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Example 21 with Pnt2d

use of in project imagingbook-common by imagingbook.

the class PolygonSampler method samplePolygonUniformly.

 * Samples the closed polygon path specified by V at M
 * equi-distant positions.
 * @param V the vertices of the (closed) polygon.
 * @param M the number of sample points.
 * @return the sample points as an array of Point objects.
public Pnt2d[] samplePolygonUniformly(Pnt2d[] V, int M) {
    int N = V.length;
    // constant segment length in Q
    double Delta = pathLength(V) / M;
    // distribute N points along polygon path P
    Pnt2d[] S = new Pnt2d[M];
    // S[0] = (Point) V[0].clone();	// q_0 = p_0 (duplicate p_0)
    // q_0 = p_0 (duplicate p_0)
    S[0] = PntDouble.from(V[0]);
    // lower index of segment (i,i+1) in P
    int i = 0;
    // index of next point to be added to Q
    int j = 1;
    // lower boundary of current path segment in P
    double alpha = 0;
    // path position of next point to be added to Q
    double beta = Delta;
    // for all M segments in P do:
    while (i < N && j < M) {
        Pnt2d vA = V[i];
        Pnt2d vB = V[(i + 1) % N];
        double delta = vA.distance(vB);
        // handle segment (i,i+1) with path boundaries (a,a+d), knowing a < b
        while (beta <= alpha + delta && j < M) {
            // a < b <= a+d
            S[j] = interpolate(vA, vB, (beta - alpha) / delta);
            j = j + 1;
            beta = beta + Delta;
        alpha = alpha + delta;
        i = i + 1;
    return S;
Also used : Pnt2d(

Example 22 with Pnt2d

use of in project imagingbook-common by imagingbook.

the class RoiUtils method getPolygonPointsFloat.

 * Retrieves the outline of the specified ROI as an
 * array of {@link Pnt2d} points with {@code int}
 * coordinates. Note that unless the ROI is of type
 * {@link PolygonRoi} or {@link PointRoi} only the corner points of the
 * bounding box are returned.
 * Interpolated contour points are returned for a instance of {@link OvalRoi}.
 * @param roi the ROI
 * @return the ROI's polygon coordinates
public static Pnt2d[] getPolygonPointsFloat(Roi roi) {
    FloatPolygon pgn = roi.getFloatPolygon();
    Pnt2d[] pts = new Pnt2d[pgn.npoints];
    for (int i = 0; i < pgn.npoints; i++) {
        pts[i] = Pnt2d.PntDouble.from(pgn.xpoints[i], pgn.ypoints[i]);
    return pts;
Also used : Pnt2d( FloatPolygon(ij.process.FloatPolygon)

Example 23 with Pnt2d

use of in project imagingbook-common by imagingbook.

the class ImageMapper method map.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Transforms the source image to the target image using this geometric
 * mapping and the specified pixel interpolation method.
 * The two images are passed as instances of {@link ImageAccessor}.
 * Note that source and target reference different images!
 * The geometric mapping is supposed to be INVERTED, i.e. transforming
 * target to source image coordinates!
 * @param sourceAcc accessor to the source image
 * @param targetAcc accessor to the target image
public void map(ImageAccessor sourceAcc, ImageAccessor targetAcc) {
    if (targetAcc.getProcessor() == sourceAcc.getProcessor()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source and target image must not be the same!");
    // this always IS an inverse mapping!!
    Mapping2D invMap = mapping;
    ImageProcessor target = targetAcc.getProcessor();
    final int w = target.getWidth();
    final int h = target.getHeight();
    for (int v = 0; v < h; v++) {
        for (int u = 0; u < w; u++) {
            Pnt2d sourcePt = invMap.applyTo(PntInt.from(u, v));
            float[] val = sourceAcc.getPix(sourcePt.getX(), sourcePt.getY());
            targetAcc.setPix(u, v, val);
Also used : ImageProcessor(ij.process.ImageProcessor) Pnt2d( Mapping2D(

Example 24 with Pnt2d

use of in project imagingbook-common by imagingbook.

the class AlgebraicLineTest method test2.

public void test2() {
    AlgebraicLine l12 = AlgebraicLine.from(p1, p2);
    Pnt2d x0 = l12.getClosestLinePoint(p3);
    // x0 is actually ON the line
    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, l12.getDistance(x0), 1E-6);
    // distance (p3,x0) is shortest
    Assert.assertEquals(p3.distance(x0), Math.abs(l12.getDistance(p3)), 1E-6);
Also used : Pnt2d( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 25 with Pnt2d

use of in project imagingbook-common by imagingbook.

the class Translation2DTest method testFromPoints.

public void testFromPoints() {
    Pnt2d p = Pnt2d.from(3.5, -17);
    Pnt2d q = Pnt2d.from(-5, 7.1);
    Translation2D m = Translation2D.fromPoints(p, q);
    Pnt2d pp = m.applyTo(p);
    Assert.assertArrayEquals(q.toDoubleArray(), pp.toDoubleArray(), 1E-6);
Also used : Pnt2d( Test(org.junit.Test)


Pnt2d ( Test (org.junit.Test)6 ProjectiveMapping2D ( RealMatrix (org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix)5 FloatPolygon (ij.process.FloatPolygon)2 Polygon (java.awt.Polygon)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 ImageProcessor (ij.process.ImageProcessor)1 ImageAccessor (imagingbook.lib.image.access.ImageAccessor)1 PntInt ( AlgebraicLine ( Mapping2D ( LinearMapping2D ( Point (java.awt.Point)1 Path2D (java.awt.geom.Path2D)1 ArrayRealVector (org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector)1 RealVector (org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector)1