use of hudson.model.AbstractProject in project hudson-2.x by hudson.
the class InstallToolCommand method run.
protected int run() throws Exception {
Hudson h = Hudson.getInstance();
// where is this build running?
BuildIDs id = BuildIDs());
if (!id.isComplete())
throw new AbortException("This command can be only invoked from a build executing inside Hudson");
AbstractProject p = Hudson.getInstance().getItemByFullName(id.job, AbstractProject.class);
if (p == null)
throw new AbortException("No such job found: " + id.job);
List<String> toolTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
for (ToolDescriptor<?> d : ToolInstallation.all()) {
if (d.getDisplayName().equals(toolType)) {
List<String> toolNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (ToolInstallation t : d.getInstallations()) {
if (t.getName().equals(toolName))
return install(t, id, p);
// didn't find the right tool name
error(toolNames, toolName, "name");
// didn't find the tool type
error(toolTypes, toolType, "type");
// will never be here
throw new AssertionError();
use of hudson.model.AbstractProject in project hudson-2.x by hudson.
the class WorkspaceSnapshotSCM method resolve.
* Obtains the {@link WorkspaceSnapshot} object that this {@link SCM} points to,
* or throws {@link ResolvedFailedException} upon failing.
* @return never null.
public Snapshot resolve() throws ResolvedFailedException {
Hudson h = Hudson.getInstance();
AbstractProject<?, ?> job = h.getItemByFullName(jobName, AbstractProject.class);
if (job == null) {
if (h.getItemByFullName(jobName) == null) {
AbstractProject nearest = AbstractProject.findNearest(jobName);
throw new ResolvedFailedException(Messages.WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoSuchJob(jobName, nearest.getFullName()));
} else
throw new ResolvedFailedException(Messages.WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_IncorrectJobType(jobName));
PermalinkList permalinks = job.getPermalinks();
Permalink p = permalinks.get(permalink);
if (p == null)
throw new ResolvedFailedException(Messages.WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoSuchPermalink(permalink, jobName));
AbstractBuild<?, ?> b = (AbstractBuild<?, ?>) p.resolve(job);
if (b == null)
throw new ResolvedFailedException(Messages.WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoBuild(permalink, jobName));
WorkspaceSnapshot snapshot = b.getAction(WorkspaceSnapshot.class);
if (snapshot == null)
throw new ResolvedFailedException(Messages.WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoWorkspace(jobName, permalink));
return new Snapshot(snapshot, b);
use of hudson.model.AbstractProject in project hudson-2.x by hudson.
the class Trigger method checkTriggers.
public static void checkTriggers(final Calendar cal) {
Hudson inst = Hudson.getInstance();
// Are we using synchronous polling?
SCMTrigger.DescriptorImpl scmd = inst.getDescriptorByType(SCMTrigger.DescriptorImpl.class);
if (scmd.synchronousPolling) {
LOGGER.fine("using synchronous polling");
// Check that previous synchronous polling job is done to prevent piling up too many jobs
if (previousSynchronousPolling == null || previousSynchronousPolling.isDone()) {
// Process SCMTriggers in the order of dependencies. Note that the crontab spec expressed per-project is
// ignored, only the global setting is honored. The polling job is submitted only if the previous job has
// terminated.
// FIXME allow to set a global crontab spec
previousSynchronousPolling = scmd.getExecutor().submit(new DependencyRunner(new ProjectRunnable() {
public void run(AbstractProject p) {
for (Trigger t : (Collection<Trigger>) p.getTriggers().values()) {
if (t instanceof SCMTrigger) {
LOGGER.fine("synchronously triggering SCMTrigger for project " + t.job.getName());;
} else {
LOGGER.fine("synchronous polling has detected unfinished jobs, will not trigger additional jobs.");
// Process all triggers, except SCMTriggers when synchronousPolling is set
for (AbstractProject<?, ?> p : inst.getAllItems(AbstractProject.class)) {
for (Trigger t : p.getTriggers().values()) {
if (!(t instanceof SCMTrigger && scmd.synchronousPolling)) {
LOGGER.fine("cron checking " + p.getName());
if (t.tabs.check(cal)) {
LOGGER.config("cron triggered " + p.getName());
try {;
} catch (Throwable e) {
// is a plugin, and some of them throw RuntimeException and other things.
// don't let that cancel the polling activity. report and move on.
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, t.getClass().getName() + ".run() failed for " + p.getName(), e);
use of hudson.model.AbstractProject in project hudson-2.x by hudson.
the class MetaProject method find.
public static MetaProject find(final UUID id) {
Job job = JobUuid.find(id);
if (job instanceof AbstractProject) {
return new MetaProject((AbstractProject) job);
return null;
use of hudson.model.AbstractProject in project hudson-2.x by hudson.
the class FilePath method validateRelativePath.
* Validates a relative file path from this {@link FilePath}.
* Requires configure permission on ancestor AbstractProject object in request.
* @param value
* The relative path being validated.
* @param errorIfNotExist
* If true, report an error if the given relative path doesn't exist. Otherwise it's a warning.
* @param expectingFile
* If true, we expect the relative path to point to a file.
* Otherwise, the relative path is expected to be pointing to a directory.
public FormValidation validateRelativePath(String value, boolean errorIfNotExist, boolean expectingFile) throws IOException {
AbstractProject subject = Stapler.getCurrentRequest().findAncestorObject(AbstractProject.class);
value = fixEmpty(value);
// none entered yet, or something is seriously wrong
if (value == null || (AbstractProject<?, ?>) subject == null)
return FormValidation.ok();
// a common mistake is to use wildcard
if (value.contains("*"))
return FormValidation.error(Messages.FilePath_validateRelativePath_wildcardNotAllowed());
try {
if (// no base directory. can't check
return FormValidation.ok();
FilePath path = child(value);
if (path.exists()) {
if (expectingFile) {
if (!path.isDirectory())
return FormValidation.ok();
return FormValidation.error(Messages.FilePath_validateRelativePath_notFile(value));
} else {
if (path.isDirectory())
return FormValidation.ok();
return FormValidation.error(Messages.FilePath_validateRelativePath_notDirectory(value));
String msg = expectingFile ? Messages.FilePath_validateRelativePath_noSuchFile(value) : Messages.FilePath_validateRelativePath_noSuchDirectory(value);
if (errorIfNotExist)
return FormValidation.error(msg);
return FormValidation.warning(msg);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return FormValidation.ok();