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Example 1 with DefaultSSHSession

use of io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession in project cdap by caskdata.

the class RemoteExecutionTwillPreparer method launch.

protected void launch(TwillRuntimeSpecification twillRuntimeSpec, RuntimeSpecification runtimeSpec, JvmOptions jvmOptions, Map<String, String> environments, Map<String, LocalFile> localFiles, TimeoutChecker timeoutChecker) throws Exception {
    try (SSHSession session = new DefaultSSHSession(sshConfig)) {
        // Validate kerberos setting if any
        Map<String, String> clusterProperties = cluster.getProperties();
        String principal = clusterProperties.get(ClusterProperties.KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL);
        String keytab = clusterProperties.get(ClusterProperties.KERBEROS_KEYTAB);
        validateKerberos(principal, keytab, session);
        String targetPath = session.executeAndWait("mkdir -p ./" + getProgramRunId().getRun(), "echo `pwd`/" + getProgramRunId().getRun()).trim();
        // Upload files
        localizeFiles(session, localFiles, targetPath, runtimeSpec);
        // Upload secrets (service socks proxy, runtime token)
        localizeSecrets(session, targetPath);
        // Currently we only support one TwillRunnable
        String runnableName = runtimeSpec.getName();
        int memory = Resources.computeMaxHeapSize(runtimeSpec.getResourceSpecification().getMemorySize(), twillRuntimeSpec.getReservedMemory(runnableName), twillRuntimeSpec.getMinHeapRatio(runnableName));
        // Spark env setup script
        session.executeAndWait(String.format("bash %s/%s/%s %s/%s/%s %s/%s", targetPath, Constants.Files.RUNTIME_CONFIG_JAR, SETUP_SPARK_SH, targetPath, Constants.Files.RUNTIME_CONFIG_JAR, SETUP_SPARK_PY, targetPath, SPARK_ENV_SH));
        // Generates the launch script
        byte[] scriptContent = generateLaunchScript(targetPath, runnableName, memory, jvmOptions, environments, principal, keytab).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        // noinspection OctalInteger
        session.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(scriptContent), targetPath, "", scriptContent.length, 0755, null, null);
        timeoutChecker.throwIfTimeout();"Starting runnable {} for runId {} with SSH", runnableName, getProgramRunId());
        session.executeAndWait(targetPath + "/");
Also used : DefaultSSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession) SSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ssh.SSHSession) ByteArrayInputStream( DefaultSSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession)

Example 2 with DefaultSSHSession

use of io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession in project cdap by caskdata.

the class SSHRemoteExecutionService method createServiceProxyTunnel.

 * Creates a remote port forwarding SSH tunnel for remote runtime to access CDAP services.
private SSHSession createServiceProxyTunnel() throws IOException {
    SSHSession session = new DefaultSSHSession(sshConfig);
    ProgramRunId programRunId = getProgramRunId();
    // Creates a new remote port forwarding from the session.
    // We don't need to care about closing the forwarding as it will last until the session get closed,
    // in which the remote port forwarding will be closed automatically
    int remotePort = session.createRemotePortForward(0, serviceSocksProxyPort).getRemotePort();
    LOG.debug("Service SOCKS proxy started on port {} for program run {}", remotePort, programRunId);
    ServiceSocksProxyInfo info = new ServiceSocksProxyInfo(remotePort);
    // Upload the service socks proxy information to the remote runtime
    String targetPath = session.executeAndWait("echo `pwd`/" + programRunId.getRun()).trim();
    session.executeAndWait("mkdir -p " + targetPath);
    byte[] content = GSON.toJson(info).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    String targetFileName = Constants.RuntimeMonitor.SERVICE_PROXY_FILE + "-" + programRunId.getRun() + ".json";
    String tmpFileName = targetFileName + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".tmp";
    // noinspection OctalInteger
    session.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(content), "/tmp", tmpFileName, content.length, 0600, null, null);
    session.executeAndWait(String.format("mv /tmp/%s /tmp/%s", tmpFileName, targetFileName));
    LOG.debug("Service proxy file uploaded to remote runtime for program run {}", programRunId);
    return session;
Also used : ServiceSocksProxyInfo( SSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ssh.SSHSession) DefaultSSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession) ByteArrayInputStream( ProgramRunId( DefaultSSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession)

Example 3 with DefaultSSHSession

use of io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession in project cdap by caskdata.

the class SSHRemoteProcessController method killProcess.

private void killProcess(int signal) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // SSH and kill the process
    try (SSHSession session = new DefaultSSHSession(sshConfig)) {
        SSHProcess process = session.execute(String.format("pkill -%d -f -- -Dcdap.runid=%s", signal, programRunId.getRun()));
        // Reading will be blocked until the process finished
        String err = CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        int exitCode = process.waitFor();
        // If the exit code is 1, it means there is no such process, which is fine from the termination perspective
        if (exitCode == 0 || exitCode == 1) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to kill remote process for program run " + programRunId + " due to error " + err);
Also used : SSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ssh.SSHSession) DefaultSSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession) InputStreamReader( DefaultSSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession) SSHProcess(io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ssh.SSHProcess)

Example 4 with DefaultSSHSession

use of io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession in project cdap by caskdata.

the class SSHRemoteProcessController method isRunning.

public boolean isRunning() throws Exception {
    // Try to SSH into the host and see if the CDAP runtime process is running or not
    try (SSHSession session = new DefaultSSHSession(sshConfig)) {
        SSHProcess process = session.execute("pgrep -f -- -Dcdap.runid=" + programRunId.getRun());
        // Reading will be blocked until the process finished.
        // The output is not needed, just read it to avoid filling up the network buffer.
        int exitCode = process.waitFor();
        if (exitCode != 0) {
  "Received exit code {} when checking for remote process for program run {}.", exitCode, programRunId);
        return exitCode == 0;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // If there is error performing SSH, check if the cluster still exist and running
        LOG.debug("Failed to use SSH to determine if the remote process is running for {}. Check cluster status instead.", programRunId, e);
        Cluster cluster = GSON.fromJson(programOpts.getArguments().getOption(ProgramOptionConstants.CLUSTER), Cluster.class);
        String userId = programOpts.getArguments().getOption(ProgramOptionConstants.USER_ID);
        ClusterStatus clusterStatus = provisioningService.getClusterStatus(programRunId, programOpts, cluster, userId);
        // The cluster status has to be RUNNING in order for the remote process still has a chance that is running
        return clusterStatus == ClusterStatus.RUNNING;
Also used : SSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ssh.SSHSession) DefaultSSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession) Cluster(io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.provisioner.Cluster) IOException( DefaultSSHSession(io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession) SSHProcess(io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ssh.SSHProcess) ClusterStatus(io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.provisioner.ClusterStatus)


DefaultSSHSession (io.cdap.cdap.common.ssh.DefaultSSHSession)4 SSHSession (io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ssh.SSHSession)4 SSHProcess (io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ssh.SSHProcess)2 ByteArrayInputStream ( ServiceSocksProxyInfo ( ProgramRunId ( Cluster (io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.provisioner.Cluster)1 ClusterStatus (io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.provisioner.ClusterStatus)1 IOException ( InputStreamReader (