use of inet.ipaddr.AddressStringException in project jcasbin by casbin.
the class BuiltInFunctions method ipMatch.
* ipMatch determines whether IP address ip1 matches the pattern of IP address ip2, ip2 can be
* an IP address or a CIDR pattern. For example, "" matches ""
* @param ip1 the first argument.
* @param ip2 the second argument.
* @return whether ip1 matches ip2.
public static boolean ipMatch(String ip1, String ip2) {
IPAddressString ipas1 = new IPAddressString(ip1);
try {
} catch (AddressStringException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid argument: ip1 in IPMatch() function is not an IP address.");
IPAddressString ipas2 = new IPAddressString(ip2);
try {
} catch (AddressStringException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid argument: ip2 in IPMatch() function is neither an IP address nor a CIDR.");
if (ipas1.equals(ipas2)) {
return true;
IPAddress ipa1;
IPAddress ipa2;
try {
ipa1 = ipas1.toAddress();
ipa2 = ipas2.toAddress();
} catch (AddressStringException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid argument: ip1 or ip2 in IPMatch() function is not an IP address.");
Integer prefix = ipa2.getNetworkPrefixLength();
IPAddress mask = ipa2.getNetwork().getNetworkMask(prefix, false);
return ipa1.mask(mask).equals(ipa2.mask(mask));