use of io.crate.metadata.doc.DocTableInfo in project crate by crate.
the class MetadataToASTNodeResolverTest method testBuildCreateTableColumns.
public void testBuildCreateTableColumns() throws Exception {
SQLExecutor e = SQLExecutor.builder(clusterService).addTable("create table doc.test (" + " bools boolean," + " bytes byte," + " strings string," + " shorts short," + " floats float," + " doubles double," + " ints integer," + " longs long," + " timestamp timestamp with time zone," + " ip_addr ip," + " arr_simple array(string)," + " arr_geo_point array(geo_point)," + " arr_obj array(object(strict) as (" + " col_1 long," + " col_2 string" + " ))," + " obj object as (" + " col_1 long," + " col_2 string" + " )" + ") " + "clustered into 5 shards " + "with (" + " number_of_replicas = '0-all'," + " \"merge.scheduler.max_thread_count\" = 1" + ")").build();
DocTableInfo tableInfo = e.resolveTableInfo("doc.test");
CreateTable node = MetadataToASTNodeResolver.resolveCreateTable(tableInfo);
assertEquals("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"doc\".\"test\" (\n" + " \"bools\" BOOLEAN,\n" + " \"bytes\" CHAR,\n" + " \"strings\" TEXT,\n" + " \"shorts\" SMALLINT,\n" + " \"floats\" REAL,\n" + " \"doubles\" DOUBLE PRECISION,\n" + " \"ints\" INTEGER,\n" + " \"longs\" BIGINT,\n" + " \"timestamp\" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,\n" + " \"ip_addr\" IP,\n" + " \"arr_simple\" ARRAY(TEXT),\n" + " \"arr_geo_point\" ARRAY(GEO_POINT),\n" + " \"arr_obj\" ARRAY(OBJECT(STRICT) AS (\n" + " \"col_1\" BIGINT,\n" + " \"col_2\" TEXT\n" + " )),\n" + " \"obj\" OBJECT(DYNAMIC) AS (\n" + " \"col_1\" BIGINT,\n" + " \"col_2\" TEXT\n" + " )\n" + ")\n" + "CLUSTERED INTO 5 SHARDS\n" + "WITH (\n" + " \"allocation.max_retries\" = 5,\n" + " \"blocks.metadata\" = false,\n" + " \"\" = false,\n" + " \"blocks.read_only\" = false,\n" + " \"blocks.read_only_allow_delete\" = false,\n" + " \"blocks.write\" = false,\n" + " codec = 'default',\n" + " column_policy = 'strict',\n" + " \"mapping.total_fields.limit\" = 1000,\n" + " max_ngram_diff = 1,\n" + " max_shingle_diff = 3,\n" + " \"merge.scheduler.max_thread_count\" = 1,\n" + " number_of_replicas = '0-all',\n" + " \"routing.allocation.enable\" = 'all',\n" + " \"routing.allocation.total_shards_per_node\" = -1,\n" + " \"store.type\" = 'fs',\n" + " \"translog.durability\" = 'REQUEST',\n" + " \"translog.flush_threshold_size\" = 536870912,\n" + " \"translog.sync_interval\" = 5000,\n" + " \"unassigned.node_left.delayed_timeout\" = 60000,\n" + " \"write.wait_for_active_shards\" = '1'\n" + ")", SqlFormatter.formatSql(node));
use of io.crate.metadata.doc.DocTableInfo in project crate by crate.
the class MetadataToASTNodeResolverTest method testBuildCreateTableClusteredByPartitionedBy.
public void testBuildCreateTableClusteredByPartitionedBy() throws Exception {
SQLExecutor e = SQLExecutor.builder(clusterService).addPartitionedTable("create table myschema.test (" + " id long," + " partition_column string," + " cluster_column string" + ") " + "partitioned by (partition_column) " + "clustered by (cluster_column) into 5 shards " + "with (" + " number_of_replicas = '0-all'," + " \"merge.scheduler.max_thread_count\" = 1" + ")").build();
DocTableInfo tableInfo = e.resolveTableInfo("myschema.test");
CreateTable node = MetadataToASTNodeResolver.resolveCreateTable(tableInfo);
assertEquals("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"myschema\".\"test\" (\n" + " \"id\" BIGINT,\n" + " \"partition_column\" TEXT,\n" + " \"cluster_column\" TEXT\n" + ")\n" + "CLUSTERED BY (\"cluster_column\") INTO 5 SHARDS\n" + "PARTITIONED BY (\"partition_column\")\n" + "WITH (\n" + " \"allocation.max_retries\" = 5,\n" + " \"blocks.metadata\" = false,\n" + " \"\" = false,\n" + " \"blocks.read_only\" = false,\n" + " \"blocks.read_only_allow_delete\" = false,\n" + " \"blocks.write\" = false,\n" + " codec = 'default',\n" + " column_policy = 'strict',\n" + " \"mapping.total_fields.limit\" = 1000,\n" + " max_ngram_diff = 1,\n" + " max_shingle_diff = 3,\n" + " \"merge.scheduler.max_thread_count\" = 1,\n" + " number_of_replicas = '0-all',\n" + " \"routing.allocation.enable\" = 'all',\n" + " \"routing.allocation.total_shards_per_node\" = -1,\n" + " \"store.type\" = 'fs',\n" + " \"translog.durability\" = 'REQUEST',\n" + " \"translog.flush_threshold_size\" = 536870912,\n" + " \"translog.sync_interval\" = 5000,\n" + " \"unassigned.node_left.delayed_timeout\" = 60000,\n" + " \"write.wait_for_active_shards\" = '1'\n" + ")", SqlFormatter.formatSql(node));
use of io.crate.metadata.doc.DocTableInfo in project crate by crate.
the class DocLevelExpressionsTest method prepare.
public void prepare() throws Exception {
SQLExecutor e = SQLExecutor.builder(clusterService).addTable(createTableStatement).build();
indexEnv = new IndexEnv(THREAD_POOL, (DocTableInfo), false).filter(x -> x instanceof DocSchemaInfo).map(x -> (DocSchemaInfo) x).findFirst().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No doc schema found")).getTables().iterator().next(), clusterService.state(), Version.CURRENT, createTempDir());
IndexWriter writer = indexEnv.writer();
DirectoryReader directoryReader =, true, true);
readerContext = directoryReader.leaves().get(0);
ctx = new CollectorContext();
use of io.crate.metadata.doc.DocTableInfo in project crate by crate.
the class CommonQueryBuilderTest method testWhereRefEqNullWithDifferentTypes.
public void testWhereRefEqNullWithDifferentTypes() throws Exception {
for (DataType<?> type : DataTypes.PRIMITIVE_TYPES) {
if (type.storageSupport() == null) {
// ensure the test is operating on a fresh, empty cluster state (no existing tables)
DocTableInfo tableInfo = SQLExecutor.tableInfo(new RelationName(DocSchemaInfo.NAME, "test_primitive"), "create table doc.test_primitive (" + " x " + type.getName() + ")", clusterService);
TableRelation tableRelation = new TableRelation(tableInfo);
Map<RelationName, AnalyzedRelation> tableSources = Map.of(tableInfo.ident(), tableRelation);
SqlExpressions sqlExpressions = new SqlExpressions(tableSources, tableRelation, User.CRATE_USER);
Query query = convert(sqlExpressions.normalize(sqlExpressions.asSymbol("x = null")));
// must always become a MatchNoDocsQuery
// string: term query with null would cause NPE
// int/numeric: rangeQuery from null to null would match all
// bool: term would match false too because of the condition in the eq query builder
assertThat(query, instanceOf(MatchNoDocsQuery.class));
use of io.crate.metadata.doc.DocTableInfo in project crate by crate.
the class CopyAnalyzer method convertCopyFrom.
CopyFromAnalyzedStatement convertCopyFrom(CopyFrom node, Analysis analysis) {
DocTableInfo tableInfo = schemas.getWritableTable(TableIdent.of(node.table(), analysis.sessionContext().defaultSchema()));
DocTableRelation tableRelation = new DocTableRelation(tableInfo);
Operation.blockedRaiseException(tableInfo, Operation.INSERT);
String partitionIdent = null;
if (!node.table().partitionProperties().isEmpty()) {
partitionIdent = PartitionPropertiesAnalyzer.toPartitionIdent(tableInfo, node.table().partitionProperties(), analysis.parameterContext().parameters());
EvaluatingNormalizer normalizer = new EvaluatingNormalizer(functions, RowGranularity.CLUSTER, ReplaceMode.MUTATE, null, tableRelation);
ExpressionAnalyzer expressionAnalyzer = createExpressionAnalyzer(analysis, tableRelation);
ExpressionAnalysisContext expressionAnalysisContext = new ExpressionAnalysisContext();
Predicate<DiscoveryNode> nodeFilters = Predicates.alwaysTrue();
Settings settings = Settings.EMPTY;
if (node.genericProperties().isPresent()) {
// copy map as items are removed. The GenericProperties map is cached in the query cache and removing
// items would cause subsequent queries that hit the cache to have different genericProperties
Map<String, Expression> properties = new HashMap<>(node.genericProperties().get().properties());
nodeFilters = discoveryNodePredicate(analysis.parameterContext().parameters(), properties.remove(NodeFilters.NAME));
settings = settingsFromProperties(properties, expressionAnalyzer, expressionAnalysisContext);
Symbol uri = expressionAnalyzer.convert(node.path(), expressionAnalysisContext);
uri = normalizer.normalize(uri, analysis.transactionContext());
if (!(uri.valueType() == DataTypes.STRING || uri.valueType() instanceof CollectionType && ((CollectionType) uri.valueType()).innerType() == DataTypes.STRING)) {
throw CopyFromAnalyzedStatement.raiseInvalidType(uri.valueType());
return new CopyFromAnalyzedStatement(tableInfo, settings, uri, partitionIdent, nodeFilters);