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Example 11 with GraphQLType

use of graphql.schema.GraphQLType in project graphql-java by graphql-java.

the class NoUnbrokenInputCycles method check.

private void check(GraphQLInputObjectType type, Set<GraphQLType> seen, List<String> path, SchemaValidationErrorCollector validationErrorCollector) {
    if (seen.contains(type)) {
        validationErrorCollector.addError(new SchemaValidationError(SchemaValidationErrorType.UnbrokenInputCycle, getErrorMessage(path)));
    for (GraphQLInputObjectField field : type.getFieldDefinitions()) {
        if (field.getType() instanceof GraphQLNonNull) {
            GraphQLType unwrapped = unwrapNonNull((GraphQLNonNull) field.getType());
            if (unwrapped instanceof GraphQLInputObjectType) {
                path = new ArrayList<>(path);
                path.add(field.getName() + "!");
                check((GraphQLInputObjectType) unwrapped, new HashSet<>(seen), path, validationErrorCollector);
Also used : GraphQLInputObjectField(graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField) GraphQLInputObjectType(graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType) GraphQLNonNull(graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull) GraphQLType(graphql.schema.GraphQLType)

Example 12 with GraphQLType

use of graphql.schema.GraphQLType in project graphql-java by graphql-java.

the class ValuesResolver method coerceArgumentValues.

 * The says :
 * <pre>
 * 1. Let coercedValues be an empty unordered Map.
 * 2. Let variableDefinitions be the variables defined by operation.
 * 3. For each variableDefinition in variableDefinitions:
 *      a. Let variableName be the name of variableDefinition.
 *      b. Let variableType be the expected type of variableDefinition.
 *      c. Let defaultValue be the default value for variableDefinition.
 *      d. Let value be the value provided in variableValues for the name variableName.
 *      e. If value does not exist (was not provided in variableValues):
 *          i. If defaultValue exists (including null):
 *              1. Add an entry to coercedValues named variableName with the value defaultValue.
 *          ii. Otherwise if variableType is a Non‐Nullable type, throw a query error.
 *          iii. Otherwise, continue to the next variable definition.
 *      f. Otherwise, if value cannot be coerced according to the input coercion rules of variableType, throw a query error.
 *      g. Let coercedValue be the result of coercing value according to the input coercion rules of variableType.
 *      h. Add an entry to coercedValues named variableName with the value coercedValue.
 * 4. Return coercedValues.
 * </pre>
 * @param schema              the schema
 * @param variableDefinitions the variable definitions
 * @param variableValues      the supplied variables
 * @return coerced variable values as a map
public Map<String, Object> coerceArgumentValues(GraphQLSchema schema, List<VariableDefinition> variableDefinitions, Map<String, Object> variableValues) {
    GraphqlFieldVisibility fieldVisibility = schema.getFieldVisibility();
    Map<String, Object> coercedValues = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (VariableDefinition variableDefinition : variableDefinitions) {
        String variableName = variableDefinition.getName();
        GraphQLType variableType = TypeFromAST.getTypeFromAST(schema, variableDefinition.getType());
        // 3.e
        if (!variableValues.containsKey(variableName)) {
            Value defaultValue = variableDefinition.getDefaultValue();
            if (defaultValue != null) {
                // 3.e.i
                Object coercedValue = coerceValueAst(fieldVisibility, variableType, variableDefinition.getDefaultValue(), null);
                coercedValues.put(variableName, coercedValue);
            } else if (isNonNullType(variableType)) {
                // 3.e.ii
                throw new NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(variableDefinition, variableType);
        } else {
            Object value = variableValues.get(variableName);
            // 3.f
            Object coercedValue = getVariableValue(fieldVisibility, variableDefinition, variableType, value);
            // 3.g
            coercedValues.put(variableName, coercedValue);
    return coercedValues;
Also used : GraphqlFieldVisibility(graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility) VariableDefinition(graphql.language.VariableDefinition) GraphQLType(graphql.schema.GraphQLType) NullValue(graphql.language.NullValue) ObjectValue(graphql.language.ObjectValue) Value(graphql.language.Value) ArrayValue(graphql.language.ArrayValue) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)

Example 13 with GraphQLType

use of graphql.schema.GraphQLType in project graphql-java by graphql-java.

the class BatchedExecutionStrategy method completeValues.

private List<ExecutionNode> completeValues(ExecutionContext executionContext, FetchedValues fetchedValues, ExecutionTypeInfo typeInfo, String fieldName, List<Field> fields, Map<String, Object> argumentValues) {
    handleNonNullType(executionContext, fetchedValues);
    GraphQLType unwrappedFieldType = typeInfo.getType();
    if (isPrimitive(unwrappedFieldType)) {
        handlePrimitives(fetchedValues, fieldName, unwrappedFieldType);
        return Collections.emptyList();
    } else if (isObject(unwrappedFieldType)) {
        return handleObject(executionContext, argumentValues, fetchedValues, fieldName, fields, typeInfo);
    } else if (isList(unwrappedFieldType)) {
        return handleList(executionContext, argumentValues, fetchedValues, fieldName, fields, typeInfo);
    } else {
        return Assert.assertShouldNeverHappen("can't handle type: %s", unwrappedFieldType);
Also used : GraphQLType(graphql.schema.GraphQLType)

Example 14 with GraphQLType

use of graphql.schema.GraphQLType in project structr by structr.

the class SchemaService method reloadSchema.

public static boolean reloadSchema(final ErrorBuffer errorBuffer, final String initiatedBySessionId) {
    final ConfigurationProvider config = StructrApp.getConfiguration();
    final App app = StructrApp.getInstance();
    boolean success = true;
    // compiling must only be done once
    if (compiling.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
        try {
            final Map<String, Map<String, PropertyKey>> removedClasses = new HashMap<>(config.getTypeAndPropertyMapping());
            final Map<String, GraphQLType> graphQLTypes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            final NodeExtender nodeExtender = new NodeExtender(initiatedBySessionId);
            final Set<String> dynamicViews = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                // collect auto-generated schema nodes
                // add schema nodes from database
                for (final SchemaNode schemaInfo : app.nodeQuery(SchemaNode.class).getAsList()) {
                    final String sourceCode = SchemaHelper.getSource(schemaInfo, errorBuffer);
                    if (sourceCode != null) {
                        final String className = schemaInfo.getClassName();
                        // only load dynamic node if there were no errors while generating
                        // the source code (missing modules etc.)
                        nodeExtender.addClass(className, sourceCode);
                        // initialize GraphQL engine as well
                // collect relationship classes
                for (final SchemaRelationshipNode schemaRelationship : app.nodeQuery(SchemaRelationshipNode.class).getAsList()) {
                    nodeExtender.addClass(schemaRelationship.getClassName(), schemaRelationship.getSource(errorBuffer));
                    // initialize GraphQL engine as well
                // this is a very critical section :)
                synchronized (SchemaService.class) {
                    // clear propagating relationship cache
                    // compile all classes at once and register
                    final Map<String, Class> newTypes = nodeExtender.compile(errorBuffer);
                    for (final Class newType : newTypes.values()) {
                        // instantiate classes to execute static initializer of helpers
                        try {
                            // do full reload
                        } catch (Throwable ignore) {
                    // calculate difference between previous and new classes
                // create properties and views etc.
                for (final SchemaNode schemaNode : app.nodeQuery(SchemaNode.class).getAsList()) {
                success = !errorBuffer.hasError();
                if (success) {
                    // prevent inheritance map from leaking
                    // clear relationship instance cache
                    // clear permission cache
                    // inject views in configuration provider
                    if (Services.calculateHierarchy() || !Services.isTesting()) {
                    if (Services.updateIndexConfiguration() || !Services.isTesting()) {
                    final GraphQLObjectType.Builder queryTypeBuilder = GraphQLObjectType.newObject();
                    // register types in "Query" type
                    for (final Entry<String, GraphQLType> entry : graphQLTypes.entrySet()) {
                        final String className = entry.getKey();
                        final GraphQLType type = entry.getValue();
                        // register type in query type
                        queryTypeBuilder.field(GraphQLFieldDefinition.newFieldDefinition().name(className).type(new GraphQLList(type)).argument(GraphQLArgument.newArgument().name("id").type(Scalars.GraphQLString).build()).argument(GraphQLArgument.newArgument().name("type").type(Scalars.GraphQLString).build()).argument(GraphQLArgument.newArgument().name("name").type(Scalars.GraphQLString).build()).argument(GraphQLArgument.newArgument().name("_page").type(Scalars.GraphQLInt).build()).argument(GraphQLArgument.newArgument().name("_pageSize").type(Scalars.GraphQLInt).build()).argument(GraphQLArgument.newArgument().name("_sort").type(Scalars.GraphQLString).build()).argument(GraphQLArgument.newArgument().name("_desc").type(Scalars.GraphQLBoolean).build()));
                    // exchange graphQL schema after successful build
                    synchronized (SchemaService.class) {
                        graphQLSchema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema().query("Query").build()).build(new LinkedHashSet<>(graphQLTypes.values()));
            } catch (FrameworkException fex) {
                logger.error("Unable to compile dynamic schema: {}", fex.getMessage());
                success = false;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                logger.error("Unable to compile dynamic schema: {}", t.getMessage());
                success = false;
            if (!success) {
                if (Settings.SchemAutoMigration.getValue()) {
                    // handle migration in separate transaction
                    try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                        // try to handle certain errors automatically
                    } catch (FrameworkException fex) {
                } else {
                    logger.error("Unable to compile dynamic schema, and automatic migration is not enabled. Please set application.schema.automigration = true in structr.conf to enable modification of existing schema classes.");
        } finally {
            // compiling done
    return success;
Also used : StructrApp( App( LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) NodeExtender(org.structr.schema.compiler.NodeExtender) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) GraphQLType(graphql.schema.GraphQLType) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) SchemaRelationshipNode(org.structr.core.entity.SchemaRelationshipNode) GraphQLList(graphql.schema.GraphQLList) Tx(org.structr.core.graph.Tx) FrameworkException(org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException) SchemaNode(org.structr.core.entity.SchemaNode) GraphQLObjectType(graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 15 with GraphQLType

use of graphql.schema.GraphQLType in project graphql-java by graphql-java.

the class ExecutionStrategy method completeValue.

 * Called to complete a value for a field based on the type of the field.
 * <p>
 * If the field is a scalar type, then it will be coerced  and returned.  However if the field type is an complex object type, then
 * the execution strategy will be called recursively again to execute the fields of that type before returning.
 * <p>
 * Graphql fragments mean that for any give logical field can have one or more {@link Field} values associated with it
 * in the query, hence the fieldList.  However the first entry is representative of the field for most purposes.
 * @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
 * @param parameters       contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
 * @return an {@link ExecutionResult}
 * @throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException if a non null field resolves to a null value
protected CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult> completeValue(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters) throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException {
    ExecutionTypeInfo typeInfo = parameters.getTypeInfo();
    Object result = unboxPossibleOptional(parameters.getSource());
    GraphQLType fieldType = typeInfo.getType();
    if (result == null) {
        return completeValueForNull(parameters);
    } else if (fieldType instanceof GraphQLList) {
        return completeValueForList(executionContext, parameters, result);
    } else if (fieldType instanceof GraphQLScalarType) {
        return completeValueForScalar(executionContext, parameters, (GraphQLScalarType) fieldType, result);
    } else if (fieldType instanceof GraphQLEnumType) {
        return completeValueForEnum(executionContext, parameters, (GraphQLEnumType) fieldType, result);
    // when we are here, we have a complex type: Interface, Union or Object
    // and we must go deeper
    GraphQLObjectType resolvedObjectType = resolveType(executionContext, parameters, fieldType);
    return completeValueForObject(executionContext, parameters, resolvedObjectType, result);
Also used : GraphQLList(graphql.schema.GraphQLList) GraphQLEnumType(graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType) GraphQLType(graphql.schema.GraphQLType) GraphQLObjectType(graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType) GraphQLScalarType(graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType)


GraphQLType (graphql.schema.GraphQLType)24 GraphQLList (graphql.schema.GraphQLList)6 GraphQLNonNull (graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull)5 GraphQLObjectType (graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType)5 GraphQLInputObjectType (graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType)4 GraphQLInputType (graphql.schema.GraphQLInputType)4 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)4 TypeName (graphql.language.TypeName)3 GraphQLEnumType (graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType)3 GraphQLInputObjectField (graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField)3 GraphQLScalarType (graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType)3 GraphqlFieldVisibility (graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Stack (java.util.Stack)3 PublicApi (graphql.PublicApi)2 ArrayValue (graphql.language.ArrayValue)2 InputObjectTypeDefinition (graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition)2 Value (graphql.language.Value)2 GraphQLCompositeType (graphql.schema.GraphQLCompositeType)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2