use of graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility in project graphql-java by graphql-java.
the class ExecutionExamples method blockedFields.
private void blockedFields() {
GraphqlFieldVisibility blockedFields = BlockedFields.newBlock().addPattern("").addPattern("Droid.appearsIn").addPattern(// it uses regular expressions
GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema().query(StarWarsSchema.queryType).fieldVisibility(blockedFields).build();
use of graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility in project graphql-java by graphql-java.
the class SchemaPrinter method print.
* This can print an in memory GraphQL schema back to a logical schema definition
* @param schema the schema in play
* @return the logical schema definition
public String print(GraphQLSchema schema) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw);
GraphqlFieldVisibility visibility = schema.getFieldVisibility();
printer(schema.getClass()).print(out, schema, visibility);
List<GraphQLType> typesAsList = schema.getAllTypesAsList().stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(GraphQLType::getName)).collect(toList());
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLInterfaceType.class, visibility);
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLUnionType.class, visibility);
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLObjectType.class, visibility);
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLEnumType.class, visibility);
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLScalarType.class, visibility);
printType(out, typesAsList, GraphQLInputObjectType.class, visibility);
String result = sw.toString();
if (result.endsWith("\n\n")) {
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
return result;
use of graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility in project graphql-java by graphql-java.
the class ValuesResolver method coerceArgumentValues.
* The says :
* <pre>
* 1. Let coercedValues be an empty unordered Map.
* 2. Let variableDefinitions be the variables defined by operation.
* 3. For each variableDefinition in variableDefinitions:
* a. Let variableName be the name of variableDefinition.
* b. Let variableType be the expected type of variableDefinition.
* c. Let defaultValue be the default value for variableDefinition.
* d. Let value be the value provided in variableValues for the name variableName.
* e. If value does not exist (was not provided in variableValues):
* i. If defaultValue exists (including null):
* 1. Add an entry to coercedValues named variableName with the value defaultValue.
* ii. Otherwise if variableType is a Non‐Nullable type, throw a query error.
* iii. Otherwise, continue to the next variable definition.
* f. Otherwise, if value cannot be coerced according to the input coercion rules of variableType, throw a query error.
* g. Let coercedValue be the result of coercing value according to the input coercion rules of variableType.
* h. Add an entry to coercedValues named variableName with the value coercedValue.
* 4. Return coercedValues.
* </pre>
* @param schema the schema
* @param variableDefinitions the variable definitions
* @param variableValues the supplied variables
* @return coerced variable values as a map
public Map<String, Object> coerceArgumentValues(GraphQLSchema schema, List<VariableDefinition> variableDefinitions, Map<String, Object> variableValues) {
GraphqlFieldVisibility fieldVisibility = schema.getFieldVisibility();
Map<String, Object> coercedValues = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (VariableDefinition variableDefinition : variableDefinitions) {
String variableName = variableDefinition.getName();
GraphQLType variableType = TypeFromAST.getTypeFromAST(schema, variableDefinition.getType());
// 3.e
if (!variableValues.containsKey(variableName)) {
Value defaultValue = variableDefinition.getDefaultValue();
if (defaultValue != null) {
// 3.e.i
Object coercedValue = coerceValueAst(fieldVisibility, variableType, variableDefinition.getDefaultValue(), null);
coercedValues.put(variableName, coercedValue);
} else if (isNonNullType(variableType)) {
// 3.e.ii
throw new NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(variableDefinition, variableType);
} else {
Object value = variableValues.get(variableName);
// 3.f
Object coercedValue = getVariableValue(fieldVisibility, variableDefinition, variableType, value);
// 3.g
coercedValues.put(variableName, coercedValue);
return coercedValues;
use of graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility in project graphql-java by graphql-java.
the class BatchedExecutionStrategy method resolveField.
private CompletableFuture<List<ExecutionNode>> resolveField(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, String fieldName, ExecutionNode node) {
GraphQLObjectType parentType = node.getType();
List<Field> fields = node.getFields().get(fieldName);
GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDef = getFieldDef(executionContext.getGraphQLSchema(), parentType, fields.get(0));
Instrumentation instrumentation = executionContext.getInstrumentation();
ExecutionTypeInfo typeInfo = parameters.getTypeInfo();
InstrumentationContext<ExecutionResult> fieldCtx = instrumentation.beginField(new InstrumentationFieldParameters(executionContext, fieldDef, typeInfo));
CompletableFuture<FetchedValues> fetchedData = fetchData(executionContext, parameters, fieldName, node, fieldDef);
CompletableFuture<List<ExecutionNode>> result = fetchedData.thenApply((fetchedValues) -> {
GraphqlFieldVisibility fieldVisibility = executionContext.getGraphQLSchema().getFieldVisibility();
Map<String, Object> argumentValues = valuesResolver.getArgumentValues(fieldVisibility, fieldDef.getArguments(), fields.get(0).getArguments(), executionContext.getVariables());
return completeValues(executionContext, fetchedValues, typeInfo, fieldName, fields, argumentValues);
result.whenComplete((nodes, throwable) -> fieldCtx.onCompleted(null, throwable));
return result;
use of graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility in project graphql-java by graphql-java.
the class ExecutionStrategy method completeField.
* Called to complete a field based on the type of the field.
* <p>
* If the field is a scalar type, then it will be coerced and returned. However if the field type is an complex object type, then
* the execution strategy will be called recursively again to execute the fields of that type before returning.
* <p>
* Graphql fragments mean that for any give logical field can have one or more {@link Field} values associated with it
* in the query, hence the fieldList. However the first entry is representative of the field for most purposes.
* @param executionContext contains the top level execution parameters
* @param parameters contains the parameters holding the fields to be executed and source object
* @param fetchedValue the fetched raw value
* @return an {@link ExecutionResult}
* @throws NonNullableFieldWasNullException if a non null field resolves to a null value
protected CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult> completeField(ExecutionContext executionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters parameters, Object fetchedValue) {
Field field = parameters.getField().get(0);
GraphQLObjectType parentType = parameters.getTypeInfo().castType(GraphQLObjectType.class);
GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDef = getFieldDef(executionContext.getGraphQLSchema(), parentType, field);
ExecutionTypeInfo fieldTypeInfo = fieldTypeInfo(parameters, fieldDef);
Instrumentation instrumentation = executionContext.getInstrumentation();
InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters instrumentationParams = new InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters(executionContext, parameters, fieldDef, fieldTypeInfo, fetchedValue);
InstrumentationContext<ExecutionResult> ctxCompleteField = instrumentation.beginFieldComplete(instrumentationParams);
GraphqlFieldVisibility fieldVisibility = executionContext.getGraphQLSchema().getFieldVisibility();
Map<String, Object> argumentValues = valuesResolver.getArgumentValues(fieldVisibility, fieldDef.getArguments(), field.getArguments(), executionContext.getVariables());
NonNullableFieldValidator nonNullableFieldValidator = new NonNullableFieldValidator(executionContext, fieldTypeInfo);
ExecutionStrategyParameters newParameters = parameters.transform(builder -> builder.typeInfo(fieldTypeInfo).arguments(argumentValues).source(fetchedValue).nonNullFieldValidator(nonNullableFieldValidator));
log.debug("'{}' completing field '{}'...", executionContext.getExecutionId(), fieldTypeInfo.getPath());
CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult> cf = completeValue(executionContext, newParameters);
return cf;