use of gov.sandia.n2a.language.type.Matrix in project n2a by frothga.
the class Uniform method eval.
public Type eval(Instance context) throws EvaluationException {
Random random;
Simulator simulator = Simulator.instance.get();
if (simulator == null)
random = new Random();
random = simulator.random;
if (operands.length == 0)
return new Scalar(random.nextDouble());
Type sigma = operands[0].eval(context);
if (sigma instanceof Scalar) {
double u = random.nextDouble();
double lo = ((Scalar) sigma).value;
// Check if this is actually an interval form.
if (operands.length > 1) {
double hi = ((Scalar) operands[1].eval(context)).value;
double step = 1;
if (operands.length > 2)
step = ((Scalar) operands[2].eval(context)).value;
int steps = (int) Math.floor((hi - lo) / step) + 1;
return new Scalar(lo + step * Math.floor(u * steps));
// Non-interval form. "lo" is really just "sigma"
return new Scalar(u * lo);
} else if (sigma instanceof Matrix) {
Matrix scale = (Matrix) sigma;
int rows = scale.rows();
int columns = scale.columns();
if (columns == 1) {
Matrix result = new MatrixDense(rows, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) result.set(i, random.nextDouble() * scale.get(i, 0));
return result;
} else if (rows == 1) {
Matrix result = new MatrixDense(columns, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) result.set(i, random.nextDouble() * scale.get(0, i));
return result;
} else {
Matrix temp = new MatrixDense(columns, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) temp.set(i, random.nextDouble());
return sigma.multiply(temp);
} else {
// We could throw an exception, but this is an adequate fallback.
return new Scalar(random.nextDouble());
use of gov.sandia.n2a.language.type.Matrix in project n2a by frothga.
the class MatrixDense method min.
public MatrixDense min(Type that) throws EvaluationException {
if (that instanceof MatrixDense) {
MatrixDense B = (MatrixDense) that;
int oh = Math.min(rows, B.rows);
int ow = Math.min(columns, B.columns);
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(rows, columns);
int stepA = strideC - rows * strideR;
int stepB = B.strideC - oh * B.strideR;
int a = offset;
int b = B.offset;
int r = 0;
int end = rows * ow;
while (r < end) {
int overlapEnd = r + oh;
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < overlapEnd) {[r++] = Math.min(data[a],[b]);
a += strideR;
b += B.strideR;
while (r < columnEnd) {[r++] = Math.min(data[a], 0);
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
b += stepB;
end = rows * columns;
while (r < end) {
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < columnEnd) {[r++] = Math.min(data[a], 0);
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
return result;
if (that instanceof Matrix) {
Matrix B = (Matrix) that;
int oh = Math.min(rows, B.rows());
int ow = Math.min(columns, B.columns());
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(rows, columns);
int stepA = strideC - rows * strideR;
int a = offset;
int r = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < ow; col++) {
int row = 0;
for (; row < oh; row++) {[r++] = Math.min(data[a], B.get(row, col));
a += strideR;
for (; row < rows; row++) {[r++] = Math.min(data[a], 0);
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
for (int col = ow; col < columns; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {[r++] = Math.min(data[a], 0);
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
return result;
if (that instanceof Scalar) {
double scalar = ((Scalar) that).value;
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(rows, columns);
int step = strideC - rows * strideR;
int i = offset;
int r = 0;
int end = rows * columns;
while (r < end) {
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < columnEnd) {[r++] = Math.min(data[i], scalar);
i += strideR;
i += step;
return result;
throw new EvaluationException("type mismatch");
use of gov.sandia.n2a.language.type.Matrix in project n2a by frothga.
the class MatrixDense method multiplyElementwise.
public MatrixDense multiplyElementwise(Type that) throws EvaluationException {
if (that instanceof MatrixDense) {
MatrixDense B = (MatrixDense) that;
int oh = Math.min(rows, B.rows);
int ow = Math.min(columns, B.columns);
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(rows, columns);
int stepA = strideC - rows * strideR;
int stepB = B.strideC - oh * B.strideR;
int a = offset;
int b = B.offset;
int r = 0;
int end = rows * ow;
while (r < end) {
int overlapEnd = r + oh;
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < overlapEnd) {[r++] = data[a] *[b];
a += strideR;
b += B.strideR;
while (r < columnEnd) {[r++] = data[a];
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
b += stepB;
end = rows * columns;
while (r < end) {
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < columnEnd) {[r++] = data[a];
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
return result;
if (that instanceof Matrix) {
Matrix B = (Matrix) that;
int oh = Math.min(rows, B.rows());
int ow = Math.min(columns, B.columns());
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(rows, columns);
int stepA = strideC - rows * strideR;
int a = offset;
int r = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < ow; col++) {
int row = 0;
for (; row < oh; row++) {[r++] = data[a] * B.get(row, col);
a += strideR;
for (; row < rows; row++) {[r++] = data[a];
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
for (int col = ow; col < columns; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {[r++] = data[a];
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
return result;
if (that instanceof Scalar) {
double scalar = ((Scalar) that).value;
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(rows, columns);
int step = strideC - rows * strideR;
int i = offset;
int r = 0;
int end = rows * columns;
while (r < end) {
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < columnEnd) {[r++] = data[i] * scalar;
i += strideR;
i += step;
return result;
throw new EvaluationException("type mismatch");
use of gov.sandia.n2a.language.type.Matrix in project n2a by frothga.
the class MatrixDense method max.
public MatrixDense max(Type that) throws EvaluationException {
if (that instanceof MatrixDense) {
MatrixDense B = (MatrixDense) that;
int oh = Math.min(rows, B.rows);
int ow = Math.min(columns, B.columns);
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(rows, columns);
int stepA = strideC - rows * strideR;
int stepB = B.strideC - oh * B.strideR;
int a = offset;
int b = B.offset;
int r = 0;
int end = rows * ow;
while (r < end) {
int overlapEnd = r + oh;
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < overlapEnd) {[r++] = Math.max(data[a],[b]);
a += strideR;
b += B.strideR;
while (r < columnEnd) {[r++] = Math.max(data[a], 0);
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
b += stepB;
end = rows * columns;
while (r < end) {
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < columnEnd) {[r++] = Math.max(data[a], 0);
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
return result;
if (that instanceof Matrix) {
Matrix B = (Matrix) that;
int oh = Math.min(rows, B.rows());
int ow = Math.min(columns, B.columns());
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(rows, columns);
int stepA = strideC - rows * strideR;
int a = offset;
int r = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < ow; col++) {
int row = 0;
for (; row < oh; row++) {[r++] = Math.max(data[a], B.get(row, col));
a += strideR;
for (; row < rows; row++) {[r++] = Math.max(data[a], 0);
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
for (int col = ow; col < columns; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {[r++] = Math.max(data[a], 0);
a += strideR;
a += stepA;
return result;
if (that instanceof Scalar) {
double scalar = ((Scalar) that).value;
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(rows, columns);
int step = strideC - rows * strideR;
int i = offset;
int r = 0;
int end = rows * columns;
while (r < end) {
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < columnEnd) {[r++] = Math.max(data[i], scalar);
i += strideR;
i += step;
return result;
throw new EvaluationException("type mismatch");
use of gov.sandia.n2a.language.type.Matrix in project n2a by frothga.
the class MatrixDense method multiply.
public MatrixDense multiply(Type that) throws EvaluationException {
if (that instanceof MatrixDense) {
MatrixDense B = (MatrixDense) that;
int h = rows;
int w = B.columns;
int m = Math.min(columns, B.rows);
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(h, w);
int b = B.offset;
int r = 0;
int end = rows * B.columns;
while (r < end) {
int a = offset;
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < columnEnd) {
double sum = 0;
int i = a;
int j = b;
int rowEnd = j + m * B.strideR;
while (j != rowEnd) {
sum += data[i] *[j];
i += strideC;
j += B.strideR;
}[r++] = sum;
a += strideR;
b += B.strideC;
return result;
if (that instanceof Matrix) {
Matrix B = (Matrix) that;
int h = rows;
int w = B.columns();
int m = Math.min(columns, B.rows());
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(h, w);
int r = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < w; col++) {
int a = offset;
for (int row = 0; row < h; row++) {
double sum = 0;
int i = a;
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
sum += data[i] * B.get(j, col);
i += strideC;
}[r++] = sum;
a += strideR;
return result;
if (that instanceof Scalar) {
double scalar = ((Scalar) that).value;
MatrixDense result = new MatrixDense(rows, columns);
int step = strideC - rows * strideR;
int i = offset;
int r = 0;
int end = rows * columns;
while (r < end) {
int columnEnd = r + rows;
while (r < columnEnd) {[r++] = data[i] * scalar;
i += strideR;
i += step;
return result;
throw new EvaluationException("type mismatch");