use of infoeval.main.mysql.TableEntry in project Info-Evaluation by TechnionYP5777.
the class SqlTablesFiller method getInfo.
public TableEntry getInfo(ResultSetRewindable r) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException, ParseException {
QuerySolution solution = r.nextSolution();
RDFNode sName = solution.get("sname");
String spouseName = sName == null || !sName.isLiteral() ? "No Spouse" : sName.asLiteral().getString() + "";
RDFNode bPlace = solution.get("birth");
String birthPlace = "No Birth Place";
if (bPlace != null)
if (bPlace.isResource())
birthPlace = (bPlace.asResource() + "").split("resource/")[1];
else if (bPlace.isLiteral())
birthPlace = (bPlace.asLiteral() + "").split("@")[0];
RDFNode dPlace = solution.get("death");
String deathPlace = "No Death Place";
if (dPlace != null)
if (dPlace.isResource())
deathPlace = (dPlace.asResource() + "").split("resource/")[1];
else if (dPlace.isLiteral())
deathPlace = (dPlace.asLiteral() + "").split("@")[0];
RDFNode occupation = solution.get("occup");
String occup = "No Occupation";
if (occupation != null)
if (occupation.isResource())
occup = !(occupation.asResource() + "").contains("resource") ? "No Occupation" : (occupation.asResource() + "").split("resource/")[1];
else if (occupation.isLiteral())
occup = (occupation.asLiteral() + "").split("@")[0];
RDFNode spOcuup = solution.get("spOccu");
String spouseOccupation = "No Spouse Occupation";
if (spOcuup != null)
if (spOcuup.isResource())
spouseOccupation = !(spOcuup.asResource() + "").contains("resource") ? "No Spouse Occupation" : (spOcuup.asResource() + "").split("resource/")[1];
else if (dPlace.isLiteral())
spouseOccupation = (spOcuup.asLiteral() + "").split("@")[0];
RDFNode bDate = solution.get("bDate");
String birthDate = bDate == null ? "" : !bDate.isLiteral() ? null : bDate.asLiteral().getValue() + "";
RDFNode dDate = solution.get("dDate");
String deathDate = null;
java.sql.Date sqlDeathDate = null;
if (dDate == null)
sqlDeathDate = null;
else {
deathDate = !dDate.isLiteral() ? null : dDate.asLiteral().getValue() + "";
if (deathDate.contains(".") || deathDate.contains("c."))
sqlDeathDate = null;
else if (deathDate.split("-").length == 1 && deathDate.matches("[0-9]+") && deathDate.length() <= 4)
sqlDeathDate = stringToSqlDate(deathDate, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"));
else if (deathDate.matches("[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9]"))
sqlDeathDate = stringToSqlDate(deathDate, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"));
else if (deathDate.matches("--[0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9]"))
sqlDeathDate = stringToSqlDate(deathDate.substring(2, deathDate.length()), new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd"));
int monthNum = 1;
for (String month : months) {
if (deathDate.equals(month)) {
sqlDeathDate = stringToSqlDate(monthNum + "", new SimpleDateFormat("MM"));
if (deathDate.startsWith(month)) {
String parseDeathDate = deathDate.split(" ")[1] + "-" + monthNum;
sqlDeathDate = stringToSqlDate(parseDeathDate, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"));
java.sql.Date sqlBirthDate = null;
if (birthDate.contains(".") || birthDate.contains("c."))
sqlBirthDate = null;
else if (birthDate.split("-").length == 1 && birthDate.matches("[0-9]+") && birthDate.length() <= 4)
sqlBirthDate = stringToSqlDate(birthDate, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"));
else if (birthDate.matches("--[0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9]"))
sqlDeathDate = stringToSqlDate(birthDate.substring(2, birthDate.length()), new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd"));
else if (birthDate.matches("[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9]"))
sqlBirthDate = stringToSqlDate(birthDate, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"));
int monthNum = 1;
for (String month : months) {
if (birthDate.equals(month)) {
sqlBirthDate = stringToSqlDate(monthNum + "", new SimpleDateFormat("MM"));
if (birthDate.startsWith(month)) {
String parseBirthDate = birthDate.split(" ")[1] + "-" + monthNum;
sqlBirthDate = stringToSqlDate(parseBirthDate, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"));
return new TableEntry("", "", birthPlace, deathPlace, sqlBirthDate, sqlDeathDate, occup, spouseName, spouseOccupation, (solution.get("photo") == null ? "No Photo" : solution.get("photo") + ""), "");
use of infoeval.main.mysql.TableEntry in project Info-Evaluation by TechnionYP5777.
the class SqlRunnerTest method getSameBirthPlaceCouplesTest.
public void getSameBirthPlaceCouplesTest() throws Exception {
for (TableEntry te : querun.getSameBirthPlaceCouples()) {
String sName = te.getSpouseName(), checkBirthPlaceQuery = "SELECT birthPlace FROM basic_info WHERE name=? LIMIT 1";
Object[] inp = new Object[1];
inp[0] = sName;
ArrayList<Row> res = querun.runQuery(checkBirthPlaceQuery, inp);
Row row = res.get(0);
assertEquals(te.getBirthPlace(), (String) row.row.get(0).getValue().cast(row.row.get(0).getKey()));
use of infoeval.main.mysql.TableEntry in project Info-Evaluation by TechnionYP5777.
the class InfoevalServiceImp method getBornInPlaceYear.
@RequestMapping(path = "Queries/Query2", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ArrayList<TableEntry> getBornInPlaceYear(String place, String year) throws Exception {
SqlRunner runner = new SqlRunner();
ArrayList<TableEntry> $ = runner.getBornInPlaceBeforeYear(place, year);
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Born in place before year was called.\n Parameters:" + "Place:" + place + ", Year:" + year);
logger.log(Level.INFO, "list size:" + $.size());
return $;
use of infoeval.main.mysql.TableEntry in project Info-Evaluation by TechnionYP5777.
the class SqlRunnerTest method getPersonalInfoNotInDBTest.
public void getPersonalInfoNotInDBTest() throws Exception {
TableEntry te = querun.getPersonalInfo(Integer.parseInt((Jsoup.connect("" + "&prop=pageimages&format=xml&pithumbsize=350").get() + "").split("pageid=\"")[1].split("\"")[0]));
assertEquals(te.getUrl(), "");
assertEquals(te.getName(), "Angela Merkel");
assertEquals(te.getBirthPlace(), "West Germany");
assertEquals(te.getDeathPlace(), "No Death Place");
assertEquals(te.getBirthExpandedPlace(), "West Germany");
assertEquals(te.getDeathExpandedPlace(), "No Death Place");
assertEquals((te.getBirthDate() + ""), "1954-07-17");
assertEquals(te.getDeathDate(), null);
assertEquals(te.getOccupation(), "No Occupation");
assertEquals(te.getSpouseName(), "No Spouse");
assertEquals(te.getSpouseOccupation(), "No Spouse Occupation");
assertEquals(te.getPhotoLink(), "");
assertEquals(te.getOverview().split(" ")[1], "Dorothea");
use of infoeval.main.mysql.TableEntry in project Info-Evaluation by TechnionYP5777.
the class SqlRunnerTest method getBornInPlaceBeforeYearTest.
public void getBornInPlaceBeforeYearTest() throws Exception {
for (TableEntry te : querun.getBornInPlaceBeforeYear("Japan", "1970")) {
java.sql.Date birthDate = te.getBirthDate();
String birthPlace = te.getBirthPlace();
assert Integer.parseInt(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy").format(birthDate)) < 1970;
assert birthPlace.contains("Japan");