use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AuthorizationClient method listRolesHelper.
private Set<Role> listRolesHelper(@Nullable Principal principal) throws AccessException {
URL url = principal == null ? resolveURL(AUTHORIZATION_BASE + "roles") : resolveURL(String.format(AUTHORIZATION_BASE + "%s/%s/roles", principal.getType(), principal.getName()));
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.get(url).build();
HttpResponse response = doExecuteRequest(request);
if (response.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
return ObjectResponse.fromJsonBody(response, TYPE_OF_ROLE_SET).getResponseObject();
throw new AccessIOException(String.format("Cannot list roles. Reason: %s", response.getResponseBodyAsString()));
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DefaultUGIProvider method createUGI.
* Resolves the {@link UserGroupInformation} for a given user, performing any keytab localization, if necessary.
* @return a {@link UserGroupInformation}, based upon the information configured for a particular user
* @throws IOException if there was any IOException during localization of the keytab
protected UGIWithPrincipal createUGI(ImpersonationRequest impersonationRequest) throws AccessException {
try {
// Get impersonation keytab and principal from runtime arguments if present
Map<String, String> properties = getRuntimeProperties(impersonationRequest.getEntityId());
if ((properties != null) && (properties.containsKey(SystemArguments.RUNTIME_KEYTAB_PATH)) && (properties.containsKey(SystemArguments.RUNTIME_PRINCIPAL_NAME))) {
String keytab = properties.get(SystemArguments.RUNTIME_KEYTAB_PATH);
String principal = properties.get(SystemArguments.RUNTIME_PRINCIPAL_NAME);
LOG.debug("Using runtime config principal: {}, keytab: {}", principal, keytab);
UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI(principal, keytab);
return new UGIWithPrincipal(principal, ugi);
// no need to get a UGI if the current UGI is the one we're requesting; simply return it
String configuredPrincipalShortName = new KerberosName(impersonationRequest.getPrincipal()).getShortName();
if (UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getShortUserName().equals(configuredPrincipalShortName)) {
return new UGIWithPrincipal(impersonationRequest.getPrincipal(), UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser());
String keytab = impersonationRequest.getKeytabURI();
if (keytab == null) {
throw new AccessIOException("Missing keytab file from the impersonation request " + impersonationRequest);
URI keytabURI = URI.create(keytab);
boolean isKeytabLocal = keytabURI.getScheme() == null || "file".equals(keytabURI.getScheme());
File localKeytabFile = isKeytabLocal ? new File(keytabURI.getPath()) : localizeKeytab(locationFactory.create(keytabURI));
try {
String expandedPrincipal = SecurityUtil.expandPrincipal(impersonationRequest.getPrincipal());
LOG.debug("Logging in as: principal={}, keytab={}", expandedPrincipal, localKeytabFile);
// if the local keytab file is not readable to ensure that the client gets the same exception in both the modes.
if (!Files.isReadable(localKeytabFile.toPath())) {
throw new AccessIOException(String.format("Keytab file is not a readable file: %s", localKeytabFile));
UserGroupInformation loggedInUGI;
try {
loggedInUGI = UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI(expandedPrincipal, localKeytabFile.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (Exception e) {
// not working
throw new AccessException(String.format("Failed to login for principal=%s, keytab=%s. Check that " + "the principal was not deleted and that the keytab is still valid.", expandedPrincipal, keytabURI), e);
return new UGIWithPrincipal(impersonationRequest.getPrincipal(), loggedInUGI);
} finally {
if (!isKeytabLocal && !localKeytabFile.delete()) {
LOG.warn("Failed to delete file: {}", localKeytabFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AccessIOException(e);
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class SecurityUtil method getKeytabURIforPrincipal.
* @param principal The principal whose KeytabURI is being looked up
* @param cConf To lookup the configured path for the keytabs
* @return The location of the keytab
* @throws IOException If the principal is not a valid kerberos principal
static String getKeytabURIforPrincipal(String principal, CConfiguration cConf) throws AccessException {
try {
String confPath = cConf.getRaw(Constants.Security.KEYTAB_PATH);
if (confPath == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Failed to get a valid keytab path. " + "Please ensure that you have specified %s in cdap-site.xml", Constants.Security.KEYTAB_PATH));
String name = new KerberosName(principal).getShortName();
return confPath.replace(Constants.USER_NAME_SPECIFIER, name);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AccessIOException(e);
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AuthorizationClient method doExecuteRequest.
private HttpResponse doExecuteRequest(HttpRequest request, int... additionalAllowedErrorCodes) throws AccessException {
try {
int[] allowedErrorCodes = new int[additionalAllowedErrorCodes.length + 2];
System.arraycopy(additionalAllowedErrorCodes, 0, allowedErrorCodes, 0, additionalAllowedErrorCodes.length);
allowedErrorCodes[additionalAllowedErrorCodes.length] = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
HttpResponse response = restClient.execute(request, config.getAccessToken(), allowedErrorCodes);
if (HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED == response.getResponseCode()) {
FeatureDisabledException.Feature feature = FeatureDisabledException.Feature.AUTHORIZATION;
String enableConfig = Constants.Security.Authorization.ENABLED;
if (response.getResponseBodyAsString().toLowerCase().contains("authentication")) {
feature = FeatureDisabledException.Feature.AUTHENTICATION;
enableConfig = Constants.Security.ENABLED;
throw new FeatureDisabledException(feature, FeatureDisabledException.CDAP_SITE, enableConfig, "true");
return response;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AccessIOException(e);
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AuthorizationClient method listGrants.
public Set<GrantedPermission> listGrants(Principal principal) throws AccessException {
String urlStr = String.format(AUTHORIZATION_BASE + "%s/%s/privileges", principal.getType(), principal.getName());
URL url = resolveURL(urlStr);
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.get(url).build();
HttpResponse response = doExecuteRequest(request);
if (response.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
return ObjectResponse.fromJsonBody(response, TYPE_OF_PRIVILEGE_SET, GSON).getResponseObject();
throw new AccessIOException(String.format("Cannot list privileges. Reason: %s", response.getResponseBodyAsString()));