use of hex.AUC2 in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class ModelMetricsBinomialV3 method fillFromImpl.
public S fillFromImpl(ModelMetricsBinomial modelMetrics) {
// sigma = modelMetrics._sigma;
r2 = modelMetrics.r2();
logloss = modelMetrics._logloss;
mean_per_class_error = modelMetrics._mean_per_class_error;
AUC2 auc = modelMetrics._auc;
if (null != auc) {
AUC = auc._auc;
Gini = auc._gini;
// Fill TwoDimTable
String[] thresholds = new String[auc._nBins];
for (int i = 0; i < auc._nBins; i++) thresholds[i] = Double.toString(auc._ths[i]);
AUC2.ThresholdCriterion[] crits = AUC2.ThresholdCriterion.VALUES;
String[] colHeaders = new String[crits.length + 2];
String[] colHeadersMax = new String[crits.length - 8];
String[] types = new String[crits.length + 2];
String[] formats = new String[crits.length + 2];
colHeaders[0] = "Threshold";
types[0] = "double";
formats[0] = "%f";
int i;
for (i = 0; i < crits.length; i++) {
if (colHeadersMax.length > i)
colHeadersMax[i] = "max " + crits[i].toString();
colHeaders[i + 1] = crits[i].toString();
types[i + 1] = crits[i]._isInt ? "long" : "double";
formats[i + 1] = crits[i]._isInt ? "%d" : "%f";
colHeaders[i + 1] = "idx";
types[i + 1] = "int";
formats[i + 1] = "%d";
TwoDimTable thresholdsByMetrics = new TwoDimTable("Metrics for Thresholds", "Binomial metrics as a function of classification thresholds", new String[auc._nBins], colHeaders, types, formats, null);
for (i = 0; i < auc._nBins; i++) {
int j = 0;
thresholdsByMetrics.set(i, j, Double.valueOf(thresholds[i]));
for (j = 0; j < crits.length; j++) {
// Note: casts to Object are NOT redundant
double d = crits[j].exec(auc, i);
thresholdsByMetrics.set(i, 1 + j, crits[j]._isInt ? (Object) ((long) d) : d);
thresholdsByMetrics.set(i, 1 + j, i);
this.thresholds_and_metric_scores = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(thresholdsByMetrics);
// Fill TwoDimTable
TwoDimTable maxMetrics = new TwoDimTable("Maximum Metrics", "Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds", colHeadersMax, new String[] { "Threshold", "Value", "idx" }, new String[] { "double", "double", "long" }, new String[] { "%f", "%f", "%d" }, "Metric");
for (i = 0; i < colHeadersMax.length; i++) {
int idx = crits[i].max_criterion_idx(auc);
maxMetrics.set(i, 0, idx == -1 ? Double.NaN : auc._ths[idx]);
maxMetrics.set(i, 1, idx == -1 ? Double.NaN : crits[i].exec(auc, idx));
maxMetrics.set(i, 2, idx);
max_criteria_and_metric_scores = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(maxMetrics);
if (modelMetrics._gainsLift != null) {
TwoDimTable t = modelMetrics._gainsLift.createTwoDimTable();
if (t != null)
this.gains_lift_table = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(t);
return (S) this;