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Example 26 with Bytes

use of herddb.utils.Bytes in project herddb by diennea.

the class TableManager method onTransactionCommit.

public void onTransactionCommit(Transaction transaction, boolean recovery) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    if (transaction == null) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException("transaction cannot be null");
    boolean forceFlushTableData = false;
    if (createdInTransaction > 0) {
        if (transaction.transactionId != createdInTransaction) {
            throw new DataStorageManagerException("table " + table.tablespace + "." + + " is available only on transaction " + createdInTransaction);
        createdInTransaction = 0;
        forceFlushTableData = true;
    if (!transaction.lastSequenceNumber.after(bootSequenceNumber)) {
        if (recovery) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "ignoring transaction {0} commit on recovery, {1}.{2} data is newer: transaction {3}, table {4}", new Object[] { transaction.transactionId, table.tablespace,, transaction.lastSequenceNumber, bootSequenceNumber });
        } else {
            throw new DataStorageManagerException("corrupted commit log " + table.tablespace + "." + + " data is newer than transaction " + transaction.transactionId + " transaction " + transaction.lastSequenceNumber + " table " + bootSequenceNumber);
    boolean lockAcquired;
    try {
        lockAcquired = checkpointLock.asReadLock().tryLock(CHECKPOINT_LOCK_READ_TIMEOUT, SECONDS);
    } catch (InterruptedException err) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException("interrupted while acquiring checkpoint lock during a commit", err);
    if (!lockAcquired) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException("timed out while acquiring checkpoint lock during a commit");
    try {
        Map<Bytes, Record> changedRecords = transaction.changedRecords.get(;
        // transaction is still holding locks on each record, so we can change records
        Map<Bytes, Record> newRecords = transaction.newRecords.get(;
        if (newRecords != null) {
            for (Record record : newRecords.values()) {
                applyInsert(record.key, record.value, true);
        if (changedRecords != null) {
            for (Record r : changedRecords.values()) {
                applyUpdate(r.key, r.value);
        Set<Bytes> deletedRecords = transaction.deletedRecords.get(;
        if (deletedRecords != null) {
            for (Bytes key : deletedRecords) {
    } finally {
    transaction.releaseLocksOnTable(, locksManager);
    if (forceFlushTableData) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "forcing local checkpoint, table " + + " will be visible to all transactions now");
Also used : Bytes(herddb.utils.Bytes) DataStorageManagerException( Record(herddb.model.Record)

Example 27 with Bytes

use of herddb.utils.Bytes in project herddb by diennea.

the class TableManager method rebuildNextPrimaryKeyValue.

private void rebuildNextPrimaryKeyValue() throws DataStorageManagerException {
    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "rebuildNextPrimaryKeyValue");
    try {
        Stream<Entry<Bytes, Long>> scanner = keyToPage.scanner(null, StatementEvaluationContext.DEFAULT_EVALUATION_CONTEXT(), tableContext, null);
        scanner.forEach((Entry<Bytes, Long> t) -> {
            Bytes key = t.getKey();
            long pk_logical_value;
            if (table.getColumn(table.primaryKey[0]).type == ColumnTypes.INTEGER || table.getColumn(table.primaryKey[0]).type == ColumnTypes.NOTNULL_INTEGER) {
                pk_logical_value = key.to_int();
            } else {
                pk_logical_value = key.to_long();
            nextPrimaryKeyValue.accumulateAndGet(pk_logical_value + 1, EnsureLongIncrementAccumulator.INSTANCE);
        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "rebuildNextPrimaryKeyValue, newPkValue : " + nextPrimaryKeyValue.get());
    } catch (StatementExecutionException impossible) {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException(impossible);
Also used : Bytes(herddb.utils.Bytes) LogEntry(herddb.log.LogEntry) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) DataStorageManagerException( StatementExecutionException(herddb.model.StatementExecutionException)

Example 28 with Bytes

use of herddb.utils.Bytes in project herddb by diennea.

the class RecordSerializer method deserializeMultiColumnPrimaryKey.

private static void deserializeMultiColumnPrimaryKey(Bytes data, Table table, Map<String, Object> res) {
    try (ByteArrayCursor din = data.newCursor()) {
        for (String primaryKeyColumn : table.primaryKey) {
            Bytes value = din.readBytesNoCopy();
            res.put(primaryKeyColumn, deserialize(value, table.getColumn(primaryKeyColumn).type));
    } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("malformed record", err);
Also used : Bytes(herddb.utils.Bytes) RawString(herddb.utils.RawString) IOException( ByteArrayCursor(herddb.utils.ByteArrayCursor)

Example 29 with Bytes

use of herddb.utils.Bytes in project herddb by diennea.

the class RecordSerializer method deserializeMultiColumnPrimaryKey.

private static void deserializeMultiColumnPrimaryKey(Bytes data, Table table, ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> res) {
    try (ByteArrayCursor din = data.newCursor()) {
        for (String primaryKeyColumn : table.primaryKey) {
            Bytes value = din.readBytesNoCopy();
            res.put(primaryKeyColumn, deserialize(value, table.getColumn(primaryKeyColumn).type));
    } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("malformed record", err);
Also used : Bytes(herddb.utils.Bytes) RawString(herddb.utils.RawString) IOException( ByteArrayCursor(herddb.utils.ByteArrayCursor) SuppressFBWarnings(edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings)

Example 30 with Bytes

use of herddb.utils.Bytes in project herddb by diennea.

the class ConcurrentMapKeyToPageIndex method scanner.

public Stream<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> scanner(IndexOperation operation, StatementEvaluationContext context, TableContext tableContext, herddb.core.AbstractIndexManager index) throws DataStorageManagerException {
    if (operation instanceof PrimaryIndexSeek) {
        PrimaryIndexSeek seek = (PrimaryIndexSeek) operation;
        byte[] seekValue;
        try {
            seekValue = seek.value.computeNewValue(null, context, tableContext);
        } catch (InvalidNullValueForKeyException nullKey) {
            seekValue = null;
        if (seekValue == null) {
            return Stream.empty();
        Bytes key = Bytes.from_array(seekValue);
        Long pageId = map.get(key);
        if (pageId == null) {
            return Stream.empty();
        return Stream.of(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(key, pageId));
    // every predicate (WHEREs...) will always be evaluated anyway on every record, in order to guarantee correctness
    if (index != null) {
        return index.recordSetScanner(operation, context, tableContext, this);
    if (operation == null) {
        Stream<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> baseStream = map.entrySet().stream();
        return baseStream;
    } else if (operation instanceof PrimaryIndexPrefixScan) {
        PrimaryIndexPrefixScan scan = (PrimaryIndexPrefixScan) operation;
        byte[] prefix;
        try {
            prefix = scan.value.computeNewValue(null, context, tableContext);
        } catch (InvalidNullValueForKeyException err) {
            return Stream.empty();
        } catch (StatementExecutionException err) {
            throw new RuntimeException(err);
        Predicate<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> predicate = (Map.Entry<Bytes, Long> t) -> {
            Bytes fullrecordKey = t.getKey();
            return fullrecordKey.startsWith(prefix.length, prefix);
        Stream<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> baseStream = map.entrySet().stream();
        return baseStream.filter(predicate);
    } else if (operation instanceof PrimaryIndexRangeScan) {
        Bytes refminvalue;
        PrimaryIndexRangeScan sis = (PrimaryIndexRangeScan) operation;
        SQLRecordKeyFunction minKey = sis.minValue;
        if (minKey != null) {
            refminvalue = Bytes.from_nullable_array(minKey.computeNewValue(null, context, tableContext));
        } else {
            refminvalue = null;
        Bytes refmaxvalue;
        SQLRecordKeyFunction maxKey = sis.maxValue;
        if (maxKey != null) {
            refmaxvalue = Bytes.from_nullable_array(maxKey.computeNewValue(null, context, tableContext));
        } else {
            refmaxvalue = null;
        Predicate<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> predicate;
        if (refminvalue != null && refmaxvalue == null) {
            predicate = (Map.Entry<Bytes, Long> entry) -> {
                Bytes datum = entry.getKey();
                return datum.compareTo(refminvalue) >= 0;
        } else if (refminvalue == null && refmaxvalue != null) {
            predicate = (Map.Entry<Bytes, Long> entry) -> {
                Bytes datum = entry.getKey();
                return datum.compareTo(refmaxvalue) <= 0;
        } else if (refminvalue != null && refmaxvalue != null) {
            predicate = (Map.Entry<Bytes, Long> entry) -> {
                Bytes datum = entry.getKey();
                return datum.compareTo(refmaxvalue) <= 0 && datum.compareTo(refminvalue) >= 0;
        } else {
            predicate = (Map.Entry<Bytes, Long> entry) -> {
                return true;
        Stream<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> baseStream = map.entrySet().stream();
        return baseStream.filter(predicate);
    } else {
        throw new DataStorageManagerException("operation " + operation + " not implemented on " + this.getClass());
Also used : DataStorageManagerException( InvalidNullValueForKeyException(herddb.model.InvalidNullValueForKeyException) StatementExecutionException(herddb.model.StatementExecutionException) Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) AbstractMap(java.util.AbstractMap) Bytes(herddb.utils.Bytes) AtomicLong(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) Stream( SQLRecordKeyFunction(herddb.sql.SQLRecordKeyFunction) ConcurrentMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap) AbstractMap(java.util.AbstractMap) Map(java.util.Map)


Bytes (herddb.utils.Bytes)139 Record (herddb.model.Record)77 Test (org.junit.Test)71 Table (herddb.model.Table)68 TransactionContext (herddb.model.TransactionContext)62 InsertStatement (herddb.model.commands.InsertStatement)61 GetResult (herddb.model.GetResult)53 GetStatement (herddb.model.commands.GetStatement)51 CreateTableStatement (herddb.model.commands.CreateTableStatement)50 CreateTableSpaceStatement (herddb.model.commands.CreateTableSpaceStatement)49 Path (java.nio.file.Path)34 TransactionResult (herddb.model.TransactionResult)28 BeginTransactionStatement (herddb.model.commands.BeginTransactionStatement)28 CommitTransactionStatement (herddb.model.commands.CommitTransactionStatement)28 DataStorageManagerException ( DataScanner (herddb.model.DataScanner)26 DeleteStatement (herddb.model.commands.DeleteStatement)24 UpdateStatement (herddb.model.commands.UpdateStatement)24 DMLStatementExecutionResult (herddb.model.DMLStatementExecutionResult)23 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)23