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Example 1 with LazyProcessedStoragePayload

use of in project bitsquare by bitsquare.

the class RequestDataHandler method onMessage.

// MessageListener implementation
public void onMessage(Message message, Connection connection) {
    if (connection.getPeersNodeAddressOptional().isPresent() && connection.getPeersNodeAddressOptional().get().equals(peersNodeAddress)) {
        if (message instanceof GetDataResponse) {
            Log.traceCall(message.toString() + "\n\tconnection=" + connection);
            if (!stopped) {
                GetDataResponse getDataResponse = (GetDataResponse) message;
                Map<String, Set<StoragePayload>> payloadByClassName = new HashMap<>();
                final HashSet<ProtectedStorageEntry> dataSet = getDataResponse.dataSet;
       -> {
                    final StoragePayload storagePayload = e.getStoragePayload();
                    String className = storagePayload.getClass().getSimpleName();
                    if (!payloadByClassName.containsKey(className))
                        payloadByClassName.put(className, new HashSet<>());
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Received data size: ").append(dataSet.size()).append(", data items: ");
                payloadByClassName.entrySet().stream().forEach(e -> sb.append(e.getValue().size()).append(" items of ").append(e.getKey()).append("; "));
                if (getDataResponse.requestNonce == nonce) {
                    checkArgument(connection.getPeersNodeAddressOptional().isPresent(), "RequestDataHandler.onMessage: connection.getPeersNodeAddressOptional() must be present " + "at that moment");
                    final NodeAddress sender = connection.getPeersNodeAddressOptional().get();
                    List<ProtectedStorageEntry> processDelayedItems = new ArrayList<>();
           -> {
                        if (e.getStoragePayload() instanceof LazyProcessedStoragePayload)
                        else {
                            dataStorage.add(e, sender, null, false, false);
                    // We process the LazyProcessedStoragePayload items (TradeStatistics) in batches with a delay in between.
                    // We want avoid that the UI get stuck when processing many entries.
                    // The dataStorage.add call is a bit expensive as sig checks is done there.
                    // Using a background thread might be an alternative but it would require much more effort and 
                    // it would also decrease user experience if the app gets under heavy load (like at startup with wallet sync).
                    // Beside that we mitigated the problem already as we will not get the whole TradeStatistics as we 
                    // pass the excludeKeys and we pack the latest data dump 
                    // into the resources, so a new user do not need to request all data.
                    // In future we will probably limit by date or load on demand from user intent to not get too much data.
                    // We split the list into sub lists with max 50 items and delay each batch with 200 ms.
                    int size = processDelayedItems.size();
                    int chunkSize = 50;
                    int chunks = 1 + size / chunkSize;
                    int startIndex = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < chunks && startIndex < size; i++, startIndex += chunkSize) {
                        long delay = (i + 1) * 200;
                        int endIndex = Math.min(size, startIndex + chunkSize);
                        List<ProtectedStorageEntry> subList = processDelayedItems.subList(startIndex, endIndex);
                        UserThread.runAfter(() -> {
                   -> dataStorage.add(protectedStorageEntry, sender, null, false, false));
                        }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                } else {
                    log.debug("Nonce not matching. That can happen rarely if we get a response after a canceled " + "handshake (timeout causes connection close but peer might have sent a msg before " + "connection was closed).\n\t" + "We drop that message. nonce={} / requestNonce={}", nonce, getDataResponse.requestNonce);
            } else {
                log.warn("We have stopped already. We ignore that onDataRequest call.");
    } else {
        log.trace("We got a message from another connection and ignore it.");
Also used : LazyProcessedStoragePayload( GetDataResponse(io.bitsquare.p2p.peers.getdata.messages.GetDataResponse) NodeAddress(io.bitsquare.p2p.NodeAddress) PersistedStoragePayload( StoragePayload( LazyProcessedStoragePayload( ProtectedStorageEntry(


NodeAddress (io.bitsquare.p2p.NodeAddress)1 GetDataResponse (io.bitsquare.p2p.peers.getdata.messages.GetDataResponse)1 LazyProcessedStoragePayload ( PersistedStoragePayload ( StoragePayload ( ProtectedStorageEntry (