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Example 1 with Person

use of in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.

the class NewEmailFragment method sendEmail.

private boolean sendEmail() {
    Email email = new Email(I2PBote.getInstance().getConfiguration().getIncludeSentTime());
    try {
        // Set sender
        EmailIdentity sender = (EmailIdentity) mSpinner.getSelectedItem();
        InternetAddress ia = new InternetAddress(sender == null ? "Anonymous" : BoteHelper.getNameAndDestination(sender.getKey()));
        // We must continue to set "Sender:" even with only one mailbox
        // in "From:", which is against RFC 2822 but required for older
        // Bote versions to see a sender (and validate the signature).
        for (Object obj : mTo.getObjects()) {
            Person person = (Person) obj;
            email.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(person.getAddress(), person.getName()));
        if (mMoreVisible) {
            for (Object obj : mCc.getObjects()) {
                Person person = (Person) obj;
                email.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, new InternetAddress(person.getAddress(), person.getName()));
            for (Object obj : mBcc.getObjects()) {
                Person person = (Person) obj;
                email.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.BCC, new InternetAddress(person.getAddress(), person.getName()));
        // Check that we have someone to send to
        Address[] rcpts = email.getAllRecipients();
        if (rcpts == null || rcpts.length == 0) {
            // No recipients
            return false;
        } else {
        email.setSubject(mSubject.getText().toString(), "UTF-8");
        // Extract the attachments
        List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>();
        for (int i = 0; i < mAttachments.getChildCount(); i++) {
            View v = mAttachments.getChildAt(i);
            // Warning views don't have tags set
            if (v.getTag() != null)
                attachments.add((Attachment) v.getTag());
        // Set the text and add attachments
        email.setContent(mContent.getText().toString(), attachments);
        // Cache the fact that we sent this email
        BoteHelper.setEmailSent(email, true);
        // Send the email
        // Clean up attachments
        for (Attachment attachment : attachments) {
            if (!attachment.clean())
                Log.e(Constants.ANDROID_LOG_TAG, "Can't clean up attachment: <" + attachment + ">");
        return true;
    } catch (PasswordException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (AddressException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (MessagingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    return false;
Also used : InternetAddress(javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress) Email( Address(javax.mail.Address) InternetAddress(javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress) MessagingException(javax.mail.MessagingException) EmailIdentity( GeneralSecurityException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Attachment( ContentAttachment( IOException( ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) View(android.view.View) TextView(android.widget.TextView) ContactsCompletionView( SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) PasswordException(i2p.bote.fileencryption.PasswordException) AddressException(javax.mail.internet.AddressException) Person(

Example 2 with Person

use of in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.

the class NewEmailFragment method onViewCreated.

public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
    mSpinner = (Spinner) view.findViewById(;
    mMore = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;
    mTo = (ContactsCompletionView) view.findViewById(;
    mCc = (ContactsCompletionView) view.findViewById(;
    mBcc = (ContactsCompletionView) view.findViewById(;
    mSubject = (EditText) view.findViewById(;
    mContent = (EditText) view.findViewById(;
    mAttachments = (LinearLayout) view.findViewById(;
    String quoteMsgFolder = getArguments().getString(QUOTE_MSG_FOLDER);
    String quoteMsgId = getArguments().getString(QUOTE_MSG_ID);
    QuoteMsgType quoteMsgType = (QuoteMsgType) getArguments().getSerializable(QUOTE_MSG_TYPE);
    boolean hide = I2PBote.getInstance().getConfiguration().getHideLocale();
    List<Person> toRecipients = new ArrayList<Person>();
    List<Person> ccRecipients = new ArrayList<Person>();
    String origSubject = null;
    String origContent = null;
    String origFrom = null;
    try {
        Email origEmail = BoteHelper.getEmail(quoteMsgFolder, quoteMsgId);
        if (origEmail != null) {
            mSenderKey = BoteHelper.extractEmailDestination(BoteHelper.getOneLocalRecipient(origEmail).toString());
            if (quoteMsgType == QuoteMsgType.REPLY) {
                String recipient = BoteHelper.getNameAndDestination(origEmail.getReplyAddress(I2PBote.getInstance().getIdentities()));
            } else if (quoteMsgType == QuoteMsgType.REPLY_ALL) {
                // What happens if an email is received by multiple local identities?
                for (Address address : origEmail.getAllAddresses(true)) {
                    Person person = extractPerson(address.toString());
                    if (person != null)
            origSubject = origEmail.getSubject();
            origContent = origEmail.getText();
            origFrom = BoteHelper.getShortSenderName(origEmail.getOneFromAddress(), 50);
    } catch (PasswordException e) {
        // Should not happen, we cannot get to this page without authenticating
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (MessagingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    // Set up identities spinner
    IdentityAdapter identities = new IdentityAdapter(getActivity());
    // Set up Cc/Bcc button
    mMore.setImageDrawable(new IconicsDrawable(getActivity(), GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_unfold_more).colorRes(R.color.md_grey_600).sizeDp(24).paddingDp(3));
    mMore.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View view) {
            mCc.setVisibility(mMoreVisible ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE);
            mBcc.setVisibility(mMoreVisible ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE);
            mMore.setImageDrawable(new IconicsDrawable(getActivity(), mMoreVisible ? GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_unfold_more : GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_unfold_less).colorRes(R.color.md_grey_600).sizeDp(24).paddingDp(mMoreVisible ? 3 : 4));
            mMoreVisible = !mMoreVisible;
    // Set up contacts auto-complete
    List<Person> contacts = new ArrayList<Person>();
    try {
        for (Contact contact : I2PBote.getInstance().getAddressBook().getAll()) {
            contacts.add(new Person(contact.getName(), contact.getBase64Dest(), BoteHelper.decodePicture(contact.getPictureBase64())));
    } catch (PasswordException e) {
        // TODO handle
    mAdapter = new FilteredArrayAdapter<Person>(getActivity(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, contacts) {

        protected boolean keepObject(Person obj, String mask) {
            mask = mask.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
            return obj.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.US).startsWith(mask) || obj.getAddress().toLowerCase(Locale.US).startsWith(mask);

        public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
            View v;
            if (convertView == null)
                v = ((LayoutInflater) getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)).inflate(R.layout.listitem_contact, parent, false);
                v = convertView;
            setViewContent(v, position);
            return v;

        private void setViewContent(View v, int position) {
            Person person = getItem(position);
            ((TextView) v.findViewById(;
            ImageView picView = (ImageView) v.findViewById(;
            Bitmap picture = person.getPicture();
            if (picture == null) {
                ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = picView.getLayoutParams();
                picture = BoteHelper.getIdenticonForAddress(person.getAddress(), lp.width, lp.height);
    for (Person recipient : toRecipients) {
    for (Person recipient : ccRecipients) {
    if (origSubject != null) {
        String subjectPrefix;
        if (quoteMsgType == QuoteMsgType.FORWARD) {
            subjectPrefix = getResources().getString(hide ? R.string.subject_prefix_fwd_hide : R.string.subject_prefix_fwd);
        } else {
            subjectPrefix = getResources().getString(hide ? R.string.response_prefix_re_hide : R.string.response_prefix_re);
        if (!origSubject.startsWith(subjectPrefix))
            origSubject = subjectPrefix + " " + origSubject;
    if (origContent != null) {
        StringBuilder quotation = new StringBuilder();
        quotation.append(getResources().getString(hide ? R.string.response_quote_wrote_hide : R.string.response_quote_wrote, origFrom));
        String[] lines = origContent.split("\r?\n|\r");
        for (String line : lines) quotation = quotation.append("\n> ").append(line);
    if (savedInstanceState == null) {
        mTo.setPrefix(getResources().getString(R.string.email_to) + " ");
        mCc.setPrefix(getResources().getString(R.string.email_cc) + " ");
        mBcc.setPrefix(getResources().getString(R.string.email_bcc) + " ");
    TextWatcher dirtyWatcher = new TextWatcher() {

        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {

        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
            mDirty = true;

        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
Also used : Email( Address(javax.mail.Address) InternetAddress(javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PasswordException(i2p.bote.fileencryption.PasswordException) Bitmap( TextWatcher(android.text.TextWatcher) Editable(android.text.Editable) ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) IconicsDrawable(com.mikepenz.iconics.IconicsDrawable) MessagingException(javax.mail.MessagingException) ViewGroup(android.view.ViewGroup) GeneralSecurityException( IOException( ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) View(android.view.View) TextView(android.widget.TextView) ContactsCompletionView( SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) Contact(i2p.bote.packet.dht.Contact) Person(

Example 3 with Person

use of in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.

the class ContactsCompletionView method getViewForObject.

protected View getViewForObject(Object object) {
    Person person = (Person) object;
    LayoutInflater l = (LayoutInflater) getContext().getSystemService(Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    LinearLayout view = (LinearLayout) l.inflate(R.layout.contact_token, (ViewGroup) ContactsCompletionView.this.getParent(), false);
    ((TextView) view.findViewById(;
    ImageView picView = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;
    Bitmap picture = person.getPicture();
    if (picture == null) {
        ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = picView.getLayoutParams();
        picture = BoteHelper.getIdenticonForAddress(person.getAddress(), lp.width, lp.height);
    return view;
Also used : Bitmap( ViewGroup(android.view.ViewGroup) LayoutInflater(android.view.LayoutInflater) TokenCompleteTextView(com.tokenautocomplete.TokenCompleteTextView) TextView(android.widget.TextView) ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) Person( LinearLayout(android.widget.LinearLayout)

Example 4 with Person

use of in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.

the class NewEmailFragment method extractPerson.

private Person extractPerson(String recipient) {
    if (recipient.equals("Anonymous"))
        return null;
    String recipientName = BoteHelper.extractName(recipient);
    try {
        recipientName = BoteHelper.getName(recipient);
    } catch (PasswordException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
    String recipientAddr = BoteHelper.extractEmailDestination(recipient);
    if (recipientAddr == null) {
        // Assume external address
        recipientAddr = recipient;
        if (recipientName.isEmpty())
            recipientName = recipientAddr;
        return new Person(recipientName, recipientAddr, null, true);
    } else {
        if (// Dest with no name
            recipientName = recipientAddr.substring(0, 5);
        Bitmap recipientPic = null;
        try {
            recipientPic = BoteHelper.getPictureForDestination(recipientAddr);
        } catch (PasswordException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        return new Person(recipientName, recipientAddr, recipientPic);
Also used : PasswordException(i2p.bote.fileencryption.PasswordException) Bitmap( GeneralSecurityException( IOException( Person(

Example 5 with Person

use of in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.

the class ContactsCompletionView method defaultObject.

protected Object defaultObject(String completionText) {
    // Stupid simple example of guessing if we have an email or not
    int index = completionText.indexOf('@');
    if (index == -1) {
        try {
            // Check if it is a known Destination
            Contact c = BoteHelper.getContact(completionText);
            if (c != null)
                return new Person(c.getName(), c.getBase64Dest(), BoteHelper.decodePicture(c.getPictureBase64()));
            // Check if it is a name
            SortedSet<Contact> contacts = I2PBote.getInstance().getAddressBook().getAll();
            for (Contact contact : contacts) {
                if (contact.getName().startsWith(completionText))
                    return new Person(contact.getName(), contact.getBase64Dest(), BoteHelper.decodePicture(contact.getPictureBase64()));
            // Try as a new Destination
            try {
                new EmailDestination(completionText);
                return new Person(completionText.substring(0, 5), completionText, null);
            } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
                // Not a valid Destination
                // Assume the user meant an external address
                completionText = completionText.replace(" ", "") + "";
                return new Person(completionText, completionText, null, true);
        } catch (PasswordException e) {
            // TODO handle
            completionText = completionText.replace(" ", "") + "";
            return new Person(completionText, completionText, null, true);
    } else {
        return new Person(completionText, completionText, null, true);
Also used : PasswordException(i2p.bote.fileencryption.PasswordException) EmailDestination( GeneralSecurityException( Person( Contact(i2p.bote.packet.dht.Contact)


Person ( PasswordException (i2p.bote.fileencryption.PasswordException)4 GeneralSecurityException ( Bitmap ( ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)3 TextView (android.widget.TextView)3 IOException ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)2 View (android.view.View)2 ViewGroup (android.view.ViewGroup)2 ContactsCompletionView ( Email ( Contact (i2p.bote.packet.dht.Contact)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Address (javax.mail.Address)2 MessagingException (javax.mail.MessagingException)2 InternetAddress (javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress)2 Editable (android.text.Editable)1 TextWatcher (android.text.TextWatcher)1 LayoutInflater (android.view.LayoutInflater)1