use of io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ProgramRunInfo in project cdap by caskdata.
the class TetheringRuntimeJobManager method launch.
public void launch(RuntimeJobInfo runtimeJobInfo) throws Exception {
ProgramRunInfo runInfo = runtimeJobInfo.getProgramRunInfo();
LOG.debug("Launching run {} with following configurations: tethered instance name {}, tethered namespace {}.", runInfo.getRun(), tetheredInstanceName, tetheredNamespace);
byte[] payload = Bytes.toBytes(GSON.toJson(createLaunchPayload(runtimeJobInfo.getLocalizeFiles())));
TetheringControlMessage message = new TetheringControlMessage(TetheringControlMessage.Type.RUN_PIPELINE, payload);
use of io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ProgramRunInfo in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DataprocProvisioner method getRunKey.
* Gets the identifier to locate cluster for the given context.
* It's used as a cluster name when reuse is disabled and put into {@link #LABEL_RUN_KEY} when reuse is enabled.
* Name must start with a lowercase letter followed by up to 51 lowercase letters,
* numbers, or hyphens, and cannot end with a hyphen
* We'll use app-runid, where app is truncated to fit, lowercased, and stripped of invalid characters.
* @param context the provisioner context
* @return a string that is a valid cluster name
String getRunKey(ProvisionerContext context) {
ProgramRunInfo programRunInfo = context.getProgramRunInfo();
String cleanedAppName = programRunInfo.getApplication().replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9\\-]", "").toLowerCase();
// 51 is max length, need to subtract the prefix and 1 extra for the '-' separating app name and run id
int maxAppLength = 51 - CLUSTER_PREFIX.length() - 1 - programRunInfo.getRun().length();
if (cleanedAppName.length() > maxAppLength) {
cleanedAppName = cleanedAppName.substring(0, maxAppLength);
return CLUSTER_PREFIX + cleanedAppName + "-" + programRunInfo.getRun();
use of io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ProgramRunInfo in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DataprocProvisionerTest method testClusterCreateNoReuse.
public void testClusterCreateNoReuse() throws Exception {
context.addProperty("accountKey", "testKey");
context.addProperty(DataprocConf.PROJECT_ID_KEY, "testProject");
context.addProperty("region", "testRegion");
context.addProperty("idleTTL", "5");
context.addProperty(DataprocConf.SKIP_DELETE, "true");
ProgramRunInfo programRunInfo = new ProgramRunInfo.Builder().setNamespace("ns").setApplication("app").setVersion("1.0").setProgramType("workflow").setProgram("program").setRun("runId").build();
context.addProperty(DataprocConf.CLUSTER_REUSE_ENABLED, "false");
Mockito.when(dataprocClient.createCluster(Mockito.eq("cdap-app-runId"), Mockito.eq("1.3"), addedLabelsCaptor.capture(), Mockito.eq(false))).thenReturn(ClusterOperationMetadata.getDefaultInstance());
Cluster expectedCluster = new Cluster("cdap-app-runId", ClusterStatus.CREATING, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyMap());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedCluster, provisioner.createCluster(context));
Assert.assertEquals(Collections.singletonMap("cdap-version", "6_4"), addedLabelsCaptor.getValue());
use of io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ProgramRunInfo in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DataprocRuntimeJobManagerTest method jobNameTest.
public void jobNameTest() {
ProgramRunInfo runInfo = new ProgramRunInfo.Builder().setNamespace("namespace").setApplication("application").setVersion("1.0").setProgramType("workflow").setProgram("program").setRun(UUID.randomUUID().toString()).build();
String jobName = DataprocRuntimeJobManager.getJobId(runInfo);
use of io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.ProgramRunInfo in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DataprocRuntimeJobManager method launch.
public void launch(RuntimeJobInfo runtimeJobInfo) throws Exception {
String bucket = DataprocUtils.getBucketName(this.bucket);
ProgramRunInfo runInfo = runtimeJobInfo.getProgramRunInfo();
LOG.debug("Launching run {} with following configurations: cluster {}, project {}, region {}, bucket {}.", runInfo.getRun(), clusterName, projectId, region, bucket);
// TODO: CDAP-16408 use fixed directory for caching twill, application, artifact jars
File tempDir = Files.createTempDirectory("dataproc.launcher").toFile();
// on dataproc bucket the run root will be <bucket>/cdap-job/<runid>/. All the files for this run will be copied
// under that base dir.
String runRootPath = getPath(DataprocUtils.CDAP_GCS_ROOT, runInfo.getRun());
try {
// step 1: build twill.jar and launcher.jar and add them to files to be copied to gcs
List<LocalFile> localFiles = getRuntimeLocalFiles(runtimeJobInfo.getLocalizeFiles(), tempDir);
// step 2: upload all the necessary files to gcs so that those files are available to dataproc job
List<Future<LocalFile>> uploadFutures = new ArrayList<>();
for (LocalFile fileToUpload : localFiles) {
String targetFilePath = getPath(runRootPath, fileToUpload.getName());
uploadFutures.add(provisionerContext.execute(() -> uploadFile(bucket, targetFilePath, fileToUpload)).toCompletableFuture());
List<LocalFile> uploadedFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (Future<LocalFile> uploadFuture : uploadFutures) {
// step 3: build the hadoop job request to be submitted to dataproc
SubmitJobRequest request = getSubmitJobRequest(runtimeJobInfo, uploadedFiles);
// step 4: submit hadoop job to dataproc
try {
Job job = getJobControllerClient().submitJob(request);
LOG.debug("Successfully submitted hadoop job {} to cluster {}.", job.getReference().getJobId(), clusterName);
} catch (AlreadyExistsException ex) {
// the job id already exists, ignore the job.
LOG.warn("The dataproc job {} already exists. Ignoring resubmission of the job.", request.getJob().getReference().getJobId());
DataprocUtils.emitMetric(provisionerContext, region, "provisioner.submitJob.response.count");
} catch (Exception e) {
// delete all uploaded gcs files in case of exception
DataprocUtils.deleteGCSPath(getStorageClient(), bucket, runRootPath);
DataprocUtils.emitMetric(provisionerContext, region, "provisioner.submitJob.response.count", e);
throw new Exception(String.format("Error while launching job %s on cluster %s", getJobId(runInfo), clusterName), e);
} finally {
// delete local temp directory