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Example 1 with DataInput

use of in project actor-platform by actorapp.

the class AbsLocalContent method loadContainer.

public static AbsLocalContent loadContainer(byte[] data) throws IOException {
    BserValues values = new BserValues(BserParser.deserialize(new DataInput(data)));
    int type = values.getInt(1);
    byte[] content = values.getBytes(2);
    if (type == CONTENT_DOC) {
        return new LocalDocument(content);
    } else if (type == CONTENT_PHOTO) {
        return new LocalPhoto(content);
    } else if (type == CONTENT_VIDEO) {
        return new LocalVideo(content);
    } else if (type == CONTENT_VOICE) {
        return new LocalVoice(content);
    } else if (type == CONTENT_ANIMATION) {
        return new LocalAnimation(content);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Unknown type");
Also used : DataInput( BserValues( IOException(

Example 2 with DataInput

use of in project actor-platform by actorapp.

the class AbsSignal method fromBytes.

public static AbsSignal fromBytes(byte[] data) {
    try {
        BserValues values = new BserValues(BserParser.deserialize(new DataInput(data, 0, data.length)));
        String type = values.getString(1);
        AbsSignal res;
        if (OfferSignal.TYPE.equals(type)) {
            res = new OfferSignal();
        } else if (AnswerSignal.TYPE.equals(type)) {
            res = new AnswerSignal();
        } else if (CandidateSignal.TYPE.equals(type)) {
            res = new CandidateSignal();
        } else {
            throw new IOException("Unknown signal type " + type);
        return res;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;
Also used : DataInput( BserValues( IOException(

Example 3 with DataInput

use of in project actor-platform by actorapp.

the class AuthKeyActor method onMessage.

private void onMessage(int connectionId, byte[] data, int offset, int len) {
    if (connectionId != this.connectionId) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Too old: ignoring");
    ProtoStruct protoStruct;
    try {
        DataInput dataInput = new DataInput(data, offset, len);
        ProtoPackage protoPackage = new ProtoPackage(dataInput);
        if (protoPackage.getAuthId() != 0) {
            throw new IOException("AuthId != 0");
        if (protoPackage.getSessionId() != 0) {
            throw new IOException("Session != 0");
        if (protoPackage.getPayload().getMessageId() != 0) {
            throw new IOException("MessageId != 0");
        protoStruct = ProtoSerializer.readMessagePayload(protoPackage.getPayload().getPayload());
    } catch (IOException e) {
    try {
        if (currentState == null) {
            throw new IOException();
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : DataInput( ProtoStruct( ProtoPackage( IOException( IOException(

Example 4 with DataInput

use of in project actor-platform by actorapp.

the class ManagerActor method onInMessage.

private void onInMessage(byte[] data, int offset, int len) {
    // Log.d(TAG, "Received package");
    DataInput bis = new DataInput(data, offset, len);
    try {
        long authId = bis.readLong();
        long sessionId = bis.readLong();
        if (authId != this.authId || sessionId != this.sessionId) {
            throw new IOException("Incorrect header");
        if (authKey != null) {
            EncryptedPackage encryptedPackage = new EncryptedPackage(bis);
            int seq = (int) encryptedPackage.getSeqNumber();
            if (seq != inSeq) {
                throw new IOException("Expected " + inSeq + ", got: " + seq);
            // long start = Runtime.getActorTime();
            EncryptedCBCPackage usEncryptedPackage = new EncryptedCBCPackage(new DataInput(encryptedPackage.getEncryptedPackage()));
            byte[] ruPackage = serverUSDecryptor.decryptPackage(ByteStrings.longToBytes(seq), usEncryptedPackage.getIv(), usEncryptedPackage.getEncryptedContent());
            EncryptedCBCPackage ruEncryptedPackage = new EncryptedCBCPackage(new DataInput(ruPackage));
            byte[] plainText = serverRUDecryptor.decryptPackage(ByteStrings.longToBytes(seq), ruEncryptedPackage.getIv(), ruEncryptedPackage.getEncryptedContent());
            // Log.d(TAG, "Package decrypted in " + (Runtime.getActorTime() - start) + " ms, size: " + len);
            DataInput ptInput = new DataInput(plainText);
            long messageId = ptInput.readLong();
            byte[] ptPayload = ptInput.readProtoBytes();
            receiver.send(new ProtoMessage(messageId, ptPayload));
        } else {
            long messageId = bis.readLong();
            byte[] payload = bis.readProtoBytes();
            receiver.send(new ProtoMessage(messageId, payload));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Closing connection: incorrect package");
        Log.e(TAG, e);
        if (currentConnection != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e2) {
            currentConnection = null;
            currentConnectionId = 0;
            outSeq = 0;
            inSeq = 0;
        // Log.d(TAG, "Set connection #" + 0);
Also used : DataInput( EncryptedPackage( ProtoMessage( EncryptedCBCPackage( IOException( IOException( AutoreleasePool(

Example 5 with DataInput

use of in project actor-platform by actorapp.

the class ProtoSerializer method readRpcResponsePayload.

public static ProtoStruct readRpcResponsePayload(byte[] data) throws IOException {
    DataInput bs = new DataInput(data, 0, data.length);
    final int header = bs.readByte();
    switch(header) {
        case RpcOk.HEADER:
            return new RpcOk(bs);
        case RpcError.HEADER:
            return new RpcError(bs);
        case RpcFloodWait.HEADER:
            return new RpcFloodWait(bs);
        case RpcInternalError.HEADER:
            return new RpcInternalError(bs);
    throw new IOException("Unable to read proto object");
Also used : DataInput( RpcOk( RpcFloodWait( RpcError( RpcInternalError( IOException(


DataInput ( IOException ( BserValues ( CommonTimer ( AutoreleasePool ( AbsContentContainer ( EncryptedCBCPackage ( EncryptedPackage ( ProtoMessage ( ProtoPackage ( ProtoStruct ( RpcError ( RpcFloodWait ( RpcInternalError ( RpcOk ( ListEngineRecord (