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Example 1 with Pnt2d

use of in project imagingbook-common by imagingbook.

the class AlgebraicLine method main.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Pnt2d p1 = Pnt2d.from(1, 2);
    Pnt2d p2 = Pnt2d.from(4, 3);
    Pnt2d p3 = Pnt2d.from(9, -7);
    AlgebraicLine L1 = AlgebraicLine.from(p1, p2);
    AlgebraicLine L2 = AlgebraicLine.from(p3, p2);
        Pnt2d x = L1.intersect(L2);
        System.out.println("x = " + x);
        System.out.println("x = p2 ? " + x.equals(p2));
        Pnt2d x = L2.intersect(L1);
        System.out.println("x = " + x);
        System.out.println("x = p2 ? " + x.equals(p2));
    // --> null
    Pnt2d y = L1.intersect(L1);
    System.out.println("y = " + y);
Also used : Pnt2d(

Example 2 with Pnt2d

use of in project imagingbook-common by imagingbook.

the class AlgebraicLine method equals.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (this == other) {
        return true;
    if (other instanceof AlgebraicLine) {
        AlgebraicLine L1 = this;
        AlgebraicLine L2 = (AlgebraicLine) other;
        double delta = 1E-6;
        // get two different points on L1:
        Pnt2d xA = L1.getClosestLinePoint(PntDouble.ZERO);
        Pnt2d xB = PntDouble.from(xA.getX() - L1.B, xA.getY() + L1.A);
        // check if both points are on L2 too:
        return (isZero(L2.getDistance(xA), delta) && isZero(L2.getDistance(xB), delta));
    } else {
        return false;
Also used : Pnt2d(

Example 3 with Pnt2d

use of in project imagingbook-common by imagingbook.

the class TriangulationGuibas method makePointset.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Converts the incoming points (of unknown type but implementing the {@link Pnt2d} interface)
 * to instances of the local implementation ({@link Vector2D}).
 * @param inPoints the input points (must implement {@link Pnt2d})
 * @param shuffle if {@code true}, the input point sequence is randomly permuted
 * @return the new point sequence
private List<Vector2D> makePointset(Collection<? extends Pnt2d> inPoints, boolean shuffle) {
    Vector2D[] outPoints = new Vector2D[inPoints.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (Pnt2d ip : inPoints) {
        outPoints[i] = new Vector2D(ip);
    List<Vector2D> outList = Arrays.asList(outPoints);
    if (shuffle) {
        // random permutation of pointset (in-place)
    return outList;
Also used : Pnt2d(

Example 4 with Pnt2d

use of in project imagingbook-common by imagingbook.

the class ProcrustesFit method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int NDIGITS = 1;
    boolean allowTranslation = true;
    boolean allowScaling = true;
    boolean forceRotation = true;
    double a = 0.6;
    double[][] R0data = { { Math.cos(a), -Math.sin(a) }, { Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a) } };
    RealMatrix R0 = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(R0data);
    double[] t0 = { 4, -3 };
    double s = 3.5;
    System.out.format("original alpha: a = %.6f\n", a);
    System.out.println("original rotation: R = \n" + Matrix.toString(R0.getData()));
    System.out.println("original translation: t = " + Matrix.toString(t0));
    System.out.format("original scale: s = %.6f\n", s);
    Pnt2d[] P = { PntInt.from(2, 5), PntInt.from(7, 3), PntInt.from(0, 9), PntInt.from(5, 4) };
    Pnt2d[] Q = new Pnt2d[P.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < P.length; i++) {
        Pnt2d q = PntDouble.from(R0.operate(P[i].toDoubleArray()));
        // noise!
        double qx = roundToDigits(s * q.getX() + t0[0], NDIGITS);
        double qy = roundToDigits(s * q.getY() + t0[1], NDIGITS);
        Q[i] = Pnt2d.PntDouble.from(qx, qy);
    // P[0] = Point.create(2, 0);	// to provoke a large error
    ProcrustesFit pf = new ProcrustesFit(P, Q, allowTranslation, allowScaling, forceRotation);
    double[][] R = pf.getR();
    System.out.format("estimated alpha: a = %.6f\n", Math.acos(R[0][0]));
    System.out.println("estimated rotation: R = \n" + Matrix.toString(R));
    double[] T = pf.getT();
    System.out.println("estimated translation: t = " + Matrix.toString(T));
    System.out.format("estimated scale: s = %.6f\n", pf.getScale());
    System.out.format("RMS fitting error = %.6f\n", pf.getError());
    System.out.format("euclidean error (test) = %.6f\n", pf.getEuclideanError(P, Q));
    double[][] A = pf.getTransformationMatrix();
    System.out.println("transformation matrix: A = \n" + Matrix.toString(A));
Also used : Pnt2d( RealMatrix(org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix)

Example 5 with Pnt2d

use of in project imagingbook-common by imagingbook.

the class LucasKanadeForwardMatcher method iterateOnce.

public ProjectiveMapping2D iterateOnce(ProjectiveMapping2D Tp) {
    if (iteration < 0) {
    iteration = iteration + 1;
    // n x n cumulated Hessian matrix
    double[][] H = new double[n][n];
    // n-dim vector \delta_p = 0
    double[] dp = new double[n];
    sqrError = 0;
    if (params.showSteepestDescentImages) {
        // S[u][v] holds a double vector of length n
        S = new double[wR][hR][];
    // for all positions (u,v) in R do
    for (int u = 0; u < wR; u++) {
        for (int v = 0; v < hR; v++) {
            // position w.r.t. the center of R
            Pnt2d x = PntDouble.from(u - xc, v - yc);
            // warp x -> x'
            Pnt2d xT = Tp.applyTo(x);
            // interpolate the gradient at pos. xw
            double gx = Ix.getInterpolatedValue(xT.getX(), xT.getY());
            double gy = Iy.getInterpolatedValue(xT.getX(), xT.getY());
            // interpolated gradient vector
            double[] G = new double[] { gx, gy };
            // Step 4: Evaluate the Jacobian of the warp W at position x
            double[][] J = Tp.getJacobian(x);
            // Step 5: compute the steepest descent image:
            // I_steepest = gradI(xy) * dW/dp(xy)  is a n-dim vector
            double[] sx = Matrix.multiply(G, J);
            if (params.showSteepestDescentImages && iteration == 1) {
                S[u][v] = sx;
            // Step 6: Update the Hessian matrix
            double[][] Hx = Matrix.outerProduct(sx, sx);
            H = Matrix.add(H, Hx);
            // Step 7: Compute sum_x [gradI*dW/dp]^T (R(x)-I(W(x;p))] = Isteepest^T * Exy]
            double d = R.getf(u, v) - I.getInterpolatedValue(xT.getX(), xT.getY());
            sqrError = sqrError + d * d;
            dp = Matrix.add(dp, Matrix.multiply(d, sx));
    if (params.showHessians && iteration == 1) {
        IjUtils.createImage("H", H).show();
        IjUtils.createImage("Hi", Matrix.inverse(H)).show();
    // Step 8: Compute delta_p using Equation 10
    // double[][] Hi = Matrix.invert(H);
    // if (Hi == null) {
    // IJ.log("could not invert Hessian matrix!");
    // return null;
    // }
    // Step 9: update the parameter vector
    // double[] dp = Matrix.multiply(Hi, S);
    // Step 8/9 (alternative)
    double[] qopt = Matrix.solve(H, dp);
    if (qopt == null) {
        // this should not happen
        throw new RuntimeException(this.getClass().getName() + ": Encountered singular Hessian matrix!");
    // return null;
    // double[] p = Matrix.add(Tp.getParameters(), qopt);
    double[] p = Matrix.add(getParameters(Tp), qopt);
    qmag = Matrix.normL2squared(qopt);
    if (params.showSteepestDescentImages && iteration == 1) {
    // return ProjectiveMapping2D.fromParameters(p);
    return toProjectiveMap(p);
Also used : Pnt2d(


Pnt2d ( Test (org.junit.Test)6 ProjectiveMapping2D ( RealMatrix (org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix)5 FloatPolygon (ij.process.FloatPolygon)2 Polygon (java.awt.Polygon)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 ImageProcessor (ij.process.ImageProcessor)1 ImageAccessor (imagingbook.lib.image.access.ImageAccessor)1 PntInt ( AlgebraicLine ( Mapping2D ( LinearMapping2D ( Point (java.awt.Point)1 Path2D (java.awt.geom.Path2D)1 ArrayRealVector (org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector)1 RealVector (org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector)1