use of grondag.canvas.chunk.FastRenderRegion in project canvas by vram-guild.
the class MixinChunkRenderer method onRebuildChunk.
@Inject(method = "rebuildChunk", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true, require = 1)
private void onRebuildChunk(final float x, final float y, final float z, final ChunkRenderTask chunkRenderTask, final CallbackInfo ci) {
final TerrainRenderContext renderContext = TerrainRenderContext.POOL.get();
final ChunkRebuildHelper help = renderContext.chunkRebuildHelper;
final ChunkRenderData chunkRenderData = ChunkRenderDataStore.claim();
final ChunkRenderDataExt chunkDataExt = (ChunkRenderDataExt) chunkRenderData;
final BlockPos.Mutable origin = this.origin;
final World world =;
if (world != null) {
try {
if (chunkRenderTask.getStage() != ChunkRenderTask.Stage.COMPILING) {
} finally {
// PERF: avoid allocation
final ChunkOcclusionGraphBuilder visibilityData = new ChunkOcclusionGraphBuilder();
// PERF: avoid allocation
final HashSet<BlockEntity> blockEntities = Sets.newHashSet();
final ChunkRendererRegion vanillaRegion = chunkRenderTask.takeRegion();
if (vanillaRegion != null) {
final FastRenderRegion renderRegion = ((ChunkRendererRegionExt) vanillaRegion).canvas_fastRegion();
help.prepareCollectors(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), origin.getZ());
* Capture the block layer result flags so our renderer can update them when more
* than one layer is rendered for a single model. This is also where we signal the
* renderer to prepare for a new chunk using the data we've accumulated up to this point.
renderContext.prepare((ChunkRenderer) (Object) this, origin);
// NB: We don't use this and it probably isn't needed but leaving just in case - cost is low
final BlockRenderManager blockRenderManager = MinecraftClient.getInstance().getBlockRenderManager();
final BlockPos.Mutable searchPos = help.searchPos;
final int xMin = origin.getX();
final int yMin = origin.getY();
final int zMin = origin.getZ();
final int xMax = xMin + 16;
final int yMax = yMin + 16;
final int zMax = zMin + 16;
for (int xPos = xMin; xPos < xMax; xPos++) {
for (int yPos = yMin; yPos < yMax; yPos++) {
for (int zPos = zMin; zPos < zMax; zPos++) {
final BlockState blockState = renderRegion.getBlockState(xPos, yPos, zPos);
searchPos.set(xPos, yPos, zPos);
if (blockState.isFullOpaque(renderRegion, searchPos)) {
if (blockState.getBlock().hasBlockEntity()) {
final BlockEntity blockEntity = renderRegion.getBlockEntity(searchPos, WorldChunk.CreationType.CHECK);
if (blockEntity != null) {
final BlockEntityRenderer<BlockEntity> blockEntityRenderer = BlockEntityRenderDispatcher.INSTANCE.get(blockEntity);
if (blockEntityRenderer != null) {
// Fixes MC-112730 - no reason to render both globally and in chunk
if (blockEntityRenderer.method_3563(blockEntity)) {
// global renderer - like beacons
} else {
// chunk-local renderer
BlockRenderLayer renderLayer;
// UGLY: we are relying on knowledge that fluid state is directly derived from block state, which
// may not be true in future versions and may break. However, is significantly faster to re-use block
// state here vs. retrieving it again.
final FluidState fluidState = blockState.getFluidState();
if (!fluidState.isEmpty()) {
renderLayer = fluidState.getRenderLayer();
// TODO: apply appropriate shader props for fluids
final FluidBufferBuilder fluidBuilder = help.fluidBuilder.prepare(help.getCollector(renderLayer).get(Canvas.MATERIAL_STANDARD, ShaderProps.waterProps()), searchPos, renderLayer);
blockRenderManager.tesselateFluid(searchPos, renderRegion, fluidBuilder, fluidState);
if (blockState.getRenderType() == BlockRenderType.MODEL) {
renderContext.tesselateBlock(blockState, searchPos);
if (!help.solidCollector.isEmpty()) {
final UploadableChunk.Solid abandoned = uploadSolid.getAndSet(help.solidCollector.packUploadSolid());
if (abandoned != null) {
if (!help.translucentCollector.isEmpty()) {
final VertexCollectorList vcl = help.translucentCollector;
vcl.setViewCoordinates(x, y, z);
final UploadableChunk.Translucent abandoned = uploadTranslucent.getAndSet(vcl.packUploadTranslucent());
if (abandoned != null) {
* Release all references. Probably not necessary but would be $#%! to debug if it is.
try {
renderer.updateBlockEntities(help.tileEntitiesToRemove, help.tileEntitiesToAdd);
} finally {
use of grondag.canvas.chunk.FastRenderRegion in project canvas by vram-guild.
the class LightSmoother method computeSmoothedBrightness.
public static void computeSmoothedBrightness(BlockPos chunkOrigin, BlockRenderView blockViewIn, Long2IntOpenHashMap output) {
final Helper help = helpers.get();
final BlockPos.Mutable smoothPos = help.smoothPos;
final int[] sky = help.a;
final int[] block = help.b;
final int minX = chunkOrigin.getX() - MARGIN;
final int minY = chunkOrigin.getY() - MARGIN;
final int minZ = chunkOrigin.getZ() - MARGIN;
final FastRenderRegion view = (FastRenderRegion) blockViewIn;
for (int x = 0; x < POS_DIAMETER; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < POS_DIAMETER; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < POS_DIAMETER; z++) {
final int bx = x + minX;
final int by = y + minY;
final int bz = z + minZ;
smoothPos.set(bx, by, bz);
final BlockState state = view.getBlockState(bx, by, bz);
// PERF: consider packed pos
// don't use cache here because we are populating the cache
final int packedLight = view.directBrightness(smoothPos);
// PERF: use cache
final boolean opaque = state.isFullOpaque(view, smoothPos);
// // subtractedCache.put(packedPos, (short) subtracted);
final int i = index(x, y, z);
if (opaque) {
block[i] = OPAQUE;
sky[i] = OPAQUE;
} else if (packedLight == 0) {
block[i] = 0;
sky[i] = 0;
} else {
block[i] = (packedLight & 0xFF);
sky[i] = ((packedLight >>> 16) & 0xFF);
final int[] work = help.c;
smooth(BLUR_RADIUS + 1, block, work);
smooth(BLUR_RADIUS, work, block);
// smooth(1, block, work);
// float[] swap = block;
// block = work;
// work = swap;
smooth(BLUR_RADIUS + 1, sky, work);
smooth(BLUR_RADIUS, work, sky);
// smooth(1, sky, work);
// swap = sky;
// sky = work;
// work = swap;
final int limit = 16 + MARGIN + 1;
for (int x = MARGIN - 2; x < limit; x++) {
for (int y = MARGIN - 2; y < limit; y++) {
for (int z = MARGIN - 2; z < limit; z++) {
final long packedPos = PackedBlockPos.pack(x + minX, y + minY, z + minZ);
final int i = index(x, y, z);
final int b = MathHelper.clamp(((block[i]) * 104 + 51) / 100, 0, 240);
final int k = MathHelper.clamp(((sky[i]) * 104 + 51) / 100, 0, 240);
output.put(packedPos, ((b + 2) & 0b11111100) | (((k + 2) & 0b11111100) << 16));