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Example 1 with ConstellationBackgroundInfo

use of hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.client.constellation.ConstellationBackgroundInfo in project AstralSorcery by HellFirePvP.

the class RenderingConstellationUtils method renderConstellationIntoWorldFlat.

public static void renderConstellationIntoWorldFlat(Color color, IConstellation c, MatrixStack renderStack, IRenderTypeBuffer buffer, Vector3 offset, double scale, double line, float brightness) {
    Matrix4f matr = renderStack.getLast().getMatrix();
    Vector3 thisOffset = offset.clone();
    double starSize = 1D / ((double) IConstellation.STAR_GRID_WIDTH_HEIGHT) * scale;
    int r = color.getRed();
    int g = color.getGreen();
    int b = color.getBlue();
    int connAlpha = (int) ((brightness * 0.8F) * 255F);
    int starAlpha = (int) (brightness * 255F);
    int outlineAlpha = (int) ((brightness * 0.5F) * 255F);
    Vector3 drawOffset = new Vector3(-15.5D * starSize, 0, -15.5D * starSize);
    Vector3 dirU = new Vector3(scale, 0, 0);
    Vector3 dirV = new Vector3(0, 0, scale);
    IVertexBuilder buf;
    ConstellationBackgroundInfo backgroundInfo = ConstellationRenderInfos.getBackgroundRenderInfo(c);
    if (backgroundInfo != null) {
        buf = buffer.getBuffer(backgroundInfo.getRenderType());
        Vector3 offsetRender = thisOffset.clone().add(0, 0.005, 0);
        offsetRender = offsetRender.add(drawOffset);
        Vector3 pos2 = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(0)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(1));
        pos2.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, outlineAlpha).tex(0, 1).endVertex();
        pos2 = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(1)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(1));
        pos2.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, outlineAlpha).tex(1, 1).endVertex();
        pos2 = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(1)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(0));
        pos2.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, outlineAlpha).tex(1, 0).endVertex();
        pos2 = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(0)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(0));
        pos2.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, outlineAlpha).tex(0, 0).endVertex();
    buf = buffer.getBuffer(RenderTypesAS.CONSTELLATION_WORLD_CONNECTION);
    for (StarConnection sc : c.getStarConnections()) {
        dirU = new Vector3(, 0,, 0, sc.from.y).multiply(starSize);
        dirV = dirU.clone().crossProduct(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).setY(0).normalize().multiply(line * starSize);
        Vector3 starOffset = thisOffset.clone().addX(sc.from.x * starSize).addZ(sc.from.y * starSize);
        Vector3 offsetRender = starOffset.subtract(dirV.clone().divide(2));
        Vector3 pos = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(0)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(1));
        pos.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, connAlpha).tex(1, 0).endVertex();
        pos = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(1)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(1));
        pos.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, connAlpha).tex(0, 0).endVertex();
        pos = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(1)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(0));
        pos.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, connAlpha).tex(0, 1).endVertex();
        pos = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(0)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(0));
        pos.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, connAlpha).tex(1, 1).endVertex();
    dirU = new Vector3(starSize * 2, 0, 0);
    dirV = new Vector3(0, 0, starSize * 2);
    buf = buffer.getBuffer(RenderTypesAS.CONSTELLATION_WORLD_STAR);
    for (StarLocation sl : c.getStars()) {
        Vector3 offsetRender = thisOffset.clone().add(sl.x * starSize - starSize, 0.005, sl.y * starSize - starSize);
        Vector3 pos = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(0)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(1));
        pos.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, starAlpha).tex(1, 0).endVertex();
        pos = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(1)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(1));
        pos.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, starAlpha).tex(0, 0).endVertex();
        pos = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(1)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(0));
        pos.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, starAlpha).tex(0, 1).endVertex();
        pos = offsetRender.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(0)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(0));
        pos.drawPos(matr, buf).color(r, g, b, starAlpha).tex(1, 1).endVertex();
Also used : Matrix4f(net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Matrix4f) StarConnection( StarLocation( Vector3( ConstellationBackgroundInfo(hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.client.constellation.ConstellationBackgroundInfo) IVertexBuilder(com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.IVertexBuilder)

Example 2 with ConstellationBackgroundInfo

use of hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.client.constellation.ConstellationBackgroundInfo in project AstralSorcery by HellFirePvP.

the class RenderingConstellationUtils method renderConstellationIntoGUI.

public static Map<StarLocation, Rectangle.Float> renderConstellationIntoGUI(Color col, IConstellation c, MatrixStack renderStack, float offsetX, float offsetY, float zLevel, float width, float height, double linebreadth, Supplier<Float> brightnessFn, boolean isKnown, boolean applyStarBrightness) {
    Matrix4f offset = renderStack.getLast().getMatrix();
    float ulength = width / IConstellation.STAR_GRID_WIDTH_HEIGHT;
    float vlength = height / IConstellation.STAR_GRID_WIDTH_HEIGHT;
    int r = col.getRed();
    int g = col.getGreen();
    int b = col.getBlue();
    float starBrightness = 1F;
    if (applyStarBrightness && Minecraft.getInstance().world != null) {
        starBrightness = Minecraft.getInstance().world.getStarBrightness(1.0F);
        if (starBrightness <= 0.23F) {
            return new HashMap<>();
        starBrightness *= 2;
    float brightness = starBrightness;
    if (isKnown) {
        ConstellationBackgroundInfo backgroundInfo = ConstellationRenderInfos.getBackgroundRenderInfo(c);
        if (backgroundInfo != null) {
            RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEX, buf -> {
                int alpha = MathHelper.clamp((int) (brightnessFn.get() * brightness * 0.5 * 255F), 0, 255);
                Vector3 bgVec = new Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, zLevel);
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    int u = ((i + 1) & 2) >> 1;
                    int v = ((i + 2) & 2) >> 1;
                    Vector3 pos = bgVec.clone().addX(width * u).addY(height * v);
                    buf.pos(offset, offsetX + width * u, offsetY + height * v, zLevel).color(r, g, b, MathHelper.clamp((int) (alpha * 1.2F + 0.2F), 0, 255)).tex(u, v).endVertex();
        RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEX, buf -> {
            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
                for (StarConnection sc : c.getStarConnections()) {
                    int alpha = MathHelper.clamp((int) (brightnessFn.get() * brightness * 255F), 0, 255);
                    Vector3 fromStar = new Vector3(offsetX + sc.from.x * ulength, offsetY + sc.from.y * vlength, zLevel);
                    Vector3 toStar = new Vector3(offsetX + * ulength, offsetY + * vlength, zLevel);
                    Vector3 dir = toStar.clone().subtract(fromStar);
                    Vector3 degLot = dir.clone().crossProduct(new Vector3(0, 0, 1)).normalize().multiply(linebreadth);
                    Vector3 vec00 = fromStar.clone().add(degLot);
                    Vector3 vecV = degLot.clone().multiply(-2);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                        int u = ((i + 1) & 2) >> 1;
                        int v = ((i + 2) & 2) >> 1;
                        Vector3 pos = vec00.clone().add(dir.clone().multiply(u)).add(vecV.clone().multiply(v));
                        buf.pos(offset, (float) pos.getX(), (float) pos.getY(), (float) pos.getZ()).color(r, g, b, alpha).tex(u, v).endVertex();
    Map<StarLocation, Rectangle.Float> starRectangles = new HashMap<>();
    RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEX, buf -> {
        for (StarLocation sl : c.getStars()) {
            int alpha = MathHelper.clamp((int) (brightnessFn.get() * brightness * 255F), 0, 255);
            int starX = sl.x;
            int starY = sl.y;
            Vector3 starVec = new Vector3(starX * ulength - ulength, starY * vlength - vlength, 0).add(offsetX, offsetY, zLevel);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                int u = ((i + 1) & 2) >> 1;
                int v = ((i + 2) & 2) >> 1;
                Vector3 pos = starVec.clone().addX(ulength * u * 2).addY(vlength * v * 2);
                buf.pos(offset, (float) pos.getX(), (float) pos.getY(), (float) pos.getZ()).color(isKnown ? r : alpha, isKnown ? g : alpha, isKnown ? b : alpha, MathHelper.clamp((int) (alpha * 1.2F + 0.2F), 0, 255)).tex(u, v).endVertex();
            starRectangles.put(sl, new Rectangle.Float((float) starVec.getX(), (float) starVec.getY(), ulength * 2, vlength * 2));
    return starRectangles;
Also used : Matrix4f(net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Matrix4f) StarConnection( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) StarLocation( Vector3( ConstellationBackgroundInfo(hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.client.constellation.ConstellationBackgroundInfo)

Example 3 with ConstellationBackgroundInfo

use of hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.client.constellation.ConstellationBackgroundInfo in project AstralSorcery by HellFirePvP.

the class RenderingConstellationUtils method renderConstellationSky.

public static void renderConstellationSky(IConstellation c, MatrixStack renderStack, ActiveCelestialsHandler.RenderPosition renderPos, Supplier<Float> brightnessFn) {
    Matrix4f matr = renderStack.getLast().getMatrix();
    Vector3 renderOffset = renderPos.offset;
    Color rC = c.getTierRenderColor();
    int r = rC.getRed();
    int g = rC.getGreen();
    int b = rC.getBlue();
    // Now we build from the exact UV vectors a 31x31 grid and render the stars & connections.
    Vector3 dirU = renderPos.incU.clone().subtract(renderOffset).divide(31);
    Vector3 dirV = renderPos.incV.clone().subtract(renderOffset).divide(31);
    double uLength = dirU.length();
    ConstellationBackgroundInfo backgroundInfo = ConstellationRenderInfos.getBackgroundRenderInfo(c);
    if (backgroundInfo != null) {
        RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEX, buf -> {
            int bgScale = IConstellation.STAR_GRID_WIDTH_HEIGHT;
            Vector3 ofStar = renderOffset.clone().add(dirU.clone()).add(dirV.clone());
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                int u = ((i + 1) & 2) >> 1;
                int v = ((i + 2) & 2) >> 1;
                Vector3 pos = ofStar.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(u << 1).multiply(bgScale / 2)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(v << 1).multiply(bgScale / 2));
                buf.pos(matr, (float) pos.getX(), (float) pos.getY(), (float) pos.getZ()).color(r, g, b, MathHelper.clamp((int) (brightnessFn.get() * 255 * 0.5), 0, 255)).tex(u, v).endVertex();
    RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEX, buf -> {
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
            for (StarConnection con : c.getStarConnections()) {
                Vector3 vecA = renderOffset.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(con.from.x + 1)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(con.from.y + 1));
                Vector3 vecB = renderOffset.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply( + 1)).add(dirV.clone().multiply( + 1));
                Vector3 vecCV = vecB.subtract(vecA);
                Vector3 oPane = dirV.clone().crossProduct(vecCV);
                Vector3 vecAD = oPane.clone().crossProduct(vecCV).normalize().multiply(uLength);
                Vector3 offset00 = vecA.subtract(vecAD.clone().multiply(j == 0 ? 1 : -1));
                Vector3 vecU = vecAD.clone().multiply(j == 0 ? 2 : -2);
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    Vector3 pos = offset00.clone().add(vecU.clone().multiply(((i + 1) & 2) >> 1)).add(vecCV.clone().multiply(((i + 2) & 2) >> 1));
                    buf.pos(matr, (float) pos.getX(), (float) pos.getY(), (float) pos.getZ()).color(r, g, b, MathHelper.clamp((int) (brightnessFn.get() * 255), 0, 255)).tex(((i + 2) & 2) >> 1, ((i + 3) & 2) >> 1).endVertex();
    RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEX, buf -> {
        for (StarLocation star : c.getStars()) {
            int x = star.x;
            int y = star.y;
            Vector3 ofStar = renderOffset.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(x)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(y));
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                int u = ((i + 1) & 2) >> 1;
                int v = ((i + 2) & 2) >> 1;
                Vector3 pos = ofStar.clone().add(dirU.clone().multiply(u << 1)).add(dirV.clone().multiply(v << 1));
                buf.pos(matr, (float) pos.getX(), (float) pos.getY(), (float) pos.getZ()).color(r, g, b, MathHelper.clamp((int) (brightnessFn.get() * 255), 0, 255)).tex(u, v).endVertex();
Also used : Matrix4f(net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Matrix4f) StarConnection( StarLocation( Vector3( ConstellationBackgroundInfo(hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.client.constellation.ConstellationBackgroundInfo)


ConstellationBackgroundInfo (hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.client.constellation.ConstellationBackgroundInfo)3 StarConnection ( StarLocation ( Vector3 ( Matrix4f (net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Matrix4f)3 IVertexBuilder (com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.IVertexBuilder)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1