use of io.confluent.ksql.api.utils.ReceiveStream in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class ApiTest method shouldStreamInserts.
public void shouldStreamInserts() throws Exception {"Starting shouldStreamInserts");
// Given
JsonObject params = new JsonObject().put("target", "test-stream");
// Stream for piping the HTTP request body
SendStream readStream = new SendStream(vertx);
// Stream for receiving the HTTP response body
ReceiveStream writeStream = new ReceiveStream(vertx);
VertxCompletableFuture<HttpResponse<Void>> fut = new VertxCompletableFuture<>();
List<JsonObject> rows = DEFAULT_INSERT_ROWS;
// When
// Make an HTTP request but keep the request body and response streams open
sendPostRequest("/inserts-stream", (request) ->, fut));
// Write the initial params Json object to the request body
// Asynchronously on a timer write inserts to the request body
AtomicInteger rowIndex = new AtomicInteger();
vertx.setPeriodic(100, tid -> {
if (rowIndex.get() == rows.size()) {
// End the inserts stream and request when we've written all the rows to the stream
// Wait for the response to complete"Awaiting response from inserts");
HttpResponse<Void> response = fut.get();"Got response from inserts");
// Then
assertThat(response.statusCode(), is(200));
assertThat(response.statusMessage(), is("OK"));
// Verify we got acks for all our inserts
InsertsResponse insertsResponse = new InsertsResponse(writeStream.getBody().toString());
assertThat(insertsResponse.acks, hasSize(rows.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < insertsResponse.acks.size(); i++) {
final JsonObject ackLine = new JsonObject().put("status", "ok").put("seq", i);
assertThat(insertsResponse.acks.get(i), is(ackLine));
// Make sure all inserts made it to the server
TestInsertsSubscriber insertsSubscriber = testEndpoints.getInsertsSubscriber();"Checking all rows inserted");
assertThatEventually(insertsSubscriber::getRowsInserted, is(rows));"Checking got completion marker");
assertThatEventually(insertsSubscriber::isCompleted, is(true));
// Ensure we received at least some of the response before all the request body was written
// Yay HTTP2!
assertThat(readStream.getLastSentTime() > writeStream.getFirstReceivedTime(), is(true));"ShouldStreamInserts complete");
use of io.confluent.ksql.api.utils.ReceiveStream in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class ApiIntegrationTest method shouldExecutePushQueryNoLimit.
public void shouldExecutePushQueryNoLimit() throws Exception {
KsqlEngine engine = (KsqlEngine) REST_APP.getEngine();
// One persistent query for the agg table
assertThatEventually(engine::numberOfLiveQueries, is(1));
// Given:
String sql = "SELECT * from " + TEST_STREAM + " EMIT CHANGES;";
// Create a write stream to capture the incomplete response
ReceiveStream writeStream = new ReceiveStream(vertx);
// Make the request to stream a query
JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
JsonObject requestBody = new JsonObject().put("sql", sql).put("properties", properties);
VertxCompletableFuture<HttpResponse<Void>> responseFuture = new VertxCompletableFuture<>();"/query-stream").as(BodyCodec.pipe(writeStream)).sendJsonObject(requestBody, responseFuture);
assertThatEventually(engine::numberOfLiveQueries, is(2));
// Wait for all rows in the response to arrive
assertThatEventually(() -> {
try {
Buffer buff = writeStream.getBody();
QueryResponse queryResponse = new QueryResponse(buff.toString());
return queryResponse.rows.size();
} catch (Throwable t) {
return -1;
}, greaterThanOrEqualTo(6));
// The response shouldn't have ended yet
assertThat(writeStream.isEnded(), is(false));
QueryResponse queryResponse = new QueryResponse(writeStream.getBody().toString());
String queryId = queryResponse.responseObject.getString("queryId");
// Now send another request to close the query
JsonObject closeQueryRequestBody = new JsonObject().put("queryId", queryId);
HttpResponse<Buffer> closeQueryResponse = sendRequest(client, "/close-query", closeQueryRequestBody.toBuffer());
assertThat(closeQueryResponse.statusCode(), is(200));
// The response should now be ended
assertThatEventually(writeStream::isEnded, is(true));
HttpResponse<Void> response = responseFuture.get();
assertThat(response.statusCode(), is(200));
// Make sure it's cleaned up on the server
assertThatEventually(engine::numberOfLiveQueries, is(1));
use of io.confluent.ksql.api.utils.ReceiveStream in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class ApiIntegrationTest method shouldExecutePushQueryFromLatestOffset.
public void shouldExecutePushQueryFromLatestOffset() {
KsqlEngine engine = (KsqlEngine) REST_APP.getEngine();
// One persistent query for the agg table
assertThatEventually(engine::numberOfLiveQueries, is(1));
// Given:
String sql = "SELECT * from " + TEST_STREAM + " EMIT CHANGES LIMIT 1;";
// Create a write stream to capture the incomplete response
ReceiveStream writeStream = new ReceiveStream(vertx);
// Make the request to stream a query
JsonObject queryProperties = new JsonObject().put("auto.offset.reset", "latest");
JsonObject queryRequestBody = new JsonObject().put("sql", sql).put("properties", queryProperties);
VertxCompletableFuture<HttpResponse<Void>> responseFuture = new VertxCompletableFuture<>();"/query-stream").as(BodyCodec.pipe(writeStream)).sendJsonObject(queryRequestBody, responseFuture);
assertThatEventually(engine::numberOfLiveQueries, is(2));
// New row to insert
JsonObject row = new JsonObject().put("K", new JsonObject().put("F1", new JsonArray().add("my_key_shouldExecutePushQueryFromLatestOffset"))).put("STR", "Value_shouldExecutePushQueryFromLatestOffset").put("LONG", 2000L).put("DEC", // JsonObject does not accept BigDecimal
12.34).put("BYTES_", new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 }).put("ARRAY", new JsonArray().add("a_shouldExecutePushQueryFromLatestOffset")).put("MAP", new JsonObject().put("k1", "v1_shouldExecutePushQueryFromLatestOffset")).put("STRUCT", new JsonObject().put("F1", 3)).put("COMPLEX", COMPLEX_FIELD_VALUE);
// Insert a new row and wait for it to arrive
assertThatEventually(() -> {
try {
// Attempt the insert multiple times, in case the query hasn't started yet
Buffer buff = writeStream.getBody();
QueryResponse queryResponse = new QueryResponse(buff.toString());
return queryResponse.rows.size();
} catch (Throwable t) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
}, is(1));
// Verify that the received row is the expected one
Buffer buff = writeStream.getBody();
QueryResponse queryResponse = new QueryResponse(buff.toString());
assertThat(queryResponse.rows.get(0).getJsonObject(0), is(new JsonObject().put("F1", new JsonArray().add("my_key_shouldExecutePushQueryFromLatestOffset"))));
assertThat(queryResponse.rows.get(0).getString(1), is("Value_shouldExecutePushQueryFromLatestOffset"));
assertThat(queryResponse.rows.get(0).getLong(2), is(2000L));
assertThat(queryResponse.rows.get(0).getDouble(3), is(12.34));
assertThat(queryResponse.rows.get(0).getBinary(4), is(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 }));
assertThat(queryResponse.rows.get(0).getJsonArray(5), is(new JsonArray().add("a_shouldExecutePushQueryFromLatestOffset")));
assertThat(queryResponse.rows.get(0).getJsonObject(6), is(new JsonObject().put("k1", "v1_shouldExecutePushQueryFromLatestOffset")));
assertThat(queryResponse.rows.get(0).getJsonObject(7), is(new JsonObject().put("F1", 3)));
assertThat(queryResponse.rows.get(0).getJsonObject(8), is(COMPLEX_FIELD_VALUE));
// Check that query is cleaned up on the server
assertThatEventually(engine::numberOfLiveQueries, is(1));
use of io.confluent.ksql.api.utils.ReceiveStream in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class ApiTest method shouldCloseQuery.
public void shouldCloseQuery() throws Exception {
// Create a write stream to capture the incomplete response
ReceiveStream writeStream = new ReceiveStream(vertx);
VertxCompletableFuture<HttpResponse<Void>> responseFuture = new VertxCompletableFuture<>();
// Make the request to stream a query
sendPostRequest("/query-stream", (request) ->, responseFuture));
// Wait for all rows in the response to arrive
assertThatEventually(() -> {
try {
Buffer buff = writeStream.getBody();
QueryResponse queryResponse = new QueryResponse(buff.toString());
return queryResponse.rows.size();
} catch (Throwable t) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
}, is(DEFAULT_JSON_ROWS.size()));
// The response shouldn't have ended yet
assertThat(writeStream.isEnded(), is(false));
// Assert the query is still live on the server
QueryResponse queryResponse = new QueryResponse(writeStream.getBody().toString());
String queryId = queryResponse.responseObject.getString("queryId");
assertThat(server.getQueryIDs().contains(new PushQueryId(queryId)), is(true));
assertThat(server.getQueryIDs(), hasSize(1));
assertThat(testEndpoints.getQueryPublishers(), hasSize(1));
// Now send another request to close the query
JsonObject closeQueryRequestBody = new JsonObject().put("queryId", queryId);
HttpResponse<Buffer> closeQueryResponse = sendPostRequest("/close-query", closeQueryRequestBody.toBuffer());
assertThat(closeQueryResponse.statusCode(), is(200));
// Assert the query no longer exists on the server
assertThat(server.getQueryIDs(), not(hasItem(new PushQueryId(queryId))));
assertThat(server.getQueryIDs(), hasSize(0));
// The response should now be ended
assertThatEventually(writeStream::isEnded, is(true));
HttpResponse<Void> response = responseFuture.get();
assertThat(response.statusCode(), is(200));
use of io.confluent.ksql.api.utils.ReceiveStream in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class BaseApiTest method executePushQueryAndWaitForRows.
protected QueryResponse executePushQueryAndWaitForRows(final WebClient client, final JsonObject requestBody) throws Exception {
ReceiveStream writeStream = new ReceiveStream(vertx);
sendPostRequest(client, "/query-stream", (request) ->, ar -> {
// Wait for all rows to arrive
assertThatEventually(() -> {
try {
Buffer buff = writeStream.getBody();
QueryResponse queryResponse = new QueryResponse(buff.toString());
return queryResponse.rows.size();
} catch (Throwable t) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
}, is(DEFAULT_JSON_ROWS.size()));
// Note, the response hasn't ended at this point
assertThat(writeStream.isEnded(), is(false));
return new QueryResponse(writeStream.getBody().toString());