use of io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.provisioner.ProvisionerContext in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ExistingDataprocProvisioner method createCluster.
public Cluster createCluster(ProvisionerContext context) throws Exception {
Map<String, String> contextProperties = createContextProperties(context);
DataprocConf conf = DataprocConf.create(contextProperties);
if (context.getRuntimeMonitorType() == RuntimeMonitorType.SSH) {
String sshUser = contextProperties.get(SSH_USER);
String sshKey = contextProperties.get(SSH_KEY);
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(sshUser) || Strings.isNullOrEmpty(sshKey)) {
throw new DataprocRuntimeException("SSH User and key are required for monitoring through SSH.");
SSHKeyPair sshKeyPair = new SSHKeyPair(new SSHPublicKey(sshUser, ""), () -> sshKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
// The ssh context shouldn't be null, but protect it in case there is platform bug
Optional.ofNullable(context.getSSHContext()).ifPresent(c -> c.setSSHKeyPair(sshKeyPair));
String clusterName = contextProperties.get(CLUSTER_NAME);
try (DataprocClient client = DataprocClient.fromConf(conf, false)) {
try {
client.updateClusterLabels(clusterName, getSystemLabels());
} catch (DataprocRuntimeException e) {
// Only log the stacktrace if trace log level is enabled
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Cannot update cluster labels due to {}", e.getMessage(), e);
} else {
LOG.debug("Cannot update cluster labels due to {}", e.getMessage());
return client.getCluster(clusterName).filter(c -> c.getStatus() == ClusterStatus.RUNNING).orElseThrow(() -> new DataprocRuntimeException("Dataproc cluster " + clusterName + " does not exist or not in running state."));
use of io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.provisioner.ProvisionerContext in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ProvisioningService method getClusterStatus.
* Returns the {@link ClusterStatus} for the cluster being used to execute the given program run.
* @param programRunId the program run id for checking the cluster status
* @param programOptions the program options for the given run
* @param cluster the {@link Cluster} information for the given run
* @param userId the user id to use for {@link SecureStore} operation.
* @return the {@link ClusterStatus}
* @throws Exception if non-retryable exception is encountered when querying cluster status
public ClusterStatus getClusterStatus(ProgramRunId programRunId, ProgramOptions programOptions, Cluster cluster, String userId) throws Exception {
Map<String, String> systemArgs = programOptions.getArguments().asMap();
String name = SystemArguments.getProfileProvisioner(systemArgs);
Provisioner provisioner = provisionerInfo.get().provisioners.get(name);
// If there is no provisioner available, we can't do anything further, hence returning NOT_EXISTS
if (provisioner == null) {
return ClusterStatus.NOT_EXISTS;
Map<String, String> properties = SystemArguments.getProfileProperties(systemArgs);
// Create the ProvisionerContext and query the cluster status using the provisioner
ProvisionerContext context;
try {
DefaultSSHContext defaultSSHContext = null;
if (!getRuntimeJobManager(programRunId, programOptions).isPresent()) {
defaultSSHContext = new DefaultSSHContext(Networks.getAddress(cConf, Constants.NETWORK_PROXY_ADDRESS), null, null);
context = createContext(cConf, programOptions, programRunId, userId, properties, defaultSSHContext);
} catch (InvalidMacroException e) {
// This shouldn't happen
runWithProgramLogging(programRunId, systemArgs, () -> LOG.error("Could not evaluate macros while checking cluster status.", e));
return ClusterStatus.NOT_EXISTS;
return Retries.callWithRetries(() -> provisioner.getClusterStatus(context, cluster), RetryStrategies.exponentialDelay(1, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS), RetryableProvisionException.class::isInstance);
use of io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.provisioner.ProvisionerContext in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ProvisioningService method createDeprovisionTask.
private Runnable createDeprovisionTask(ProvisioningTaskInfo taskInfo, Provisioner provisioner, Consumer<ProgramRunId> taskCleanup) {
Map<String, String> properties = taskInfo.getProvisionerProperties();
ProvisionerContext context;
SSHKeyPair sshKeyPair = null;
try {
sshKeyPair = createSSHKeyPair(taskInfo);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to load ssh key. No SSH key will be available for the deprovision task", e);
ProgramRunId programRunId = taskInfo.getProgramRunId();
Map<String, String> systemArgs = taskInfo.getProgramOptions().getArguments().asMap();
try {
SSHContext sshContext = new DefaultSSHContext(Networks.getAddress(cConf, Constants.NETWORK_PROXY_ADDRESS), null, sshKeyPair);
context = createContext(cConf, taskInfo.getProgramOptions(), programRunId, taskInfo.getUser(), properties, sshContext);
} catch (InvalidMacroException e) {
runWithProgramLogging(programRunId, systemArgs, () -> LOG.error("Could not evaluate macros while deprovisoning. " + "The cluster will be marked as orphaned.", e));
return () -> {
DeprovisionTask task = new DeprovisionTask(taskInfo, transactionRunner, 300, provisioner, context, provisionerNotifier, locationFactory);
ProvisioningTaskKey taskKey = new ProvisioningTaskKey(programRunId, ProvisioningOp.Type.DEPROVISION);
return () -> taskExecutor.submit(taskKey, () -> callWithProgramLogging(programRunId, systemArgs, () -> {
try {
long delay = task.executeOnce();
if (delay < 0) {
return delay;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// We can get interrupted if the task is cancelled or CDAP is stopped. In either case, just return.
// If it was cancelled, state cleanup is left to the caller. If it was CDAP master stopping, the task
// will be resumed on master startup
LOG.debug("Deprovision task for program run {} interrupted.", programRunId);
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Otherwise, if there was an error deprovisioning, run the cleanup"Deprovision task for program run {} failed.", programRunId, e);
throw e;
use of io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.provisioner.ProvisionerContext in project cdap by cdapio.
the class ProvisioningService method getRuntimeJobManager.
* Returns runtime job manager implementation.
* @param programRunId program run
* @param programOptions program options
* @return an object of runtime job manager
public Optional<RuntimeJobManager> getRuntimeJobManager(ProgramRunId programRunId, ProgramOptions programOptions) {
Map<String, String> systemArgs = programOptions.getArguments().asMap();
String name = SystemArguments.getProfileProvisioner(systemArgs);
Provisioner provisioner = provisionerInfo.get().provisioners.get(name);
String user = programOptions.getArguments().getOption(ProgramOptionConstants.USER_ID);
Map<String, String> properties = SystemArguments.getProfileProperties(systemArgs);
ProvisionerContext context = createContext(cConf, programOptions, programRunId, user, properties, null);
return provisioner.getRuntimeJobManager(context);
use of io.cdap.cdap.runtime.spi.provisioner.ProvisionerContext in project cdap by cdapio.
the class ProvisioningService method createProvisionTask.
private Runnable createProvisionTask(ProvisioningTaskInfo taskInfo, Provisioner provisioner) {
ProgramRunId programRunId = taskInfo.getProgramRunId();
ProgramOptions programOptions = taskInfo.getProgramOptions();
Map<String, String> systemArgs = programOptions.getArguments().asMap();
ProvisionerContext context;
try {
SSHContext sshContext = new DefaultSSHContext(Networks.getAddress(cConf, Constants.NETWORK_PROXY_ADDRESS), locationFactory.create(taskInfo.getSecureKeysDir()), createSSHKeyPair(taskInfo));
context = createContext(cConf, programOptions, programRunId, taskInfo.getUser(), taskInfo.getProvisionerProperties(), sshContext);
} catch (IOException e) {
runWithProgramLogging(taskInfo.getProgramRunId(), systemArgs, () -> LOG.error("Failed to load ssh key. The run will be marked as failed.", e));
programStateWriter.error(programRunId, new IllegalStateException("Failed to load ssh key.", e));
return () -> {
} catch (InvalidMacroException e) {
runWithProgramLogging(taskInfo.getProgramRunId(), systemArgs, () -> LOG.error("Could not evaluate macros while provisoning. " + "The run will be marked as failed.", e));
programStateWriter.error(programRunId, new IllegalStateException("Could not evaluate macros while provisioning", e));
return () -> {
// TODO: (CDAP-13246) pick up timeout from profile instead of hardcoding
ProvisioningTask task = new ProvisionTask(taskInfo, transactionRunner, provisioner, context, provisionerNotifier, programStateWriter, 300);
ProvisioningTaskKey taskKey = new ProvisioningTaskKey(programRunId, ProvisioningOp.Type.PROVISION);
return () -> taskExecutor.submit(taskKey, () -> callWithProgramLogging(programRunId, systemArgs, () -> {
try {
return task.executeOnce();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOG.debug("Provision task for program run {} interrupted.", taskInfo.getProgramRunId());
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {"Provision task for program run {} failed.", taskInfo.getProgramRunId(), e);
throw e;