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Example 1 with Channel

use of hudson.remoting.Channel in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class ChannelTestCase method setUp.

protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    final FastPipedInputStream p1i = new FastPipedInputStream();
    final FastPipedInputStream p2i = new FastPipedInputStream();
    final FastPipedOutputStream p1o = new FastPipedOutputStream(p1i);
    final FastPipedOutputStream p2o = new FastPipedOutputStream(p2i);
    Future<Channel> f1 = executors.submit(new Callable<Channel>() {

        public Channel call() throws Exception {
            return new Channel("This side of the channel", executors, p1i, p2o);
    Future<Channel> f2 = executors.submit(new Callable<Channel>() {

        public Channel call() throws Exception {
            return new Channel("The other side of the channel", executors, p2i, p1o);
    french = f1.get();
    british = f2.get();
Also used : Channel(hudson.remoting.Channel) FastPipedOutputStream(hudson.remoting.FastPipedOutputStream) IOException( FastPipedInputStream(hudson.remoting.FastPipedInputStream)

Example 2 with Channel

use of hudson.remoting.Channel in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class Channels method forProcess.

public static Channel forProcess(String name, ExecutorService execService, final Process proc, OutputStream header) throws IOException {
    final Thread thread = new StreamCopyThread(name + " stderr", proc.getErrorStream(), header);
    return new Channel(name, execService, proc.getInputStream(), proc.getOutputStream(), header) {

             * Kill the process when the channel is severed.
        protected synchronized void terminate(IOException e) {
        // the stderr copier should exit by itself

        public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
            // wait for Maven to complete
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // process the interrupt later
Also used : StreamCopyThread(hudson.util.StreamCopyThread) Channel(hudson.remoting.Channel) IOException( StreamCopyThread(hudson.util.StreamCopyThread)

Example 3 with Channel

use of hudson.remoting.Channel in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class ConnectionActivityMonitor method execute.

protected void execute(TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (!enabled)
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (Computer c : Hudson.getInstance().getComputers()) {
        VirtualChannel ch = c.getChannel();
        if (ch instanceof Channel) {
            Channel channel = (Channel) ch;
            if (now - channel.getLastHeard() > TIME_TILL_PING) {
                // haven't heard from this slave for a while.
                Long lastPing = (Long) channel.getProperty(ConnectionActivityMonitor.class);
                if (lastPing != null && now - lastPing > TIMEOUT) {
          "Repeated ping attempts failed on " + c.getName() + ". Disconnecting");
                } else {
                    // send a ping. if we receive a reply, it will be reflected in the next getLastHeard() call.
                    if (lastPing == null)
                        channel.setProperty(ConnectionActivityMonitor.class, now);
            } else {
                // we are receiving data nicely
                channel.setProperty(ConnectionActivityMonitor.class, null);
Also used : VirtualChannel(hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel) Channel(hudson.remoting.Channel) VirtualChannel(hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel) Computer(hudson.model.Computer)

Example 4 with Channel

use of hudson.remoting.Channel in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class SlaveComputer method closeChannel.

     * If still connected, disconnect.
private void closeChannel() {
    // TODO: race condition between this and the setChannel method.
    Channel c = channel;
    channel = null;
    isUnix = null;
    if (c != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to terminate channel to " + getDisplayName(), e);
    for (ComputerListener cl : ComputerListener.all()) cl.onOffline(this);
Also used : Channel(hudson.remoting.Channel) VirtualChannel(hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel) IOException(

Example 5 with Channel

use of hudson.remoting.Channel in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class SlaveComputer method setChannel.

     * Creates a {@link Channel} from the given stream and sets that to this slave.
     * @param in
     *      Stream connected to the remote "slave.jar". It's the caller's responsibility to do
     *      buffering on this stream, if that's necessary.
     * @param out
     *      Stream connected to the remote peer. It's the caller's responsibility to do
     *      buffering on this stream, if that's necessary.
     * @param launchLog
     *      If non-null, receive the portion of data in <tt>is</tt> before
     *      the data goes into the "binary mode". This is useful
     *      when the established communication channel might include some data that might
     *      be useful for debugging/trouble-shooting.
     * @param listener
     *      Gets a notification when the channel closes, to perform clean up. Can be null.
     *      By the time this method is called, the cause of the termination is reported to the user,
     *      so the implementation of the listener doesn't need to do that again.
public void setChannel(InputStream in, OutputStream out, OutputStream launchLog, Channel.Listener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if ( != null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Already connected");
    final TaskListener taskListener = new StreamTaskListener(launchLog);
    PrintStream log = taskListener.getLogger();
    Channel channel = new Channel(nodeName, threadPoolForRemoting, Channel.Mode.NEGOTIATE, in, out, launchLog);
    channel.addListener(new Channel.Listener() {

        public void onClosed(Channel c, IOException cause) {
   = null;
            // Orderly shutdown will have null exception
            if (cause != null) {
                offlineCause = new ChannelTermination(cause);
                cause.printStackTrace(taskListener.error("Connection terminated"));
            } else {
                taskListener.getLogger().println("Connection terminated");
            launcher.afterDisconnect(SlaveComputer.this, taskListener);
    if (listener != null)
    String slaveVersion = SlaveVersion());
    log.println("Slave.jar version: " + slaveVersion);
    boolean _isUnix = DetectOS());
    log.println(_isUnix ? hudson.model.Messages.Slave_UnixSlave() : hudson.model.Messages.Slave_WindowsSlave());
    String defaultCharsetName = DetectDefaultCharset());
    String remoteFs = getNode().getRemoteFS();
    if (_isUnix && !remoteFs.contains("/") && remoteFs.contains("\\"))
        log.println("WARNING: " + remoteFs + " looks suspiciously like Windows path. Maybe you meant " + remoteFs.replace('\\', '/') + "?");
    FilePath root = new FilePath(channel, getNode().getRemoteFS()); SlaveInitializer()); WindowsSlaveInstaller(remoteFs));
    for (ComputerListener cl : ComputerListener.all()) cl.preOnline(this, channel, root, taskListener);
    offlineCause = null;
    // update the data structure atomically to prevent others from seeing a channel that's not properly initialized yet
    synchronized (channelLock) {
        if ( != null) {
            // check again. we used to have this entire method in a big sycnhronization block,
            // but Channel constructor blocks for an external process to do the connection
            // if CommandLauncher is used, and that cannot be interrupted because it blocks at InputStream.
            // so if the process hangs, it hangs the thread in a lock, and since Hudson will try to relaunch,
            // we'll end up queuing the lot of threads in a pseudo deadlock.
            // This implementation prevents that by avoiding a lock. HUDSON-1705 is likely a manifestation of this.
            throw new IllegalStateException("Already connected");
        isUnix = _isUnix;
        numRetryAttempt = 0; = channel;
        defaultCharset = Charset.forName(defaultCharsetName);
    for (ComputerListener cl : ComputerListener.all()) cl.onOnline(this, taskListener);
    log.println("Slave successfully connected and online");
Also used : FilePath(hudson.FilePath) PrintStream( StreamTaskListener(hudson.util.StreamTaskListener) Channel(hudson.remoting.Channel) VirtualChannel(hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel) IOException( WindowsSlaveInstaller(hudson.lifecycle.WindowsSlaveInstaller) StreamTaskListener(hudson.util.StreamTaskListener) ChannelTermination(hudson.slaves.OfflineCause.ChannelTermination)


Channel (hudson.remoting.Channel)12 VirtualChannel (hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel)7 IOException ( StreamCopyThread (hudson.util.StreamCopyThread)2 PrintStream ( EnvVars (hudson.EnvVars)1 FilePath (hudson.FilePath)1 CliEntryPoint (hudson.cli.CliEntryPoint)1 CliManagerImpl (hudson.cli.CliManagerImpl)1 WindowsSlaveInstaller (hudson.lifecycle.WindowsSlaveInstaller)1 Computer (hudson.model.Computer)1 TaskListener (hudson.model.TaskListener)1 Listener (hudson.remoting.Channel.Listener)1 FastPipedInputStream (hudson.remoting.FastPipedInputStream)1 FastPipedOutputStream (hudson.remoting.FastPipedOutputStream)1 LocalChannel (hudson.remoting.LocalChannel)1 PingThread (hudson.remoting.PingThread)1 SocketInputStream (hudson.remoting.SocketInputStream)1 SocketOutputStream (hudson.remoting.SocketOutputStream)1 ChannelTermination (hudson.slaves.OfflineCause.ChannelTermination)1