use of in project bitsquare by bitsquare.
the class Connection method isCapabilitySupported.
public boolean isCapabilitySupported(Message message) {
if (message instanceof AddDataMessage) {
final StoragePayload storagePayload = (((AddDataMessage) message).protectedStorageEntry).getStoragePayload();
if (storagePayload instanceof CapabilityRequiringPayload) {
final List<Integer> requiredCapabilities = ((CapabilityRequiringPayload) storagePayload).getRequiredCapabilities();
final List<Integer> supportedCapabilities = sharedModel.getSupportedCapabilities();
if (supportedCapabilities != null) {
for (int messageCapability : requiredCapabilities) {
for (int connectionCapability : supportedCapabilities) {
if (messageCapability == connectionCapability)
return true;
log.debug("We do not send the message to the peer because he does not support the required capability for that message type.\n" + "Required capabilities is: " + requiredCapabilities.toString() + "\n" + "Supported capabilities is: " + supportedCapabilities.toString() + "\n" + "connection: " + this.toString() + "\n" + "storagePayload is: " + Utilities.toTruncatedString(storagePayload));
return false;
} else {
log.debug("We do not send the message to the peer because he uses an old version which does not support capabilities.\n" + "Required capabilities is: " + requiredCapabilities.toString() + "\n" + "connection: " + this.toString() + "\n" + "storagePayload is: " + Utilities.toTruncatedString(storagePayload));
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return true;
use of in project bitsquare by bitsquare.
the class GetDataRequestHandler method handle.
// API
public void handle(GetDataRequest getDataRequest, final Connection connection) {
Log.traceCall(getDataRequest + "\n\tconnection=" + connection);
final HashSet<ProtectedStorageEntry> filteredDataSet = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Integer> lookupSet = new HashSet<>();
Set<P2PDataStorage.ByteArray> excludedItems = getDataRequest.getExcludedKeys() != null ? getDataRequest.getExcludedKeys().stream().map(P2PDataStorage.ByteArray::new).collect(Collectors.toSet()) : new HashSet<>();
for (ProtectedStorageEntry protectedStorageEntry : dataStorage.getFilteredValues(excludedItems)) {
final StoragePayload storagePayload = protectedStorageEntry.getStoragePayload();
boolean doAdd = false;
if (storagePayload instanceof CapabilityRequiringPayload) {
final List<Integer> requiredCapabilities = ((CapabilityRequiringPayload) storagePayload).getRequiredCapabilities();
final List<Integer> supportedCapabilities = connection.getSupportedCapabilities();
if (supportedCapabilities != null) {
for (int messageCapability : requiredCapabilities) {
for (int connectionCapability : supportedCapabilities) {
if (messageCapability == connectionCapability) {
doAdd = true;
if (!doAdd)
log.debug("We do not send the message to the peer because he does not support the required capability for that message type.\n" + "Required capabilities is: " + requiredCapabilities.toString() + "\n" + "Supported capabilities is: " + supportedCapabilities.toString() + "\n" + "storagePayload is: " + Utilities.toTruncatedString(storagePayload));
} else {
log.debug("We do not send the message to the peer because he uses an old version which does not support capabilities.\n" + "Required capabilities is: " + requiredCapabilities.toString() + "\n" + "storagePayload is: " + Utilities.toTruncatedString(storagePayload));
} else {
doAdd = true;
if (doAdd) {
// We have TradeStatistic data of both traders but we only send 1 item,
// so we use lookupSet as for a fast lookup. Using filteredDataSet would require a loop as it stores
// protectedStorageEntry not storagePayload. protectedStorageEntry is different for both traders but storagePayload not,
// as we ignore the pubKey and data there in the hashCode method.
boolean notContained = lookupSet.add(storagePayload.hashCode());
if (notContained)
GetDataResponse getDataResponse = new GetDataResponse(filteredDataSet, getDataRequest.getNonce(), getDataRequest instanceof GetUpdatedDataRequest);
if (timeoutTimer == null) {
timeoutTimer = UserThread.runAfter(() -> {
// setup before sending to avoid race conditions
String errorMessage = "A timeout occurred for getDataResponse:" + getDataResponse + " on connection:" + connection;
handleFault(errorMessage, CloseConnectionReason.SEND_MSG_TIMEOUT, connection);
SettableFuture<Connection> future = networkNode.sendMessage(connection, getDataResponse);
Futures.addCallback(future, new FutureCallback<Connection>() {
public void onSuccess(Connection connection) {
if (!stopped) {
log.trace("Send DataResponse to {} succeeded. getDataResponse={}", connection.getPeersNodeAddressOptional(), getDataResponse);
} else {
log.trace("We have stopped already. We ignore that networkNode.sendMessage.onSuccess call.");
public void onFailure(@NotNull Throwable throwable) {
if (!stopped) {
String errorMessage = "Sending getDataRequest to " + connection + " failed. That is expected if the peer is offline. getDataResponse=" + getDataResponse + "." + "Exception: " + throwable.getMessage();
handleFault(errorMessage, CloseConnectionReason.SEND_MSG_FAILURE, connection);
} else {
log.trace("We have stopped already. We ignore that networkNode.sendMessage.onFailure call.");