosts()) if (h instanceof Remote)
    list.setToolTipText("Press Insert to create host. Press Delete to remove host.");
    InputMap inputMap = list.getInputMap();
    inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("INSERT"), "add");
    inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl shift EQUALS"), "add");
    inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("DELETE"), "delete");
    inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("BACK_SPACE"), "delete");
    ActionMap actionMap = list.getActionMap();
    actionMap.put("add", new AbstractAction() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            // Create new record
            String hostname = Host.uniqueName();
            // Get default class. The user can change it later.
            Host h = Host.create(hostname, "");
            // Focus record in UI
            int index = list.getSelectedIndex();
            if (index < 0)
                index = model.getSize();
            model.add(index, h);
            // Assumption: this triggers a selection change event, which will in turn call displayRecord().
    actionMap.put("delete", new AbstractAction() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            // Remove current record
            int index = list.getSelectedIndex();
            Host h = list.getSelectedValue();
            if (h == null)
            Host.remove(h, true);
            // Focus another record, or clear UI
            index = Math.min(index, model.size() - 1);
            // triggers selection change event, resulting in call to displayRecord()
            if (index >= 0)
    list.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {

        public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
            if (e.getValueIsAdjusting())
    fieldName = new MTextField(null, "", "", 20, true);
    fieldName.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {

        public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
            Host h = list.getSelectedValue();
            String newName = fieldName.getText();
            Host.rename(h, newName);
            if (editor instanceof NameChangeListener)
                ((NameChangeListener) editor).nameChanged(;
    for (ExtensionPoint ext : PluginManager.getExtensionsForPoint(Factory.class)) {
        Factory f = (Factory) ext;
        if (f instanceof FactoryRemote)
    comboClass.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            String newClass = comboClass.getSelectedItem().toString();
            // Change the class. This requires destroying the current instance and constructing
            // a new one that is bound to the same record.
            int index = list.getSelectedIndex();
            Host h = list.getSelectedValue();
            if (h == null)
            String originalClass = h.getClassName();
            if (newClass.equals(originalClass))
            Host.remove(h, false);
            Host h2 = Host.create(, newClass);
            model.set(index, h2);
    editorHolder.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    JPanel panelList = Lay.BL("C", list, "pref=[100,200]");
    panelList = (JPanel) Lay.eb(Lay.BL("C", panelList), "5");
    Lay.BLtg(view, "N", Lay.BL("W", Lay.BxL("H", Lay.BL("N", panelList), Box.createHorizontalStrut(5), Lay.BL("N", Lay.BxL(Lay.FL("Name"), fieldName), Lay.FL("Class"), comboClass), editorHolder)))));
    if (list.getModel().getSize() > 0)
    return scrollPane;
Also used : JScrollPane(javax.swing.JScrollPane) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) ActionMap(javax.swing.ActionMap) ActionEvent(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) ExtensionPoint(gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.ExtensionPoint) ListSelectionEvent(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent) Remote( FactoryRemote( Factory( Host( MTextField(gov.sandia.n2a.ui.MTextField) ListSelectionListener(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener) ChangeEvent(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent) ActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) BorderLayout(java.awt.BorderLayout) InputMap(javax.swing.InputMap) ChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener) AbstractAction(javax.swing.AbstractAction) FactoryRemote(


Remote ( Host ( MNode (gov.sandia.n2a.db.MNode)4 IOException ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)4 Backend (gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.extpoints.Backend)3 Date (java.util.Date)3 MDoc (gov.sandia.n2a.db.MDoc)2 NodeJob ( ByteArrayInputStream ( SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 TreePath (javax.swing.tree.TreePath)2 InternalBackend (gov.sandia.n2a.backend.internal.InternalBackend)1 EquationSet (gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.EquationSet)1 MPart (gov.sandia.n2a.eqset.MPart)1 Factory ( FactoryRemote ( UnitValue (gov.sandia.n2a.language.UnitValue)1 ExtensionPoint (gov.sandia.n2a.plugins.ExtensionPoint)1