use of info.xiancloud.dao.jdbc.sql.UpdateAction in project xian by happyyangyuan.
the class BaseUpdateDB method getActions.
public Action[] getActions() {
return new Action[] { new UpdateAction() {
private Table table;
public Table getTable(Map map) {
if (table != null) {
return table;
Object tableName = map.get("$tableName");
if (tableName instanceof String) {
table = TableHeader.getTable(map.get("$tableName").toString());
if (table.getType().equals(Table.Type.view)) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("视图:%s,不允许操作 BaseUpdateDB", table.getName()));
return table;
return null;
public String table() {
Table table = getTable(map);
return table == null ? "" : table.getName();
public String[] unique() {
Table table = getTable(map);
return table == null ? new String[] {} : table.getUnique();
protected String[] where() {
List<String> whereList = new ArrayList<String>();
Object tableName = map.get("$tableName");
if (tableName instanceof String) {
Map<String, Class<?>> columns = TableHeader.getTableColumnTypeMap(tableName.toString(), connection);
for (Entry<String, Class<?>> entry : columns.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
if (map.containsKey(StringUtil.underlineToCamel(key))) {
whereList.add(String.format("%s = {%s}", key, StringUtil.underlineToCamel(key)));
// 这里不允许执行整表修改功能
if (whereList.size() > 0) {
return whereList.toArray(new String[] {});
return new String[] { "1 < 0" };
} };