use of ini.trakem2.display.Profile in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class DBLoader method fetchLayer.
* Load all objects into the Layer: Profile and Pipe from the hs_pt (full of ProjectThing wrapping them), and Patch, LayerSet, DLabel, etc from the database.
private Layer fetchLayer(Project project, long id, HashMap hs_pt) throws Exception {
ResultSet r = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM ab_layers WHERE id=" + id).executeQuery();
Layer layer = null;
if ( {
long layer_id = r.getLong("id");
layer = new Layer(project, layer_id, r.getDouble("z"), r.getDouble("thickness"));
// find the Layer's parent
long parent_id = r.getLong("layer_set_id");
Object set = hs_pt.get(new Long(parent_id));
if (null != set) {
((LayerSet) set).addSilently(layer);
} else {
Utils.log("Loader.fetchLayer: WARNING no parent for layer " + layer);
// add the displayables from hs_pt that correspond to this layer (and all other objects that belong to the layer)
HashMap hs_d = new HashMap();
ResultSet rd = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT,, layer_id, stack_index FROM ab_displayables,ab_profiles WHERE AND layer_id=" + layer_id).executeQuery();
while ( {
Long idd = new Long(rd.getLong("id"));
Object ob = hs_pt.get(idd);
// Utils.log("Found profile with id=" + idd + " and ob = " + ob);
if (null != ob) {
hs_d.put(new Integer(rd.getInt("stack_index")), ob);
// fetch LayerSet objects (which are also Displayable), and put them in the hs_pt (this is hackerous)
ResultSet rls = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM ab_layer_sets, ab_displayables WHERE AND ab_layer_sets.parent_layer_id=" + id).executeQuery();
while ( {
long ls_id = rls.getLong("id");
LayerSet layer_set = new LayerSet(project, ls_id, rls.getString("title"), (float) rls.getDouble("width"), (float) rls.getDouble("height"), rls.getDouble("rot_x"), rls.getDouble("rot_y"), rls.getDouble("rot_z"), (float) rls.getDouble("layer_width"), (float) rls.getDouble("layer_height"), rls.getBoolean("locked"), rls.getInt("snapshots_mode"), new AffineTransform(rls.getDouble("m00"), rls.getDouble("m10"), rls.getDouble("m01"), rls.getDouble("m11"), rls.getDouble("m02"), rls.getDouble("m12")));
hs_pt.put(new Long(ls_id), layer_set);
hs_d.put(new Integer(rls.getInt("stack_index")), layer_set);
layer_set.setLayer(layer, false);
// find the pipes (or other possible ZDisplayable objects) in the hs_pt that belong to this LayerSet and add them silently
ResultSet rpi = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT,, layer_id, layer_set_id, stack_index FROM ab_displayables,ab_zdisplayables WHERE AND layer_set_id=" + ls_id + " ORDER BY stack_index ASC").executeQuery();
while ( {
Long idd = new Long(rpi.getLong("id"));
Object ob = hs_pt.get(idd);
if (null != ob && ob instanceof ZDisplayable) {
layer_set.addSilently((ZDisplayable) ob);
} else {
Utils.log("fetchLayer: failed to add a ZDisplayable to the layer_set. zdispl id = " + idd);
// add Patch objects from ab_patches joint-called with ab_displayables
ResultSet rp = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT,, layer_id, title, width, height, stack_index, imp_type, locked, min, max, m00, m10, m01, m11, m02, m12 FROM ab_patches,ab_displayables WHERE AND ab_displayables.layer_id=" + layer_id).executeQuery();
while ( {
long patch_id = rp.getLong("id");
Patch patch = new Patch(project, patch_id, rp.getString("title"), (float) rp.getDouble("width"), (float) rp.getDouble("height"), rp.getInt("o_width"), rp.getInt("o_height"), rp.getInt("imp_type"), rp.getBoolean("locked"), rp.getDouble("min"), rp.getDouble("max"), new AffineTransform(rp.getDouble("m00"), rp.getDouble("m10"), rp.getDouble("m01"), rp.getDouble("m11"), rp.getDouble("m02"), rp.getDouble("m12")));
// collecting all Displayable objects to reconstruct links
hs_pt.put(new Long(patch_id), patch);
hs_d.put(new Integer(rp.getInt("stack_index")), patch);
// add DLabel objects
ResultSet rl = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT,, layer_id, title, width, height, m00, m10, m01, m11, m02, m12, stack_index, font_name, font_style, font_size, ab_labels.type, locked FROM ab_labels,ab_displayables WHERE AND ab_displayables.layer_id=" + layer_id).executeQuery();
while ( {
long label_id = rl.getLong("id");
DLabel label = new DLabel(project, label_id, rl.getString("title"), (float) rl.getDouble("width"), (float) rl.getDouble("height"), rl.getInt("type"), rl.getString("font_name"), rl.getInt("font_style"), rl.getInt("font_size"), rl.getBoolean("locked"), new AffineTransform(rl.getDouble("m00"), rl.getDouble("m10"), rl.getDouble("m01"), rl.getDouble("m11"), rl.getDouble("m02"), rl.getDouble("m12")));
// collecting all Displayable objects to reconstruct links
hs_pt.put(new Long(label_id), label);
hs_d.put(new Integer(rl.getInt("stack_index")), label);
// Add silently to the Layer ordered by stack index
Set e = hs_d.keySet();
Object[] si = new Object[hs_d.size()];
si = e.toArray(si);
// will it sort an array of integers correctly? Who knows!
for (int i = 0; i < si.length; i++) {
// Utils.log("Loader layer.addSilently: adding " + (DBObject)hs_d.get(si[i]));
layer.addSilently((DBObject) hs_d.get(si[i]));
// find displays and open later, when fully loaded.
ResultSet rdi = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM ab_displays WHERE layer_id=" + layer.getId()).executeQuery();
while ( {
fetchDisplay(rdi, layer);
return layer;
use of ini.trakem2.display.Profile in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class Render method renderObject.
* Accepts a 'profile_list' Thing and composes a new Ob
private void renderObject(Thing profile_list) {
// check preconditions
if (!profile_list.getType().equals("profile_list"))
// do not accept an empty profile_list Thing
final ArrayList<? extends Thing> al = profile_list.getChildren();
if (null == al || al.size() < 2)
// new style: follows profiles links and generates several obs, one per branch, ensuring that there is oly one profile per layer in the generated Ob for the .shapes file.
// 1 - gather all profiles
final HashSet<Profile> hs = new HashSet<Profile>();
for (final Thing child : al) {
Object ob = child.getObject();
if (ob instanceof Profile) {
hs.add((Profile) ob);
} else {
Utils.log2("Render: skipping non Profile class child");
String name = profile_list.getParent().getTitle();
final ArrayList<String> al_used_names = new ArrayList<String>();
// make unique object name, since it'll be the group
String name2 = name;
int k = 1;
while (ht_objects.containsKey(name2)) {
name2 = name + "-" + k;
name = name2;
// 2 - start at the last found profile with the lowest Z, and recurse until done
// Utils.log2("Calling renderSubObjects with " + hs.size() + " profiles");
renderSubObjects(hs, al_used_names);
/* //old style, assumes a single profile per section
Profile[] profiles = new Profile[al.size()];
Iterator it = al.iterator();
int i = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Thing child = (Thing);
Displayable displ = (Displayable)child.getObject();
profiles[i] = (Profile)displ; //this cast is safe (as long as I'm the only programmer and I remember that Thing objects added to a 'profile_list' Thing are of class Profile only)
// make unique object name, since it'll be the group
String name = profile_list.getParent().getTitle();
String name2 = name;
int k = 1;
while (ht_objects.containsKey(name2)) {
name2 = name + "_" + k;
name = name2;
// store
ht_objects.put(name, new Ob(name, profiles));
use of ini.trakem2.display.Profile in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class Render method accumulate.
* Recursive; returns the last added profile.
private Profile accumulate(final HashSet<Profile> hs_done, final ArrayList<Profile> al, final Profile step, int z_trend) {
final HashSet<Displayable> hs_linked = step.getLinked(Profile.class);
if (al.size() > 1 && hs_linked.size() > 2) {
// base found
return step;
double step_z = step.getLayer().getZ();
Profile next_step = null;
boolean started = false;
for (final Displayable ob : hs_linked) {
// loop only one cycle, to move only in one direction
if (al.contains(ob) || started || hs_done.contains(ob))
started = true;
next_step = (Profile) ob;
double next_z = next_step.getLayer().getZ();
if (0 == z_trend) {
// define trend
if (next_z > step_z) {
z_trend = 1;
} else {
z_trend = -1;
// add!
} else {
// if the z trend is broken, finish
if ((next_z > step_z && 1 == z_trend) || (next_z < step_z && -1 == z_trend)) {
// z trend continues
} else {
// z trend broken
next_step = null;
Profile last = step;
// Utils.log2("next_step is " + next_step);
if (null != next_step) {
last = accumulate(hs_done, al, next_step, z_trend);
// Utils.log2("returning last " + last);
return last;
use of ini.trakem2.display.Profile in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class Render method renderSubObjects.
* Render an object from the given profile, following the chain of links, until reaching a profile that is linked to more than two profiles.
private void renderSubObjects(final HashSet<Profile> hs_all, final ArrayList<String> al_used_names) {
int size = hs_all.size();
Profile[] p = new Profile[size];
// collect starts and ends
HashSet<Profile> hs_bases = new HashSet<Profile>();
HashSet<Profile> hs_done = new HashSet<Profile>();
do {
Profile base = null;
// choose among existing bases
if (hs_bases.size() > 0) {
base = (Profile) hs_bases.iterator().next();
} else {
// find a new base, simply by taking the lowest Z or remaining profiles
double min_z = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (hs_done.contains(p[i]))
double z = p[i].getLayer().getZ();
if (z < min_z) {
min_z = z;
base = p[i];
// add base
if (null != base)
if (null == base) {
Utils.log2("No more bases.");
// crawl list to get a sequence of profiles in increasing or decreasing Z order, but not mixed z trends
ArrayList<Profile> al_profiles = new ArrayList<Profile>();
// Utils.log2("Calling accumulate for base " + base);
Profile last = accumulate(hs_done, al_profiles, base, 0);
// if the trend was not empty, add it
if (last != base) {
// Utils.log2("creating Ob with " + al_profiles.size());
// count as done
// add new possible base (which may have only 2 links if it was from a broken Z trend)
// create 3D object from base to base
Profile[] profiles = new Profile[al_profiles.size()];
String name = createName(al_used_names);
String name2 = name;
int k = 1;
while (ht_objects.containsKey(name2)) {
name2 = name + "_" + k;
name = name2;
ht_objects.put(name, new Ob(name, profiles));
Utils.log("count: " + counter + " vs " + ht_objects.size());
// Utils.log2("Storing ob with name=[" + name + "] and n=" + profiles.length);
} else {
// remove base
// Utils.log2("Removing base " + base);
} while (0 != hs_bases.size());
use of ini.trakem2.display.Profile in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class Profile method makeTriangles.
* Make a mesh as a calibrated list of 3D triangles.
private static List<Point3f> makeTriangles(final Profile[] p, final double scale) {
try {
final VectorString2D[] sv = new VectorString2D[p.length];
// dummy initialization
boolean closed = true;
final Calibration cal = p[0].getLayerSet().getCalibrationCopy();
cal.pixelWidth *= scale;
cal.pixelHeight *= scale;
for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (0 == p[i].n_points)
if (0 == i)
closed = p[i].closed;
else if (p[i].closed != closed) {
Utils.log2("All profiles should be either open or closed, not mixed.");
return null;
sv[i] = p[i].getPerimeter2D(cal);
return SkinMaker.generateTriangles(sv, -1, -1, closed);
} catch (final Exception e) {
return null;