use of hudson.model.AbstractProject in project hudson-2.x by hudson.
the class BaseBuildResultMail method createEmptyMail.
* Creates empty mail.
* @param build build.
* @param listener listener.
* @return empty mail.
* @throws MessagingException exception if any.
protected MimeMessage createEmptyMail(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener listener) throws MessagingException {
MimeMessage msg = new HudsonMimeMessage(Mailer.descriptor().createSession());
// TODO: I'd like to put the URL to the page in here,
// but how do I obtain that?
msg.setContent("", "text/plain");
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(Mailer.descriptor().getAdminAddress()));
msg.setSentDate(new Date());
Set<InternetAddress> rcp = new LinkedHashSet<InternetAddress>();
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(getRecipients());
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
String address = tokens.nextToken();
if (address.startsWith("upstream-individuals:")) {
// people who made a change in the upstream
String projectName = address.substring("upstream-individuals:".length());
AbstractProject up = Hudson.getInstance().getItemByFullName(projectName, AbstractProject.class);
if (up == null) {
listener.getLogger().println("No such project exist: " + projectName);
includeCulpritsOf(up, build, listener, rcp);
} else {
// ordinary address
try {
rcp.add(new InternetAddress(address));
} catch (AddressException e) {
// report bad address, but try to send to other addresses
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(upstreamProjects)) {
for (AbstractProject project : upstreamProjects) {
includeCulpritsOf(project, build, listener, rcp);
if (sendToIndividuals) {
Set<User> culprits = build.getCulprits();
if (debug)
listener.getLogger().println("Trying to send e-mails to individuals who broke the build. sizeof(culprits)==" + culprits.size());
rcp.addAll(buildCulpritList(listener, culprits));
msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, rcp.toArray(new InternetAddress[rcp.size()]));
AbstractBuild<?, ?> pb = build.getPreviousBuild();
if (pb != null) {
MailMessageIdAction b = pb.getAction(MailMessageIdAction.class);
if (b != null) {
msg.setHeader("In-Reply-To", b.messageId);
msg.setHeader("References", b.messageId);
return msg;
use of hudson.model.AbstractProject in project violations-plugin by jenkinsci.
the class ViolationsReport method getLiveConfig.
* get the configuration for this job.
* @return the configuration of the job.
public ViolationsConfig getLiveConfig() {
AbstractProject<?, ?> abstractProject = build.getProject();
if (abstractProject instanceof Project) {
Project project = (Project) abstractProject;
ViolationsPublisher publisher = (ViolationsPublisher) project.getPublisher(ViolationsPublisher.DESCRIPTOR);
return publisher == null ? null : publisher.getConfig();
return null;
use of hudson.model.AbstractProject in project promoted-builds-plugin by jenkinsci.
the class DownstreamPassCondition method getJobList.
* List of downstream jobs that we need to monitor resolving variables.
* @since 2.33
* @return never null.
public List<AbstractProject<?, ?>> getJobList(ItemGroup context, EnvVars buildEnvironment) {
List<AbstractProject<?, ?>> r = new ArrayList<AbstractProject<?, ?>>();
String expandedJobs = getExpandedJobs(jobs, buildEnvironment);
if (expandedJobs == null)
return r;
for (String name : Util.tokenize(expandedJobs, ",")) {
AbstractProject job = JenkinsHelper.getInstance().getItem(name.trim(), context, AbstractProject.class);
if (job != null)
return r;
use of hudson.model.AbstractProject in project promoted-builds-plugin by jenkinsci.
the class DownstreamPassCondition method isMet.
public PromotionBadge isMet(PromotionProcess promotionProcess, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) {
Badge badge = new Badge();
PseudoDownstreamBuilds pdb = build.getAction(PseudoDownstreamBuilds.class);
EnvVars buildEnvironment = new EnvVars(build.getBuildVariables());
OUTER: for (AbstractProject<?, ?> j : getJobList(build.getProject().getParent(), buildEnvironment)) {
for (AbstractBuild<?, ?> b : build.getDownstreamBuilds(j)) {
if (!b.isBuilding()) {
Result r = b.getResult();
if ((r == Result.SUCCESS) || (evenIfUnstable && r == Result.UNSTABLE)) {
continue OUTER;
if (pdb != null) {
// if fingerprint doesn't have any, try the pseudo-downstream
for (AbstractBuild<?, ?> b : pdb.listBuilds(j)) {
if (!b.isBuilding()) {
Result r = b.getResult();
if ((r == Result.SUCCESS) || (evenIfUnstable && r == Result.UNSTABLE)) {
continue OUTER;
// none of the builds of this job passed.
return null;
return badge;