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Example 1 with ArgumentListBuilder

use of hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class JDKInstaller method install.

     * Performs the JDK installation to a system, provided that the bundle was already downloaded.
     * @param launcher
     *      Used to launch processes on the system.
     * @param p
     *      Platform of the system. This determines how the bundle is installed.
     * @param fs
     *      Abstraction of the file system manipulation on this system.
     * @param log
     *      Where the output from the installation will be written.
     * @param expectedLocation
     *      Path to install JDK to. Must be absolute and in the native file system notation.
     * @param jdkBundle
     *      Path to the installed JDK bundle. (The bundle to download can be determined by {@link #locate(TaskListener, Platform, CPU)} call.)
public void install(Launcher launcher, Platform p, FileSystem fs, TaskListener log, String expectedLocation, String jdkBundle) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    PrintStream out = log.getLogger();
    out.println("Installing " + jdkBundle);
    switch(p) {
        case LINUX:
        case SOLARIS:
            fs.chmod(jdkBundle, 0755);
            int exit = launcher.launch().cmds(jdkBundle, "-noregister").stdin(new ByteArrayInputStream("yes".getBytes())).stdout(out).pwd(new FilePath(launcher.getChannel(), expectedLocation)).join();
            if (exit != 0)
                throw new AbortException(Messages.JDKInstaller_FailedToInstallJDK(exit));
            // JDK creates its own sub-directory, so pull them up
            List<String> paths = fs.listSubDirectories(expectedLocation);
            for (Iterator<String> itr = paths.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
                String s =;
                if (!s.matches("j(2s)?dk.*"))
            if (paths.size() != 1)
                throw new AbortException("Failed to find the extracted JDKs: " + paths);
            // remove the intermediate directory
            fs.pullUp(expectedLocation + '/' + paths.get(0), expectedLocation);
        case WINDOWS:
                Windows silent installation is full of bad know-how.

                On Windows, command line argument to a process at the OS level is a single string,
                not a string array like POSIX. When we pass arguments as string array, JRE eventually
                turn it into a single string with adding quotes to "the right place". Unfortunately,
                with the strange argument layout of InstallShield (like /v/qn" INSTALLDIR=foobar"),
                it appears that the escaping done by JRE gets in the way, and prevents the installation.
                Presumably because of this, my attempt to use /q/vn" INSTALLDIR=foo" didn't work with JDK5.

                I tried to locate exactly how InstallShield parses the arguments (and why it uses
                awkward option like /qn, but couldn't find any. Instead, experiments revealed that
                "/q/vn ARG ARG ARG" works just as well. This is presumably due to the Visual C++ runtime library
                (which does single string -> string array conversion to invoke the main method in most Win32 process),
                and this consistently worked on JDK5 and JDK4.

                Some of the official documentations are available at
            String logFile = jdkBundle + ".install.log";
            ArgumentListBuilder args = new ArgumentListBuilder();
            // according to, \" is the trick to quote values with whitespaces.
            // Oh Windows, oh windows, why do you have to be so difficult?
            args.add("/v/qn REBOOT=Suppress INSTALLDIR=\\\"" + expectedLocation + "\\\" /L \\\"" + logFile + "\\\"");
            int r = launcher.launch().cmds(args).stdout(out).pwd(new FilePath(launcher.getChannel(), expectedLocation)).join();
            if (r != 0) {
                // log file is in UTF-16
                InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(, "UTF-16");
                try {
                    IOUtils.copy(in, new OutputStreamWriter(out));
                } finally {
                throw new AbortException();
Also used : FilePath(hudson.FilePath) PrintStream( InputStreamReader( ByteArrayInputStream( OutputStreamWriter( ArgumentListBuilder(hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder) AbortException(hudson.AbortException)

Example 2 with ArgumentListBuilder

use of hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class SU method start.

     * Returns a {@link VirtualChannel} that's connected to the priviledge-escalated environment.
     * @return
     *      Never null. This may represent a channel to a separate JVM, or just {@link LocalChannel}.
     *      Close this channel and the SU environment will be shut down.
public static VirtualChannel start(final TaskListener listener, final String rootUsername, final String rootPassword) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (// on Windows
    File.pathSeparatorChar == ';')
        // TODO: perhaps use RunAs to run as an Administrator?
        return newLocalChannel();
    String os = Util.fixNull(System.getProperty(""));
    if (os.equals("Linux"))
        return new UnixSu() {

            protected String sudoExe() {
                return "sudo";

            protected Process sudoWithPass(ArgumentListBuilder args) throws IOException {
                args.prepend(sudoExe(), "-S");
                listener.getLogger().println("$ " + Util.join(args.toList(), " "));
                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args.toCommandArray());
                Process p = pb.start();
                // TODO: use -p to detect prompt
                // TODO: detect if the password didn't work
                PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(p.getOutputStream());
                return p;
        }.start(listener, rootPassword);
    if (os.equals("SunOS"))
        return new UnixSu() {

            protected String sudoExe() {
                return "/usr/bin/pfexec";

            protected Process sudoWithPass(ArgumentListBuilder args) throws IOException {
                listener.getLogger().println("Running with embedded_su");
                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args.prepend(sudoExe()).toCommandArray());
                return EmbeddedSu.startWithSu(rootUsername, rootPassword, pb);
        }.start(listener, rootUsername == null ? null : rootPassword);
    // unsupported platform, take a chance
    return newLocalChannel();
Also used : PrintStream( ArgumentListBuilder(hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder)

Example 3 with ArgumentListBuilder

use of hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class Ant method perform.

public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    ArgumentListBuilder args = new ArgumentListBuilder();
    EnvVars env = build.getEnvironment(listener);
    AntInstallation ai = getAnt();
    if (ai == null) {
        args.add(launcher.isUnix() ? "ant" : "ant.bat");
    } else {
        ai = ai.forNode(Computer.currentComputer().getNode(), listener);
        ai = ai.forEnvironment(env);
        String exe = ai.getExecutable(launcher);
        if (exe == null) {
            return false;
    VariableResolver<String> vr = build.getBuildVariableResolver();
    String buildFile = env.expand(this.buildFile);
    String targets = Util.replaceMacro(env.expand(this.targets), vr);
    FilePath buildFilePath = buildFilePath(build.getModuleRoot(), buildFile, targets);
    if (!buildFilePath.exists()) {
        // because of the poor choice of getModuleRoot() with CVS/Subversion, people often get confused
        // with where the build file path is relative to. Now it's too late to change this behavior
        // due to compatibility issue, but at least we can make this less painful by looking for errors
        // and diagnosing it nicely. See HUDSON-1782
        // first check if this appears to be a valid relative path from workspace root
        FilePath buildFilePath2 = buildFilePath(build.getWorkspace(), buildFile, targets);
        if (buildFilePath2.exists()) {
            // This must be what the user meant. Let it continue.
            buildFilePath = buildFilePath2;
        } else {
            // neither file exists. So this now really does look like an error.
            listener.fatalError("Unable to find build script at " + buildFilePath);
            return false;
    if (buildFile != null) {
        args.add("-file", buildFilePath.getName());
    Set<String> sensitiveVars = build.getSensitiveBuildVariables();
    args.addKeyValuePairs("-D", build.getBuildVariables(), sensitiveVars);
    args.addKeyValuePairsFromPropertyString("-D", properties, vr, sensitiveVars);
    args.addTokenized(targets.replaceAll("[\t\r\n]+", " "));
    if (ai != null)
        env.put("ANT_HOME", ai.getHome());
    if (antOpts != null)
        env.put("ANT_OPTS", env.expand(antOpts));
    if (!launcher.isUnix()) {
        args = args.toWindowsCommand();
        // For some reason, ant on windows rejects empty parameters but unix does not.
        // Add quotes for any empty parameter values:
        List<String> newArgs = new ArrayList<String>(args.toList());
        newArgs.set(newArgs.size() - 1, newArgs.get(newArgs.size() - 1).replaceAll("(?<= )(-D[^\" ]+)= ", "$1=\"\" "));
        args = new ArgumentListBuilder(newArgs.toArray(new String[newArgs.size()]));
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
        AntConsoleAnnotator aca = new AntConsoleAnnotator(listener.getLogger(), build.getCharset());
        int r;
        try {
            r = launcher.launch().cmds(args).envs(env).stdout(aca).pwd(buildFilePath.getParent()).join();
        } finally {
        return r == 0;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Util.displayIOException(e, listener);
        String errorMessage = Messages.Ant_ExecFailed();
        if (ai == null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) < 1000) {
            if (getDescriptor().getInstallations() == null)
                // looks like the user didn't configure any Ant installation
                errorMessage += Messages.Ant_GlobalConfigNeeded();
                // There are Ant installations configured but the project didn't pick it
                errorMessage += Messages.Ant_ProjectConfigNeeded();
        return false;
Also used : FilePath(hudson.FilePath) AntConsoleAnnotator(hudson.tasks._ant.AntConsoleAnnotator) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( EnvVars(hudson.EnvVars) ArgumentListBuilder(hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder)

Example 4 with ArgumentListBuilder

use of hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class Maven method perform.

public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    VariableResolver<String> vr = build.getBuildVariableResolver();
    EnvVars env = build.getEnvironment(listener);
    String targets = Util.replaceMacro(this.targets, vr);
    targets = env.expand(targets);
    String pom = env.expand(this.pom);
    String properties = env.expand(;
    int startIndex = 0;
    int endIndex;
    do {
        // split targets into multiple invokations of maven separated by |
        endIndex = targets.indexOf('|', startIndex);
        if (-1 == endIndex) {
            endIndex = targets.length();
        String normalizedTarget = targets.substring(startIndex, endIndex).replaceAll("[\t\r\n]+", " ");
        ArgumentListBuilder args = new ArgumentListBuilder();
        MavenInstallation mi = getMaven();
        if (mi == null) {
            String execName = build.getWorkspace().act(new DecideDefaultMavenCommand(normalizedTarget));
        } else {
            mi = mi.forNode(Computer.currentComputer().getNode(), listener);
            mi = mi.forEnvironment(env);
            String exec = mi.getExecutable(launcher);
            if (exec == null) {
                return false;
        if (pom != null)
            args.add("-f", pom);
        Set<String> sensitiveVars = build.getSensitiveBuildVariables();
        args.addKeyValuePairs("-D", build.getBuildVariables(), sensitiveVars);
        args.addKeyValuePairsFromPropertyString("-D", properties, vr, sensitiveVars);
        if (usesPrivateRepository())
            args.add("-Dmaven.repo.local=" + build.getWorkspace().child(".repository"));
        wrapUpArguments(args, normalizedTarget, build, launcher, listener);
        buildEnvVars(env, mi);
        try {
            MavenConsoleAnnotator mca = new MavenConsoleAnnotator(listener.getLogger(), build.getCharset());
            int r = launcher.launch().cmds(args).envs(env).stdout(mca).pwd(build.getModuleRoot()).join();
            if (0 != r) {
                return false;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Util.displayIOException(e, listener);
            return false;
        startIndex = endIndex + 1;
    } while (startIndex < targets.length());
    return true;
Also used : EnvVars(hudson.EnvVars) MavenConsoleAnnotator(hudson.tasks._maven.MavenConsoleAnnotator) ArgumentListBuilder(hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder) IOException(


ArgumentListBuilder (hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder)4 EnvVars (hudson.EnvVars)2 FilePath (hudson.FilePath)2 IOException ( PrintStream ( AbortException (hudson.AbortException)1 AntConsoleAnnotator (hudson.tasks._ant.AntConsoleAnnotator)1 MavenConsoleAnnotator (hudson.tasks._maven.MavenConsoleAnnotator)1 ByteArrayInputStream ( InputStreamReader ( OutputStreamWriter ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1