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Example 61 with ByteProcessor

use of ij.process.ByteProcessor in project mcib3d-core by mcib3d.

the class Object3DVoxels method createRoi.

 * @param z Description of the Parameter
 * @return Description of the Return Value
 * @deprecated use Object3D-IJUtils
 * Constructor for the createRoi object
public Roi createRoi(int z) {
    // IJ.write("create roi " + z);
    int sx = this.getXmax() - this.getXmin() + 1;
    int sy = this.getYmax() - this.getYmin() + 1;
    ByteProcessor mask = new ByteProcessor(sx, sy);
    // object black on white
    // mask.invert();
    draw(mask, z, 255);
    ImagePlus maskPlus = new ImagePlus("mask " + z, mask);
    //"Create Selection");
    ThresholdToSelection tts = new ThresholdToSelection();
    tts.setup("", maskPlus);;
    // IJ.write("sel=" + maskPlus.getRoi());
    // maskPlus.hide();
    Roi roi = maskPlus.getRoi();
    Rectangle rect = roi.getBounds();
    rect.x += this.getXmin();
    rect.y += this.getYmin();
    return roi;
Also used : ByteProcessor(ij.process.ByteProcessor) ThresholdToSelection(ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection) ImagePlus(ij.ImagePlus) Roi(ij.gui.Roi)

Example 62 with ByteProcessor

use of ij.process.ByteProcessor in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class AddOpBenchmarkTest method initImg.

 * Sets up test images
public void initImg() {
    final int w = 15000, h = 15000;
    in = generateByteArrayTestImg(true, w, h);
    out = generateByteArrayTestImg(false, w, h);
    arrIn = in.update(null).getCurrentStorageArray();
    arrOut = in.update(null).getCurrentStorageArray();
    imp = new ImagePlus("imp", new ByteProcessor(w, h, arrIn));
Also used : ByteProcessor(ij.process.ByteProcessor) ImagePlus(ij.ImagePlus) Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 63 with ByteProcessor

use of ij.process.ByteProcessor in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class AreaList method exportAsLabels.

 * Export all given AreaLists as one per pixel value, what is called a "labels" file; a file dialog is offered to save the image as a tiff stack.
public static void exportAsLabels(final List<Displayable> listToPaint, final ij.gui.Roi roi, final float scale, int first_layer, int last_layer, final boolean visible_only, final boolean to_file, final boolean as_amira_labels) {
    // survive everything:
    if (null == listToPaint || 0 == listToPaint.size()) {
        Utils.log("Null or empty list.");
    if (scale < 0 || scale > 1) {
        Utils.log("Improper scale value. Must be 0 < scale <= 1");
    // Select the subset to paint
    final ArrayList<AreaList> list = new ArrayList<AreaList>();
    for (final Displayable d : listToPaint) {
        if (visible_only && !d.isVisible())
        if (d instanceof AreaList)
            list.add((AreaList) d);
    Utils.log2("exportAsLabels: list.size() is " + list.size());
    // Current AmiraMeshEncoder supports ByteProcessor only: 256 labels max, including background at zero.
    if (as_amira_labels && list.size() > 255) {
        Utils.log("Saving ONLY first 255 AreaLists!\nDiscarded:");
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (final Displayable d : list.subList(255, list.size())) {
            sb.append("    ").append(d.getProject().getShortMeaningfulTitle(d)).append('\n');
        final ArrayList<AreaList> li = new ArrayList<AreaList>(list);
        list.addAll(li.subList(0, 255));
    String path = null;
    if (to_file) {
        final String ext = as_amira_labels ? ".am" : ".tif";
        final File f = Utils.chooseFile("labels", ext);
        if (null == f)
        path = f.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/');
    final LayerSet layer_set = list.get(0).getLayerSet();
    if (first_layer > last_layer) {
        final int tmp = first_layer;
        first_layer = last_layer;
        last_layer = tmp;
        if (first_layer < 0)
            first_layer = 0;
        if (last_layer >= layer_set.size())
            last_layer = layer_set.size() - 1;
    // Create image according to roi and scale
    final int width, height;
    final Rectangle broi;
    if (null == roi) {
        broi = null;
        width = (int) (layer_set.getLayerWidth() * scale);
        height = (int) (layer_set.getLayerHeight() * scale);
    } else {
        broi = roi.getBounds();
        width = (int) (broi.width * scale);
        height = (int) (broi.height * scale);
    // Compute highest label value, which affects of course the stack image type
    final TreeSet<Integer> label_values = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    for (final Displayable d : list) {
        final String label = d.getProperty("label");
        if (null != label)
    int lowest = 0, highest = 0;
    if (label_values.size() > 0) {
        lowest = label_values.first();
        highest = label_values.last();
    final int n_non_labeled = list.size() - label_values.size();
    final int max_label_value = highest + n_non_labeled;
    int type_ = ImagePlus.GRAY8;
    if (max_label_value > 255) {
        type_ = ImagePlus.GRAY16;
        if (max_label_value > 65535) {
            type_ = ImagePlus.GRAY32;
    final int type = type_;
    final ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height);
    final Calibration cal = layer_set.getCalibration();
    String amira_params = null;
    if (as_amira_labels) {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("CoordType \"uniform\"\nMaterials {\nExterior {\n Id 0,\nColor 0 0 0\n}\n");
        final float[] c = new float[3];
        int value = 0;
        for (final Displayable d : list) {
            // 0 is background
            String s = d.getProject().getShortMeaningfulTitle(d);
            s = s.replace('-', '_').replaceAll(" #", " id");
            sb.append(Utils.makeValidIdentifier(s)).append(" {\n").append("Id ").append(value).append(",\n").append("Color ").append(c[0]).append(' ').append(c[1]).append(' ').append(c[2]).append("\n}\n");
        amira_params = sb.toString();
    final float len = last_layer - first_layer + 1;
    // Assign labels
    final HashMap<AreaList, Integer> labels = new HashMap<AreaList, Integer>();
    for (final AreaList d : list) {
        final String slabel = d.getProperty("label");
        int label;
        if (null != slabel) {
            label = Integer.parseInt(slabel);
        } else {
            // 0 is background
            label = (++highest);
        labels.put(d, label);
    final ExecutorService exec = Utils.newFixedThreadPool("labels");
    final Map<Integer, ImageProcessor> slices = Collections.synchronizedMap(new TreeMap<Integer, ImageProcessor>());
    final List<Future<?>> fus = new ArrayList<Future<?>>();
    final List<Layer> layers = layer_set.getLayers().subList(first_layer, last_layer + 1);
    for (int k = 0; k < layers.size(); k++) {
        final Layer la = layers.get(k);
        final int slice = k;
        fus.add(exec.submit(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                Utils.showProgress(slice / len);
                final ImageProcessor ip;
                if (ImagePlus.GRAY8 == type) {
                    final BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
                    final Graphics2D g = bi.createGraphics();
                    for (final AreaList ali : list) {
                        final Area area = ali.getArea(la);
                        if (null == area || area.isEmpty())
                        // Transform: the scale and the roi
                        final AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform();
                        /* 3 - To scale: */
                        if (1 != scale)
                            aff.scale(scale, scale);
                        /* 2 - To roi coordinates: */
                        if (null != broi)
                            aff.translate(-broi.x, -broi.y);
                        /* 1 - To world coordinates: */
                        final int label = labels.get(ali);
                        g.setColor(new Color(label, label, label));
                    ip = new ByteProcessor(bi);
                } else if (ImagePlus.GRAY16 == type) {
                    final USHORTPaint paint = new USHORTPaint((short) 0);
                    final BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(paint.getComponentColorModel(), paint.getComponentColorModel().createCompatibleWritableRaster(width, height), false, null);
                    final Graphics2D g = bi.createGraphics();
                    // final ColorSpace ugray = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY);
                    int painted = 0;
                    for (final AreaList ali : list) {
                        final Area area = ali.getArea(la);
                        if (null == area || area.isEmpty())
                        // Transform: the scale and the roi
                        final AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform();
                        /* 3 - To scale: */
                        if (1 != scale)
                            aff.scale(scale, scale);
                        /* 2 - To roi coordinates: */
                        if (null != broi)
                            aff.translate(-broi.x, -broi.y);
                        /* 1 - To world coordinates: */
                        // Fill
                        // The color doesn't work: paints in a stretched 8-bit mode
                        // g.setColor(new Color(ugray, new float[]{((float)labels.get(d)) / range}, 1));
                        Utils.log2("value: " + labels.get(ali).shortValue());
                        // .createTransformedArea(aff));
                        painted += 1;
                    ip = new ShortProcessor(bi);
                    Utils.log2("painted: " + painted);
                } else {
                    // Option 1: could use the same as above, but shifted by 65536, so that 65537 is 1, 65538 is 2, etc.
                    // and keep doing it until no more need to be shifted.
                    // The PROBLEM: cannot keep the order without complicated gymnastics to remember
                    // which label in which image has to be merged to the final image, which prevent
                    // a simple one-pass blitter.
                    // Option 2: paint each arealist, extract the image, use it as a mask for filling:
                    final FloatProcessor fp = new FloatProcessor(width, height);
                    final float[] fpix = (float[]) fp.getPixels();
                    ip = fp;
                    final BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
                    final Graphics2D gbi = bi.createGraphics();
                    for (final AreaList ali : list) {
                        final Area area = ali.getArea(la);
                        if (null == area || area.isEmpty()) {
                        // Transform: the scale and the roi
                        // reverse order of transformations:
                        final AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform();
                        /* 3 - To scale: */
                        if (1 != scale)
                            aff.scale(scale, scale);
                        /* 2 - To ROI coordinates: */
                        if (null != broi)
                            aff.translate(-broi.x, -broi.y);
                        /* 1 - To world coordinates: */
                        final Area s = area.createTransformedArea(aff);
                        final Rectangle sBounds = s.getBounds();
                        // Need to paint at all?
                        if (0 == sBounds.width || 0 == sBounds.height || !sBounds.intersects(0, 0, width, height))
                        // Paint shape
                        // Read out painted region
                        final int x0 = Math.max(0, sBounds.x);
                        final int y0 = Math.max(0, sBounds.y);
                        final int xN = Math.min(width, sBounds.x + sBounds.width);
                        final int yN = Math.min(height, sBounds.y + sBounds.height);
                        // Get the array
                        final byte[] bpix = ((DataBufferByte) bi.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
                        final float value = labels.get(ali);
                        // For every non-black pixel, set a 'value' pixel in the FloatProcessor
                        for (int y = y0; y < yN; ++y) {
                            for (int x = x0; x < xN; ++x) {
                                final int pos = y * width + x;
                                // black
                                if (0 == bpix[pos])
                                fpix[pos] = value;
                        // Clear image region
                slices.put(slice, ip);
    for (final Map.Entry<Integer, ImageProcessor> e : slices.entrySet()) {
        final Layer la = layers.get(e.getKey());
        stack.addSlice(la.getZ() * cal.pixelWidth + "", e.getValue());
        if (ImagePlus.GRAY8 != type) {
            e.getValue().setMinAndMax(lowest, highest);
    // Save via file dialog:
    final ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("Labels", stack);
    if (as_amira_labels)
        imp.setProperty("Info", amira_params);
    if (to_file) {
        if (as_amira_labels) {
            final AmiraMeshEncoder ame = new AmiraMeshEncoder(path);
            if (! {
                Utils.log("Could not write to file " + path);
            if (!ame.write(imp)) {
                Utils.log("Error in writing Amira file!");
        } else {
            new FileSaver(imp).saveAsTiff(path);
    } else;
Also used : ByteProcessor(ij.process.ByteProcessor) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) ImageProcessor(ij.process.ImageProcessor) USHORTPaint(ini.trakem2.display.paint.USHORTPaint) FileSaver( TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) ImageStack(ij.ImageStack) FloatProcessor(ij.process.FloatProcessor) Color(java.awt.Color) Calibration(ij.measure.Calibration) ImagePlus(ij.ImagePlus) Point(java.awt.Point) USHORTPaint(ini.trakem2.display.paint.USHORTPaint) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D) ShortProcessor(ij.process.ShortProcessor) Area(java.awt.geom.Area) ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) AmiraMeshEncoder(amira.AmiraMeshEncoder) Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) AffineTransform(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform) File( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)

Example 64 with ByteProcessor

use of ij.process.ByteProcessor in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class DisplayCanvas method paintOffscreen.

public BufferedImage paintOffscreen(final Layer active_layer, final List<Layer> layers, final ArrayList<Displayable> al_paint, final Displayable active, final int g_width, final int g_height, final int c_alphas, final Loader loader, final HashMap<Color, Layer> hm, final ArrayList<LayerPanel> blending_list, final int mode, final GraphicsSource graphics_source, final boolean prepaint, int first_non_patch) {
    try {
        if (0 == g_width || 0 == g_height)
            return null;
        // ALMOST, but not always perfect //if (null != clipRect) g.setClip(clipRect);
        // prepare the canvas for the srcRect and magnification
        final AffineTransform atc = new AffineTransform();
        atc.scale(magnification, magnification);
        atc.translate(-srcRect.x, -srcRect.y);
        // the non-srcRect areas, in offscreen coords
        final Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(srcRect.x + srcRect.width, srcRect.y, (int) (g_width / magnification) - srcRect.width, (int) (g_height / magnification));
        final Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(srcRect.x, srcRect.y + srcRect.height, srcRect.width, (int) (g_height / magnification) - srcRect.height);
        // create new graphics
        try {
            display.getProject().getLoader().releaseToFit(g_width * g_height * 10);
        }// when closing, asynch state may throw for a null loader.
         catch (final Exception e) {
        // creates a BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB image in my T60p ATI FireGL laptop
        final BufferedImage target = getGraphicsConfiguration().createCompatibleImage(g_width, g_height, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
        // Utils.log2("offscreen acceleration priority: " + target.getAccelerationPriority());
        final Graphics2D g = target.createGraphics();
        // at_original);
        // setRenderingHints(g);
        // always a stroke of 1.0, regardless of magnification; the stroke below corrects for that
        // Testing: removed Area.subtract, now need to fill in background
        g.fillRect(0, 0, g_width - r1.x, g_height - r2.y);
        // paint:
        // 1 - background
        // 2 - images and anything else not on al_top
        // 3 - non-srcRect areas
        // Utils.log2("offscreen painting: " + al_paint.size());
        // filter paintables
        final Collection<? extends Paintable> paintables = graphics_source.asPaintable(al_paint);
        // adjust:
        first_non_patch = paintables.size() - (al_paint.size() - first_non_patch);
        // Determine painting mode
        if (Display.REPAINT_SINGLE_LAYER == mode) {
            if (display.isLiveFilteringEnabled()) {
                paintWithFiltering(g, al_paint, paintables, first_non_patch, g_width, g_height, active, c_alphas, active_layer, layers, true);
            } else {
                // Direct painting mode, with prePaint abilities
                int i = 0;
                for (final Paintable d : paintables) {
                    if (i == first_non_patch) {
                        // Object antialias = g.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING);
                        // to smooth edges of the images
                        g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                        // Object text_antialias = g.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING);
                        g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                        // Object render_quality = g.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING);
                        g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
                    if (prepaint)
                        d.prePaint(g, srcRect, magnification, d == active, c_alphas, active_layer, layers);
                        d.paint(g, srcRect, magnification, d == active, c_alphas, active_layer, layers);
        } else if (Display.REPAINT_MULTI_LAYER == mode) {
            // With prePaint capabilities:
            if (display.isLiveFilteringEnabled()) {
                paintWithFiltering(g, al_paint, paintables, first_non_patch, g_width, g_height, active, c_alphas, active_layer, layers, false);
            } else {
                int i = 0;
                if (prepaint) {
                    for (final Paintable d : paintables) {
                        if (first_non_patch == i)
                        d.prePaint(g, srcRect, magnification, d == active, c_alphas, active_layer, layers);
                } else {
                    for (final Paintable d : paintables) {
                        if (first_non_patch == i)
                        d.paint(g, srcRect, magnification, d == active, c_alphas, active_layer, layers);
            // then blend on top the ImageData of the others, in reverse Z order and using the alpha of the LayerPanel
            final Composite original = g.getComposite();
            // reset
            g.setTransform(new AffineTransform());
            // Paint what:
            final Set<Class<?>> included = display.classes_to_multipaint;
            for (final ListIterator<LayerPanel> it = blending_list.listIterator(blending_list.size()); it.hasPrevious(); ) {
                final LayerPanel lp = it.previous();
                if (lp.layer == active_layer)
                active_layer.getProject().getLoader().releaseToFit(g_width * g_height * 4 + 1024);
                final BufferedImage bi = getGraphicsConfiguration().createCompatibleImage(g_width, g_height, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
                final Graphics2D gb = bi.createGraphics();
                for (final Displayable d : lp.layer.find(srcRect, true)) {
                    if (included.contains(d.getClass()))
                        // not prePaint! We want direct painting, even if potentially slow
                        d.paint(gb, srcRect, magnification, false, c_alphas, lp.layer, layers);
                // Repeating loop ... the human compiler at work, just because one cannot lazily concatenate both sequences:
                for (final Displayable d : lp.layer.getParent().roughlyFindZDisplayables(lp.layer, srcRect, true)) {
                    if (included.contains(d.getClass()))
                        // not prePaint! We want direct painting, even if potentially slow
                        d.paint(gb, srcRect, magnification, false, c_alphas, lp.layer, layers);
                try {
                    g.setComposite(Displayable.getComposite(display.getLayerCompositeMode(lp.layer), lp.getAlpha()));
                    g.drawImage(display.applyFilters(bi), 0, 0, null);
                } catch (final Throwable t) {
                    Utils.log("Could not use composite mode for layer overlays! Your graphics card may not support it.");
                    g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, lp.getAlpha()));
                    g.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, null);
            // restore
            // then paint the non-Patch objects of the current layer
            // Object antialias = g.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING);
            // to smooth edges of the images
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            // Object text_antialias = g.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING);
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            // Object render_quality = g.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING);
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
            // For the current layer:
            for (int i = first_non_patch; i < al_paint.size(); i++) {
                final Displayable d = al_paint.get(i);
                d.paint(g, srcRect, magnification, d == active, c_alphas, active_layer, layers);
        } else if (Display.REPAINT_RGB_LAYER == mode) {
            // TODO rewrite to avoid calling the list twice
            final Collection<? extends Paintable> paintable_patches = graphics_source.asPaintable(al_paint);
            final HashMap<Color, byte[]> channels = new HashMap<Color, byte[]>();
            hm.put(, active_layer);
            for (final Map.Entry<Color, Layer> e : hm.entrySet()) {
                // INDEXED, Loader.GRAY_LUT);
                final BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(g_width, g_height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
                final Graphics2D gb = bi.createGraphics();
                final Layer la = e.getValue();
                final ArrayList<Paintable> list = new ArrayList<Paintable>();
                if (la == active_layer) {
                    // don't paint current layer in two channels
                    if ( != e.getKey())
                } else {
                    list.addAll(la.find(Patch.class, srcRect, true));
                // Stack.class and perhaps others
                list.addAll(la.getParent().getZDisplayables(ImageData.class, true));
                for (final Paintable d : list) {
                    d.paint(gb, srcRect, magnification, false, c_alphas, la, layers);
                channels.put(e.getKey(), (byte[]) new ByteProcessor(bi).getPixels());
            final byte[] red, green, blue;
            green = channels.get(;
            if (null == channels.get(
                red = new byte[green.length];
                red = channels.get(;
            if (null == channels.get(
                blue = new byte[green.length];
                blue = channels.get(;
            final int[] pix = new int[green.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < green.length; i++) {
                pix[i] = ((red[i] & 0xff) << 16) + ((green[i] & 0xff) << 8) + (blue[i] & 0xff);
            // undo transform, is intended for Displayable objects
            g.setTransform(new AffineTransform());
            final ColorProcessor cp = new ColorProcessor(g_width, g_height, pix);
            if (display.invert_colors)
            final Image img = cp.createImage();
            g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);
            // reset
            // then paint the non-Image objects of the current layer
            // Object antialias = g.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING);
            // to smooth edges of the images
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            // Object text_antialias = g.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING);
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            // Object render_quality = g.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING);
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
            for (final Displayable d : al_paint) {
                if (ImageData.class.isInstance(d))
                d.paint(g, srcRect, magnification, d == active, c_alphas, active_layer, layers);
        // TODO having each object type in a key/list<type> table would be so much easier and likely performant.
        // finally, paint non-srcRect areas
        if (r1.width > 0 || r1.height > 0 || r2.width > 0 || r2.height > 0) {
        return target;
    } catch (final OutOfMemoryError oome) {
        // so OutOfMemoryError won't generate locks
    } catch (final Exception e) {
    return null;
Also used : ByteProcessor(ij.process.ByteProcessor) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Image(java.awt.Image) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) VolatileImage(java.awt.image.VolatileImage) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) ColorProcessor(ij.process.ColorProcessor) Composite(java.awt.Composite) AlphaComposite(java.awt.AlphaComposite) Color(java.awt.Color) ListIterator(java.util.ListIterator) AWTException(java.awt.AWTException) Point(java.awt.Point) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D) AffineTransform(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 65 with ByteProcessor

use of ij.process.ByteProcessor in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class Patch method maskBorder.

 * Make the border have an alpha of zero.
public boolean maskBorder(final int left, final int top, final int right, final int bottom) {
    final int w = o_width - right - left;
    final int h = o_height - top - bottom;
    if (w < 0 || h < 0 || left > o_width || top > o_height) {
        Utils.log("Cannot cut border for patch " + this + " : border off image bounds.");
        return false;
    try {
        ByteProcessor bp = getAlphaMask();
        if (null == bp) {
            bp = new ByteProcessor(o_width, o_height);
            bp.setRoi(new Roi(left, top, w, h));
        } else {
            // make borders black
            for (final Roi r : new Roi[] { new Roi(0, 0, o_width, top), new Roi(0, top, left, o_height - top - bottom), new Roi(0, o_height - bottom, o_width, bottom), new Roi(o_width - right, top, right, o_height - top - bottom) }) {
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : ByteProcessor(ij.process.ByteProcessor) ShapeRoi(ij.gui.ShapeRoi) Roi(ij.gui.Roi) NoninvertibleModelException(mpicbg.models.NoninvertibleModelException) NoninvertibleTransformException(java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException) IOException(


ByteProcessor (ij.process.ByteProcessor)103 ImagePlus (ij.ImagePlus)36 ImageProcessor (ij.process.ImageProcessor)31 FloatProcessor (ij.process.FloatProcessor)23 ShortProcessor (ij.process.ShortProcessor)21 ColorProcessor (ij.process.ColorProcessor)20 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 Point (java.awt.Point)12 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)11 Roi (ij.gui.Roi)10 AffineTransform (java.awt.geom.AffineTransform)10 ImageStack (ij.ImageStack)9 Patch (ini.trakem2.display.Patch)9 Calibration (ij.measure.Calibration)8 Pair (mpicbg.trakem2.util.Pair)7 Color (java.awt.Color)6 LUT (ij.process.LUT)5 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)5 IOException ( CoordinateTransformMesh (mpicbg.models.CoordinateTransformMesh)5