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Example 1 with IndexPacketEntry

use of i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketEntry in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.

the class IndexPacketFolder method deleteExpired.

 * Does not add a Deletion Record, just deletes the file.
public synchronized void deleteExpired() {
    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (IndexPacket indexPacket : this) {
        // true if at least one entry was removed
        boolean removed = false;
        synchronized (indexPacket) {
            Iterator<IndexPacketEntry> iterator = indexPacket.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                IndexPacketEntry entry =;
                if (currentTime > entry.storeTime + EXPIRATION_TIME_MILLISECONDS) {
                    log.debug("Deleting expired index packet entry: file=<" + getFilename(indexPacket.getDhtKey()) + ">, emailPktKey=" + entry.emailPacketKey.toBase64());
                    removed = true;
            if (removed)
                // don't merge, but overwrite the file with the entry/entries removed
Also used : IndexPacket(i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacket) IndexPacketEntry(i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketEntry)

Example 2 with IndexPacketEntry

use of i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketEntry in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.

the class IndexPacketFolder method individualPackets.

 * Overridden to put each index packet entry in its own index packet
public Iterator<IndexPacket> individualPackets() {
    final Iterator<IndexPacket> bigPackets = super.individualPackets();
    return new Iterator<IndexPacket>() {

        IndexPacket currentPacket;

        Iterator<IndexPacketEntry> currentPacketIterator;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            if (currentPacketIterator != null && currentPacketIterator.hasNext())
                return true;
            while (bigPackets.hasNext()) {
                currentPacket =;
                currentPacketIterator = currentPacket.iterator();
                if (currentPacketIterator.hasNext())
                    return true;
            return false;

        public IndexPacket next() {
            if (currentPacketIterator == null || !currentPacketIterator.hasNext()) {
                currentPacket =;
                currentPacketIterator = currentPacket.iterator();
            IndexPacketEntry entry =;
            IndexPacket indexPacket = new IndexPacket(currentPacket.getDhtKey());
            return indexPacket;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported!");
Also used : IndexPacket(i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacket) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) IndexPacketEntry(i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketEntry)

Example 3 with IndexPacketEntry

use of i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketEntry in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.

the class IndexPacketFolder method storeAndCreateDeleteRequest.

public DeleteRequest storeAndCreateDeleteRequest(DhtStorablePacket packetToStore) {
    if (!(packetToStore instanceof IndexPacket))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid packet type: " + packetToStore.getClass().getSimpleName() + "; this folder only stores packets of type " + IndexPacket.class.getSimpleName() + ".");
    IndexPacket indexPacketToStore = (IndexPacket) packetToStore;
    // set the time stamps before merging so existing ones don't change
    // use super.retrieve() because we don't want to delete time stamps here
    DhtStorablePacket existingPacket = super.retrieve(packetToStore.getDhtKey());
    // make a Delete Request that contains any known-to-be-deleted DHT keys from the store request
    String delFileName = getDeletionFileName(packetToStore.getDhtKey());
    DeletionInfoPacket delInfo = createDelInfoPacket(delFileName);
    IndexPacketDeleteRequest delRequest = null;
    if (delInfo != null) {
        delRequest = null;
        for (IndexPacketEntry entry : indexPacketToStore) {
            DeletionRecord delRecord = delInfo.getEntry(entry.emailPacketKey);
            if (delRecord != null) {
                // leave delRequest null until a DeletionRecord is found
                if (delRequest == null)
                    delRequest = new IndexPacketDeleteRequest(indexPacketToStore.getDhtKey());
                delRequest.put(delRecord.dhtKey, delRecord.delAuthorization);
    // remove deleted entries from indexPacketToStore so they are not re-stored
    if (delInfo != null && !delInfo.isEmpty())
        for (DeletionRecord delRecord : delInfo) indexPacketToStore.remove(delRecord.dhtKey);
    // The resulting packet may be too big for a datagram but we don't split it until a peer asks for it.
    if (existingPacket instanceof IndexPacket)
        indexPacketToStore = new IndexPacket(indexPacketToStore, (IndexPacket) existingPacket);
    else if (existingPacket != null)
        log.error("Packet of type " + existingPacket.getClass().getSimpleName() + " found in IndexPacketFolder.");
    // don't merge, but overwrite;
    return delRequest;
Also used : DhtStorablePacket(i2p.bote.packet.dht.DhtStorablePacket) DeletionInfoPacket(i2p.bote.packet.dht.DeletionInfoPacket) IndexPacketDeleteRequest(i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketDeleteRequest) DeletionRecord(i2p.bote.packet.dht.DeletionRecord) IndexPacket(i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacket) IndexPacketEntry(i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketEntry)

Example 4 with IndexPacketEntry

use of i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketEntry in project i2p.i2p-bote by i2p.

the class CheckEmailTask method call.

 * Returns <code>true</code> if a new email was created in the inbox as a result
 * of receiving an email packet.
public Boolean call() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException, GeneralSecurityException {
    log.debug("Querying the DHT for index packets with key " + identity.getHash());
    // Use findAll rather than findOne because some peers might have an incomplete set of
    // Email Packet keys, and because we want to send IndexPacketDeleteRequests to all of them.
    DhtResults indexPacketResults = dht.findAll(identity.getHash(), IndexPacket.class);
    if (indexPacketResults.isEmpty())
        return false;
    Collection<IndexPacket> indexPackets = getIndexPackets(indexPacketResults.getPackets());
    IndexPacket mergedPacket = new IndexPacket(indexPackets);
    log.debug("Found " + mergedPacket.getNumEntries() + " Email Packet keys in " + indexPacketResults.getNumResults() + " Index Packets.");
    newEmail = false;
    indexPacketDeleteRequest = new IndexPacketDeleteRequest(identity.getHash());
    Collection<Future<?>> futureResults = new ArrayList<Future<?>>();
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_THREADS, EMAIL_PACKET_TASK_THREAD_FACTORY);
    for (IndexPacketEntry entry : mergedPacket) {
        Runnable task = new EmailPacketTask(entry.emailPacketKey);
    // end all EmailPacketTask threads when tasks are finished
    // wait until all EmailPacketTasks are done
    try {
        for (Future<?> result : futureResults) result.get(1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new InterruptedException("EmailPacketTask interrupted");
    // delete index packets if all EmailPacketTasks finished without throwing an exception
    Set<Destination> indexPacketPeers = indexPacketResults.getPeers();
    if (indexPacketDeleteRequest.getNumEntries() > 0)
        send(indexPacketDeleteRequest, indexPacketPeers);
    return newEmail;
Also used : IndexPacketDeleteRequest(i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketDeleteRequest) Destination( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IndexPacket(i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacket) ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) IndexPacketEntry(i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketEntry)


IndexPacket (i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacket)4 IndexPacketEntry (i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketEntry)4 IndexPacketDeleteRequest (i2p.bote.packet.dht.IndexPacketDeleteRequest)2 DeletionInfoPacket (i2p.bote.packet.dht.DeletionInfoPacket)1 DeletionRecord (i2p.bote.packet.dht.DeletionRecord)1 DhtStorablePacket (i2p.bote.packet.dht.DhtStorablePacket)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)1 Future (java.util.concurrent.Future)1 Destination (