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Example 1 with PublicKey

use of in project actor-platform by actorapp.

the class KeyManagerActor method fetchUserPreKey.

     * Fetching user's random pre key
     * @param uid        User's id
     * @param keyGroupId User's key group id
private Promise<PublicKey> fetchUserPreKey(final int uid, final int keyGroupId) {
    return pickUserGroup(uid, keyGroupId).flatMap(new Function<Tuple2<UserKeysGroup, UserKeys>, Promise<PublicKey>>() {

        public Promise<PublicKey> apply(final Tuple2<UserKeysGroup, UserKeys> keyGroups) {
            return api(new RequestLoadPrePublicKeys(new ApiUserOutPeer(uid, getUser(uid).getAccessHash()), keyGroupId)).map(new Function<ResponsePublicKeys, PublicKey>() {

                public PublicKey apply(ResponsePublicKeys response) {
                    if (response.getPublicKey().size() == 0) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("User doesn't have pre keys");
                    ApiEncryptionKey key = response.getPublicKey().get(0);
                    ApiEncryptionKeySignature sig = null;
                    for (ApiEncryptionKeySignature s : response.getSignatures()) {
                        if (s.getKeyId() == key.getKeyId() && "Ed25519".equals(s.getSignatureAlg())) {
                            sig = s;
                    if (sig == null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find public key on server");
                    byte[] keyHash = RatchetKeySignature.hashForSignature(key.getKeyId(), key.getKeyAlg(), key.getKeyMaterial());
                    if (!Curve25519.verifySignature(keyGroups.getT1().getIdentityKey().getPublicKey(), keyHash, sig.getSignature())) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Key signature does not isMatch");
                    return new PublicKey(key.getKeyId(), key.getKeyAlg(), key.getKeyMaterial());
Also used : RequestLoadPrePublicKeys( ApiUserOutPeer( RequestLoadPublicKey( PublicKey( UserKeys( ResponsePublicKeys( UserKeysGroup( Promise( Function( ApiEncryptionKeySignature( Tuple2( ApiEncryptionKey(

Example 2 with PublicKey

use of in project actor-platform by actorapp.

the class KeyManagerActor method validateUserKeysGroup.

// Helper methods
private UserKeysGroup validateUserKeysGroup(int uid, ApiEncryptionKeyGroup keyGroup) {
    if (!"curve25519".equals(keyGroup.getIdentityKey().getKeyAlg())) {
        // Anything other than curve25519 is not supported
        Log.w(TAG, "(uid:" + uid + ") Unsupported identity key alg " + keyGroup.getIdentityKey().getKeyAlg());
        return null;
    PublicKey identity = new PublicKey(keyGroup.getIdentityKey().getKeyId(), keyGroup.getIdentityKey().getKeyAlg(), keyGroup.getIdentityKey().getKeyMaterial());
    ArrayList<PublicKey> keys = new ArrayList<PublicKey>();
    key_loop: for (ApiEncryptionKey key : keyGroup.getKeys()) {
        for (ApiEncryptionKeySignature sig : keyGroup.getSignatures()) {
            if (!sig.getSignatureAlg().equals("Ed25519")) {
                // Anything other than Ed25519 is not supported
                Log.w(TAG, "(uid:" + uid + ") Unsupported signature algorithm " + sig.getSignatureAlg());
            if (sig.getKeyId() != key.getKeyId()) {
            byte[] keyForSign = RatchetKeySignature.hashForSignature(key.getKeyId(), key.getKeyAlg(), key.getKeyMaterial());
            if (!Curve25519.verifySignature(identity.getPublicKey(), keyForSign, sig.getSignature())) {
                Log.w(TAG, "(uid:" + uid + ") Unable to verify signature for " + Crypto.keyHash(key.getKeyMaterial()) + " key");
                continue key_loop;
        // Adding key to collection
        keys.add(new PublicKey(key.getKeyId(), key.getKeyAlg(), key.getKeyMaterial()));
    if (keys.size() == 0) {
        Log.w(TAG, "(uid:" + uid + ") No valid keys in key group #" + keyGroup.getKeyGroupId());
    return new UserKeysGroup(keyGroup.getKeyGroupId(), identity, keys.toArray(new PublicKey[keys.size()]), new PublicKey[0]);
Also used : ApiEncryptionKeySignature( RequestLoadPublicKey( PublicKey( ApiEncryptionKey( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UserKeysGroup(

Example 3 with PublicKey

use of in project actor-platform by actorapp.

the class KeyManagerActor method fetchUserPreKey.

     * Fetching user's pre key by key id
     * @param uid        User's id
     * @param keyGroupId User's key group id
     * @param keyId      Key id
private Promise<PublicKey> fetchUserPreKey(final int uid, final int keyGroupId, final long keyId) {
    User user = users().getValue(uid);
    if (user == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find user #" + uid);
    return pickUserGroup(uid, keyGroupId).flatMap(new Function<Tuple2<UserKeysGroup, UserKeys>, Promise<PublicKey>>() {

        public Promise<PublicKey> apply(final Tuple2<UserKeysGroup, UserKeys> keysGroup) {
            for (PublicKey p : keysGroup.getT1().getEphemeralKeys()) {
                if (p.getKeyId() == keyId) {
                    return Promise.success(p);
            // Downloading pre key
            ArrayList<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
            final UserKeysGroup finalKeysGroup = keysGroup.getT1();
            return api(new RequestLoadPublicKey(new ApiUserOutPeer(uid, getUser(uid).getAccessHash()), keyGroupId, ids)).map(new Function<ResponsePublicKeys, PublicKey>() {

                public PublicKey apply(ResponsePublicKeys responsePublicKeys) {
                    if (responsePublicKeys.getPublicKey().size() == 0) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find public key on server");
                    ApiEncryptionKeySignature sig = null;
                    for (ApiEncryptionKeySignature s : responsePublicKeys.getSignatures()) {
                        if (s.getKeyId() == keyId && "Ed25519".equals(s.getSignatureAlg())) {
                            sig = s;
                    if (sig == null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find public key on server");
                    ApiEncryptionKey key = responsePublicKeys.getPublicKey().get(0);
                    byte[] keyHash = RatchetKeySignature.hashForSignature(key.getKeyId(), key.getKeyAlg(), key.getKeyMaterial());
                    if (!Curve25519.verifySignature(keysGroup.getT1().getIdentityKey().getPublicKey(), keyHash, sig.getSignature())) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Key signature does not isMatch");
                    PublicKey pkey = new PublicKey(keyId, key.getKeyAlg(), key.getKeyMaterial());
                    UserKeysGroup userKeysGroup = finalKeysGroup.addPublicKey(pkey);
                    return pkey;
Also used : User( ApiUserOutPeer( RequestLoadPublicKey( PublicKey( RequestLoadPublicKey( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UserKeys( ResponsePublicKeys( UserKeysGroup( Promise( Function( ApiEncryptionKeySignature( Tuple2( ApiEncryptionKey(


ApiEncryptionKey ( ApiEncryptionKeySignature ( RequestLoadPublicKey ( PublicKey ( UserKeysGroup ( ApiUserOutPeer ( ResponsePublicKeys ( UserKeys ( Function ( Tuple2 ( Promise ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 RequestLoadPrePublicKeys ( User (