use of ini.trakem2.display.Layer in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class DBLoader method importStackAsPatches.
* Returns the last Patch.
protected Patch importStackAsPatches(final Project project, final Layer first_layer, final double x, final double y, final ImagePlus imp_stack, final boolean as_copy, final String filepath) {
double pos_x = Double.MAX_VALUE != x ? x : first_layer.getLayerWidth() / 2 - imp_stack.getWidth() / 2;
double pos_y = Double.MAX_VALUE != y ? y : first_layer.getLayerHeight() / 2 - imp_stack.getHeight() / 2;
final double thickness = first_layer.getThickness();
final String title = Utils.removeExtension(imp_stack.getTitle()).replace(' ', '_');
Patch previous_patch = null;
final int n = imp_stack.getStackSize();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
Layer layer = first_layer;
double z = first_layer.getZ() + (i - 1) * thickness;
// will create new layer if not found
if (i > 1)
layer = first_layer.getParent().getLayer(z, thickness, true);
if (null == layer) {
Utils.log("Display.importStack: could not create new layers.");
return null;
ImageProcessor ip = imp_stack.getStack().getProcessor(i);
if (as_copy)
ip = ip.duplicate();
ImagePlus imp_patch_i = new ImagePlus(title + "__slice=" + i, ip);
String label = imp_stack.getStack().getSliceLabel(i);
if (null == label)
label = "";
Patch patch = new Patch(project, label + " " + title + " " + i, pos_x, pos_y, imp_patch_i);
if (null != previous_patch);
previous_patch = patch;
Utils.showProgress(i * (1.0 / n));
// return the last Patch
return previous_patch;
use of ini.trakem2.display.Layer in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class DBLoader method unpackLayers.
* Recursive. Place all Layer (but not LayerSet) objects with a key as Long(id).
private void unpackLayers(LayerThing root, HashMap hs) {
Object ob = root.getObject();
if (ob instanceof Layer)
hs.put(new Long(((DBObject) ob).getId()), ob);
if (null == root.getChildren())
Iterator it = root.getChildren().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
LayerThing child = (LayerThing);
unpackLayers(child, hs);
use of ini.trakem2.display.Layer in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class DBLoader method getLayerThing.
private LayerThing getLayerThing(ResultSet r, Project project, HashMap hs_pt, TemplateThing layer_set_tt, TemplateThing layer_tt) throws Exception {
long id = r.getLong("id");
String type = r.getString("type");
// if not a "Layer", then it's a "Layer Set"
TemplateThing template = type.equals("layer_set") ? layer_set_tt : layer_tt;
// HERE the order of the arguments layer_set_tt and layer_tt was inverted, and it worked??? There was a compensating bug, incredibly enough, in the type.equals(.. above.
return new LayerThing(template, project, id, r.getString("title"), getLayerThingObject(project, r.getLong("object_id"), template, hs_pt), getChildrenLayerThing(project, id, hs_pt, layer_set_tt, layer_tt));
use of ini.trakem2.display.Layer in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class AmiraImporter method importAmiraLabels.
* Returns the array of AreaList or null if the file dialog is canceled. The xo,yo is the pivot of reference.
public static Collection<AreaList> importAmiraLabels(Layer first_layer, double xo, double yo, final String default_dir) {
// open file
OpenDialog od = new OpenDialog("Choose Amira Labels File", default_dir, "");
String filename = od.getFileName();
if (null == filename || 0 == filename.length())
return null;
String dir = od.getDirectory();
if (IJ.isWindows())
dir = dir.replace('\\', '/');
if (!dir.endsWith("/"))
dir += "/";
String path = dir + filename;
AmiraMeshDecoder dec = new AmiraMeshDecoder();
if (! {
YesNoDialog yn = new YesNoDialog("Error", "File was not an Amira labels file.\nChoose another one?");
if (yn.yesPressed())
return importAmiraLabels(first_layer, xo, yo, default_dir);
return null;
ImagePlus imp = null;
if (dec.isTable()) {
Utils.showMessage("Select the other file (the labels)!");
return null;
} else {
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo();
fi.fileName = filename; = dir;
imp = new ImagePlus("Amira", dec.getStack());
return extractAmiraLabels(imp, dec.parameters, first_layer, xo, yo);
use of ini.trakem2.display.Layer in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class Segmentation method magicWand.
public static Bureaucrat magicWand(final AreaWrapper aw, final Layer layer, final Rectangle srcRect, final int x_p_w, final int y_p_w, final List<Runnable> post_tasks, final boolean inverse, final boolean subtract) {
// Capture pointers before they are set to null
final AreaContainer ac = (AreaContainer) aw.getSource();
final AffineTransform source_aff = aw.getSource().getAffineTransform();
final Rectangle box = new Rectangle(x_p_w - Segmentation.fmp.width / 2, y_p_w - Segmentation.fmp.height / 2, Segmentation.fmp.width, Segmentation.fmp.height);
Bureaucrat burro = Bureaucrat.create(new Worker.Task("Magic Wand") {
public void exec() {
// Capture image as large as the fmp width,height centered on x_p_w,y_p_w
Utils.log2("fmp box is " + box);
ImageProcessor ip = Patch.makeFlatImage(ImagePlus.GRAY8, layer, box, 1.0, (Collection) layer.getDisplayables(Patch.class, new Area(box), true),;
// Apply wand
Wand wand = new Wand(ip);
String smode = WandToolOptions.getMode();
int mode = Wand.LEGACY_MODE;
if (null == smode) {
} else if (smode.startsWith("4"))
else if (smode.startsWith("8"))
// 8-bit image
wand.autoOutline(ip.getWidth() / 2, ip.getHeight() / 2, WandToolOptions.getTolerance(), mode);
if (wand.npoints > 0) {
Area area = M.getArea(new PolygonRoi(wand.xpoints, wand.ypoints, wand.npoints, PolygonRoi.FREEROI));
if (inverse) {
Area b = new Area(new Rectangle(0, 0, box.width, box.height));
area = b;
// Compose an Area that is local to the AreaWrapper's area
final AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, box.x, box.y);
try {
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException nite) {
if (subtract)
}, layer.getProject());
if (null != post_tasks)
for (Runnable task : post_tasks) burro.addPostTask(task);
return burro;