use of io.cdap.cdap.api.macro.InvalidMacroException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ProvisioningService method createProvisionTask.
private Runnable createProvisionTask(ProvisioningTaskInfo taskInfo, Provisioner provisioner) {
ProgramRunId programRunId = taskInfo.getProgramRunId();
ProgramOptions programOptions = taskInfo.getProgramOptions();
Map<String, String> systemArgs = programOptions.getArguments().asMap();
ProvisionerContext context;
try {
SSHContext sshContext = new DefaultSSHContext(Networks.getAddress(cConf, Constants.NETWORK_PROXY_ADDRESS), locationFactory.create(taskInfo.getSecureKeysDir()), createSSHKeyPair(taskInfo));
context = createContext(cConf, programOptions, programRunId, taskInfo.getUser(), taskInfo.getProvisionerProperties(), sshContext);
} catch (IOException e) {
runWithProgramLogging(taskInfo.getProgramRunId(), systemArgs, () -> LOG.error("Failed to load ssh key. The run will be marked as failed.", e));
programStateWriter.error(programRunId, new IllegalStateException("Failed to load ssh key.", e));
return () -> {
} catch (InvalidMacroException e) {
runWithProgramLogging(taskInfo.getProgramRunId(), systemArgs, () -> LOG.error("Could not evaluate macros while provisoning. " + "The run will be marked as failed.", e));
programStateWriter.error(programRunId, new IllegalStateException("Could not evaluate macros while provisioning", e));
return () -> {
// TODO: (CDAP-13246) pick up timeout from profile instead of hardcoding
ProvisioningTask task = new ProvisionTask(taskInfo, transactionRunner, provisioner, context, provisionerNotifier, programStateWriter, 300);
ProvisioningTaskKey taskKey = new ProvisioningTaskKey(programRunId, ProvisioningOp.Type.PROVISION);
return () -> taskExecutor.submit(taskKey, () -> callWithProgramLogging(programRunId, systemArgs, () -> {
try {
return task.executeOnce();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOG.debug("Provision task for program run {} interrupted.", taskInfo.getProgramRunId());
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {"Provision task for program run {} failed.", taskInfo.getProgramRunId(), e);
throw e;
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.macro.InvalidMacroException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MacroParser method findRightmostMacro.
* Find the rightmost macro in the specified string. If no macro is found, returns null.
* The search will start at the specified position, then move left through the string.
* Macros to the right of the specified position will be ignored.
* @param str the string to find a macro in
* @param pos the position in the string to begin search for a macro.
* @return the rightmost macro and its position in the string
* @throws InvalidMacroException if invalid macro syntax was found.
private MacroMetadata findRightmostMacro(String str, int pos) throws InvalidMacroException {
// find opening "${" skipping escaped syntax "\${" and allowing doubly-escaping "\\${"
int startIndex = getStartIndex(str, pos);
if (startIndex < 0) {
return null;
// found "${", now look for enclosing "}" and allow escaping "\}" and doubly-escaping "\\}"
int endIndex = getFirstUnescapedTokenIndex('}', str, startIndex);
if (endIndex < 0) {
throw new InvalidMacroException(String.format("Could not find enclosing '}' for macro '%s'.", str.substring(startIndex)));
} else if (endIndex == startIndex + 2) {
throw new InvalidMacroException("Macro expression cannot be empty");
// macroStr = 'macroFunction(macroArguments)' or just 'property' for ${property}
String macroStr = str.substring(startIndex + 2, endIndex).trim();
// look for "(", which indicates there are arguments and allow escaping "\(" and doubly-escaping "\\("
int argsStartIndex = getFirstUnescapedTokenIndex('(', macroStr, 0);
// determine whether to use a macro function or a property lookup
if (argsStartIndex >= 0) {
return getMacroFunctionMetadata(startIndex, endIndex, macroStr, argsStartIndex, str);
} else {
macroStr = replaceEscapedSyntax(macroStr);
if (lookupsEnabled) {
try {
return new MacroMetadata(macroEvaluator.lookup(macroStr), startIndex, endIndex, true);
} catch (InvalidMacroException e) {
if (!skipInvalid) {
throw e;
// and turn off recursive evaluation to prevent it from getting evaluated in an infinite loop
return new MacroMetadata(String.format("${%s}", macroStr), startIndex, endIndex, false);
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.macro.InvalidMacroException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MacroParser method getMacroFunctionMetadata.
* Use macro function to evaluate the macro string
* @param startIndex the start index of the macro string "$"
* @param endIndex the end index of the macro string
* @param macroStr the macro string to evaluate, without bracelet
* @param argsStartIndex the index of start parenthesis
* @param originalString the original string
private MacroMetadata getMacroFunctionMetadata(int startIndex, int endIndex, String macroStr, int argsStartIndex, String originalString) {
// check for closing ")" and allow escaping "\)" and doubly-escaping "\\)"
int closingParenIndex = getFirstUnescapedTokenIndex(')', macroStr, 0);
// closing index will always be < 0.
if ((!lookupsEnabled || skipInvalid) && closingParenIndex < 0) {
// get ")" index using original string starting from end index
int originalParenIndex = getFirstUnescapedTokenIndex(')', originalString, endIndex);
// if found valid one, get the new macro string without "${" and set the correct closing ")" index
if (originalParenIndex > endIndex) {
// update end index to be next character after ")"
endIndex = originalParenIndex + 1;
// macro string should skip the first 2 characters "${"
macroStr = originalString.substring(startIndex + 2, endIndex);
closingParenIndex = getFirstUnescapedTokenIndex(')', macroStr, 0);
// if this macro string contains unevaluated macros, there is no point to continue calling the macro function
if (getStartIndex(macroStr, macroStr.length()) >= 0) {
return new MacroMetadata(String.format("${%s}", macroStr), startIndex, endIndex, false);
if (closingParenIndex < 0 || !macroStr.endsWith(")")) {
throw new InvalidMacroException(String.format("Could not find enclosing ')' for macro arguments in '%s'.", macroStr));
} else if (closingParenIndex != macroStr.length() - 1) {
throw new InvalidMacroException(String.format("Macro arguments in '%s' have extra invalid trailing ')'.", macroStr));
// arguments and macroFunction are expected to have escapes replaced when being evaluated
String arguments = replaceEscapedSyntax(macroStr.substring(argsStartIndex + 1, macroStr.length() - 1));
String macroFunction = replaceEscapedSyntax(macroStr.substring(0, argsStartIndex));
String[] args = Iterables.toArray(Splitter.on(ARGUMENT_DELIMITER).split(arguments), String.class);
// if the whitelist is empty, that means no whitelist was set, so every function should be evaluated.
if (functionsEnabled && (functionWhitelist.isEmpty() || functionWhitelist.contains(macroFunction))) {
try {
switch(macroEvaluator.evaluateAs(macroFunction)) {
case STRING:
return new MacroMetadata(macroEvaluator.evaluate(macroFunction, args), startIndex, endIndex, true);
case MAP:
// evaluate the macro as map, and evaluate this map
Map<String, String> properties = macroEvaluator.evaluateMap(macroFunction, args);
Map<String, String> evaluated = new HashMap<>();
properties.forEach((key, val) -> {
evaluated.put(key, parse(val));
return new MacroMetadata(GSON.toJson(evaluated), startIndex, endIndex, true);
// should not happen
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported macro object type, the supported types are string and map.");
} catch (InvalidMacroException e) {
if (!skipInvalid) {
throw e;
// and turn off recursive evaluation to prevent it from getting evaluated in an infinite loop
return new MacroMetadata(String.format("${%s}", macroStr), startIndex, endIndex, false);
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.macro.InvalidMacroException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ConnectionMacroEvaluator method evaluateMacroMap.
* Evaluates the connection macro function by calling the Connection service to retrieve the connection information.
* @param args should contains exactly one arguments. The argument should contain the connection name
* @return the json representation of the properties of the connection
Map<String, String> evaluateMacroMap(String macroFunction, String... args) throws InvalidMacroException, IOException, RetryableException {
if (args.length != 1) {
throw new InvalidMacroException("Macro '" + FUNCTION_NAME + "' should have exactly 1 arguments");
// only encode the connection name here since / will get encoded to %2f and some router cannot recognize it
// we don't need to worry about space getting converted to plus here since connection lookup is based on id,
// space and plus both get converted to _ in the id
String connName = URLEncoder.encode(args[0],;
HttpURLConnection urlConn = serviceDiscoverer.openConnection(NamespaceId.SYSTEM.getNamespace(), Constants.PIPELINEID, Constants.STUDIO_SERVICE_NAME, String.format("v1/contexts/%s/connections/%s", namespace, connName));
Connection connection = gson.fromJson(validateAndRetrieveContent(SERVICE_NAME, urlConn), Connection.class);
return connection.getPlugin().getProperties();
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.macro.InvalidMacroException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ProvisioningService method getClusterStatus.
* Returns the {@link ClusterStatus} for the cluster being used to execute the given program run.
* @param programRunId the program run id for checking the cluster status
* @param programOptions the program options for the given run
* @param cluster the {@link Cluster} information for the given run
* @param userId the user id to use for {@link SecureStore} operation.
* @return the {@link ClusterStatus}
* @throws Exception if non-retryable exception is encountered when querying cluster status
public ClusterStatus getClusterStatus(ProgramRunId programRunId, ProgramOptions programOptions, Cluster cluster, String userId) throws Exception {
Map<String, String> systemArgs = programOptions.getArguments().asMap();
String name = SystemArguments.getProfileProvisioner(systemArgs);
Provisioner provisioner = provisionerInfo.get().provisioners.get(name);
// If there is no provisioner available, we can't do anything further, hence returning NOT_EXISTS
if (provisioner == null) {
return ClusterStatus.NOT_EXISTS;
Map<String, String> properties = SystemArguments.getProfileProperties(systemArgs);
// Create the ProvisionerContext and query the cluster status using the provisioner
ProvisionerContext context;
try {
DefaultSSHContext defaultSSHContext = null;
if (!getRuntimeJobManager(programRunId, programOptions).isPresent()) {
defaultSSHContext = new DefaultSSHContext(Networks.getAddress(cConf, Constants.NETWORK_PROXY_ADDRESS), null, null);
context = createContext(cConf, programOptions, programRunId, userId, properties, defaultSSHContext);
} catch (InvalidMacroException e) {
// This shouldn't happen
runWithProgramLogging(programRunId, systemArgs, () -> LOG.error("Could not evaluate macros while checking cluster status.", e));
return ClusterStatus.NOT_EXISTS;
return Retries.callWithRetries(() -> provisioner.getClusterStatus(context, cluster), RetryStrategies.exponentialDelay(1, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS), RetryableProvisionException.class::isInstance);