use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.table.Scanner in project cdap by caskdata.
the class IndexedTable method readByIndex.
* Reads table rows by the given secondary index key. If no rows are indexed by the given key, then a
* {@link io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.table.Scanner} with no results will be returned.
* @return a Scanner returning rows from the data table, whose stored value for the given column matches the
* given value.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given column is not configured for indexing.
public Scanner readByIndex(byte[] column, byte[] value) {
byte[] rowKeyPrefix = Bytes.concat(keyPrefix, column, KEY_DELIMITER, value, KEY_DELIMITER);
byte[] stopRow = Bytes.stopKeyForPrefix(rowKeyPrefix);
Scanner indexScan = index.scan(rowKeyPrefix, stopRow);
return new IndexScanner(indexScan, column, value);
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.table.Scanner in project cdap by caskdata.
the class IndexedTable method scanByIndex.
* Reads table rows within the given secondary index key range. If no rows are indexed, falling within the given
* range, then a {@link io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.table.Scanner} with no results will be returned.
* @param column the column to use for the index lookup
* @param startValue the inclusive start of the range for which rows must fall within to be returned in the scan.
* {@code null} means start from first row of the table
* @param endValue the exclusive end of the range for which rows must fall within to be returned in the scan
* {@code null} means end with the last row of the table
* @return a Scanner returning rows from the data table, whose stored value for the given column is within the the
* given range.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given column is not configured for indexing.
public Scanner scanByIndex(byte[] column, @Nullable byte[] startValue, @Nullable byte[] endValue) {
// KEY_DELIMITER is not used at the end of the rowKeys, because they are used for a range scan,
// instead of a fixed-match lookup
byte[] startRow = startValue == null ? Bytes.concat(keyPrefix, column, KEY_DELIMITER) : Bytes.concat(keyPrefix, column, KEY_DELIMITER, startValue);
byte[] stopRow = endValue == null ? Bytes.stopKeyForPrefix(Bytes.concat(keyPrefix, column, KEY_DELIMITER)) : Bytes.concat(keyPrefix, column, KEY_DELIMITER, endValue);
Scanner indexScan = index.scan(startRow, stopRow);
return new IndexRangeScanner(indexScan, column, startValue, endValue);
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.table.Scanner in project cdap by caskdata.
the class KeyValueTable method scan.
* Scans table.
* @param startRow start row inclusive. {@code null} means start from first row of the table
* @param stopRow stop row exclusive. {@code null} means scan all rows to the end of the table
* @return {@link io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib.CloseableIterator} of
* {@link KeyValue KeyValue<byte[], byte[]>}
public CloseableIterator<KeyValue<byte[], byte[]>> scan(byte[] startRow, byte[] stopRow) {
final Scanner scanner = table.scan(startRow, stopRow);
return new AbstractCloseableIterator<KeyValue<byte[], byte[]>>() {
private boolean closed = false;
protected KeyValue<byte[], byte[]> computeNext() {
if (closed) {
return endOfData();
Row next =;
if (next != null) {
return new KeyValue<>(next.getRow(), next.get(KEY_COLUMN));
return null;
public void close() {
closed = true;
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.table.Scanner in project cdap by caskdata.
the class IndexedTableTest method testIncrementIndexing.
public void testIncrementIndexing() throws Exception {
DatasetId incrTabInstance = DatasetFrameworkTestUtil.NAMESPACE_ID.dataset("incrtab");
dsFrameworkUtil.createInstance("indexedTable", incrTabInstance, DatasetProperties.builder().add(IndexedTable.INDEX_COLUMNS_CONF_KEY, "idx1,idx2,idx3").build());
final IndexedTable iTable = dsFrameworkUtil.getInstance(incrTabInstance);
final byte[] idxCol1 = Bytes.toBytes("idx1");
final byte[] idxCol2 = Bytes.toBytes("idx2");
final byte[] idxCol3 = Bytes.toBytes("idx3");
final byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
try {
TransactionExecutor tx = dsFrameworkUtil.newTransactionExecutor(iTable);
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
long result = iTable.incrementAndGet(row1, idxCol1, 1);
assertEquals(1L, result);
final byte[] oneBytes = Bytes.toBytes(1L);
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
try (Scanner scanner = iTable.readByIndex(idxCol1, oneBytes)) {
Row row =;
TableAssert.assertRow(row, row1, new byte[][] { idxCol1 }, new byte[][] { oneBytes });
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
long result = iTable.incrementAndGet(row1, idxCol1, 1);
assertEquals(2L, result);
final byte[] twoBytes = Bytes.toBytes(2L);
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// previous index by value 1 should be gone
Scanner scanner = iTable.readByIndex(idxCol1, oneBytes);
try {
} finally {
// should now be indexed by value 2
scanner = iTable.readByIndex(idxCol1, twoBytes);
try {
Row row =;
TableAssert.assertRow(row, row1, new byte[][] { idxCol1 }, new byte[][] { twoBytes });
} finally {
final byte[] threeBytes = Bytes.toBytes(3L);
final byte[][] idxCols = new byte[][] { idxCol1, idxCol2, idxCol3 };
final byte[][] expectedValues = new byte[][] { threeBytes, oneBytes, oneBytes };
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
Row result = iTable.incrementAndGet(row1, idxCols, new long[] { 1, 1, 1 });
TableAssert.assertColumns(result, idxCols, expectedValues);
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
Scanner scanner = iTable.readByIndex(idxCol1, threeBytes);
try {
Row row =;
TableAssert.assertRow(row, row1, idxCols, expectedValues);
} finally {
scanner = iTable.readByIndex(idxCol2, oneBytes);
try {
Row row =;
TableAssert.assertRow(row, row1, idxCols, expectedValues);
} finally {
scanner = iTable.readByIndex(idxCol3, oneBytes);
try {
Row row =;
TableAssert.assertRow(row, row1, idxCols, expectedValues);
} finally {
final byte[] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("row2");
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// read-less increment on an indexed column should throw an exception
try {
iTable.increment(row2, idxCol1, 1L);
fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException performing increment on indexed column");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// expected
// read-less increment on a non-indexed column should succeed
iTable.increment(row2, valCol, 1L);
byte[] result = iTable.get(row2, valCol);
assertArrayEquals(oneBytes, result);
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
iTable.put(row2, valCol, valA);
// increment against a column with non-long value should fail
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
try {
iTable.incrementAndGet(row2, valCol, 1L);
fail("Expected NumberFormatException from increment on a column with non-long value");
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// expected
} finally {
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.table.Scanner in project cdap by caskdata.
the class IndexedTableTest method testIndexKeyDelimiterAmbiguity.
public void testIndexKeyDelimiterAmbiguity() throws Exception {
final byte[] a = { 'a' };
final byte[] ab = { 'a', 0, 'b' };
final byte[] abc = { 'a', 0, 'b', 0, 'c' };
final byte[] bc = { 'b', 0, 'c' };
final byte[] bcd = { 'b', 0, 'c', 'd' };
final byte[] c = { 'c' };
final byte[] d = { 'd' };
final byte[] w = { 'w' };
final byte[] x = { 'x' };
final byte[] y = { 'y' };
final byte[] z = { 'z' };
DatasetId delimTabInstance = DatasetFrameworkTestUtil.NAMESPACE_ID.dataset("delimtab");
dsFrameworkUtil.createInstance("indexedTable", delimTabInstance, DatasetProperties.builder().add(IndexedTable.INDEX_COLUMNS_CONF_KEY, Bytes.toString(a) + "," + Bytes.toString(ab)).build());
final IndexedTable iTable = dsFrameworkUtil.getInstance(delimTabInstance);
try {
TransactionExecutor tx = dsFrameworkUtil.newTransactionExecutor(iTable);
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
iTable.put(x, a, bc);
iTable.put(y, ab, c);
iTable.put(w, a, bcd);
iTable.put(z, abc, d);
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// ensure that readByIndex filters teh false positive rows in index
Scanner scanner = iTable.readByIndex(a, bc);
try {
Row row =;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(x, row.getRow());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(bc, row.get(a));
} finally {
scanner = iTable.readByIndex(ab, c);
try {
Row row =;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(y, row.getRow());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(c, row.get(ab));
} finally {
// ensure that scanByIndex filters the false positive rows in index
scanner = iTable.scanByIndex(a, bcd, null);
try {
Row row =;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(w, row.getRow());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(bcd, row.get(a));
} finally {
scanner = iTable.scanByIndex(a, null, bcd);
try {
Row row =;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(x, row.getRow());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(bc, row.get(a));
} finally {
} finally {