use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ProgramLifecycleService method updateLogLevels.
* Helper method to update log levels for Worker or Service.
private void updateLogLevels(ProgramId programId, Map<String, LogEntry.Level> logLevels, @Nullable String runId) throws Exception {
ProgramRuntimeService.RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = findRuntimeInfo(programId, runId).values().stream().findFirst().orElse(null);
if (runtimeInfo != null) {
LogLevelUpdater logLevelUpdater = getLogLevelUpdater(runtimeInfo);
logLevelUpdater.updateLogLevels(logLevels, null);
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ProgramLifecycleService method resetLogLevels.
* Helper method to reset log levels for Worker or Service.
private void resetLogLevels(ProgramId programId, Set<String> loggerNames, @Nullable String runId) throws Exception {
ProgramRuntimeService.RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = findRuntimeInfo(programId, runId).values().stream().findFirst().orElse(null);
if (runtimeInfo != null) {
LogLevelUpdater logLevelUpdater = getLogLevelUpdater(runtimeInfo);
logLevelUpdater.resetLogLevels(loggerNames, null);
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ProgramLifecycleService method setWorkerInstances.
private void setWorkerInstances(ProgramId programId, int instances) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, BadRequestException {
int oldInstances = store.getWorkerInstances(programId);
if (oldInstances != instances) {
store.setWorkerInstances(programId, instances);
ProgramRuntimeService.RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = findRuntimeInfo(programId);
if (runtimeInfo != null) {
runtimeInfo.getController().command(ProgramOptionConstants.INSTANCES, ImmutableMap.of("runnable", programId.getProgram(), "newInstances", String.valueOf(instances), "oldInstances", String.valueOf(oldInstances))).get();
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ProgramLifecycleService method setServiceInstances.
private void setServiceInstances(ProgramId programId, int instances) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, BadRequestException {
int oldInstances = store.getServiceInstances(programId);
if (oldInstances != instances) {
store.setServiceInstances(programId, instances);
ProgramRuntimeService.RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = findRuntimeInfo(programId);
if (runtimeInfo != null) {
runtimeInfo.getController().command(ProgramOptionConstants.INSTANCES, ImmutableMap.of("runnable", programId.getProgram(), "newInstances", String.valueOf(instances), "oldInstances", String.valueOf(oldInstances))).get();
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ProgramLifecycleService method issueStop.
* Issues a command to stop the specified {@link RunId} of the specified {@link ProgramId} and returns a
* {@link ListenableFuture} with the {@link ProgramRunId} for the runs that were stopped.
* Clients can wait for completion of the {@link ListenableFuture}.
* @param programId the {@link ProgramId program} to issue a stop for
* @param runId the runId of the program run to stop. If null, all runs of the program as returned by
* {@link ProgramRuntimeService} are stopped.
* @return a list of {@link ListenableFuture} with the {@link ProgramRunId} that clients can wait on for stop
* to complete.
* @throws NotFoundException if the app, program or run was not found
* @throws BadRequestException if an attempt is made to stop a program that is either not running or
* was started by a workflow
* @throws UnauthorizedException if the user issuing the command is not authorized to stop the program. To stop a
* program, a user requires {@link ApplicationPermission#EXECUTE} permission on
* the program.
public List<ListenableFuture<ProgramRunId>> issueStop(ProgramId programId, @Nullable String runId) throws Exception {
accessEnforcer.enforce(programId, authenticationContext.getPrincipal(), ApplicationPermission.EXECUTE);
// See if the program is running as per the runtime service
Map<RunId, RuntimeInfo> runtimeInfos = findRuntimeInfo(programId, runId);
Map<ProgramRunId, RunRecordDetail> activeRunRecords = getActiveRuns(programId, runId);
if (runtimeInfos.isEmpty() && activeRunRecords.isEmpty()) {
// Error out if no run information from runtime service and from run record
Store.ensureProgramExists(programId, store.getApplication(programId.getParent()));
throw new BadRequestException(String.format("Program '%s' is not running.", programId));
// Stop the running program based on a combination of runtime info and run record
// It's possible that some of them are not yet available from the runtimeService due to timing
// differences between the run record was created vs being added to runtimeService
// So we retry in a loop for up to 3 seconds max to cater for those cases
Set<String> pendingStops = Stream.concat(runtimeInfos.keySet().stream().map(RunId::getId), activeRunRecords.keySet().stream().map(ProgramRunId::getRun)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
List<ListenableFuture<ProgramRunId>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch().start();
Set<ProgramRunId> cancelledProvisionRuns = new HashSet<>();
while (!pendingStops.isEmpty() && stopwatch.elapsedTime(TimeUnit.SECONDS) < 3L) {
Iterator<String> iterator = pendingStops.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ProgramRunId activeRunId =;
RunRecordDetail runRecord = activeRunRecords.get(activeRunId);
if (runRecord == null) {
runRecord = store.getRun(activeRunId);
// Check if the program is actually started from workflow and the workflow is running
if (runRecord != null && runRecord.getProperties().containsKey("workflowrunid") && runRecord.getStatus().equals(ProgramRunStatus.RUNNING)) {
String workflowRunId = runRecord.getProperties().get("workflowrunid");
throw new BadRequestException(String.format("Cannot stop the program '%s' started by the Workflow " + "run '%s'. Please stop the Workflow.", activeRunId, workflowRunId));
RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = runtimeService.lookup(programId, RunIds.fromString(activeRunId.getRun()));
// if there is a runtimeInfo, the run is in the 'starting' state or later
if (runtimeInfo != null) {
ListenableFuture<ProgramController> future = runtimeInfo.getController().stop();
futures.add(Futures.transform(future, ProgramController::getProgramRunId));
// if it was in this set, it means we cancelled a task, but it had already sent a PROVISIONED message
// by the time we cancelled it. We then waited for it to show up in the runtime service and got here.
// We added a future for this run in the lines above, but we don't want to add another duplicate future
// at the end of this loop, so remove this run from the cancelled provision runs.
} else {
// if there is no runtimeInfo, the run could be in the provisioning state.
Optional<ProvisioningTaskInfo> cancelledInfo = provisioningService.cancelProvisionTask(activeRunId);
cancelledInfo.ifPresent(taskInfo -> {
// This state check is to handle a race condition where we cancel the provision task, but not in time
// to prevent it from sending the PROVISIONED notification.
// If the notification was sent, but not yet consumed, we are *not* done stopping the run.
// We have to wait for the notification to be consumed, which will start the run, and place the controller
// in the runtimeService. The next time we loop, we can find it in the runtimeService and tell it to stop.
// If the notification was not sent, then we *are* done stopping the run.
// Therefore, if the state is CREATED, we don't remove it from the iterator so that the run will get
// checked again in the next loop, when we may get the controller from the runtimeService to stop it.
// No other task states have this race condition, as the PROVISIONED notification is only sent
// after the state transitions to CREATED. Therefore it is safe to remove the runId from the iterator,
// as we know we are done stopping it.
ProvisioningOp.Status taskState = taskInfo.getProvisioningOp().getStatus();
if (taskState != ProvisioningOp.Status.CREATED) {
if (!pendingStops.isEmpty()) {
// If not able to stop all of them, it means there were some runs that didn't have a runtime info and
// didn't have a provisioning task. This can happen if the run was already finished, or the run transitioned
// from the provisioning state to the starting state during this stop operation.
// We'll get the active runs again and filter it by the pending stops. Stop will be retried for those.
Set<String> finalPendingStops = pendingStops;
activeRunRecords = getActiveRuns(programId, runId).entrySet().stream().filter(e -> finalPendingStops.contains(e.getKey().getRun())).collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
pendingStops = activeRunRecords.keySet().stream().map(ProgramRunId::getRun).collect(Collectors.toSet());
if (!pendingStops.isEmpty()) {
for (ProgramRunId cancelledProvisionRun : cancelledProvisionRuns) {
SettableFuture<ProgramRunId> future = SettableFuture.create();
return futures;