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Example 1 with VarImp

use of hex.VarImp in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class SharedTreeModelBuilder method doScoring.

protected TM doScoring(TM model, Frame fTrain, DTree[] ktrees, int tid, DTree.TreeModel.TreeStats tstats, boolean finalScoring, boolean oob, boolean build_tree_one_node) {
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (_firstScore == 0)
        _firstScore = now;
    long sinceLastScore = now - _timeLastScoreStart;
    Score sc = null;
    // If validation is specified we use a model for scoring, so we need to update it!
    // First we save model with trees (i.e., make them available for scoring)
    // and then update it with resulting error
    model = makeModel(model, ktrees, tstats);
    // Now model already contains tid-trees in serialized form
    if (score_each_iteration || finalScoring || // Score every time for 4 secs
    (now - _firstScore < 4000) || // Throttle scoring to keep the cost sane; limit to a 10% duty cycle & every 4 secs
    (// Limit scoring updates to every 4sec
    sinceLastScore > 4000 && (double) (_timeLastScoreEnd - _timeLastScoreStart) / sinceLastScore < 0.1)) {
        // 10% duty cycle
        _timeLastScoreStart = now;
        // Perform scoring - first get adapted validation response
        Response2CMAdaptor vadaptor = getValidAdaptor();
        sc = new Score().doIt(model, fTrain, vadaptor, oob, build_tree_one_node).report(logTag(), tid, ktrees);
        _timeLastScoreEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // Compute variable importance for this tree if necessary
    VarImp varimp = null;
    if (importance && ktrees != null) {
        // compute this tree votes but skip the first scoring call which is done over empty forest
        Timer vi_timer = new Timer();
        varimp = doVarImpCalc(model, ktrees, tid - 1, fTrain, false);, "Computation of variable importance with " + tid + "th-tree took: " + vi_timer.toString());
    // Double update - after scoring
    model = makeModel(model, sc == null ? Double.NaN : sc.mse(), sc == null ? null : (_nclass > 1 ? new ConfusionMatrix(sc._cm) : null), varimp, sc == null ? null : (_nclass == 2 ? makeAUC(toCMArray(sc._cms), ModelUtils.DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS) : null));
    return model;
Also used : ConfusionMatrix(hex.ConfusionMatrix) VarImp(hex.VarImp)

Example 2 with VarImp

use of hex.VarImp in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class GLMModel method maybeComputeVariableImportances.

protected void maybeComputeVariableImportances() {
    GLM2 params = get_params();
    this.variable_importances = null;
    final double[] b = beta();
    if (params.variable_importances && null != b) {
        // Warn if we may be returning results that might not include an important (base) level. . .
        if (!params.use_all_factor_levels)
            this.addWarning("Variable Importance may be missing important variables: because use_all_factor_levels is off the importance of base categorical levels will NOT be included.");
        // Don't include the Intercept
        float[] coefs_abs_value = new float[b.length - 1];
        String[] names = new String[b.length - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < b.length - 1; ++i) {
            coefs_abs_value[i] = (float) Math.abs(b[i]);
            names[i] = coefficients_names[i];
        this.variable_importances = new VarImp(coefs_abs_value, names);
Also used : VarImp(hex.VarImp)

Example 3 with VarImp

use of hex.VarImp in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class DeepLearningModel method doScoring.

   * @param train training data from which the model is built (for epoch counting only)
   * @param ftrain potentially downsampled training data for scoring
   * @param ftest  potentially downsampled validation data for scoring
   * @param job_key key of the owning job
   * @return true if model building is ongoing
boolean doScoring(Frame train, Frame ftrain, Frame ftest, Key job_key, Job.ValidatedJob.Response2CMAdaptor vadaptor) {
    try {
        final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        epoch_counter = (float) model_info().get_processed_total() / training_rows;
        final double time_last_iter_millis = now - _timeLastScoreEnter;
        // Note: actual communication time is estimated by the NetworkTest's collective test.
        if (H2O.CLOUD.size() > 1 && get_params().train_samples_per_iteration == -2 && time_for_communication_us > 1e4) {
            //"Time taken for communication: " + PrettyPrint.usecs((long)time_for_communication_us));
            //"Time taken for Map/Reduce iteration: " + PrettyPrint.msecs((long)time_last_iter_millis, true));
            final double comm_to_work_ratio = (time_for_communication_us * 1e-3) / time_last_iter_millis;
            //"Ratio of network communication to computation: " + String.format("%.3f", comm_to_work_ratio));
            //"target_comm_to_work: " + get_params().target_ratio_comm_to_comp);
            final double correction = get_params().target_ratio_comm_to_comp / comm_to_work_ratio;
            //        Log.warn("Suggested value for train_samples_per_iteration: " + get_params().actual_train_samples_per_iteration/correction);
            actual_train_samples_per_iteration /= correction;
            actual_train_samples_per_iteration = Math.max(1, actual_train_samples_per_iteration);
        run_time += time_last_iter_millis;
        _timeLastScoreEnter = now;
        boolean keep_running = (epoch_counter < get_params().epochs);
        final long sinceLastScore = now - _timeLastScoreStart;
        final long sinceLastPrint = now - _timeLastPrintStart;
        final long samples = model_info().get_processed_total();
        if (!keep_running || sinceLastPrint > get_params().score_interval * 1000) {
            _timeLastPrintStart = now;
  "Training time: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(run_time, true) + ". Processed " + String.format("%,d", samples) + " samples" + " (" + String.format("%.3f", epoch_counter) + " epochs)." + " Speed: " + String.format("%.3f", 1000. * samples / run_time) + " samples/sec.");
        // this is potentially slow - only do every so often
        if (!keep_running || (//don't score too often
        sinceLastScore > get_params().score_interval * 1000 && (double) (_timeLastScoreEnd - _timeLastScoreStart) / sinceLastScore < get_params().score_duty_cycle)) {
            //duty cycle
            final boolean printme = !get_params().quiet_mode;
            final boolean adaptCM = (isClassifier() && vadaptor.needsAdaptation2CM());
            _timeLastScoreStart = now;
            if (get_params().diagnostics)
            Errors err = new Errors();
            err.training_time_ms = run_time;
            err.epoch_counter = epoch_counter;
            err.training_samples = model_info().get_processed_total();
            err.validation = ftest != null;
            err.score_training_samples = ftrain.numRows();
            if (get_params().autoencoder) {
                if (printme)
          "Scoring the auto-encoder.");
                // training
                    final Frame mse_frame = scoreAutoEncoder(ftrain);
                    final Vec l2 = mse_frame.anyVec();
          "Mean reconstruction error on training data: " + l2.mean() + "\n");
                    err.train_mse = l2.mean();
            } else {
                if (printme)
          "Scoring the model.");
                // compute errors
                err.classification = isClassifier();
                assert (err.classification == get_params().classification);
                err.num_folds = get_params().n_folds;
                err.train_confusion_matrix = new ConfusionMatrix();
                final int hit_k = Math.min(nclasses(), get_params().max_hit_ratio_k);
                if (err.classification && nclasses() > 2 && hit_k > 0) {
                    err.train_hitratio = new HitRatio();
                final String m = model_info().toString();
                if (m.length() > 0)
                final Frame trainPredict = score(ftrain, false);
                AUC trainAUC = null;
                if (err.classification && nclasses() == 2)
                    trainAUC = new AUC();
                final double trainErr = calcError(ftrain, ftrain.lastVec(), trainPredict, trainPredict, "training", printme, get_params().max_confusion_matrix_size, err.train_confusion_matrix, trainAUC, err.train_hitratio);
                if (isClassifier())
                    err.train_err = trainErr;
                if (trainAUC != null)
                    err.trainAUC =;
                    err.train_mse = trainErr;
                if (err.validation) {
                    assert ftest != null;
                    err.score_validation_samples = ftest.numRows();
                    err.valid_confusion_matrix = new ConfusionMatrix();
                    if (err.classification && nclasses() > 2 && hit_k > 0) {
                        err.valid_hitratio = new HitRatio();
                    final String adaptRespName = vadaptor.adaptedValidationResponse(responseName());
                    Vec adaptCMresp = null;
                    if (adaptCM) {
                        Vec[] v = ftest.vecs();
                        //make sure to have (adapted) response in the test set
                        assert (ftest.find(adaptRespName) == v.length - 1);
                        //model would remove any extra columns anyway (need to keep it here for later)
                        adaptCMresp = ftest.remove(v.length - 1);
                    final Frame validPredict = score(ftest, adaptCM);
                    final Frame hitratio_validPredict = new Frame(validPredict);
                    Vec orig_label = validPredict.vecs()[0];
                    // Note: doesn't change predictions, just the *possible* label domain
                    if (adaptCM) {
                        assert (adaptCMresp != null);
                        assert (ftest.find(adaptRespName) == -1);
                        ftest.add(adaptRespName, adaptCMresp);
                        final Vec CMadapted = vadaptor.adaptModelResponse2CM(validPredict.vecs()[0]);
                        //replace label
                        validPredict.replace(0, CMadapted);
                        //keep the Vec around to be deleted later (no leak)
                        validPredict.add("to_be_deleted", CMadapted);
                    AUC validAUC = null;
                    if (err.classification && nclasses() == 2)
                        validAUC = new AUC();
                    final double validErr = calcError(ftest, ftest.lastVec(), validPredict, hitratio_validPredict, "validation", printme, get_params().max_confusion_matrix_size, err.valid_confusion_matrix, validAUC, err.valid_hitratio);
                    if (isClassifier())
                        err.valid_err = validErr;
                    if (trainAUC != null)
                        err.validAUC =;
                        err.valid_mse = validErr;
                    //also delete the replaced label
                    if (adaptCM)
                        orig_label.remove(new Futures()).blockForPending();
                // only keep confusion matrices for the last step if there are fewer than specified number of output classes
                if ( != null && - 1 >= get_params().max_confusion_matrix_size) {
                    err.train_confusion_matrix = null;
                    err.valid_confusion_matrix = null;
            if (get_params().variable_importances) {
                if (!get_params().quiet_mode)
          "Computing variable importances.");
                final float[] vi = model_info().computeVariableImportances();
                err.variable_importances = new VarImp(vi, Arrays.copyOfRange(model_info().data_info().coefNames(), 0, vi.length));
            _timeLastScoreEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
            err.scoring_time = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
            // enlarge the error array by one, push latest score back
            if (errors == null) {
                errors = new Errors[] { err };
            } else {
                Errors[] err2 = new Errors[errors.length + 1];
                System.arraycopy(errors, 0, err2, 0, errors.length);
                err2[err2.length - 1] = err;
                errors = err2;
            if (!get_params().autoencoder) {
                // always keep a copy of the best model so far (based on the following criterion)
                if (actual_best_model_key != null && (// if we have a best_model in DKV, then compare against its error() (unless it's a different model as judged by the network size)
                (UKV.get(actual_best_model_key) != null && (error() < UKV.<DeepLearningModel>get(actual_best_model_key).error() || !Arrays.equals(model_info().units, UKV.<DeepLearningModel>get(actual_best_model_key).model_info().units))) || // otherwise, compare against our own _bestError
                (UKV.get(actual_best_model_key) == null && error() < _bestError))) {
                    if (!get_params().quiet_mode)
              "Error reduced from " + _bestError + " to " + error() + ". Storing best model so far under key " + actual_best_model_key.toString() + ".");
                    _bestError = error();
                    // debugging check
                    if (false) {
                        DeepLearningModel bestModel = UKV.get(actual_best_model_key);
                        final Frame fr = ftest != null ? ftest : ftrain;
                        final Frame bestPredict = bestModel.score(fr, ftest != null ? adaptCM : false);
                        final Frame hitRatio_bestPredict = new Frame(bestPredict);
                        // Note: doesn't change predictions, just the *possible* label domain
                        if (adaptCM) {
                            final Vec CMadapted = vadaptor.adaptModelResponse2CM(bestPredict.vecs()[0]);
                            //replace label
                            bestPredict.replace(0, CMadapted);
                            //keep the Vec around to be deleted later (no leak)
                            bestPredict.add("to_be_deleted", CMadapted);
                        final double err3 = calcError(fr, fr.lastVec(), bestPredict, hitRatio_bestPredict, "cross-check", printme, get_params().max_confusion_matrix_size, new water.api.ConfusionMatrix(), isClassifier() && nclasses() == 2 ? new AUC() : null, null);
                        if (isClassifier())
                            assert (ftest != null ? Math.abs(err.valid_err - err3) < 1e-5 : Math.abs(err.train_err - err3) < 1e-5);
                            assert (ftest != null ? Math.abs(err.valid_mse - err3) < 1e-5 : Math.abs(err.train_mse - err3) < 1e-5);
                // print the freshly scored model to ASCII
                for (String s : toString().split("\n"));
                if (printme)
          "Time taken for scoring and diagnostics: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(err.scoring_time, true));
        if (model_info().unstable()) {
            keep_running = false;
        } else if ((isClassifier() && last_scored().train_err <= get_params().classification_stop) || (!isClassifier() && last_scored().train_mse <= get_params().regression_stop)) {
  "Achieved requested predictive accuracy on the training data. Model building completed.");
            keep_running = false;
        //    System.out.println(this);
        return keep_running;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        return false;
Also used : Frame(water.fvec.Frame) VarImp(hex.VarImp) Vec(water.fvec.Vec) water.api(water.api)

Example 4 with VarImp

use of hex.VarImp in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class Models method summarizeModelCommonFields.

   * Summarize fields which are generic to water.Model.
private static void summarizeModelCommonFields(ModelSummary summary, Model model) {
    String[] names = model._names;
    summary.warnings = model.warnings;
    // fallback only
    summary.model_algorithm = model.getClass().toString();
    // model.job() is a local copy; on multinode clusters we need to get from the DKV
    Key job_key = ((Job) model.job()).self();
    // later when we deserialize models from disk we'll relax this constraint
    if (null == job_key)
        throw"Null job key for model: " + (model == null ? "null model" : model._key));
    Job job = DKV.get(job_key).get();
    summary.state = job.getState();
    summary.model_category = model.getModelCategory();
    UniqueId unique_id = model.getUniqueId(); = unique_id.getId();
    summary.key = unique_id.getKey();
    summary.creation_epoch_time_millis = unique_id.getCreationEpochTimeMillis();
    summary.training_duration_in_ms = model.training_duration_in_ms;
    summary.response_column_name = names[names.length - 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < names.length - 1; i++) summary.input_column_names.add(names[i]);
    // Ugh.
    VarImp vi = model.varimp();
    if (null != vi) {
        summary.variable_importances = new LinkedHashMap();
        summary.variable_importances.put("varimp", vi.varimp);
        summary.variable_importances.put("variables", vi.getVariables());
        summary.variable_importances.put("method", vi.method);
        summary.variable_importances.put("max_var", vi.max_var);
        summary.variable_importances.put("scaled", vi.scaled());
Also used : VarImp(hex.VarImp)


VarImp (hex.VarImp)4 ConfusionMatrix (hex.ConfusionMatrix)1 water.api (water.api)1 Frame (water.fvec.Frame)1 Vec (water.fvec.Vec)1