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Example 26 with DataStorageManagerException

use of in project herddb by diennea.

the class FileDataStorageManager method truncateIndex.

public void truncateIndex(String tablespace, String name) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    Path tableDir = getIndexDirectory(tablespace, name);
    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "truncateIndex {0}.{1} in {2}", new Object[] { tablespace, name, tableDir });
    try {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException(ex);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) DataStorageManagerException( IOException(

Example 27 with DataStorageManagerException

use of in project herddb by diennea.

the class FileDataStorageManager method getLatestTableStatus.

public TableStatus getLatestTableStatus(String tableSpace, String tableName) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    try {
        Path lastFile = getLastTableCheckpointFile(tableSpace, tableName);
        TableStatus latestStatus;
        if (lastFile == null) {
            latestStatus = TableStatus.buildTableStatusForNewCreatedTable(tableName);
        } else {
            latestStatus = readTableStatusFromFile(lastFile);
        return latestStatus;
    } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException(err);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) DataStorageManagerException( TableStatus( IOException(

Example 28 with DataStorageManagerException

use of in project herddb by diennea.

the class FileDataStorageManager method readIndexPage.

private <X> X readIndexPage(DataReader<X> reader, Path pageFile, InputStream stream) throws IOException, DataStorageManagerException {
    int size = (int) Files.size(pageFile);
    byte[] dataPage = new byte[size];
    int read =;
    if (read != size) {
        throw new IOException("short read, read " + read + " instead of " + size + " bytes from " + pageFile);
    try (ByteArrayCursor dataIn = ByteArrayCursor.wrap(dataPage)) {
             * When writing with O_DIRECT this stream will be zero padded at the end. It isn't a problem: reader
             * must already handle his stop condition without reading file till the end because it contains an
             * hash after data end that must not be read by the reader.
        // version
        long version = dataIn.readVLong();
        // flags for future implementations
        long flags = dataIn.readVLong();
        if (version != 1 || flags != 0) {
            throw new DataStorageManagerException("corrupted data file " + pageFile.toAbsolutePath());
        X result =;
        int pos = dataIn.getPosition();
        long hashFromFile = dataIn.readLong();
        if (hashChecksEnabled && hashFromFile != NO_HASH_PRESENT) {
            // after the hash we will have zeroes or garbage
            // the hash is not at the end of file, but after data
            long hashFromDigest = XXHash64Utils.hash(dataPage, 0, pos);
            if (hashFromDigest != hashFromFile) {
                throw new DataStorageManagerException("Corrupted datafile " + pageFile + ". Bad hash " + hashFromFile + " <> " + hashFromDigest);
        return result;
Also used : DataStorageManagerException( IOException( ByteArrayCursor(herddb.utils.ByteArrayCursor)

Example 29 with DataStorageManagerException

use of in project herddb by diennea.

the class FileDataStorageManager method writeTransactionsAtCheckpoint.

public Collection<PostCheckpointAction> writeTransactionsAtCheckpoint(String tableSpace, LogSequenceNumber sequenceNumber, Collection<Transaction> transactions) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    if (sequenceNumber.isStartOfTime() && !transactions.isEmpty()) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException("impossible to write a non empty transactions list at start-of-time");
    Path tableSpaceDirectory = getTablespaceDirectory(tableSpace);
    try {
        Path checkPointFile = getTablespaceTransactionsFile(tableSpace, sequenceNumber);
        Path parent = getParent(checkPointFile);
        Path checkpointFileTemp = parent.resolve(checkPointFile.getFileName() + ".tmp");
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "writeTransactionsAtCheckpoint for tableSpace {0} sequenceNumber {1} to {2}, active transactions {3}", new Object[] { tableSpace, sequenceNumber, checkPointFile.toAbsolutePath().toString(), transactions.size() });
        try (ManagedFile file =, requirefsync);
            SimpleBufferedOutputStream buffer = new SimpleBufferedOutputStream(file.getOutputStream(), COPY_BUFFERS_SIZE);
            ExtendedDataOutputStream dout = new ExtendedDataOutputStream(buffer)) {
            // version
            // flags for future implementations
            for (Transaction t : transactions) {
        } catch (IOException err) {
            throw new DataStorageManagerException(err);
        try {
            Files.move(checkpointFileTemp, checkPointFile, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
        } catch (IOException err) {
            throw new DataStorageManagerException(err);
    } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException(err);
    Collection<PostCheckpointAction> result = new ArrayList<>();
    try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(tableSpaceDirectory)) {
        for (Path p : stream) {
            if (isTransactionsFile(p)) {
                try {
                    LogSequenceNumber logPositionInFile = readLogSequenceNumberFromTransactionsFile(tableSpace, p);
                    if (sequenceNumber.after(logPositionInFile)) {
                        LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "transactions metadata file " + p.toAbsolutePath() + ". will be deleted after checkpoint end");
                        result.add(new DeleteFileAction(tableSpace, "transactions", "delete transactions file " + p.toAbsolutePath(), p));
                } catch (DataStorageManagerException ignore) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unparsable transactions file " + p.toAbsolutePath(), ignore);
                    result.add(new DeleteFileAction(tableSpace, "transactions", "delete unparsable transactions file " + p.toAbsolutePath(), p));
    } catch (IOException err) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not list dir " + tableSpaceDirectory, err);
    return result;
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) DataStorageManagerException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LogSequenceNumber(herddb.log.LogSequenceNumber) IOException( ManagedFile(herddb.utils.ManagedFile) ExtendedDataOutputStream(herddb.utils.ExtendedDataOutputStream) PostCheckpointAction(herddb.core.PostCheckpointAction) SimpleBufferedOutputStream(herddb.utils.SimpleBufferedOutputStream) Transaction(herddb.model.Transaction)

Example 30 with DataStorageManagerException

use of in project herddb by diennea.

the class ConcurrentMapKeyToPageIndex method scanner.

public Stream<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> scanner(IndexOperation operation, StatementEvaluationContext context, TableContext tableContext, herddb.core.AbstractIndexManager index) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    if (operation instanceof PrimaryIndexSeek) {
        PrimaryIndexSeek seek = (PrimaryIndexSeek) operation;
        byte[] seekValue;
        try {
            seekValue = seek.value.computeNewValue(null, context, tableContext);
        } catch (InvalidNullValueForKeyException nullKey) {
            seekValue = null;
        if (seekValue == null) {
            return Stream.empty();
        Bytes key = Bytes.from_array(seekValue);
        Long pageId = map.get(key);
        if (pageId == null) {
            return Stream.empty();
        return Stream.of(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(key, pageId));
    // every predicate (WHEREs...) will always be evaluated anyway on every record, in order to guarantee correctness
    if (index != null) {
        return index.recordSetScanner(operation, context, tableContext, this);
    if (operation == null) {
        Stream<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> baseStream = map.entrySet().stream();
        return baseStream;
    } else if (operation instanceof PrimaryIndexPrefixScan) {
        PrimaryIndexPrefixScan scan = (PrimaryIndexPrefixScan) operation;
        byte[] prefix;
        try {
            prefix = scan.value.computeNewValue(null, context, tableContext);
        } catch (InvalidNullValueForKeyException err) {
            return Stream.empty();
        } catch (StatementExecutionException err) {
            throw new RuntimeException(err);
        Predicate<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> predicate = (Map.Entry<Bytes, Long> t) -> {
            Bytes fullrecordKey = t.getKey();
            return fullrecordKey.startsWith(prefix.length, prefix);
        Stream<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> baseStream = map.entrySet().stream();
        return baseStream.filter(predicate);
    } else if (operation instanceof PrimaryIndexRangeScan) {
        Bytes refminvalue;
        PrimaryIndexRangeScan sis = (PrimaryIndexRangeScan) operation;
        SQLRecordKeyFunction minKey = sis.minValue;
        if (minKey != null) {
            refminvalue = Bytes.from_nullable_array(minKey.computeNewValue(null, context, tableContext));
        } else {
            refminvalue = null;
        Bytes refmaxvalue;
        SQLRecordKeyFunction maxKey = sis.maxValue;
        if (maxKey != null) {
            refmaxvalue = Bytes.from_nullable_array(maxKey.computeNewValue(null, context, tableContext));
        } else {
            refmaxvalue = null;
        Predicate<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> predicate;
        if (refminvalue != null && refmaxvalue == null) {
            predicate = (Map.Entry<Bytes, Long> entry) -> {
                Bytes datum = entry.getKey();
                return datum.compareTo(refminvalue) >= 0;
        } else if (refminvalue == null && refmaxvalue != null) {
            predicate = (Map.Entry<Bytes, Long> entry) -> {
                Bytes datum = entry.getKey();
                return datum.compareTo(refmaxvalue) <= 0;
        } else if (refminvalue != null && refmaxvalue != null) {
            predicate = (Map.Entry<Bytes, Long> entry) -> {
                Bytes datum = entry.getKey();
                return datum.compareTo(refmaxvalue) <= 0 && datum.compareTo(refminvalue) >= 0;
        } else {
            predicate = (Map.Entry<Bytes, Long> entry) -> {
                return true;
        Stream<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> baseStream = map.entrySet().stream();
        return baseStream.filter(predicate);
    } else {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException("operation " + operation + " not implemented on " + this.getClass());
Also used : DataStorageManagerException( InvalidNullValueForKeyException(herddb.model.InvalidNullValueForKeyException) StatementExecutionException(herddb.model.StatementExecutionException) Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) AbstractMap(java.util.AbstractMap) Bytes(herddb.utils.Bytes) AtomicLong(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) Stream( SQLRecordKeyFunction(herddb.sql.SQLRecordKeyFunction) ConcurrentMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap) AbstractMap(java.util.AbstractMap) Map(java.util.Map)


DataStorageManagerException ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)46 LogSequenceNumber (herddb.log.LogSequenceNumber)42 Bytes (herddb.utils.Bytes)30 Path (java.nio.file.Path)30 ExtendedDataInputStream (herddb.utils.ExtendedDataInputStream)25 SimpleByteArrayInputStream (herddb.utils.SimpleByteArrayInputStream)24 InputStream ( StatementExecutionException (herddb.model.StatementExecutionException)23 Table (herddb.model.Table)22 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)22 LogEntry (herddb.log.LogEntry)21 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)21 LogNotAvailableException (herddb.log.LogNotAvailableException)20 Record (herddb.model.Record)20 Index (herddb.model.Index)19 CommitLogResult (herddb.log.CommitLogResult)18 Transaction (herddb.model.Transaction)18 PostCheckpointAction (herddb.core.PostCheckpointAction)16