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Example 1 with DataStorageManagerException

use of in project herddb by diennea.

the class MemoryHashIndexManager method start.

public void start(LogSequenceNumber sequenceNumber) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "loading in memory all the keys for mem index {0}", new Object[] { });
    bootSequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;
    if (LogSequenceNumber.START_OF_TIME.equals(sequenceNumber)) {
        /* Empty index (booting from the start) */
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "loaded empty index {0}", new Object[] { });
    } else {
        IndexStatus status;
        try {
            status = dataStorageManager.getIndexStatus(tableSpaceUUID, index.uuid, sequenceNumber);
        } catch (DataStorageManagerException e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "cannot load index {0} due to {1}, it will be rebuilt", new Object[] {, e });
        for (long pageId : status.activePages) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "recovery index " + + ", load " + pageId);
            Map<Bytes, List<Bytes>> read = dataStorageManager.readIndexPage(tableSpaceUUID, index.uuid, pageId, in -> {
                Map<Bytes, List<Bytes>> deserialized = new HashMap<>();
                // version
                long version = in.readVLong();
                // flags for future implementations
                long flags = in.readVLong();
                if (version != 1 || flags != 0) {
                    throw new DataStorageManagerException("corrupted index page");
                int size = in.readVInt();
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                    byte[] indexKey = in.readArray();
                    int entrySize = in.readVInt();
                    List<Bytes> value = new ArrayList<>(entrySize);
                    for (int kk = 0; kk < entrySize; kk++) {
                        byte[] tableKey = in.readArray();
                    deserialized.put(Bytes.from_array(indexKey), value);
                return deserialized;
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "loaded {0} keys for index {1}", new Object[] { data.size(), });
Also used : Bytes(herddb.utils.Bytes) IndexStatus( DataStorageManagerException( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 2 with DataStorageManagerException

use of in project herddb by diennea.

the class MemoryDataStorageManager method writeIndexPage.

public void writeIndexPage(String tableSpace, String indexName, long pageId, DataWriter writer) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    Bytes page_wrapper;
    try (ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
        ExtendedDataOutputStream eout = new ExtendedDataOutputStream(out)) {
        page_wrapper = Bytes.from_array(out.toByteArray());
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException(ex);
    Bytes prev = indexpages.putIfAbsent(tableSpace + "." + indexName + "_" + pageId, page_wrapper);
    if (prev != null) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException("pages are immutable");
Also used : Bytes(herddb.utils.Bytes) DataStorageManagerException( ByteArrayOutputStream( VisibleByteArrayOutputStream(herddb.utils.VisibleByteArrayOutputStream) IOException( ExtendedDataOutputStream(herddb.utils.ExtendedDataOutputStream)

Example 3 with DataStorageManagerException

use of in project herddb by diennea.

the class MemoryDataStorageManager method indexCheckpoint.

public List<PostCheckpointAction> indexCheckpoint(String tableSpace, String indexName, IndexStatus indexStatus, boolean pin) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    /* Checkpoint pinning */
    final Map<Long, Integer> pins = pinIndexAndGetPages(tableSpace, indexName, indexStatus, pin);
    final Set<LogSequenceNumber> checkpoints = pinIndexAndGetCheckpoints(tableSpace, indexName, indexStatus, pin);
    List<Long> pagesForIndex = new ArrayList<>();
    String prefix = tableSpace + "." + indexName + "_";
    for (String key : indexpages.keySet()) {
        if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
            long pageId = Long.parseLong(key.substring(prefix.length()));
            if (!pins.containsKey(pageId)) {
    List<PostCheckpointAction> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (long pageId : pagesForIndex) {
        result.add(new PostCheckpointAction(indexName, "drop page " + pageId) {

            public void run() {
                // remove only after checkpoint completed
                indexpages.remove(prefix + pageId);
    for (String oldStatus : indexStatuses.keySet()) {
        if (oldStatus.startsWith(prefix)) {
            /* Check for checkpoint skip only if match expected structure */
            final LogSequenceNumber log = evaluateLogSequenceNumber(prefix.substring(0, prefix.length()));
            if (log != null) {
                /* If is pinned skip this status*/
                if (checkpoints.contains(log)) {
            result.add(new PostCheckpointAction(indexName, "drop index checkpoint " + oldStatus) {

                public void run() {
                    // remove only after checkpoint completed
    VisibleByteArrayOutputStream oo = new VisibleByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
    try (ExtendedDataOutputStream dataOutputKeys = new ExtendedDataOutputStream(oo)) {
    } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException(err);
    /* Uses a copy to limit byte[] size at the min needed */
    indexStatuses.put(checkpointName(tableSpace, indexName, indexStatus.sequenceNumber), oo.toByteArray());
    return result;
Also used : DataStorageManagerException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LogSequenceNumber(herddb.log.LogSequenceNumber) VisibleByteArrayOutputStream(herddb.utils.VisibleByteArrayOutputStream) IOException( PostCheckpointAction(herddb.core.PostCheckpointAction) ExtendedDataOutputStream(herddb.utils.ExtendedDataOutputStream)

Example 4 with DataStorageManagerException

use of in project herddb by diennea.

the class MemoryDataStorageManager method getIndexStatus.

public IndexStatus getIndexStatus(String tableSpace, String indexName, LogSequenceNumber sequenceNumber) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    final String checkPoint = checkpointName(tableSpace, indexName, sequenceNumber);
    byte[] data = indexStatuses.get(checkPoint);
    if (data == null) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException("no such index checkpoint: " + checkPoint);
    try {
        try (InputStream input = new SimpleByteArrayInputStream(data);
            ExtendedDataInputStream dataIn = new ExtendedDataInputStream(input)) {
            return IndexStatus.deserialize(dataIn);
    } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException(err);
Also used : DataStorageManagerException( ExtendedDataInputStream(herddb.utils.ExtendedDataInputStream) ExtendedDataInputStream(herddb.utils.ExtendedDataInputStream) SimpleByteArrayInputStream(herddb.utils.SimpleByteArrayInputStream) InputStream( SimpleByteArrayInputStream(herddb.utils.SimpleByteArrayInputStream) IOException(

Example 5 with DataStorageManagerException

use of in project herddb by diennea.

the class MemoryDataStorageManager method tableCheckpoint.

public List<PostCheckpointAction> tableCheckpoint(String tableSpace, String tableName, TableStatus tableStatus, boolean pin) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    /* Checkpoint pinning */
    final Map<Long, Integer> pins = pinTableAndGetPages(tableSpace, tableName, tableStatus, pin);
    final Set<LogSequenceNumber> checkpoints = pinTableAndGetCheckpoints(tableSpace, tableName, tableStatus, pin);
    List<Long> pagesForTable = new ArrayList<>();
    String prefix = tableSpace + "." + tableName + "_";
    for (String key : pages.keySet()) {
        if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
            long pageId = Long.parseLong(key.substring(prefix.length()));
            if (!pins.containsKey(pageId)) {
    List<PostCheckpointAction> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (long pageId : pagesForTable) {
        result.add(new PostCheckpointAction(tableName, "drop page " + pageId) {

            public void run() {
                // remove only after checkpoint completed
                pages.remove(prefix + pageId);
                LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "removing " + (prefix + pageId));
    for (String oldStatus : tableStatuses.keySet()) {
        if (oldStatus.startsWith(prefix)) {
            /* Check for checkpoint skip only if match expected structure */
            final LogSequenceNumber log = evaluateLogSequenceNumber(prefix.substring(0, prefix.length()));
            if (log != null) {
                /* If is pinned skip this status*/
                if (checkpoints.contains(log)) {
            result.add(new PostCheckpointAction(tableName, "drop table checkpoint " + oldStatus) {

                public void run() {
                    // remove only after checkpoint completed
    VisibleByteArrayOutputStream oo = new VisibleByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
    try (ExtendedDataOutputStream dataOutputKeys = new ExtendedDataOutputStream(oo)) {
    } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException(err);
    /* Uses a copy to limit byte[] size at the min needed */
    tableStatuses.put(checkpointName(tableSpace, tableName, tableStatus.sequenceNumber), oo.toByteArray());
    return result;
Also used : DataStorageManagerException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LogSequenceNumber(herddb.log.LogSequenceNumber) VisibleByteArrayOutputStream(herddb.utils.VisibleByteArrayOutputStream) IOException( PostCheckpointAction(herddb.core.PostCheckpointAction) ExtendedDataOutputStream(herddb.utils.ExtendedDataOutputStream)


DataStorageManagerException ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)28 LogSequenceNumber (herddb.log.LogSequenceNumber)23 Path (java.nio.file.Path)22 Bytes (herddb.utils.Bytes)19 Record (herddb.model.Record)15 StatementExecutionException (herddb.model.StatementExecutionException)15 ExtendedDataInputStream (herddb.utils.ExtendedDataInputStream)14 SimpleByteArrayInputStream (herddb.utils.SimpleByteArrayInputStream)14 InputStream ( AtomicLong (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong)14 LogEntry (herddb.log.LogEntry)13 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)13 LogNotAvailableException (herddb.log.LogNotAvailableException)12 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)12 BufferedInputStream ( CommitLogResult (herddb.log.CommitLogResult)10 Table (herddb.model.Table)10 ExtendedDataOutputStream (herddb.utils.ExtendedDataOutputStream)10