use of io.automatiko.engine.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in project automatiko-engine by automatiko-io.
the class ProcessInstanceNotFoundExceptionMapper method toResponse.
public Response toResponse(ProcessInstanceNotFoundException ex) {
ProcessInstanceNotFoundException exception = (ProcessInstanceNotFoundException) ex;
Map<String, String> response = new HashMap<>();
response.put(MESSAGE, exception.getMessage());
response.put(PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID, exception.getProcessInstanceId());
return notFound(response);
use of io.automatiko.engine.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in project automatiko-engine by automatiko-io.
the class $Type$Resource method get_tag_$name$.
@APIResponses(value = { @APIResponse(responseCode = "500", description = "In case of processing errors", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")), @APIResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "In case of instance with given id was not found", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")), @APIResponse(responseCode = "403", description = "In case of instance with given id is not accessible to the caller", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")), @APIResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "Successfully removed TagInstance from the instance", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = TagInstance.class, type = SchemaType.ARRAY))) })
@Operation(summary = "Removes TagInstance from $name$ instance with given id")
public Collection<? extends Tag> get_tag_$name$(@PathParam("id") @Parameter(description = "Unique identifier of the instance", required = true) String id, @Parameter(description = "TagInstance to be removed", required = true) @PathParam("tagId") String tagId, @Parameter(description = "User identifier as alternative autroization info", required = false, hidden = true) @QueryParam("user") final String user, @Parameter(description = "Groups as alternative autroization info", required = false, hidden = true) @QueryParam("group") final List<String> groups) {
identitySupplier.buildIdentityProvider(user, groups);
return, () -> {
ProcessInstance<$Type$> pi = process.instances().findById(id, io.automatiko.engine.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceReadMode.READ_ONLY).orElseThrow(() -> new ProcessInstanceNotFoundException(id));
return pi.tags().get();
use of io.automatiko.engine.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in project automatiko-engine by automatiko-io.
the class ProcessInstanceManagementResource method exportInstance.
@APIResponses(value = { @APIResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "In case of instance with given id was not found", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(type = SchemaType.OBJECT))), @APIResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "Exported process instance", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) })
@Operation(summary = "Returns exported process instance for given instance id")
public JsonExportedProcessInstance exportInstance(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Parameter(description = "Unique identifier of the process", required = true) @PathParam("processId") String processId, @Parameter(description = "Unique identifier of the instance", required = true) @PathParam("instanceId") String instanceId, @Parameter(description = "Status of the process instance", required = false) @QueryParam("status") @DefaultValue("active") final String status, @Parameter(description = "Indicates if the instance should be aborted after export, defaults to false", required = false) @QueryParam("abort") @DefaultValue("false") final boolean abort, @Parameter(description = "User identifier as alternative autroization info", required = false, hidden = true) @QueryParam("user") final String user, @Parameter(description = "Groups as alternative autroization info", required = false, hidden = true) @QueryParam("group") final List<String> groups) {
identitySupplier.buildIdentityProvider(user, groups);
JsonExportedProcessInstance exported = UnitOfWorkExecutor.executeInUnitOfWork(application.unitOfWorkManager(), () -> {
Process<?> process = processData.get(processId);
if (process == null) {
throw new ProcessInstanceNotFoundException(instanceId);
Optional<ProcessInstance<?>> instance = (Optional<ProcessInstance<?>>) process.instances().findById(instanceId, mapStatus(status), ProcessInstanceReadMode.MUTABLE);
if (instance.isEmpty()) {
throw new ProcessInstanceNotFoundException(instanceId);
ProcessInstance<?> pi = instance.get();
return exporter.exportInstance(instanceId, pi);
if (abort) {
cancelProcessInstanceId(processId, instanceId, status, user, groups);
return exported;
use of io.automatiko.engine.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in project automatiko-engine by automatiko-io.
the class ProcessInstanceManagementResource method getInstance.
@APIResponses(value = { @APIResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "In case of instance with given id was not found", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")), @APIResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "Process instance details", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) })
@Operation(summary = "Returns process instance details for given instance id")
public ProcessInstanceDetailsDTO getInstance(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Parameter(description = "Unique identifier of the process", required = true) @PathParam("processId") String processId, @Parameter(description = "Unique identifier of the instance", required = true) @PathParam("instanceId") String instanceId, @Parameter(description = "Status of the process instance", required = false, schema = @Schema(enumeration = { "active", "completed", "aborted", "error" })) @QueryParam("status") @DefaultValue("active") final String status, @Parameter(description = "User identifier as alternative autroization info", required = false, hidden = true) @QueryParam("user") final String user, @Parameter(description = "Groups as alternative autroization info", required = false, hidden = true) @QueryParam("group") final List<String> groups) {
try {
identitySupplier.buildIdentityProvider(user, groups);
return UnitOfWorkExecutor.executeInUnitOfWork(application.unitOfWorkManager(), () -> {
Process<?> process = processData.get(processId);
Optional<ProcessInstance<?>> instance = (Optional<ProcessInstance<?>>) process.instances().findById(instanceId, mapStatus(status), ProcessInstanceReadMode.READ_ONLY);
if (instance.isEmpty()) {
throw new ProcessInstanceNotFoundException(instanceId);
ProcessInstance<?> pi = instance.get();
ProcessInstanceDetailsDTO details = new ProcessInstanceDetailsDTO();
String id =;
if (pi.parentProcessInstanceId() != null) {
id = pi.parentProcessInstanceId() + ":" + id;
details.setBusinessKey(pi.businessKey() == null ? "" : pi.businessKey());
if (pi.errors().isPresent()) {
details.setErrors(pi.errors().get().errors().stream().map(e -> new ErrorInfoDTO(e.failedNodeId(), e.errorId(), e.errorMessage(), e.errorDetails())).collect(Collectors.toList()));
details.setImage(uriInfo.getBaseUri().toString() + "management/processes/" + processId + "/instances/" + instanceId + "/image?status=" + reverseMapStatus(pi.status()));
details.setSubprocesses(pi.subprocesses().stream().map(spi -> new ProcessInstanceDTO(, spi.businessKey(), spi.description(), spi.tags().values(), spi.errors().isPresent(), spi.process().id(), spi.status())).collect(Collectors.toList()));
VariableScope variableScope = (VariableScope) ((ContextContainer) ((AbstractProcess<?>) process).process()).getDefaultContext(VariableScope.VARIABLE_SCOPE);
details.setVersionedVariables(variableScope.getVariables().stream().filter(v -> v.hasTag(Variable.VERSIONED_TAG)).map(v -> v.getName()).collect(Collectors.toList()));
return details;
} finally {
use of io.automatiko.engine.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in project automatiko-engine by automatiko-io.
the class ProcessInstanceManagementResource method getInstanceImage.
@APIResponses(value = { @APIResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "In case of instance with given id was not found", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")), @APIResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "List of available processes", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) })
@Operation(summary = "Returns process instance image with annotated active nodes")
public Response getInstanceImage(@Parameter(description = "Unique identifier of the process", required = true) @PathParam("processId") String processId, @Parameter(description = "Unique identifier of the instance", required = true) @PathParam("instanceId") String instanceId, @Parameter(description = "Status of the process instance", required = false, schema = @Schema(enumeration = { "active", "completed", "aborted", "error" })) @QueryParam("status") @DefaultValue("active") final String status, @Parameter(description = "User identifier as alternative autroization info", required = false, hidden = true) @QueryParam("user") final String user, @Parameter(description = "Groups as alternative autroization info", required = false, hidden = true) @QueryParam("group") final List<String> groups) {
try {
identitySupplier.buildIdentityProvider(user, groups);
return UnitOfWorkExecutor.executeInUnitOfWork(application.unitOfWorkManager(), () -> {
Process<?> process = processData.get(processId);
String image = process.image();
if (image == null) {
throw new ProcessImageNotFoundException(;
Optional<ProcessInstance<?>> instance = (Optional<ProcessInstance<?>>) process.instances().findById(instanceId, mapStatus(status), ProcessInstanceReadMode.READ_ONLY);
if (instance.isEmpty()) {
throw new ProcessInstanceNotFoundException(instanceId);
String path = ((AbstractProcess<?>) process).process().getId() + "/" + instanceId;
if (process.version() != null) {
path = "/v" + process.version().replaceAll("\\.", "_") + "/" + path;
ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok().entity(instance.get().image(path));
return builder.header("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml").build();
} finally {